• Published 10th Oct 2015
  • 635 Views, 40 Comments

Bonds of Harmony - FoxTheFirebird

Princess Luna tries to help Twilight out with a spell and ends up in another galaxy, where she meets a certain Space Ranger by the name of Ty Parsec and forms a bond with him.

  • ...

The Searchers

The trio went outside into the gardens beyond the castle.

With supplies in hooves, claws and bags, they found a wide and empty spot where they could set up the next step of their plan. Twilight and Spike once more skimmed the books to compile all of the information they had on the portals and wrote them down on a spare pad of paper Spike picked up on the way out of the observatory. Meanwhile, Celestia stood facing the sky, her closed eyes. It was as though she were in deep meditation, when in reality, she was merely preparing herself to take on the difficult task of creating the portal.

As they did what they did, Spike took a break, hesitantly came up to Celestia and asked, "Princess, are you sure this is the only way we'll be able to find Princess Luna? This is a big risk we're taking here. I mean... what if it doesn't work? How do you know this is what we're supposed to do?" He rubbed his elbow, feeling so awkward in questioning his leader.

The question gave Celestia some pause. Enough pause for her to open her eyes to regard him. She took a deep breath in and exhaled it out.

"I know this because I have a theory about what happened to Luna."

By now, Twilight had, too, taken a break to see how Celestia was doing. But when she heard her claim, she and Spike exchanged alarmed glances. "You do?"

"Somehow Luna and Twilight stumbled onto a wormhole that functioned as a portal to someplace outside of Equestria. The magic that was used to create it came directly from Luna, who has a strong connection to the moon and stars. In response, the portal, or wormhole, was created to take Luna someplace where she could gain some insight. And her magic was the stronger of the two, which was another reason why the portal took her instead of Twilight."

Twilight blinked. "Princess Celestia, when you talk about these portals, you make them sound as though they're alive somehow."

"In a way, they are. They're not as sentient as we three are, but they can develop a consciousness and some sort of empathy towards the creatures who want to pass through them into new worlds. I think that was why the portal reacted strongly to Luna and somehow dragged her inside: to help her.

"So now, we must create a portal with the intention of finding her, but it may very well take a lot of magic to do so. Which is why I must ask you both this: after we create the portal, I will be entering it, but I don't want either of you coming after me."

Instantly, both Twilight and Spike began protesting. "But Princess-"

"No buts. I cannot, and will not, risk your own lives for something like this. I must go alone and find her. Tell the guards and staff what's happened should they ask. I will be back in time before the sun must rise, but if I am not, get word to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor and they will take care of things for me."

Her stone face was so hard, both of her subjects couldn't bring themselves to say no, or much of anything else.

But Celestia, seeing Twilight's sadness, softened. She placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder and with a gentle smile, assured, "My faithful student, I will be fine. I have every bit of faith that this will work. And I don't want to see any harm come to you. To either of you. I will be able to use my magic and wits to help me should I need them. Everything will be alright."

Her assurance was enough to make Twilight, and Spike, smile a little. Or at least attempt to smile.

"Now then, let us create this portal together. Are you ready?"

"We're ready when you are."

"Very well then. Twilight, if you please. Spike, you'd better move away from the portal. I don't know how strong this one will be."

"Yes, Princess." Spike moved away while Twilight got into position next to her mentor.

Both of them lowered their heads as they built up their power within their horns.

Celestia's horn glowed Twilight's horn glowed.

They aimed their horns in the same direction, coming together to create their own gateway.

Buzz commanded, "Okay people, let's get this mission started. Everyone split up - "

"Ooh, ooh, can I go with Princess Luna, Buzz? I can help keep her safe from Zurg!"

Although Ty appeared indifferent on the surface, deep down he was hoping Buzz would say no. The last thing he wanted was for the big guy, as friendly as he was, to start playing twenty questions with Luna (and himself should Booster ask him about her) while they were here on this rock.

"Negative, Booster. Mira will go with Ty and Princess Luna to find any signs of that portal. You come with me and XR to find out whatever Zurg might be, or was, up to. We're going to go to the area where Ty and I last saw his operation, and we might need you to do some heavy lifting in case he left something behind."

It was as much of a disappointment for Booster as it was a relief for Ty for Buzz to point this fact out. "Aw, okay."

Luna offered, "Ranger Munchapper, perhaps after we end our search, I may answer any questions you may have about me or Equestria if you'd like." Even if his request wasn't the top priority, she was still a princess. How could she say no to whatever questions he had about herself or the land she loved and protected?

Although it was not Booster wanted, it was enough to make him smile in satisfaction. "That'd be great."

"Alright troops, we've got our jobs. Let's go do them."

The Rangers acknowledged their captain's order with salutes while Luna nodded solemnly.

And then they separated.

And over the snowy land did the three walk.

"That is why you do not mention your royal heritage?"

"That's right. I wanna let people know I'm a Ranger first, not just a storybook princess...uh, n-no offense."

Luna shrugged. "No harm done."

For two hours, Ty, Mira and Luna trekked over snowy hills in the frozen landscape. So far, their search to find any leftover portal energy proved scant; Luna could not detect any traces, magical or natural, left behind by the wormhole. But they still had some ground to cover, so they just kept going. While they traveled, Mira asked Luna more about herself and in turn, both females had been conversing about their own royal lives and duties.

Which was a good distraction for Luna to focus on while they searched far and wide for energy.

Although it was shameful to hear about how Mira's people thought themselves superior to all other creatures because of their special abilities. It fascinated Luna because of one of their abilities to walk, or 'ghost' through, as Mira put it, walls, but it also disappointed her. A precious gift such as walking through walls or even reading minds shouldn't be wasted on the narrow-minded. But at least Mira herself was open-minded and friendly, if a little sarcastic and sometimes too proud for her own good.

Still, she was beginning to like Mira, and vice versa. "But I understand. You wish to let everyone see you for you and not just one side or the other. And you also want to do more good for not only your people, but also for your friends and other inhabitants of the universe."

"Huh... I never thought of it like that. I joined because I was inspired to when my planet was saved by Bu - I mean, Star Command." Mira didn't want to chance irritating Ty if she used 'Buzz' and 'saved' in the same sentence, even if their past history was overall healed.

But Ty himself wasn't paying attention to Mira's careful name-dropping. In fact, he wasn't really paying attention to anything the two were saying. He was focused on the mission and trying to scout around for anything he could find for Luna.

As well as trying to keep up his energy. By now, he and his team had been at this for a little over two hours and he was feeling slow as a Zordogian on a hot summer's day. He didn't know why he was feeling so tired all of a sudden, but he was feeling it and he wasn't about to show his incoming exhaustion to his team, even if they were Luna and Mira.

But they still had a mission to complete. But that didn't mean they couldn't take five.

Ty stopped walking and he turned to face his team. "Luna, Mira, I think we'd better take a break. I want to check in with Buzz."

"Sounds good."

"Very well then. May I suggest we stop over at those rocks? We can take a rest there."

"Fine by me. Let's go."

The rocks Luna pointed out were not too far for them to walk. Over on a small hill, a circle consisting of a few snow-covered stones could be seen. It wasn't too long until they reached the area.

Ty and Mira found a couple of snow-free stones to sit upon while Luna sat down on another. These stones would normally be so cold they could burn, but luckily, the Rangers and Luna were immune to them, thanks to their spacesuits and/or fur keeping them warm. It helped that the sun was out and thus played a part in keeping the area nice and reasonably mild for them.

"Now then, while I'm finding out how Buzz is doing, I need you two to keep an eye out for anything unusual just in case."

"Yes, sir."

"Of course."

Ty flipped open his communicator and attempted to get through to Buzz. "Excuse me." He turned away from them to relay their findings.

"Buzz? Ty here."

"Ty! What is it?"

"Are you having any luck at your end? We've turned up with nothing so far."

"'Fraid not, Ranger. We're looking at snow and ice for miles around."

While Ty and Buzz were bringing each other up to date, Mira and Luna kept going in their conversations, but took breaks in between to spot anything unusual in their surroundings. Their current topic was one they could both relate to.

"Zurg tried to conquer your kingdom and took your father hostage?"

"That is until Star Command came in to save the day and my people, and changed my life forever. I signed up to attend the Space Ranger Academy and now here I am, part of something bigger."

Mira's smile affected Luna and she found herself forming a small grin. "Very inspiring."

"Thanks." Mira beamed with pride. It was nice to converse with another royal who was like she - outgoing, empathetic, and most importantly, didn't think of herself as better than anyone else, even with her celestial talents. She was a little moody, but that didn't deter Mira's opinion about her. Heck, what Luna could do made her own gifts pale in comparison, but she was genuinely interested in learning about Mira's own powers, which made her, for the first time, feel good about her Tangean Royal roots.

"So uh, quick question about your world."

"What is it?"

"So you mentioned that everyone in Equestria is capable of performing magic of some sort depending on what type of pony they are, but how do they know if that's what the type of magic they're assigned to do?"

Luna tilted her head. "Assigned to do? I'm... not sure I understand your question."

"What I mean is... ok, ok, let's say that a pegasus wants to take care of the earth or something like that even i-if pegasi take care of the weather a-a lot. Can ponies do that?"

Finally understanding Mira's inquiry, Luna replied, "Of course they can, as long as whatever they want to do is their true calling. I know of one pegasus who does not alter the weather at all, and instead tends to the well-being of animals."
Mira was impressed. "No kidding! How did she manage to do that?"

"From what I understand, a friend she knows was partly responsible for her finding her talent with animals, and when she discovered she was good at communicating and tuning into their needs, she received her cutie mark."

"W-whoa, whoa, a what now?"

Luna pointed a hoof at the moon emblem on her flank. "A cutie mark. It is a magical symbol indicating a pony's talent, personality or deposition to the world. All ponies receive them when they come of age, and it can take any form to represent the most unique part of them. For instance, mine is in the image of a moon because that is my talent and responsibility as Princess of the Night.

But just because raising the moon is my calling does not mean I am incapable of other things."


"No. In fact, I too can control the weather whenever I must, and I can also walk into - " She stopped herself, remembering the conversation she and Ty discussed back at the cafeteria about her ability to walk in between dreams. Despite Mira's own mind powers, Luna wondered if that would make Mira feel uneasy - reading somepony's thoughts was a far different activity than seeing somepony's dreams. And Mira never said that Tangeans were capable of entering one of the most sacred parts of the psyche.

And of course, Ty was right there. She was sure he wouldn't appreciate hearing about it again even if he was tied up with other matters.

Speaking of Ty -

"Got it, Buzz. We'll keep on looking for about another hour or so and then we'll call it a solar cycle." Ty briefly looked up into the sky, noticing the sun's steady movement across it.

"Okay, Ranger. Do what you need to do. Over and out."

Ty flipped his communicator lid back down, ending his update. He cleared his throat and addressed his makeshift team. "Okay, team, here's what's what." This prompted both females to pause and look at Ty, to which Luna was glad for. Ty came to her rescue once more!

"So what's up? Did they find anything left behind by Zurg?"

But Ty shook his head. "Unfortunately, no, Mira. They did uncover some leftover Hornet debris from where Buzz and I fought Zurg, and from where I met Luna," he motioned with a hand to her, "but nothing that could explain what he was doing there in the first place; not even a microchip was left behind."

"He must have returned here at some point to cover his tracks so that we wouldn't uncover what he was up to," Mira theorized.

"Agreed. Only question is, where is he now and what's he up to?"

Luna shrugged and went back to looking around her for any signs of anything that could prove useful to them. So far, only snow and stone was the only thing to be seen for miles and miles around. Snow covering rocks and mountains and marks and... Luna blinked.

She blinked and then she squinted her eyes as something caught her gaze in the distance. As she stood to her hooves, Mira and Ty took notice.

"Luna, what it is?"

She stared ahead and tilted her head, briefly silent. She muttered, "Hmm... I wonder... " Then she finally turned to Ty. "May we look over there?" She nodded her head towards whatever she was looking at.

Ty followed her line of sight to where another snowy rock stood.

"Yeah, we can do that. Why?"

"Because I believe that rock is where I first met Zurg in combat.

And I know that that direction it is in is the same one where I first entered your galaxy through the wormhole."

The new form of energy they created together from their horns danced in excitement as it grew and grew and grew into a large swirling vortex of yellow and magenta light, much like the portal that Twilight and Luna created together. But this portal took a larger effort on behalf of Celestia's part, for her connection to the celestial planes was infinitely stronger. So when Celestia took over for Twilight's part, Twilight was both relieved for herself but worried for her teacher.

But much like her sister, Celestia possessed no power over portals like this one and it took much of her strength and concentration to maintain her hold over it from absorbing everything into its center, and to keep its focus on her.

The wind created by the swirling vortex whipped through Twilight's mane and Spike's...spikes, as they watched with fear and awe at the powers presently at war with each other.

Celestia was struggling to win as she slowly walked towards the thundering portal. Slowly and doggedly did she push with all over her might to enter the portal and let it take her to wherever her sister was located.

Or so she hoped.

Celestia felt that radiating warmth splash across her face.

And then reality was lost.

And reality came back.

But not under the starlit sky that she stood under.

No. Now she was in the middle of some sunlit but dank alley littered with garbage and debris and - She halted. Out beyond the alleyway's borders, beings made of metal and creatures resembling mutated ponies and other animals walked around on two legs! By the likes of which she had never seen before - they didn't look anything like the ponies, dragons, gryphons, zebras, or other creatures she interacted with.

These creatures wore clothing; some with emblems not unlike her cutie mark, and others with no emblems, but with many colors from the rainbow. All of them went to and fro about their business, not once paying attention to her.

To her it was good. She needed time to process all of this.

She looked up into the sky, to see the sun... this sun was different. No longer was it the warm glowing sun she knew; this sun felt...fiery and primal.

And it was slowly reaching its end for the day.

The air's perfume was metallic, and she was all alone.

Or was she?

A cough brought her out of her thoughts, and when she turned to see who was coughing, she blinked.

For covered in some greasy liquid that she was struggling to get off of her and Spike, Twilight Sparkle stood sheepishly before Princess Celestia.

"...Twilight?! Spike?!"

Twilight squeaked, "...Hello, Princess Celestia."

Author's Note:

A/N: No excuses; just life happening. If folks are still following this story, I just want to go ahead and say thank you for following it even after all these years. Today's the sixth anniversary of when this fanfic 'premiered' as it were, so I wanted to update this today (hooray!) and I hope you all enjoy this update! :)

Comments ( 5 )

Wow, I am so glad to see this story back after so long! :pinkiehappy:

Wait until you see next chapter! I've got some things coming up for this story, so stay tuned. Thanks for sticking around and following the story! I appreciate it a lot. :)

Ok, cool. Do you think the next chapter will come sooner than this one did? I had forgotten about this story before this update.

Well, I'll see what I can do, but no promises!

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