• Published 25th Sep 2015
  • 2,879 Views, 200 Comments

Angry Bird - Thadius0

When the world changes and you miss a day, but wake up with extra limbs, you tend to be a bit peeved. Well, moreso than usual. Doesn't help that I have...anger issues. Or a prescription. Or no way to fill it anymore.

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June 7th - 26 pills left

The morning was interesting. In the sense that digging long, shallow rows in the side yard of the Museum was interesting.

Long and constant digging. Yvonne and Chris took up the smaller tools and held them as well as they could with their hooves, trying their best to pitch in. They didn't get very far, but the thought counted. I didn't get quite done before noon rolled around and we all stopped for lunch before changing up what we were doing.

Yvonne took the radio, while Chris began planting some of our seeds. Grace decided to take the roof, probably to keep watch, while I took the van out to look for the Serta store. I found it quickly enough, it was near one of the main streets and easily visible. I drove up to it and parked with my back facing the front door, before I hopped out and used my sledgehammer to break some of their glass windows. Bigger than the doors and all. After that, I watched my step before checking the back first, finding a broom easily enough and using it to sweep the broken glass to one side, where I wouldn't step on it.

Then it was time to look for beds for us all. Four twin-sized beds was the order of the day, because I don't think any of us were sleeping with anyone else. Nice, comfy, memory-foam beds. Then my mind considered another problem, and I drove over to Wal-mart again.

The order of the day - Blankets. And pillows. Lots of them. Grabbed some more packaged food while I was over there as well, along with some bottled water. Because we could always use more water. The van was packed nearly full, though. I...might have overindulged on the blankets and pillows a little. Sue me, they looked comfortable.

Just as I pulled into base, the sky opened up with some rain. It had been threatening to rain all afternoon, and only actually did once I needed to unload things. So we waited, though the little moisture I'd been splashed with made my feathers puff up a little once it dried. I could only imagine what would have happened if I had stayed out there, trying to unload the van while the rain poured down. I'd probably look ridiculous.

Eventually the rain paused, and we took the chance to unload the food first, followed by the blankets and pillows. The water was quickly moved out of the way, and then the beds were quickly moved in as well, before I shut the van and bolted inside. Just in time as well, because once I did, the rain picked up again.

Dinner was a more subdued affair. Chris said he'd managed to spread some seeds throughout the furrows I'd dug, but would like me to help dig a little more tomorrow, if only to plant a little more. I agreed to his idea. Yvonne said that she'd heard nothing on the radio, and Grace said she hadn't seen anything from the roof at all today.

It was the last one that worried me. The dogs were also quiet today. That can't be good at all.

Tomorrow, after helping Chris with the farm and lunch, I'll be Grace's escort through the city. Just in case.

I managed to actually feel some lift from my wings today during my little exercise period for them. Guess that means I'm getting closer to actual flight. Now if only I could remember the finer points on bird-of-prey flying from that video, I might be able to do something with them other than crash when the time comes.

Skippy's taken to the new guys so well, he's only just now showed up here. Yes, hello mutt. You like the attention, don't you? C'mere, I'll give you a quick scratch behind the ears before I nod off. That's a good boy.

Well, it's late and I'm tired. G'night.

"To those in the Denver area, you aren't alone." "We have food, water, shelter. We're willing to share." "Yeah, but don't expect to get it for free." "We won't make you pull more than your fair share, but you can't contribute less than your best either." "Please...somebody. Anybody. Be out there to hear us."

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