• Published 6th Sep 2015
  • 2,215 Views, 17 Comments

Through a broken Wooden Heart - Shadicbro Brony

All ponies believe that every Timberwolf is dangerous and will kill you if you're not careful. However though, three young fillies find a young female Timberwolf pup, and one discovers Timberwolves are as not as dangerous as she thought they were.

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Chapter 3: Fluttershy

Chapter 3: Fluttershy

Applebloom and the Timberwolf pup walked out of the forest and into the open fields, near her hometown, ponyville.

“Just follow me and don’t wander off.” Applebloom said to the wooden pup.

She yelped, obeying her command.

The two walked through the fields and to the edges of her town.

The wolf was amazed by this new place she never seen before. It looked so peaceful, caring and not a single threat anywhere. She knew she was lucky to run into Applebloom.

Applebloom lead the way and they finally made it to her home, Sweet Apple acres.

“Quick, follow me before mah sister or anypony shows up.” She said quietly.

The pup nodded and she followed Applebloom through the fields. Finally, they reached their destination, a small club house in a tree with a few apple trees and some bushes around.

“Ya can hide in the bushes until ah figure out a plan, okay?”

The pup yelped again.


Appleblooms face went pale, knowing who’s voice that was. It was Applejack.

“Quick, hide.” She quickly said to the timberwolf.

The wolf nodded and hid in the nearest bush, which was thick enough to make the pup invisible.

Applebloom turned around and saw her older sister running to her.

Applejack grabbed her sister into a strong embrace. “Oh thank Celestia, yer alright.”

“Ah’m fine Sis. Really.” Applebloom said struggling to get out of her sister’s embrace.

“Why in the name of sam hills did you and yer friends go off into the everfree forest?” The older mare asked now upset.

“Well, we just wanted to get our cutie marks, but then..”

“Applebloom, ah’m very disappointed in you. Me and the other told ya three not ta go off into the forest so many times, ah even lost count. You could have been killed. Don’t ya know a Timberwolf could have eaten ya?”

“Ah’m sorry.” Applebloom said feeling sad.

The pup looked at her new friend, seeing her down like this. She was about to reveal herself to comfort her, but then she saw her sister beaten her to it.

Applejack brought her into another embrace. “It’s okay Applebloom. Just please promise me ya’ll will never go back there.”

“Ah promise.” She replied hugging her back.

The pup felt her heart melt, seeing the bond between her sister. Suddenly, her stomach went off, letting out a loud grumble, loud enough for the country sisters to hear.

“What was that?” Applejack asked.

“Oh, uh...that was my stomach. Ah guess ah’m gettin kinda hungry.” Applebloom lied. Even though she was part of the apple family, Applebloom knew how to let out a good lie at some points.

“Well, how’s about we git back to the house and git ya somethin to eat.” Applejack said smiling.

“Sounds like ah plan.”

Applejack then saw the green goo on her sister’s face. “Applebloom, what’s with the green goo on yer face?”

Applebloom totally forgot about that, and she was about to panic, but she gained her cool. “Ah sorta fell into some gooey holes on mah way back here.” She lied.

Applejack leaned in and sniffed her sister, and cringed. “Land’s sake. That’s foul. Yer gonna git a bath before ya eat.”

Applebloom giggled. “Okay.

The two pony sisters left the club house to return to the farm, leaving the pup in the bushes. She didn’t like the idea of staying here, and she was still starving. However, she promised she would wait for her to return…but it didn’t happen.

Hours passed…1 hour…3 hours…4 hours…she didn’t come back. The pup was now beggining to believe that she left her. The pup whined and then left her hiding spot.

“Pssst.” The wolfs head jerked up when she heard a voice. She turned and saw Applebloom approaching.

“Sorry ah took so long. Ah had ta git around mah sister and brother. Ah brought yah some food.” The word food made the pups mouth water, and she started yapping, running in a few circles.

Applebloom chuckled and brought out a few pies, cakes and apples. “Ah don’t know fer certain yah can eat apples, but its worth a shot.”

The pup sniffed the pies and food that was presented to her, but she yakked at it and turned away.

“Ah knew it wouldn’t work. Guess that means yah eat meat right?” AB asked.

The little pup yapped again, with her wooden tail wagging.

Applebloom knew that meat was very scarce in ponyville, since all ponies are herbivores. However…she knew one place that did have a source of meat…but she knew she would have to show her AB’s secret.

“Ah think ah know who can help, but ah gotta let mah sister know where I’m going. I’ll be right back, and ah won’t be gone long.” She ran off, leaving the pup alone again. Truth to her word, she came back quickly, much to the pups relief.

“Okay, she said ah can visit her, but only fer a few minutes, so we better use them now while we can. Follow me.” Ab and the pup walked out of the farm and headed back to the Everfree Forest. The path was taken differently however, as they stood close to the edge, until they were in front of a small cottage. Like the town, it was peaceful, and calm. The pup can get used to this quickly.

“Stay in the bushes, and don’t come out until ah tell ya.” Ab ordered.

Follwing her command, the pup jumped into the bushes and peeked through, watching the filly walk up to the door and knock a few times. The door opened slowly and a new pony was seen. She had cream fur, sky blue eyes, a butterfly cutie mark, and had long pink hair. It was Fluttershy.

“Oh…hello Applebloom.” She greeted ever so softly. “What brings you here?”

“Umm…” Applebloom knew this is gonna be tough, telling the timid pegasus she has a timberwolf pup with her. “Ya see Fluttershy…I…well…”

“What’s wrong applebloom?” Fluttershy asked.

Applebloom sighed. “Ah made a new friend, but…he…or she…is very timid…like you.”

“Oh, that’s very nice you made a new friend.” Fluttershy said smiling.

“Ah want ya ta meet him…but can ya please promise me somethin?”

“Of course.”

“Please don’t tell anypony, especially Twilight, and mah sister about this. PLEASE.”

Fluttershy was surprised and confused. Why would Applebloom want Fluttershy to not tell anypony about this new friend of Appleblooms?

“If I may ask…why?”

Applebloom took a deep, shaky breath before she called out, “Come on out partner.”

The pup got the message and slowly emerged from the bushes.

The sight of the pup made Fluttershy gasp in shock.

“Now ya know. Please don’t me mad ah brought ah-“ She was immediately cut off when Fluttershy zipped right through her and embraced the pup, much to their shock and surprise.

“Oh you poor thing.” Fluttershy cooed gently while stroking the pups head.

The pup was shocked that this timid pegasus was not afraid of her. She felt the same comfort and warmth in this hug, like Applebloom.

“Yer…not mad?” AB asked still shocked.

“Oh sweetie. I can never be mad at you. You bringing this poor timberwolf pup to me was the right thing.” Fluttershy answered.

“But…ah thought you were afraid of Timberwolfs.”

“It may be true, but the young ones are a different story. They’re still growing, and they act just like real puppies.” The timid pony explained.

“So..ya’ll keep this a secret?”


“Please Fluttershy? If Twilight or mah sister finds out about this, think of the horrible stuff they’ll do to the poor thing.”

The timid pegasus looked down at the pup; her brain flowing with what will happen if her friends find out. Either hurt it…or probably…

“Don’t worry Applebloom, you’re secret is safe with me.” Fluttershy smiled at the young filly.

AB sighed in relief, “Thank ya very much Fluttershy. Well, now that we have everything cleared up, ah would like ta ask, do ya have anything that has meat, or soemthing? Since ya take care of snimals, ah know yer the right pony fer this.”

Fluttershy smile and nodded, “Of course. I’ll be happy to get the little sweetheart something to eat.” She nuzzled the wolf pup, much to its comfort and happiness.

The young pup yipped and licked her cheek, making her giggle, “Aren’t you the cutest thing ever?”

The wolf yipped again, wagging her wooden tail.

“Come on in and I’ll get a meal ready for the young one.” The two ponies entered the cottage. The animals around them saw the pup and they scurried into their proper homes.

“Oh dear. I should have known the others would act like this.” Fluttershy sighed, “I’m sure they’ll warm up to her eventually.”

AB arced a brow, “The wolf is ah she?”

“Oh yes. She’s a girl. Female wolves are more slimmer than males, and have shorter snouts.” The pegasus explained. When she left, Ab sat on the floor with the pup, gently rubbing her head, while the wolf relaxed in her touch.

A few moments later, Fluttershy returned with a large fish. At the sight, the Timberwolf pup’s eyes widened and her mouth watered. When Fluttershy placed the fish down, the pup jumped on it and started devoring her meal.

“Oh my, she’s really hungry.” She giggled.

“Fluttershy,” The pegasus looked at the filly, “Ah found her alone in the woods. Ah was wondering, dies she have a pack?”

“Depends. What was her reaction and attitude when you found her?” Fluttershy questioned.

“Well, she was scared, sad, and she was following me and obeying mah commands.” At the explanation, Fluttershy softly gasped, while tears started forming.


“Oh dear…The poor thing,” She looked at the pup, continuing to to eat her meal.

“What is it?”

“Applebloom…this pup lost its pack.”

AB gasped in shock and turned to the wolf, “Oh no.”

“The poor thing is alone.”

Ab felt tears flowing from her eyes. She couldn’t believe that this little pup…would lose her pack.

“What do we do?”

“The way I see it, we best take care of her until she’s old enough to live on her own,” The pup finally finished her dinner and yipped happily. She ran to Ab and licked her face, making the filly giggle.

“Although, she does take a liking to you. Maybe you can take care of her.”

“Really?” Her eyes went wide.

“Of course. I can tell you really want to help her, and you have a connection to the dear.” Fluttershy explained.

Ab looked down at the pup, who curled around her and lied down, yawning and falling asleep. Ab felt her heart melt at the affection, and happiness she can she in the pups heart. She knew what her answer was now.

“Fluttershy, Ah’ll take care of the little one.” She answered petting her.

Fluttershy smiled at the fillies answer, “It’s settled then.”

“Ah gotta git going. Ah don’t want mah sister ta worry abotu me being gone fer too long.”

The pegasus nodded. “Okay. If you ever need more food for her, feel free to drop by.”

Ab smiled and nodded. She nudged the pup and she slwoly awoken and got up.

“Come on girl. Let’s go home.”

Hearing ‘Home’, the pup yipped and followed.

Fluttershy smiled, watching the two leave. “Applebloom, I know you can help her. I’ll be here to support you.”

Author's Note:

Sorry I haven't updated this story in SUCH a long time. I apologize. I hope this chapter was worth the wait. I won't guarantee the next one will be out quickly, but I won't stop my stories until they're complete. See you all later! ^^

Comments ( 4 )

Hmm.... I like the premise, and mostly the way you're carrying it out, but some parts are a little awkward. Its nothing serious, just a vague 'offness' while I read, but still noticeable.
I'm liking it anyway, since the story itself is cool, but you should maybe reread it and see if you get the same feeling.
Looking forward to an update!

So cute!
See you in the next update!

I cant wait for the next chapter cuteness overload

Another one bites the dust :applecry:

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