• Published 25th Sep 2015
  • 2,885 Views, 200 Comments

Angry Bird - Thadius0

When the world changes and you miss a day, but wake up with extra limbs, you tend to be a bit peeved. Well, moreso than usual. Doesn't help that I have...anger issues. Or a prescription. Or no way to fill it anymore.

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June 14th - 21 pills left

All right, I...am feeling a lot better. Grace, how am I looking?

Well, your wounds look mostly closed by now. We might have to take your stitches out soon.

Yeah, that's gonna be fun. I've been bored up here. Good thing I thought to pack my 3DS.

...You brought a gaming system. To the apocalypse.

Hell yes I did. One thing you are gonna want in times of rest or healing: entertainment. And I have like five games downloaded onto that thing. This whole 'rest' thing I've been getting, along with our renewable power? I've been catching up majorly. Only thing that sucks is that I didn't grab any strategy guides for them while the internet was still a Thing.

All right, fair point. What, do you have a laptop with games on it as well?

Dammit, I should have done that with my mom's. Too damn late now. Wait...idea. Maybe if I head back home, I can nab my old computer and the power strip as well. I had a lot of Steam games installed on that thing...

...Something tells me that's...not really a priority.

It is to me. Anything happen today?

Not much. Just the farming and the gathering that normally goes on. I saw a dog today, but it didn't seem to show any interest in us.

So the lions didn't get them all.

I know, we'll have to be careful still when we go out to gather things.

Careful's a lot easier with a shotgun.

Yes, but you're going to take it easy when we go out there, all right? I don't want you injuring yourself protecting us.

Hey, wounds come with the job. How's the water holding up?

Oh, we've used up only a few jugs so far, we could hold out a lot longer.

Good, good. Okay, I have a plan. We'll look for supermarkets and the like on the edges of the town, look for water and non-perishable foodstuff. Ask around for what sort of utility items we might need, we'll make a list and get them one run. We'll take the van, it's smaller and quicker than the truck. Once we find a place, we'll establish a route back here and take notice of any gas stations on the way. But what we're really going to start looking for after a few days is something completely different.


We're gonna hit up all the parking garages and lots of the city in search of a Tesla. One a day. I want a car that doesn't need gas to run, and I know I saw one around my hometown before the world changed. It's not inconceivable that there would be one in this town either.

Do you even know what one looks like?

Sorta kinda. I know what the decal on the front looks like anyways. It's a T in a shield.

That sounds like a decent plan of action.

Yeah, but it relies a whole lot on luck...

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