• Published 10th Oct 2015
  • 635 Views, 40 Comments

Bonds of Harmony - FoxTheFirebird

Princess Luna tries to help Twilight out with a spell and ends up in another galaxy, where she meets a certain Space Ranger by the name of Ty Parsec and forms a bond with him.

  • ...

The First Alicorn

The city of Canterlot glimmered in the moonlight, the moonbeams bouncing off spires and towers, shops and mountainsides. Carved into the nearby mountain range, Equestria's capital slumbered in soft silence, all citizens of this bustling metropolis in fine repose. Its neighboring waterfalls tickled the sweet dreams of all who slept through the night, unaware of the missing night princess.

The journey to the library was short. Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and Spike arrived to their destination and immediately set themselves to work.

Celestia directed her helpers to one of the larger tables within the library; all supplies they brought with them would be placed there as their workstation before everyone would go to dig deeper into the library to skim through pages of text and imagery dedicated to the various works and accomplishments of Star Swirl the Bearded. Celestia would search down one aisle of Star Swirl's works while Twilight and Spike would search through another. They looked through all of the shelves, looking and picking up any books that they thought could provide significant research for their quest on Luna's disappearance and how to get her back. The search had been in effect for ten minutes. Ten laborious and soundless minutes of finding and reading.

The hunt for useful information slowed to a halt. The three friends would return back to the workstation with their hardcover books in their possession.

"Now... have you two found anything?"

Twilight would present her books to the princess first. "I've found a few things in these books." She would set the three books down and release them from her levitation.

Spike would offer his own two books on the table. "And I found these two."

Celestia nodded in approval at the selection of books. "So I see. I've managed to come across a book as well." Using her magic, she lifted up her book and the book Twilight was using for the portal spell. She placed them side by side onto the table. "Now then, let us open our minds and take note of what we know so far and what we've begun to know.

Twilight? Would you go first, please? Recap with what you and Luna were doing beforehand."

"Well, as before, Luna and I were researching through one of Starswirl's books. There was a spell he was working on during his time. The spell was to create and utilize portals all over Equestria to make it easier for travel. It takes a certain spark to make these portals come into being. Luna and I thought long and hard about our desired locations."

"And where was it you wanted to go?"

"..." Twilight was nearly thrown off by that question, but she wasn't about to show it to Celestia. "I just wanted to go to Canterlot. But I'm not sure where Princess Luna wanted to go..." She suddenly found the floor interesting to inspect as she tore her eyes away from her mentor. The guilt was trying to take control again; Twilight hadn't moved quite past it yet.

Celestia inhaled deeply to shove down her own sadness. "I understand. She didn't say." To distract herself and Twilight, she turned to Spike. "And Spike? What did Star Swirl's book say in regards to the portals themselves?"

Spike, attentive to what both ponies were feeling, didn't waste any valuable time dilly-dallying. "According to what I heard from Twilight and Luna, and the book, Star Swirl wanted to make portals that could take ponies all across and outside Equestria. To test out how long it could take from one pony to move back and forth in the portals, he used a time recorder. But...er...the time recorder never came back. And he was forced to abandon the project." He rubbed his claws in noticeable dread.

"Alright. We've got the basics down. But now, we need to think. Think about the portals themselves. And perhaps, we should also think about where Luna might have wanted to go." The princess retrieved all of the books and lined them up in single and perfect file for everyone to sort through and bookmark for their research. "I am uncertain of what places Star Swirl might have had in mind when he was experimenting with another way for ponies to travel, but from the time I knew him, he was always seeking for life beyond Equestria's borders." A faraway look in her eye was captured as she stared up into the moon past the glass-stained ceiling. "Lives beyond our very own sweet dreams."

For a moment, Twilight and Spike just stood there looking at their beloved leader. Had they not had more severe matters to be attending to, they would have been admiring how the quest for discovering life beyond Equestria's boundaries sounded so exciting. Alas, They instead stood in still sympathy.

It was then that an idea brightened to life in Twilight's head. But she was hesitant to share it. It would require asking Celestia a somewhat personal question about her own sister's life... and with the princess's own emotions caught in the mess of everything, Twilight's doubts grew twice in size about asking. What if Celestia didn't want to answer? What if she didn't know the answer? But she had to. She was Luna's older sister! But she lost Luna once and having her taken again might cause her to stay silent on a certain amount of matters-! All of these questions and doubts buzzed in her head so loudly that she finally couldn't take it anymore. The guilt shoved her worry asides and she blurted out, "Princess!"


Twilight sheepishly lowered her ears as everyone was now staring at her and waiting to speak further. She bit her lower lip to keep from running her nervous mouth any further. She steeled herself and sighed. Looking up into Celestia's eyes, she said, "Princess, I...there is something I feel I should ask you about. It might help us figure out what happened to Luna. Or at least...figure out how to get to wherever she ended up."

"Go on, Twilight. I'm listening."

"Alright. Well, I was wondering... how was Princess Luna doing these past few days?"

Quite unexpectedly, Princess Celestia frowned in curiosity. "Whatever do you mean?"

Twilight gathered her courage and carefully explained, "When she came to visit, I noticed that she was looking rather...timid. I could tell that something was wrong. I don't know if this will help us, but she just seemed almost sad and...and thoughtful. Like she had her mind somewhere else. I didn't bring this up earlier because I didn't want to upset you...further.

"So what was she up to and how was she feeling before this happened?"

If crickets were present within the library, even they would have gone quiet for just a long span of time. They would have sensed the powerful emotions of one alicorn creature as she recounted all of her little sister's actions throughout the days. Emotions flickered through one memory at a time in Celestia's eyes as she contemplated and stared into Twilight's pupils.

One thoughtful expression later and she was staring into the ceiling again, as if looking to them for guidance.

Twilight and Spike anxiously waited for her to answer. Both of them believed it would nearly be a year before she'd answer-

"The stars."

Her bewildering reply came as a shock to both helpers. "Come again?"

Princess Celestia closed her eyes, glaring in determination briefly. "The stars. Luna wanted to seek inspiration from beyond the stars." She took a moment to breathe before elaborating to her confused subjects, "Luna, lately, has been lacking inspiration for her night skies. Like an artist in need of a muse for her work, she's been feeling stuck in a rut and uninspired to create something truly magnificent. Part of that came from her loneliness." She turned to her subjects. "Even though the last Nightmare Night has brought her great joy out of the new friends she made, a part of her still has been lost in loneliness due to her transformation as Nightmare Moon."

During this time, while Celestia was telling more on Luna's emotions, Spike picked up one of the new books they found. He wanted to feel useful and see if he could find anything that would be of help to their attempts to find Luna. He flipped through pages quietly. But he would pause and look up at Twilight as she slowly took in this newfound information.

And that's when Twilight figured it out. "So that's why she wanted to help me with the spell! She wanted to do something to take her mind off her troubles and to be a good friend."

"Yes. And you were doing your part to be a good and respectful friend back to her. Which I am more than grateful for, my faithful student." Celestia put a comforting hoof on Twilight's shoulder. She knew Twilight only wanted to respect Luna's privacy and not jump to conclusions with her behavior without knowing the context of her emotional baggage. To that, she awarded her with a gentle smile.

Slowly, Twilight smiled back, glad that her princess's words rang true and clear.

But the warm moment would be blown over by a cold truth. "Holy cow!"

Twilight reacted first. "What? What's the matter, Spike?"

Spike lifted up the book to show them. "I think I found a possible place where Princess Luna MIGHT have gone."

"Well, where? Where could she have gone?"

They followed a pointed claw to a small paragraph. Upon skimming it...

Celestia released a quick gasp while Twilight's jaw hit the floor. Twilight recovered to shout, "But that's impossible! There's no way that could have happened!"

In response to his shipmates' antics, Ty inhaled deeply and tapped his crossed arms with his fingers."Well, Buzz, if you would be so KIND to take it easy for a minute, then maybe I could explain." He didn't hold back in shooting a crooked stink eye towards Luna, who just shrugged her apology with her sheepish grin still intact.

Luckily, Buzz caught the hint and cleared his throat. "Right...of course. Go ahead, Ranger. " He motioned with a humble nod to let Ty start. How embarrassing. But he listened with fascination as his friend explained more on their mysterious guest. Everything from how she ended up here to her role within the unknown but supposedly magical world of Equestria. Luna would intervene a few times to correct a few things, but for the most part, she let Ty do the talking for her.

Once Ty was finished, Buzz leaned back in his seat, mulling it over in that ticking brain of his. "So we've gotta help this pony out by finding her home. But that can come later-we should probably hand her over to the LGMs. They'll be sure to take care of that wing." He looked at Luna. "That okay with you, Princess Luna?"

"Yes, that's perfectly fine. I am ready to go whenever you and Ty Parsec are." She would wait patiently as Ty unbuckled his own seatbelt and came over to release her own seatbelt.

After Buzz was free from his own seat, Ty would explain, "Alright, we've gotta go down to the bottom of the ship. We've landed our ship in what we call the Launch Bay. It's where we store and launch our ships when we need to travel on our missions."

Understanding the schematic of this room, Luna replied, "I see. I shall teleport down there then. And I shall do the same for you. Please hold still. This will feel a little strange."

"Teleport us? What are you talkin' about-?"

A zap later, Ty and Buzz found themselves overlooking their expansive docking arena. It was void of any signs of life. Save themselves.

"...what just happened?"

"I simply teleported us all down here. I felt it would save time climbing down your ship, Ranger Lightyear."

"...Well that's a handy feature to have. Uh...thank you." Buzz was still feeling a little dazed. "Did you know she could do that?"

Ty reasoned, "No, I didn't know that would happen. Besides, she couldn't exactly climb down the same way we could with her broken wing. That's a great time saver. Although... Luna, you better make sure you do let us know what you'll be trying next time 'round before zapping us." Ty hoped his stern command would break Luna's amused smile.

"Of course, Ranger Parsec. You'll be informed next time." They had never teleported before? Goodness, these poor creatures were absolutely deprived of knowledge in all things magic. She would have to remedy this should there be an opportunity.

"Well, I'll go ahead and inform Commander Nebula we've arrived then."

"Save your breath, Lightyear."

That gruff overtone belonged to one man in particular that both Rangers knew, and one in which Luna stood frozen in alarm. Was the man friend or foe?

Friend it would seem. He was hobbling on one strangely rounded stub of a leg while using his normal one to propel him forward. Luna tilted her head. Who was he and what happened to his leg? She watched Buzz come forward to greet the odd elderly human while seeking refuge from behind Ty's legs, into the shadows of the ship. By no means was she shy of greeting others, but from the way this older one carried himself, he was an authoritative figure who took no nonsense of any sorts. It would not help that, thanks to her own sense of hearing, Buzz was having a tough time explaining all of the events that transpired on that frozen tundra of a planet. Thus violating her own chances and hopes of getting home.

Her ears would not be the only ones to overhear the conversation. Ty himself was dreading the moment he would have to introduce Princess Luna to Commander Nebula. Nebula's temper was often volatile and unpredictable; who knows how he would react when Ty and Buzz had brought home a talking and magical pony believed to have only existed in the imaginations of young ones?

"Is that so? Well then... Parsec."

Luna felt the Ranger's legs turn to stone as he stood to attention. "Sir."

"You've brought a guest home?"

"...Yes sir. I did." Ty's voice was nothing but honest and vulnerable.

"Well? Care to show me?"

Ty inhaled a deep breath before nodding. He glanced down at his equine friend, awaiting her to respond to his words, "Can you come out out and introduce yourself to Commander Nebula, please?"

Luna glared and closed her eyes in determination. Silencing her mind of all cloudy doubts and fears, she stepped forward into the light as gracefully as she could. Her hooves clacked softly against the railway as she revealed herself for Nebula to see.

Needless to say, her reaction to his was nothing short of unsurprising. His wide eyes and raised eyebrow indicated disbelief. Not seeing was believing, she supposed.

"Sweet Mother of Venus, is that a...a PONY I'm seein' here? A blue pony?" He squinted to inspect her features. "With wings, a horn and...a wavin' and starry mane and tail?" He didn't miss Ty's quiet nod of confirmation.


"..." Nebula was speechless. Something right out of a fantasy novel, the very symbolism of dreams and goodness and imagination, was brought to life and standing right before his eyes.

"I am Princess Luna. Please do not be alarmed, sir. I mean you no harm." Luna pressed a hoof to her crest in amity.

Her refined set of manners shook the commander out of his stupor. "Where did you come from? Where did she come from, Parsec?"

Ty hid any discomforts he might have had prior to his introducing Luna thanks to a deep sigh. "Sir, it's like this..." And once more, he wove Luna's story again, highlighting the horrors and dangers she faced by herself, and the origins upon which she entered the galaxy. And never once did Ty stop to think about his own actions; all of the focus would be set on Luna only. He and Buzz were merely players acting their own parts within the narrative.
Little did he know that it would be beneficial to his own health in due time. "...and that's the whole story."

Nebula looked from Ranger to pony and back to Ranger again, unsure if everything he just heard of was true. It had to be, given Ty would never resort to lying, and he had solid proof before him. Not the mention that she honestly did need help; trying to take down Zurg like that without having any idea where she landed was a big risk for her to take and it ended up costing her wing. And if she was as powerful as Parsec said she was, Nebula wanted to keep her from getting into any more trouble until they could try to figure out a way to return her home. "Alright then. Well, there's one thing we should do first."


He quirked a brow at Parsec. "Well, what are you waiting for, a bus? Let's take your friend here to the LGMs. That wing's not gonna fix itself...is it?"

Luna shook her head, aware that he managed to pick up on magic's lack of ability to solve ALL problems.

Nebula grunted. "Fine then. Follow me, all of ya."

Letting Lightyear go ahead of him, Ty and Luna shared relieved smiles. Thank goodness Nebula managed to see their points of view. What would happen later after her wing was fixed was anybody's guess, but the important thing was that she was going to get help.

Luna, like a newborn, was staring at everything as the Rangers escorted her to wherever these LGMs were said to be working. Hues of color, mechanical beings intent on annoying the daylights out of Nebula, and other creatures working for Star Command. The feeling was mutual in her awe; the other Rangers, passing by Nebula, Buzz and Ty on their way to their own missions, all gave her brief moments of bewilderment, as if they looked like they had seen a ghost walking in their midst. But the ghost, of course, was truly flesh and blood walking on all lively fours.

It was a new world she was suddenly glad she found herself thrusted in-it was a bright, optimistic and proud world and home to the Space Rangers.

And a somewhat adoring one too as she would soon come herself to find. "Princess Luna." Ty's voice would bring her out of her thoughts.

He was standing in front of a large and oval-shaped entryway with a large sign hanging above. "Medical Bay," it would read. "You go ahead of me; Buzz and Commander Nebula have already gone in." And he would follow her after she went in. She would come across Nebula talking loudly to a small group of green creatures. These green creatures, from what she could see, all looked the same and had the same features-blue suits, three eyes and fingers, short statures (small as Spike even!), and pointed ears like hers. But she was mainly taken by surprise when she noted the small antennae. All of them had one long that ended on small and rounded stubs.

"Alright then, ya little green beans, I'd like you to meet your patient." Nebula moved asides to let them see Luna. "Boys, meet Princess Luna of Equestria. She's got a broken wing that's in need of some tender care. Think you can handle it?"

"Of coooooourse. We will be glad to helllllp her." When they saw her, they all let out a collective awe at her appearance. "Oooooooooooh."

Luna stood in confusion as they waddled up to her like a colony of penguins.

To assure their collective identities to the bewildered princess, Ty quickly explained, "These are the LGMs, or Little Green Men, I was telling you about when we first met. They're the creatures who welcomed us back home on our ship." He kneeled down by her side, making sure she wasn't uncomfortable. "They'll take care of you, just as long as-"

"Oh my goodness... " A ridiculously large grin bloomed on Luna's features. "They are QUITE adorable!" Without warning, she snatched one of the nearby LGMs and hugged it like it was a teddy bear. Needless to say, this was an action out of left field. It was only when she heard the LGM ask her to let it go that she relented and placed it back with its people. She felt like sinking into the floor at the way she held that cute little thing like a filly. "Forgive me; I have never seen creatures like you before. It is an honor to meet you all." She hoped that it was enough to regain her dignity. But she didn't need to worry.

The LGMs then all smiled and crowded around her, all wanting to meet her. "We are happpyyyy to meet yoooou Princess Lunaaaa."

Smiling broadly, Luna looked at Ty, who was already getting up from his spot on the floor. "Well then, now that that's taken care of, you'd better get started, boys. She's had a long day."

"Okaaaaay, Ranger Lunaaaar."

Ty exchanged a dry scowl with his superiors. "I'm not Ranger Lunar, I'm Ranger Parsec. Ty Parsec."

One of the LGMs shrugged nonchalantly. "Whateverrrrr. You Rangers all look the same to us."

Ty waved off Luna's attempts to giggle as she hid them behind her hoof. "Well, go ahead with them."

"But what of you? Will you not be coming with me?" She was disappointed when he shook his head.

"I can't. Regulations state I can't be with you when you've got a broken appendage. The LGMs need space to work and that requires me NOT getting in the way."

"Actually, Ty, I think we can manage to make an exception for this time."

Ty and Buzz looked to Nebula. He elaborated, "As long as you and I stay behind the scenes and don't bother the little green guppies, you can stick around here. Lightyear."


"I'd like you to return back to the Briefing Room. Your team's there waitin' for ya and I wanna tell you 'bout a mission you and your team are needed for. Understood?"

"Yes sir." He briefly bid Luna a goodbye and a 'see-you-later' to Ty before jogging to his destination, out of the Medical Bay.

"Well...what do you got? Anything useful?"

"So far, we know that her name is Princess Luna."

"...Princess? That pony is a PRINCESS? You are joking, aren't you?"

"Negative, your evilness. Everyone's been calling her that and she does have on that crown and slippers."

"Hm, funny. I thought it was just some fancy equine wear. Oh well, no matter. What else do you have?"

"Well, her energy is entirely composed of magical properties."

A gasp. "Magic? What kind of magic?" Unbelievable.

"The kind that they have in fairytales and fantasy novels. She used it to defend herself on Zenway IX."

"Hmm..." Zurg tapped his teeth in contemplation after he recovered from his great shock. "Interesting. I never thought I would actually see magic here, but this is an excellent source of knowledge for us to take in hand! So she herself must be an alicorn in possession of the most POWERFUL magic known to all! And it has something to do with the moon. Let's see what kind of magic we can learn. Is there anything else I should know before we begin?"

"According to our cameras, they've just taken her into the Medical Bay where the LGMs are going to be fixing her wing."

"Ah, excellent! Now we can start to truly solve the mystery behind this mystical animal."

Moments of silent observation went by as everyone watched the LGMs work on Luna's wing, all the while gushing at the earnest praise she was giving them. They picked up on a few unnecessary tidbits here and there. It was mainly everyday small talk, until a little gem shone up. Zurg had to grip his throne when he overheard Luna talk about her own connections to moons. "Moons?...she can raise the moon and stars?! Why, I'm walking on air! This could prove VERY useful to my grand master plan with that pest as the guest of honor!"

He laughed menacingly as he felt his passion for evil ignite. "Now, it's off to work we go! Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work we go!"

"I don't believe it... Spike, are you sure that what you have is accurate?"

Spike, in light of this newfound epiphany, blatantly responded despite the situation's gravity. "Well...yeah. It IS a book of Star Swirl's."

"But that's still impossible! Nopony has ever been able to do that!"

"All except a few."

Twilight quizzically looked up at her teacher. "Princess...?"

The princess was staring hard into the night sky. "My knowledge is limited about what we have learned, Twilight. But despite that, we must take this into consideration. After all... I don't want to believe my sister could have been caught into a wormhole that quickly."

Author's Note:

Nothing much to say here. But for now, enjoy and have happy days!