• Published 6th Sep 2015
  • 2,218 Views, 17 Comments

Through a broken Wooden Heart - Shadicbro Brony

All ponies believe that every Timberwolf is dangerous and will kill you if you're not careful. However though, three young fillies find a young female Timberwolf pup, and one discovers Timberwolves are as not as dangerous as she thought they were.

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Chapter 1: The Lone Pup

Chapter 1: The lone pup

The sound of rustling echoed through the silent forest of the Everfree Forest over the lands of Equestria. Emerging from the bushes, a known predator, known as a Timberwolf silently walked through the forest. This Timberwolf was different from other large, and vicious adult Timberwolves in the forest. Reason is, it’s only a pup.

Four days ago, the young ones pack was killed by three Manticores, which invaded their territory. The young one survived, and is the only survivor. On the young ones body were many scratches, and bruises. The young wolf was caught in the crossfire of the fight, and received some attacks from the enormous animals that tried to kill her and killed her pack.

The young one was now alone. No one to take care of her, no one to feed her and no one to protect her.

She continued walking through the silent forest, in hope of food and shelter to keep her safe for the night. She came across a stream, which was a good source of fish and water. She slowly walked forward to the calming stream and took some quick laps of fresh water. After her thirst was quenched, she scanned her beaming yellow eyes across the water, in search of any fish in sight.

Soon, she spotted one, just lazily flowing with the water. She held up her paw and thrusted it forward to catch the fish, but missed. The fish caught the alarm of the sounds of splashing and swam quickly back into the depths of the stream and disappeared.

The young wooded wolf growled in frustration and in hunger, seeing her only meal made its escape.

However, her anger was replaced with fear. The rocks not to far from her moved and advanced towards the pup. The rocks surfaced and she was face to face with a Cragadile.

The pup encountered these beasts a few times when she and her pack were down at the stream, feeding or drinking. A Cragadile emerged and took one of the members of the pack down into the water, where the wolf’s fate was sealed. She never forgotten that frightening day, and even to now, she was still afraid of these mighty rock animals.

The beast roared and opened its jaws, revealing its rock like teeth, ready to sink into the pup.

The pup squealed in fear and ran off, just missing the jaws of the Cragadile. The beast growled in anger, seeing its meal running away. It slowly merged back into the depths, waiting for a new animal to walk over to the stream.

The Timberwolf pup whined and whined as she ran farther and farther away from the stream. She ran for a good few minutes, until she slowed down and stopped, regaining her breath. Luck was once again on her side, she encountered two brushes of death and lucked out once again.

After she caught her breath again, she whimpered in sadness, missing her pack, her mother, starved, alone and afraid.

Her depression increased as a droplet of water landed on her nose, and soon, it started to rain. She whimpered louder, but too loud to draw attention. She knew now there was nothing more she could do for the night, she must now rest. However though, seeing no shelter in her sight, she had no choice, but to nest out in the forest. She found a suitable place to rest, which was near a dead Tree trunk.

She grabbed some wet, twigs, leaves and made a small nest for her to sleep in. During her young life living with her pack, she focused on how nests were made if the pack was in a cold environment. It wasn’t much for her, but it was something.

The pup circled around in the nest a few times, before she laid down on the wet, cold nest. The pup shivered as the cold wind blew and as the wet water droplets of the rain poured all over her. The young pup silently closed her eyes, while small whimpers of sadness escaped her throat. Small green tears leaked from her eyes, missing her family and pack.

The pup was alone in this cruel world. All she now wants is a new family to raise her, love her, and keep her safe. It was the only wish the pup ever wanted in her life.

Morning arrived in the Everfree forest, and near a dead Tree trunk, the young Timberwolf slowly awoke from her uneased slumber. She slowly rose and stretched, snapping a few twigs and branches in her body.

The pup was still starving. Unable to catch the fish from the stream last night,and unable to find any food the last few days, the pup was starting to get incredibly weak. She had to move and find any source of food.

She walked through the forest again, her stomach rumbling every few minutes, signaling her she needed food and now.

Once more, luck was on her side. She popped her head out from a batch of bushes and saw a young Manticore corpse, a few yards from her. The carcass didn't look that bad. It was a few days old, probably taken down by another pack of Timberwolves. There was only a small portion of meat left, and was covered in a cloud of flies.

However, with hunger driving her to her extent, she didn’t care. She quickly darted out of the bushes and dug right in the carcass. It had a bitter taste, due to being a few days old since it was killed. She pushed right through the bitter taste, and kept eating.

The flies flew over her, telling the wolf to get lost and this was thiers. She ignored the flies flying over her and kept eating.

After five small bites, the remaining edible meat of the carcass was cleaned off. It wasn’t a lot, but it did give the wolf a bit of energy to keep moving. The Timberwolf pup moved on, and came to a small puddle. She happily drank the fresh rain water puddle, until there was nothing left. Even though she was feeling slightly better than before, it still wasn't enough to fill the sadness within her wooden heart.

She still missed her family, and her mother. She still wanted a new family to love her, like her mother.


She snapped her head the loud source of yelling and saw three creatures she never saw before running through the forest.

The first one was orange, had wings, messy purple mane, tail, and eyes. She had a pair of small wings.

The second was white, had puffy light and dark purple mane mixed, along with a horn on her head and green eyes.

The final creature was yellow, had rich red mane, tail, had amber eyes and a pink bow on her head.

The pup’s fear returned and she quickly dived into a pile of bushes, avoiding to be spotted.

“Ya sure we shud this is a good idea Scootaloo? Our sisters are gunna be mighty mad if they catch us being in the everfree forest.” The yellow creature said in a young western accent.

“I’m with Applebloom on this one as well. I know we’re trying to get our cutie marks on being adventurers, but being in the Everfree forest might be taking this a little too far.” The white creature said to the two, now named Applebloom and Scootaloo.

“Quit being a bunch of babies Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. If we ever want to get our cutie marks on being adventurers, we need action, danger.” Scootaloo said to the two, which is named Sweetie Belle.

The pup was eyeing them with fear and curiosity. These creatures were different than the others she encountered with her pack. They seemed intelligent, strong, and slightly bigger than she is. Even though she can handle herself with small creatures, she was still hurt, and didn't know if they can fight. It was better to leave and not make contact with them. She slowly backed and then-


She accidentally stepped on a twig, making a loud snapping sound, gaining the attention of the three.

“What was that?” Sweetie Belle asked looking around.

“Ah don;t know ya’ll, but ah think it’s coming frum that bush.” Applebloom answered pointing at the bush where the pup is hiding.

“Then let’s see if anypony is behind there.” Scootaloo suggested. “Hey! Whoever is in there, come out or we’ll force you out!”

“Scoots, stop!” Sweetie Belle said in a growl. “We don’t know what in there. It could be a…*Gulp*, Timberwolf.”

“Maybe, amybe not, but we’re not gonna find out if we don’t know. “ She said walking over to the bush.

“This is not ah good idea.” Applebloom said as the two walked over as well.

The pup was now terrified as the three creatures advanced towards the bush. She panicked and ran out of the bushes, and tried to run, but she tripped and fell, growling in pain. She slowly picked herself up and looked at the three creatures, who were looking at her with wide eyes and dropped mouths.

She slowly started backing up, until she tripped and fell on her hide.

That’s when the three creatures screamed at the top of their lungs.


Author's Note:

Hey Everypony. Just decided to create a new story for the time being. I'm still working on my others, but after reading a few sad stories based upon Timberwolves, and seeing not a lot of them, I decided to create one of my own. If you all like it so far, let me know in the comments and I'll publish more. See you all later.