• Published 29th May 2012
  • 5,364 Views, 297 Comments

Derpyball - Rated Ponystar

Derpy and the mane cast vs Gilda and her team of griffins in a dodgeball game

  • ...

Part 6


By The Rated Ponystar

Edited by Clavier

Artwork done by Tzelly (http://tzelly-el.deviantart.com/ )


The story Derpy had been telling had already put them past the moment of disbelief, but upon hearing what had happened to Starfall, the girls couldn’t help but nudge away from the once thought harmless mailpony. Derpy didn’t blame them as she tried to fight back the tears in her eyes. What she did to Starfall was one of the biggest mistakes in her life. If anypony knew that she had pretty much crippled a young mare, and ruined her dreams of being a professional dodgeball player, then she would be kicked out of town in a heartbeat. And would rather die than let her daughter know.

Only one pony had ever known her complete past, and he was gone. Derpy hugged herself, wishing that her late husband was still around. She wanted to let herself cry in his embrace as he whispered to her how no matter how much she thought she was a monster she was still the mare he loved. He even called me his crossed-eyed angel... oh darling... I wish you were here...

Rainbow Dash was the first pony to recover from the stunned silence. “Y-you... you actually crippled her?”

Derpy sniffed and nodded. “I... I regret to this day, but back then I could have cared less, even after they expelled me.”

“Whatever happened to Starfall?” asked Applejack.

“I don’t know... I never tried to find out and I doubt it would make much of a difference. I know I’ve ruined her life and that’s all I need to know,” mumbled Derpy, closing her eyes. “Despite being expelled from school I was accepted into another middle school and joined their dodgeball team. With me leading them, we won every season in an undefeated streak. That’s when my so called legend began.” Derpy hissed at the name. “We defeated everyone, even high school and college teams when dared too. I spent every day, even during the summer, practicing and playing dodgeball, slowly gaining my undefeated reputation as a demon at the sport. I was cold, cruel, ruthless, and brilliant all in one. I joined team after team and won championship after championship. When I was in high school, I lead my team against professional leagues and even beat those.”

“Wait a minute! I thought that was just a bunch of hot air, but you really beat professionals?!” shouted Rainbow Dash in shock.

Derpy nodded. “Yeah, it made headline news in the dodgeball world. Already the coaches were ready to recruit me and give me whatever salary I wanted the moment I graduated. I thought at last I was respected and worshiped for being great... but near the end of my senior year I learned I was anything but that...”


In the Canterlot Superdome Sports Arena, the roof above was threatening to come off by the screams of the crowd. It was the Seventeenth Intercontinental Young Adults Dodgeball Championships with representatives from all over the world in over thirty different countries coming together for the glory and honor of being dodgeball champions. Every nation had sent its top teams for this tournament, but now it was finally nearing it’s end.

There was only one match left and everypony had been on the edge of their seats for it: the minotaurs from the Island of Crete and ponies from the Kingdom of Equestria. Everypony cheered as the minotaurs ran into the stage, flexing their muscles and posing for the cameras as their names were called one by one. Despite still being in high school, they were easily bigger than most of the ponies and other races around here due to their size and shape. The only ones that came close to them were the dragons, well those who still hadn’t hit their major growth spurt yet.

Suddenly, from the other side of the stadium, the announcer began naming the ponies representing Equestria’s teams. They trotted, flipped in the air, or sparkled fireworks out of their horns as the home stadium cheered for their fellow equines in their entrance. However, there was one of them that didn’t come out. She was special.

The crowd soon began to quiet down in anticipation and fear. The biggest reason why it was so packed wasn’t just because it was the championship, but she alone had been the biggest star of the tournament for a third time in a row. Those who were seasoned veterans could remember the first time they saw her three years ago and thought of her as a joke. But when each tournament was over all the teams she and her fellow ponies faced ended up blue, bloody, and raw, quickly changing their tune. Those who followed dodgeball in Equestria knew her by many names, but the most popular was The Cross-Eyed Demon.

Suddenly, light went out as a song began to play in the stadium. Between the flashes of the camera, a lone pegasus figure slowly walked out from the entrance. The announcer soon said, “And introducing last, she is the captain of the Equestrian team, The Cross-Eyed Demon, Ditzy Doo!”

The lights all came on at once as Ditzy flew into the arena, a glare in her crossed eyes that made anyone who saw it shiver in fear. Over her blue and red uniform, she had a black and green camouflage vest on with the back supporting the symbol of a pony’s skull burning while demonic wings emitted from it’s ears. Strangely enough, the eyes were the only thing that were intact, but they were facing in opposite directions.

Ditzy landed in the middle and let her eyes focus in two directions, giving the camera ponies something to snapshot at. She then turned her attention to the minotaurs who were gulping and sweating, an opposite reflection of their earlier attitude. Grinning, Derpy stuck out her tongue, widen her eyes, and dragged her hoof across her neck. She always did this at the start of every match and she loved seeing their reactions. With that all said and done, the two teams retreated to their respective sides to plan a strategy before the game started.

Ditzy looked at her teammates who eyed her with calm expressions, but she could see the sweat dripping down their faces while their eyes flinched with fear. Stomping her hoof, Ditzy commanded, “Alright, listen up all of you. This is the final match and I don’t want to see no more than three of you sitting on the sidelines. Meaning if you get hit with the ball I will personally make sure you get an extra lap in our next jog. If any of you miss a target, twenty pushups with each miss. And if any of you so much as get your throws caught, I’ll take those two lumps you have between your legs and sell them off for a griffin to eat in his pasta. Clear?!”

The team all nodded their heads much to Ditzy satisfaction. She knew her eyes made it hard for ponies to take her seriously so intimidation was the key. It was the same thing she had done on her first team when chosen to be the leader and she doubt it would be her last. With their talk over, the main nine players took to the ball court while the five substitutions waited at their team’s bench. Five dodgeballs were placed in the center as the referee looked at both teams and raised his forelegs.

“Begin!” he cried bringing them down as both sides charged forward.

Being faster than their opponents, the ponies were able to grab more balls and go on the offensive. Leading the charge was Ditzy, who moved with the grace of a eagle, yet threw her dodgeballs with the ferocity of a dragon. With a ball in hoof, she flew left, avoiding throws directed at her. She ordered cover fire as she flew towards the end of their field. She saw a dodgeball coming straight at her and smirked. Throwing her own dodgeball she saw the two balls collided in mid air and began to fall towards the ground. With lightning quick reflexes, Ditzy flew low and then raised her hoof, kicking the ball towards an unsuspecting minotaur who felt the rubber smack him in the side of his jaw. As for the other one, Ditzy reached out with her tail and caught it, resulting in a double out.

The crowd cheered for Ditzy as she took a moment to suck up all the praise. This was the result of all her hard work; the respect she finally had been wanting all her life. She glanced at the shaking minotaurs and grinned. And all they are is just trash that needs to be taken out.

The game continued on for nearly an hour, much to Ditzy frustration. Every time they managed to get one of the minotaurs out, another would take it’s place from a teammate’s ball being caught. Eventually her team managed to lose stamina, making mistakes that cost them dearly. Soon there was only two of her teammates left while the minotaurs had at four.

Growling, Ditzy quickly ordered the other two, both earth ponies, to step back and let her deal with this. With a dodgeball in her hooves, she charged forward and blocked a shot towards her before recovering it with her left wing, getting not only the thrower out, but bringing another player back on their side. Bringing her rear legs out, she slide across the court before pulling herself forward and throwing the ball in her wing forward. She then flipped forward and threw the other one in her hooves.The first dodgeball managed to hit the minotaur in the left knee, knocking it back and forcing him to lean on his other one. As he looked up he gasped before the second dodgeball smacked him in the face, sending him flying with a trail of blood following him.

Two of the minotaurs quickly shot their dodgeballs at the Cross-Eyed Demon. They smiled thinking their double assault was going to finally take her out, but to their horror Ditzy reeled back and the dodgeballs, barely avoided them as they nicked her coat. Instead they slammed right into two of her teammates who were knocked back from the force of the throws. Getting back to all fours, Ditzy saw the two balls falling down towards her and jumped up before kicking them both with her rear legs. The two minotaurs shrieked in terror as the dodgeballs knocked them both out for the count, leaving only one to fend for himself.

Falling to his rear and gasping like he was having an anxiety attack, the minotaur held out his hands and cried out, “Please! No more! I give! I give!”

But Ditzy would have none of it. Life gave no mercy so why give it back? With a glare that could put even a hydra into his grave, Ditzy calmly picked up another dodgeball and grinned. The minotaur screamed and covered his face, only to feel a small bounce against his head as opposed to the cannonball he thought was coming. He heard the referee call him out and realized that he had only been given a small throw while he made himself look like a fool. To make things even more embarrassing he had peed himself and already a yellow puddle was starting to form around him, followed by a smaller puddle of his tears as cameras were shot everywhere.

Meanwhile, the crowd was cheering for the victory that had been pulled off. Sports reporters went into overdrive as the referee walked over and raised Ditzy hoof. She looked at her teammates, both divided in silence despite their win and anger at the realization she had used them, but quickly fell into place when she glared at them and mouthed for them to “wave already”.

She could already see some of the stars from Equestria’s professional dodgeball league looking at her with either fear or admiration in their eyes from their special seat in the stands. She could remember easily beating them all and she was still in high school. Soon she would be professional and then all would know the name Ditzy Doo. For now she just wanted to bask in the glory of her victory...


If anypony were to enter the locker rooms of the winners, they’d be surprise to hear how quiet it was. There was no cheering, no cries of victory, not even a whoop of excitement. Instead, one angry leader was glaring at her shaken teammates who were torn between begging for mercy and running away with their tails between their legs. After their coach left, Ditzy ordered them to line up with a stare so harsh that the room felt like it got thirty degrees colder.

“Does anypony want to explain what happened in our last match?” asked Ditzy, pacing in front of them like she was a drill instructor. “Anypony? Hm?” She eyed one of the unicorns. “Serenity? How about you?”

Gulping, the unicorn came forward and said, “Um, we won, right?”

“Yes we did, but our performance was horrible!” screamed Ditzy in front of Serenity, who coward all the way to the floor.

Looking up at her teammates, Ditzy continued, “I told you to go out there and play your best and what did I find?! Fumbles, outs, and weak shots that even a foal could dodge or catch in her sleep! It was pathetic! You’re all pathetic! If it wasn’t for me, we would have lost that game in seconds.” Flapping her wings, she flew above at them like a raging angel, reminiscent of one of nicknames: the gray angel of death. A few of the players were cowering like Serenity was, but to her surprise one of them, a male pegasus, was staring at her with defiance.

She growled and recognized him as the rookie to the team, Steam. He had short light brown mane with a dark blue coat and his cutie mark was a fog cloud. Ignoring him for now, she continued, “I said that there would be consequences for your actions and we’re going to act on those now. Everypony is to run thirty laps around the stadium and then we’re gonna do target practice, against me!”

The team groaned in frustration while some rubbed bruises they still had from the last practice session. Ditzy wasn’t too worried about them. She held back enough of her power to make sure they got the message and didn’t end up too hurt, unlike her opponents. One by one, they marched out of the locker room to start their exercise, except for one. Ditzy glared at Steam who was actually glaring back, though the sweat dripping down his neck made it clear he wasn’t all fearless.

“I thought I gave you an order,” said Ditzy, teeth gritting as she landed on the floor.

“Yeah, and I’m ignoring it,” said Steam, stepping forward. Ditzy growled and stepped forward as well until the two were up in each others face. “I’m not taking orders from you anymore. You may be the best player in the entire world when it comes to dodgeball, Ditzy. But when it comes down to it, you don’t even care about playing the game.”

“Of course I care about winning! You think I go out there for just kicks and giggles? I push everypony as hard as they can so we can win and be champions!” shouted Ditzy.

Steam shook his head and snorted. “I never said about winning, I said about playing!” He pointed at Ditzy. “This isn’t even a game to you. You don’t care about anypony else but yourself so you can have a means to gain power. You love being in control of ponies and you push them around like a bully.”

Ditzy’s eyes stopped their spinning and quickly snapped straight. “What. Did. You. Call. Me?”

“I said you were a bully. Nothing more and nothing less,” said Steam, raising an eyebrow. A second later he found himself on the floor, clutching his bleeding jaw.

“Don’t you ever call me that again! I’m not a bully! Everypony else is the bully! You think I’m some dumb retard, huh?! Because of my eyes?! Well?!” screamed Ditzy, lowering her face near his, eyes filled with fury. “Well, look at me now! I’m the top rated dodgeball player in the world and nopony’s laughing now! I’ve got respect and I’ve got fame! I’m not a derpy-eyed idiot! I’m a regular, normal pony!

Huffing, Ditzy continued to stare at Steam until she was sure he understood his place and began to march out. Just as she reached the door, he heard him laughing. She blinked her eyes in disbelief, but slowly turned around and indeed she saw him laughing at her.

Chuckling, he shook his head. “Really? You really think that? Well, I guess you really are an idiot...”

“What did you say?!” growled Ditzy, ready to pound him again.

He held his hoof out and grinned. “Maybe I should give you a reality check in that little fantasy world of yours, Ditzy. You are not respected. You are feared!”

“Feared?” asked Ditzy, tilting her head.

“Yeah, feared,” answered Steam, slowly getting up. “Everypony I know whispers about how brutal you are to your opponents. You don’t just beat them, you break them. You shatter their pride,make them feeling worthless. That last minotaur you took out? That guy’s going to be embarrassed for the rest of his life for what you did to him, and there were plenty others like him I’ve seen. Just whispering your name is enough to make them run away in terror.”

Ditzy said nothing so Steam continued, “And let’s not forget how many are in hospitals because of you. Didn’t you once even cripple a mare in school once?”

“She had it coming!” shouted Ditzy. “You have no idea what she did to me!”

“So two wrongs make a right?” growled Steam. “What about every other player who's gotten concussions, broken bones, and shattered teeth because of your inability to control yourself? Face it, Ditzy, you’re a bully who just likes to hurt others.”

“W-well, well...” Ditzy started fumbling her words. “That’s life isn’t it! It shows you no love nor comfort! All anypony cares about is themselves and nopony ever showed kindness to me so why should I to them?!”

“So is that what this is all about?” asked Steam, walking closer. “It’s all about getting back at ponies? Ponies who did nothing to you? I get it, you had a hard life with those eyes but that doesn’t excuse you from acting like this! We’re suppose to be your teammates and yet you treat us like trash!”

“Shut up!” shouted Ditzy, covering her ears.

“No! Because you need to hear the truth! Nopony respects you! They fear you! They call you a demon because you act like one! Cold, cruel, and without any care about their well being! You want to be in control of them all! Face it, Ditzy! You’ve become a bully!” cried out Steam.


She grabbed Steam and threw him out of the room, locking it and pressing her back against the door. Sliding down, she tried to breathe while pushing away all the things Steam had said about here. It’s not true. It’s not true. I have respect! Respect!

“Ditzy...” said Steam from outside. “I thought I hated you, but looking at you know and hearing you... I realize that I don’t hate you. I pity you.”

She heard him walk away as she tried to close her eyes and relaxed. I’m not a bully. I’m not a monster. I’m just a dodgeball player...

Yet, deep inside, she felt some measure of doubt.


She was running. She didn’t know why and she didn’t care. All she knew was that something was chasing her and she had to get away as soon as possible, but she didn’t know where to go in the black void that she found herself in. Coming to a stop, Ditzy tried to make sense of which direction to go towards when all of a sudden she felt something smack her across the head and nearly knock her off her hooves. Groaning she tried to find the direction of where the object came from when she was hit again, this time at the side.

The rubber like feeling she felt when hit made Ditzy’s eyes widen. A... dodgeball?

Suddenly, she felt like she was getting pelted from all directions as she felt each hit end up becoming harder and harder each time. It was like she was getting hit by rocks instead of dodgeballs. The ones that managed to smack her against the face had managed to draw blood from her muzzle. She closed her eyes and started running again. Yet no matter where she went the dodgeballs kept coming.

Something else was following her as well. Voices that slowly grew louder and louder until she could hear them as clear as a whistle.






“Stop! Stop! Stop it!” cried out Ditzy before felt her legs trip against something and fell down.

She groaned a bit, trying to bear where she was until she gasped at who she was looking at. Starfall, with a broken leg, whose eyes were pure black and full of hate. “You! You did this to me! You ruined my life you monster!”

“N-no! S-stay back!” shouted Ditzy, backing away only to feeling somepony pressed against her back. She looked up and screamed. Another pony, this time with two twisted forelegs growled at her.

“I can barely walk anymore thanks to you! What kind of a demon does this?! The worst of the worst!”

She looked around and saw more disfigured ponies, griffins, minotaurs, and more surrounding her, screaming about the horrible pain she put them through. Ditzy felt tears drip down her eyes as she tried to huddle herself in a ball and sobbed. Starfall laughed. “Oh this is rich, the demon is crying! Cry, Ditzy, cry!”

“Cry, Ditzy, Cry! Cry, Ditzy, Cry! Cry, Ditzy, Cry! Cry, Ditzy, Cry!” screamed the crowd as they descended upon her.


NOOOO!” screamed Ditzy, kicking out of her bed and looking around her hotel room. There was nopony around. No Starfall. No dodgeballs. Just herself. Feeling her heart ready to burst right out of her chest, Ditzy got out of bed and made it to the sink where she washed her face.

After a few splashes, she looked up and saw the bloodshot eyes in her reflection. Grumbling to herself, she tried to push away the dream she had out of her mind, but she couldn’t get rid of it. She thought back to the words Steam spoke of yesterday, how he accused her as a bully, how she enjoyed hurting others..

It’s not true, growled Ditzy, I’m not a bully! I’m not like one of them! I’m not trying to scare anypony!

That's a lie if I ever heard one, snorted a voice in her head.

It’s not a lie! shouted back Ditzy.

Then why did you smile when that minotaur pissed himself at the end of the match? Why did you go cripple Starfall? Why did you even hit your own teammates and boss them around like a military drill sergeant? demanded her inner voice.

Ditzy didn’t answer. Because she was afraid of knowing the real one if she really asked herself. She looked at the hooves that had helped her rise in fame into the pony that she was, but as she looked at herself in the mirror she wondered if this really was her. How long have I been doing this? Dodgeball, after dodgeball. Day after day. When was the last time I ever had a friend? When did I ever blow bubbles last time?

A growing nauseous feeling began to grow inside of her, and it wasn’t the bad take out she ordered. She shook her head before heading back to the covers, hoping to sleep it all off. Just as she was about to shut her eyes, her door knocked much to her animosity. Sighing, she got back up, and opened the door revealing one of her teammates took one look at her and stepped back.

“Oh dear,” said the female unicorn. “Ditzy are you alright?

“I’m fine,” muttered Ditzy, feeling her head pounding. “Actually, scratch that. I don’t feel good. You guys go to the award ceremony without me.”

The unicorn was flabbergasted upon hearing this. “A-are you sure? I know how much you love being in the spotlight.”

“Just. Go.” ordered Ditzy as she closed the door. She paused for a minute and then opened it up, calling out to the retreating unicorn. “Hey... um...”

“Hyperwave,” answered the mare.

“Right, Hyperwave,” said Ditzy, nervously shuffling her hooves. “Do... do you fear me?”

Hyperwave didn’t say anything for a long time. Until finally, “The reason I’m here, talking to you? It’s because I drew the short straw.”

With that said she left Ditzy to lonely self.


Despite her efforts, Ditzy couldn’t get to sleep. She didn’t know if it was because of the dream or what Hyperwave had just told her, but it didn’t matter. With no desire to go to the award ceremony, she packed a few of her own dodgeballs in her saddlebags and made for the back of the hotel. Taking one in her hooves, Ditzy growled as she threw it at the wall and let it bounce back into her hooves.

“Excuse me, miss?” Ditzy stopped and turned around, spotting a tiny unicorn colt with her team’s shirt on. “Are you Ditzy Doo? Wow! I was hoping to meet with you or the rest of your teammates today! This is so cool! You’re like the best ever! Can I have your autograph?!”

Ditzy shut her eyes and shook her head. “Not now, colt. I’m busy...”

“Oh... okay....” said the colt, looking downward as he sat on his haunches.

She stared at him a bit longer before turning back to the wall and continuing to assault it wit her dodgeball. Stupid Hyperwave. Stupid Steam. I’m not a bad pony! I’m not! she thought to herself.

That’s a joke if I ever heard one, mocked the voice in her head. What kind of “good” pony goes around hurting others so bad it puts them in a hospital? What kind of “good” pony cause fear into the hearts of anypony she doesn’t like?

I... I.... j-just shut up!

You’re not a good pony, Ditzy Doo. You’ve never been one for a long time.

And what? I should just go back to being the pushed around retard? The one that never had anypony care about her? The one that was always hurt?!

“Excuse me, Miss Doo?” the colt cried out, but Ditzy ignored it, focusing on her internal battle.

So hurting others is the only other way? You’re pathetic. All you’ve done is become the very same sort of bully that use to tease you day by day! said the voice, making Ditzy growl.

Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! screamed Ditzy, holding down her ears with her hooves.

Admit! Admit! Just admit you're a demon!

“Um, are you alright?” asked the colt, inching closer in concern.

“I said shut up!” shouted Ditzy turning around and throwing the dodgeball! She heard it smash against something, but quickly opened her eyes when she realized it wasn’t the sound of rubber hitting bricks. Her heart nearly stopped as she looked at the colt who fell on his back, the dodgeball bouncing away from his near limp body.

She made no sudden movements as the colt groaned and slowly got up, blood dripping down his broken muzzle as bits of his broken teeth crumbled upon the ground. He looked at her, with teary eyes of fear and betrayal, as she raised his head and wailed a single word.


Only minutes later did staff of the hotel come out and rush to the foal’s aid as he continued to cry. They tried to ask him what happened, but he said nothing. Others tried to find the one who hurt him, but there was nothing. Nothing but a dodgeball covered in blood.



That single word rang in Ditzy’s head as she flew faster than she ever did towards the edge of Canterlot. A word she had been associated with for years, but never had she believed it true until now. She had hurt a colt, barely older than a foal, in her rage and anger. His wounds. His tears. How many others had she done the same too and never realized until now? What had she become? The one thing she was good at and she used it for destruction.

Tears dripped down Ditzy’s eyes as she continued to fly faster than she ever had before. She need to run. Away from everypony. Away from dodgeball. She was a menace. She wasn’t a champion worthy of respect.

She was a bully.

She was a demon.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” she screamed. “I’m sorry!”


The next day papers reported the disappearance of Ditzy Doo. For two weeks there was a search for the missing star, but nopony found her. Some say she was kidnapped. Others say she was murdered by rivals and buried in a place nopony could find her. A few said she fled in guilt over the actions she had caused over the years.

Rumors came and went with less talk of Ditzy Doo over the years. To all but the most hardcore of Dodgeball fans, or those who played with or against her, she was nothing more than a distant memory.


“... I eventually ended up in Ponyville, living on the streets and hiding from pain sight until I met my husband,” said Derpy, finishing her story. “He took care of me, even after I told him all the horrible things I did. I changed my name and the rest is history...”

She looked at the three ponies who looked at her with shock and, to her surprise, sympathy. Twilight was the first to get up and walk over to Derpy, hugging her. “Oh, Ditzy...”

“Derpy,” corrected Derpy as she pushed Twilight off. “Ditzy Doo is dead. I never want to associate myself with my past ever again, Twilight. I swore I would never again play dodgeball and I would never let that... demon inside of me get unleashed again.” Derpy pounded her hooves against the ground. “I hurt so many ponies that it’s unforgivable. I’ve ruined so many lives... and for what? Glory? Respect? I got neither and ended up with a reputation as infamous as Nightmare Moon. All I want is to be left in peace and never have to deal with this again. I’m sorry girls, I know I would be a big help, but I don’t want to play dodgeball ever again!”

Derpy got up and slowly lifted herself off her hooves. “I’m going now... and keep the muffins. I don’t want them.”

The girls watched as Ditzy flew away, leaving them to their own thoughts. After some silence, Applejack shook her head. “Damnit... Ah don’t know if Ah should feel sorry or be disgusted at her... a story like that? It makes ya wonder...”

Twilight nodded and turned to Rainbow Dash. “We can’t have her on the team. She’s been through enough, Dash. Let’s just let her be.”

Dash frowned and sighed. “Fine. I really was hoping to use her, but... “

“Ah’m with Twilight,” second Applejack. “The poor mare’s been through enough. We can handle Gilda’s team with the team we got.”

“Whatever,” said Dash, flying away.

The girls looked at each other and then at the retreating Derpy who seemed to be more mysterious than ever. Applejack turned to her friend and asked, “Do ya think she’ll be alright?”

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t know....”


At long last the big day was almost here. Tomorrow the tournament was going to begin as well as the big pony vs griffin match. More and more ponies were coming, either to see the matches or to sell merchandise. The mayor had her staff work overtime to find rooming and vacancy for everypony, but with the amount of bits the town was getting it was worth it. Events were held from autograph sessions with the professionals who were visiting to even foal skirmishes for fun and prizes. Some even came seeking the legendary “Crossed-Eyes Demon”, but Derpy had remained unnoticed for now.

In the center of town, Ponyville’s dodgeball team was shaking hooves and talking to other ponies who had come to cheer them on. The only thing that was on everypony’s mind was where Gilda’s team of griffins was. Nopony had seen a single feather of the eagle lion, some even suggesting they were being cowardly.

Rainbow Dash, however, knew better.

“Hey, Dash!”

“Huh?” said Rainbow, snapping out of her daydream. She rubbed her eyes and stared at her five friends who were staring at her with concern.

“You okay, Dashie? You looked like you were zoning out?” said Pinkie Pie, walking towards her. She had a plate of cupcakes on her back which she was selling as free samples to help direct customers towards sugarcube corner. She then gasped. “Oh no! Is your brain is being brainwashed by aliens from outer space! Quick! Put this tin-foil helmet on!”

Rainbow Dash narrowly dodged Pinkie’s efforts to put on the ridiculous hat and brushed her pelt. “Relax, Pinkie. I was just thinking of Derpy...”

“Again, Rainbow?” sighed Applejack, walking over after signing an autograph. “For Pete’s sake, just put it past ya already. The team’s been gettin’ better and don’t ya think that the two of us together are more than enough for whatever goon squad Gilda is gonna come up with?”

“I know it’s just... well...” said Rainbow Dash, she looked at her teammates who looked happy at the attention they were getting. They had improved a lot, but there was still a nagging feeling in her mind that this wasn’t enough. “I know Gilda. When she says she’s gonna do something she’s gonna do it hard and fast. I just know she’s got something planned for us and I really want us to be the best when it comes down full frontal. If we had Derpy...”

“Rainbow, we have to respect her wishes. You know that,” said Applejack, sternly.

“I really wish you girls would just tell us what happened that day,” said Pinkie Pie, frowning. “Maybe then I could cheer Derpy up with a party!”

“Actually, Pinkie, this is somethin’ Ah doubt a party could fix,” replied Applejack, which made Pinkie Pie look at her as if she just heard that Santa Hooves wasn’t real.

Before anypony could say anything else, a loud eagles cry echoed across the town square. Everypony looked up and gasped as a single female griffin swooped down and landed on the street. Raising her head, she glanced at Rainbow Dash and smirked. “What’s up, dweeps? Miss me?”

“Gilda!” cried out Rainbow Dash, flying right in her face. “So you showed up after all, huh?”

“Well, duh. What do you think i am? Some kind of wimp?” barked Gilda, glaring back. She raised an eyebrow. “So where’s your team of lamo’s?”

“Right here!” shouted Rainbow Dash flying back. Her teammates assembled behind her and puffed out their chest, the crowd cheering them on.

Gilda looked at each of them before she started chuckling. Then it soon grew to full on laughter as she pointed to each of the ponies, barely standing. “This is all you could get?! What a joke! Oh, man I almost feel bad that we’re gonna cream you!”

Growling, Rainbow Dash shouted, “Oh yeah?! Well, were is your team?!”

“Oh they should be here right about... now!”

Eight blurs suddenly flew in different directions above, surprising the ponies as they tried to get a good look at them, but all the could see were their huge size. They then came together as one group and landed next to Gilda with a large slam that nearly shook the ground upon hitting it. When everpony found themselves, they all looked at the newcomers and gasped, even Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe it.

For most ponies, the biggest being they had ever seen was Princess Celestia in terms of height, but these eight griffins were just as tall if not taller than even her. Not to mention they had the muscle of a minotaur and the glare of a dragon. They looked more like soldiers that had been through tough training and each of them was bald headed with red war paint on their faces in different designs. Some even wondered if it was blood they were wearing.

Their jersey’s were dark purple with a language that they couldn’t understand, obviously foreign. Gilda smirked and waved her claw at them. “Allow me to introduce the Sibirdia Professional Dodgeball Team. Winner of the Griffin Dodgeball Cup, six years in a row. Trained in the coldest of weathers and have been through the roughest of training.” She started walking down the line, introducing each of them. “We got Bloodlust, Hammerhead, Viper, Dragonbane, Jackknife, Stone Cold, Apex Killer, and Bob.”

“Bob? Really?” muttered Pinkie Pie, with a chuckle, but soon that died out when “Bob” walked over and leaned down at Pinkie.

“Little pony got problem with Bob’s name?” he asked in a thick accent.

“Uh, no. It’s a very nice name...” whispered Pinkie, slowly backing up.

Gilda pulled out a dodgeball and tossed it over to Bob. “Bob here holds the griffin record for the fastest dodgeball throw ever in our history. Why don’t you show them, Bob?”

Bob nodded and turned his attention to a nearby house. He growled and unleashed his through, sending the ball through the air like a speeding bullet. The dodgeball crashed through the house and went through the other side, leaving a giant hole that the occupants looked at with amazement. One of them in the shower, quickly covered herself up and blushed.

The ponies gasped and looked at the griffins, realizing that their so called “victory” was going to be a lot harder than they thought. Applejack shouted, “That ain’t fair! Ya never said we could use professionals! And how the hay do ya even know these fellas?!”

Gilda crossed her forelegs. “For your information, hayseed, I said griffins of my choosing. That meant all I had to do was find these guys and get them to join me. As for how? Let’s just say I have some good connections.” Gilda flew up into the air, along with her team, and grinned. “Better get those treats ready for me and my boys, Rainbow Dash. Because come tomorrow, you and your little dweebs are gonna get the worst beatdown ever!”

The griffins laughed as they flew away, leaving the ponies in a stunned silence.

Author's Note:

Two more chapter to go. Hope you enjoyed. Later