• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 8,608 Views, 57 Comments

Nothing We Can Say - Summer Dancer

Rainbow's name has been cleared, but begins to suffer a different kind of guilt.

  • ...

Nothing We Can Say

Rainbow Dash let out a short breath as she removed her flight goggles, beaming with pride. Flying’s always an exhilarating rush, but to fly with the Wonderbolts

She sighed happily as she trotted to the showers and pulled on the zipper of her rental Wonderbolts uniform. Ya never know...you just might be my permanent uniform one day, she thought. After slipping out of it and folding it neatly, she set it aside on a nearby table and turned on the shower handle. Shots of water rained down on the pegasus, making her sigh as the warm water sprayed her coat, washing away the dirt and sweat of the day before.

Rainbow Dash lifted her hoof to hold down one ear so the water could get in behind it. Ahh, that feels good. She continued to stay directly under the shower nozzle, letting the water drench her mane. Even though she was in a state of euphoria, she couldn’t help but feel something else.



She didn’t do anything wrong, at least she thought she didn’t. She certainly didn’t feel bad about Wind Rider…. She sighed.

Except for the fact that her own idol set her up like that. She mentally shrugged it off and kept scrubbing. He got what he deserved, no question about it. She owed Rarity big time for that. She turned over her right wing and let it rinse. Still….Rainbow shuffled around until she was facing the nozzle and allowed the water to hit her face. It was then when one name popped into her head. Lightning Dust.

She bit the corner of her lip. Even though she never spoke of her, Rainbow thought of Lightning almost everyday. How quickly they became the best of pals, the crushed and dejected look on her face when Spitfire stripped her of her Lead Pony status...

Rainbow frowned deeply.

But then she remembered the terrified shrieks of her friends as they plummeted to their deaths. At least, It could’ve turned out that way if Rainbow hadn’t gotten there in time. It still somewhat rattled her to this day. The possibility of losing the most important ponies in her life was too much to think about. The mere image of them falling usually erased any trace of sympathy she had for Lightning. But not today.

Grunting, she switched the shower off and grabbed a nearby towel. Lightning Dust, Wind Rider….two powerful competitors of hers. One had the potential to be a fully fledged Wonderbolt. The other was a living breathing Wonderbolt legend, who’s had more speed, agility, and experience than any pegasus she knew. Both had their dreams and careers ruined by her. She discarded the towel and shook herself dry.

Weather it was her pride, stubbornness, or bluntness, it always seemed to affect somebody, no matter how good her intentions were. “Well. No point in feeling sorry for yourself, Rainbow. What’s done is done. Nothing you can do about it.”

Once she was dry, with the exception of her dripping mane, she collected the towel and goggles with one forearm before staring down at the Wonderbolt uniform. She knew it would easily become hers one day. Hers, and not theirs, never theirs.

“...Nothing I can do.”

Rainbow Dash turned back to wave goodbye to Spitfire as she left her office. She trotted down a bright blue hallway, the echoes of her hoof steps bouncing off the walls. Rainbow started to whistle as she came upon the Wonderbolt Wall of Fame, stopping to admire the portraits.

Now that everything’s returned, maybe Rares could hang out before I...

Her train of thought screeched to a halt when her eyes met his. Those hazel eyes that she once thought were warm and brave were now cold and vindictive, piercing her with their gaze, even from fifteen feet away. It wouldn’t matter so much, if Wind Rider hadn’t been blocking her path. An involuntary shudder shot up her spine, but Rainbow swallowed it back and took stance. I so don't need this right now. In truth, she was slightly worried by his sudden appearance, but refused to show it on the outside, twisting her mouth into a frown. “Look. I’m leaving, okay?”

Unexpectedly, Wind Rider smiled, taking her aback. “See those portraits on the wall, Rainbow Dash?”

The mare in question didn’t take her eyes off the ex Wonderbolt. “I’ve seen them,” Rainbow said with a thread of suspicion in her tone.

“Ah, those were the greats. The founding Mothers and Fathers of this…” He made a sweeping gesture with his hoof. “...Grand Empire. That’s what we refer to it as. An Empire. Only the best of the best are lucky enough to be chosen to be a part of it.”

“Luck has nothing to do with it,” Rainbow fired. “It takes effort and practice, and--”

Wind Rider’s laugh boomed throughout the halls. “Do my ears deceive me, or are you, a mere rookie, telling me what it means to become a Wonderbolt? Have you ever heard such arrogance coming from a mare? Look behind you! My own father is on that wall! Look at me! I’m the embodiment of what a true Wonderbolt should be. What they can be! I’ve dedicated thirty years of my life to this academy! And they’re more than willing to throw it all away! And for WHAT?”

Rainbow visibly flinched as Wind Rider took a step forward. “An overconfident reserve who’s just in it for the thrill ride. That’s what you are.”

He took a few steps closer, and leaned into Rainbow’s snarling face, his sharp smelling cologne assaulting her nostrils. “Because...compared to me? You’re nothing.”

Rainbow trembled inwardly, but narrowed her eyes and spoke through gritted teeth. “Back. Off.”

Wind Rider snorted and looked down on her in a condescending way. “Or what?”

“Now you’re just asking for it, Wind Rider. I didn’t want to before ‘cause you’re old. But now…”

“You heard her. Back off, Wind Rider.” Rainbow’s eyes widened. Wind turned to see Soarin standing behind him, without his uniform.

Wind seemed unfazed by Soarin’s demand. “If you don’t mind, we’re having a conversation.”

“Like hay you are!” He marched over and pushed the older pony back. “You’re supposed to be packing your things! I thought you’d be a Gentlecolt about it and leave with some dignity. If you don’t leave right now, I’ll have no choice but to call it in!”

Wind Rider frowned darkly. "I taught you everything I knew, Soarin. I took you under my wing. Are you really going to set it all aside... for her?"

Soarin's expression softened, but not by much. “Please. I'm asking you....as a friend. Leave."

“...You can’t get rid of me,” Wind Rider whispered as he slowly started to back away. “I am the Wonderbolts...You're making a big mistake, Soarin....I’m not beaten…” With that, he slipped away. Soarin waited until he was sure he was long gone before turning to Rainbow Dash.

“You okay?”

Rainbow tore her gaze from the hall Wind Rider went through and looked up at Soarin with a lackluster smile. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.”

Soarin searched her face, knowing that something wasn’t right. “Hey, what’s wrong? He didn’t do anything to you, did he?”

“No, no, nothing happened. It’s nothing, really. Nothing’s wrong.”

Soarin nudged her slightly, smiling a little. “Something.”

Rainbow’s eyes shifted to the floor. “You…. remember Lightning Dust, don’t you?”

“Hmm, her. How can I ever forget?”

“It’s like I’m having a deja vu. First her, now Wind Rider. His whole life was just ripped away from him….because of me. Everytime I get one step closer, somepony always suffers. That's not what I want at all."

There was a long silence that followed before Soarin decided to speak up again. “Dash, why do you think we chose you out of all the other reserves?”

Rainbow looked up at the ceiling. “Because I’m fast.”

“Right. But not just because you’re fast. It’s because we trust you. You’ve been there for us more times than I can count. You’re able to push yourself in the right direction without anypony having to tell you. You’re a leader, Rainbow Dash, a true Wonderbolt at heart. Anypony could see it by watching you, and so did Wind Rider.”

“Unfortunately for him,” Rainbow muttered.

Yeah, unfortunately for him,” Soarin agreed. Rainbow looked at him. “He ruined his own career, Rainbow Dash, not you. He let jealousy get the better of him, and it eventually lead to his own downfall. The same goes for Lightning Dust.”

His eyes trailed away. “They’re afraid of you, Rainbow Dash. They might pass you over at first glance, but when they see you...that’s when they start to get nervous. They know you have a place here, and ponies like them will stop at nothing to get you out of the picture. There's nothing we can say to change that, but we can choose to not let their actions stop us from doing what we love.”

Rainbow let it all sink in. As disturbing as it was, Soarin was right. Being the fastest mare in Ponyville, maybe even the entirety of Equestria, doesn’t come without its drawbacks. Of course she’s bound to make some enemies along the way. Besides, she and the rest of her friends aren’t strangers to having targets on their backs. It’s just how it is. Why should joining the Wonderbolts be any different?

And that’s just it, Rainbow thought to herself. It isn’t. I just have to keep being me, and do my own thing. I've come this far, haven't I?She grinned to herself. “Thanks, Soarin.”

Soarin smiled back. “Now there’s the Rainbow Dash I know! Hey, no problem, all right?” He paused before nodding his head towards the existing hall. “Walk you outside?”

Rainbow froze before snorting. “It’s right there. You don’t have to walk me.”

“I think I do. I still don’t trust that Wind Rider.”

“I can take care of myself!”

“Then do it for me.” He gave a cheesy smile. “As an apology. It would also help improve my testosterone, or so I’ve been told.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes, suppressing a smile. “Fine. For your testosterone.” As they walked down the hall together, Rainbow added, “You were only doing your job, you know. A missing Wonderbolt is serious business.”

“I know that. Still, I shoulda known you’d never do that to Spit. You’re practically one of us. After all, you kept me company when I was in the hospital--more or less for the right reason.”

Rainbow smirked. “Is that why you gave me an extension?”

The stallion raised an eyebrow. “Hmmm?”

“C’mon, Soarin, you know the protocol. I should've been hauled off for questioning right then and there. I studied all that for the Reserves, remember?”

The corners of his mouth twitched. “I have no idea what you're talking about.” He pushed the glass door open, stepping out into the sun. Rainbow followed, letting the gentle breeze dry the rest of her mane.

Soarin stared as Rainbow Dash brushed her bangs from her rose colored eyes. He blinked and coughed when she looked him square in the eye. “Uh...hey, listen, thanks. For listening, I mean. I still feel kinda betrayed and all, but I really do hope Wind Rider finds something that makes him happy. Lightning too.”

“Just keep doing what you do best, kid,” Soarin said, giving her a side hug. “And you’ll do just fine.”

“...Kid?” Rainbow questioned as he pulled back. She chortled. “Please. You’re not that much older than me.”

Soarin laughed. “I dunno. I’d say that’s still up for debate.”

“Yoo hoo! Rainbow Dash!”

Both pegasi turned to see Rarity trotting toward them, grinning from ear to ear. Rainbow faced Soarin again and flashed an apologetic smile. “I gotta go.”

The Wonderbolt nodded. “I understand. And hey...see you at the next show!”

Rainbow’s jaw dropped as Soarin took to the air. “Really? You--you mean it!?”

Soarin gave a salute before sailing into the clouds. “Duh!” he shouted.

“Are we ready to go, darling?” Rarity asked, appearing beside her. She followed Rainbow’s gaze and glanced up into the clouds and adjusted her coat. “Oh, yes. Don’t you just love how the clouds are patterned like that. It certainly is a beautiful day today, is it not?”

Rainbow smiled, barely containing a squeal. “Yeah. Sure is. C’mon, Rare. Let’s go home.”

Author's Note:

I loved this episode, it was super fun to watch. This was just a thought I decided to put in for after the show. Can't wait for Friendship Games, ya ya ya!!! :yay:

Comments ( 55 )

As Rarity would tell you... FABULOUS, DAHLING!!

Did I miss something? I'm seeing more than one of this type, there a movie or an episode I missed?

6445153 There was a new episode called Rarity Investigates. :twilightsmile:

6445158 Fifteenth? Already? Well I am glad they decided NOT to be lazy about this Season, they had talks of ending it at fourteen episodes.

I thought you everything I knew, Soarin.

Small Typo, should be taught not thought

:rainbowkiss: I love it!

*cough cough* That's all I have to say about that :twilightsheepish:

I've watched this episode a total of 13 times

In my view the episode gets an 8/10 my only negative was the Wonderbolts not standing up for Rainbow Dash. Great story.


FEAR MEH!! :eeyup:

This was great beb! I squealed when Soar stood up for Dashie
Like he should have in the actual episode

This episode was probably my favourite one to date. Still debating it.

This was really awesome. And tense. I never noticed that part about Wind Rider and Lighting Dust both having their careers ruined by Dash... Though they were both a bit condescending.

6445479 frankly I was dissapointed that it was Windrider. Lightning made much more sense. Heck I'm starting to question why Rainbow should even be one. THey have shown on record to not pay attention to recklessness. Abandon teams members, and accuse without any proof.

for real now, every season so far had an soarindash moment, i wonder when it gonna be canon. Really tough, she even blushed and he gave those bedroom eyes at her, you cant hide that from us hasbro, you cant

Either they are teasing us or something else. If canon I can see all the other Dash and some other pony besides Soarin going down in flames.

Honestly, this episode was the best showing for the wonderbolts to date as they actually made some honorable decisions and didn't get their flanks kicked. This is an interesting take on Rainbow. Rainbow, despite her brash personality, is not a vindictive pony, she wants her dreams, but she doesn't want others to suffer for her to get them. Not sure if the show will ever address the reality of competition, but this could have been an interesting scene itself in the show, talking about living with the consequences your decisions cause for others. Doing the right thing has consequences after all. Cool little story.

6445574 actully there might be a reason they accused her without proof it was impiled this wasn't the first time wind rider did this to keep his record. Imagine how many other ponies he did this to, so maybe the wonderbolts are used to rookies cheating to get a chance at the spotlight

6445909 which still doesn't make them look good in the end. how many careers were ruined on that?


Yep. Newest episode. Gave SoarinDash a very nice push and more material to work with.

6445919 true but on the plus side they might have to look into that now so maybe it can be changed

6445950 you can hope but if real world the Wonderbolts rep has been severly damaged by this.

6445956 but to be fair they kind of had other problems at the time what with their leader going missing and the show being that day, plus soarin was nice enough to give her a chance

6445966 But if Windrider has done this to others imagine the scandal. Just look at the catholic shurch. they have a HUGE scandal invovling their preists and they made it worse by hiding it. Reputation can be destroyed by the littlest of things. and right now the Wonderbolts do not have a good track record.

6445990 well to be fair all we have seen are the bad thing about them we have no idea what they do off screen

6446016 point however it doesn't speak well of them.

6446020 maybe it was one of their bad days eh no ones perfect

This was really nice. Well done.

Great story, Hasbro should add that as a last scene or something :raritystarry:

Generally not a fan of "SoarinDash", but I thought it was a pretty good read. Gave it a thumbs up. Hoof bump! :yay:


oh btw, i saw this again on popular stories :p

An excellent tale.

Awesome, a Soring Dash fic! This definitely makes me feel more easy about how he treated her in the episode. I never thought about Rainbow feeling regret for the ponies who wronged her, but it' s a great idea.

Rainbow smirked. “Is that why you gave me an extension?”

“C’mon, Soarin, you know the protocol. I should've been hauled off for questioning right then and there.”

That's pretty much what I thought too.

I still don't think Lightning Dust's career is over. Yeah, she screwed up bad. Yeah, she got set back a ways. But she's young, she wasn't even a reserve yet, and she has plenty of time to learn from her mistakes. Wind Rider, yeah, he's got that Pete Rose disgrace going on, but an early career black mark isn't necessarily a game-ender.

Love it. 10/10

A very nice piece ya got here. :3

of the half dozen or so that popped up after the episode addressing this issues this one is the only one thats really good and accurate!
a lot of people are going off on how the bolts treated her when she was accused......... but they are not putting it into perspective...... spitfire...their CAPTAIN was sent away via a fake letter..... then a veteran wonderbolt whom they've all known a long time and trust a lot suggest it could be Dash and while there was no hard evidence to say it was her, there were a lot of things that would suggest it was.
Soarin took command like he should and followed protocol as he should.
was it harsh? yes it was. would of been nice to get a bit of dialog about giving Dash the benefit of the doubt considering who she is and whats shes done for them? yes it would of.
BUT Soarin still gave her a chance to clear her name.
and in all honesty....i really liked serious Soarin! hes the first real competent stallion in the series. and its something us fans figured he was capable of. cuz theres no way he could be second in command if he always acted like a goof.
and i'm willing to bet my bits that that's a huge sexual turn on for Dash! a hunk stallion that know how to take charge and get shit done........who then chows down on some pie when the dust settles.

Yeah, they trust her--- so much that they turned on her and accused her in the blink of an eye without even a crumb of evidence. And then demanded she prove she DIDN'T do the crime, or get banned for life.

Yeah, "veteran wonderbolt," BFD. She's just a rookie-- a rookie who's had their back even when they didn't deserve it, who's even saved a couple of their LIVES, and oh yeah, national hero 5 times over. But all that just PALES in comparison to the word of an old fart who used to fly real pretty.

Guess they had to take a break from backstabbing each other like they did in Rainbow falls to Soarin. Or trying to con RD into leaving her own team to crash and burn and join theirs, all for an edge they didn't even need. Or bumble-buggering their way through another failed rescue mission.

And they think she's absolutely fantastic-- when they can get something out of her for themselves. Otherwise they kick her to the curb. Even though she's a better flier than any three of them, blew away every record in their training camp, and literally shattered the sound barrier for the first time in Equestrian history. Enjoy your perpetual reserve status, kid...

No, I don't like the Wonderbolts. Can you guess why?

I really like RD : )

Who is Wind Rider, and how did you make this story before Rarity Investigates came out?

6455163 You may want to watch the episode first, and I wrote this story after it aired, not before :twilightsmile:

The thing is... Reservist or not, Rainbow is a Wonderbolt. It is very clear from what Soarin' said and how Spitfire reacted that there is one line you don't cross: You don't screw your own. They forgot that, as we saw in Rainbow Falls and Wind Rider became a symbol of that too. Maybe he was the one who let the 'whatever it takes' mindset into the unit or maybe he was just a symptom of a greater malaise.

Rainbow has started to turn things around by her example.

As for this story, well it's clear that, in the end, for Wind Rider it was all about him and about what he considered to be his 'due'. Somehow he thought that his long service gave him the right to stomp all over lower-ranking ponies. That's dirty and I get the impression that a long-overdue clean-up is underway in the Wonderbolts.

I doubt it but it might be beneficial for Wind Rider to realise that his fall was entirely due to the fact that his ego caused him to ignore the ethic of teamwork and brotherhood that the Wonderbolts are supposed to be about.

I would probably have added a final line to the confrontation with Soarin': "Rider...? Don't forget that you're not a Wonderbolt anymore. That isn't something we took away from you; it's something that you threw away for an entry in Equestrian Book of Records."

Excellent work, my dear. I love how you've described every detail in this story :). This should have been the real ending <3 .

Btw, I am an artist on Deviantart. Is there any chance I could make a comic out of this? I'll even give you credit (if you allow me to). This story is something I've been craving to draw and make it a comic

6555018 Oh my gosh, really? That would be wonderful! :pinkiehappy:

Eeep! Thank you. I'll get on it :)

Well, having read the entire story, I can definitely say that this was a decent fic. Rainbow Dash and Wind Rider were in-character as they could be, considering the episode this story's based off from. I can't comment on Soarin's personality, though, because I don't think I've seen enough of him.

Since the story aspect's fine, I'm going to concentrate on the technical details of the story, because I spotted quite a few mistakes in there. You don't mind if I add a few suggestions, do you?

“...Nothing I can do.”

Try giving this a paragraph of its own, as it places emphasis on the fact that she cannot undo what she has done and

Once she was dry, with the exception of her dripping mane, she collected the towel and goggles with one forearm before staring down at the Wonderbolt uniform. She knew it would easily become hers one day. Hers, and not theirs, never theirs.

“...Nothing I can do.”

Like that.

Now that everything’s returned, maybe Rares could hang out before I

I'd recommend adding a "-" or a "..." at the end of that sentence to show how her inner thoughts by Wind Rider's surprise appearance.

Only the best of the best are lucky enough to be chosen to be apart of it.”

It's "a part of it." The Hall of Fame showed members that were considered worthy enough to be a part of The Empire, yes?

“Please. I'm asking you....as a friend. Leave.

You forgotten to add another quotation mark at the end of that sentence.

Being the fastest mare in Ponyville, maybe even the entirety of Equestria, doesn’t come without it’s drawbacks.

Change the "it's" to "its". I'm assuming you know the difference between the two.

And that part's done. I personally don't support the ship itself, but the conversations were handled well and the characters were in-character, as I've said earlier. This is the beginning of a romantic ship, and it is decently executed.

Oh, and one more thing before I sign off:



7194491 Thanks for the tip, fixed the errors I couldn't catch myself! :twilightblush: Also, I'm quite fond of Hetero Dashie :moustache:

Never gonna get tired of SoarinDash. :rainbowkiss:

SOOOO CUUEETTEE:rainbowkiss:

*Reads* :rainbowderp:
*Sits back* :ajbemused:
*Places hands on face* :ajsleepy:
*Chuckles* :ajsmug:
*Checks pulse for Shipping-Induced Heart Attack* :applejackunsure:
*Leans forward* :twilightsmile:
*Lets out loudest D'aww ever* :heart::heart::rainbowkiss::heart::heart:

"fine, for your testosterone"

*ded potato*

This was really cute, I loved it.:raritystarry:

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