• Published 29th May 2012
  • 5,364 Views, 297 Comments

Derpyball - Rated Ponystar

Derpy and the mane cast vs Gilda and her team of griffins in a dodgeball game

  • ...

Part 7


By The Rated Ponystar

Edited by Clavier

Artwork done by Tzelly (http://tzelly-el.deviantart.com/ )


In just one moment all moral for the ponies had dropped to an all time low. The sight of such massive and intimidating griffins had started to put doubt in the minds of everypony. It was made even worse when information about the Sibirdian team was learned about. Not only were they the best dodgeball team in their homeland, they were one of the top five dodgeball teams on the planet. Rumors even spread that many teams just plain forfeited whenever they were up against them.

Despite this, Rainbow Dash and her friends were determined to keep everypony’s spirits up. Pinkie Pie even pulled out all the stops and planned a huge party at town hall to help turn the frowns upside down. Despite the games, food, dancing, and music, most were still talking in fear over the arrival of the griffins.

Twilight Sparkle, watching the townsfolk from her corner on the side, looked at scene in disappointment. She knew she should have been happy that they had managed to gather enough money for the charity event, but the happiness it was suppose to bring seemed to be overshadowed by despair. She watched as Pinkie Pie, Spike, and the CMC tried to get the party moving with some jokes, dancing, and encouragement, but most were still a bit reluctant.

Shaking her head, Twilight asked, “How could things have gotten so wrong in such a short amount of time?”

“Them griffins just came out of nowhere and spooked us more frightened than a scared possum,” said Applejack, walking towards her friend. She shivered. “Even Ah was nervous just by lookin’ at them.”

“How’s the rest of the team’s moral?” asked Twilight, knowing that she wasn’t going to like the answer.

Applejack sighed. “Big Macintosh and Snowflake are alright. Lyra was a bit scared at first, but she said we can count on her to give it her all tomorrow. Sugarberry, Lucky, and Roseluck, however, looked ready to flee home with their tails between their legs. They even suggested givin’ up, but Dash scolded them and ordered them to come to the stadium tomorrow where she said we would win, but they didn’t really believe her. Lucky even said he was gonna head to the coffin maker tomorrow to give his measurements.”

Twilight sighed, it was worse than she hoped. She looked around her fellow townsponies and realized she had to do something. Politely excusing herself, Twilight rushed onto the hall’s stage and summoned a nearby microphone. “Um, excuse me, everypony!” The music went off as everypony stopped what they were doing and focused on Twilight. Clearing her throat, she said, “Look, everypony, I know some of us are still a bit down from learning just how tough are opponents are gonna be...”

A few mumbles in the crowd emerged from this.

“... but that doesn’t mean we’re not tough as well!” said Twilight stomping her hoof. She tried to quickly think of a way to help turn them around, and in the process remembered a lesson from one of her history books. Beaming, she continued, “Let me tell you about a story. It’s similar in nature to what we are facing today, but different in context. Over two hundred years ago, Equestria was at war with the griffins. During this time, we were invaded and what stood in the way of a great army was a single pony village. They were small in numbers, but their hearts and spirits were large. When the village learned of the mighty army coming towards their village, through the misty mountains, did they cower in fear? Did they give themselves up to the griffins?”

She could see all eyes focused on here, which made her smirk as she shouted, “They did not! They sent one thousand of their greatest warriors to fight against an army of ten thousand! And who was behind them, cheering all the way and giving them the courage and strength needed to fight this enemy?! Their village! And with the support and love from their village they were able to hold off the enemy, using the terrain they knew better than anyone, to hold off the griffin army until Princess Celestia, leading an army of her own, came and defeated them! Although they suffered many casualties, they proved that even a simple town, just like this one, can help topple a great foe!”

By now the ponies were stomping their hooves, their faces of worry turning to awe and realization. Twilight had them in the center of her hoof and now it was time to finish her speech with a final kick.

“While we are at peace with the griffins, and most are kind and good natured, Gilda and her goons are not! They seek to take advantage of our charity and our hard work! They mock us for thinking we’re weak! Well, we’ll show them wrong! Just like the village two hundred years ago, we will raise our voices, support our dodgeball team, and show once again that we ponies can kick flank!”

Cheers erupted as everypony started screaming, “Ponyville! Ponyville! Ponyville!”

Twilight smiled and walked back down towards Applejack who was nodding in approval. “Land sakes girl, ya sure know how to motivate folk. Ah think not even the princesses themselves could have done a finer job. It’s gotten me all pumped up for tomorrow now!”

Blushing, Twilight rubbed the back of her neck. “It was nothing. I bet Rainbow Dash could have made a better speech anyway.” She turned to the ponies who were now partying for real this time. Gone were the worried looks and depressed faces, instead they showed pride and excitement. Seeing her party finally coming to fruition, Pinkie Pie could start enjoying it herself instead of making other enjoy it.

“Speaking of which, where is Rainbow Dash anyway?” asked Applejack.

Twilight scratched her head. That was a good question. Where could she be?


While most of Ponyville’s residence were at the party, one particular crossed-eyed pegasus was walking back home with the ingredients needed for today’s dinner on her back. She was glad for the distraction, finding it harder to avoid everypony asking questions on who she was. The reporters were the worst, asking her why she didn’t go professional or if she was ever gonna come out of retirement.

Derpy only flew as fast as she could to avoid them, but still they persisted. It was only a miracle that her daughter didn’t know any of the darker parts of her past, and she prayed she never did. But once the tournament is over everypony will forget about it. I can go back to being Derpy the clumsy mailmare.

She was about to turn the corner to her house when somepony shouted, “Hey! Derpy!”

Recognizing the voice, she sighed and turned around, watching Rainbow Dash land nearby much to her annoyance. “What do you want, Rainbow Dash?”

The leader of Ponyville’s dodgeball team walked straight up to her and pointed. “I want you to join our team.”

“No,” answered Derpy, immediately. She tried to walk away, but Dash stepped in front of her. “We already had this conversation and my answer is final.”

“Yeah, and I want you to hear me out,” said Rainbow Dash, flaring her wings. “Listen, I get it. You had a rough time with dodgeball, and you went too far. But that’s in the past and you made a mistake. You’re older now, and all of us could really use you! Don’t you care about our town’s pride?! Or the fact that Pinkie and all the baker’s will lose their treats?!”

“You were the ones who started the whole mess by agreeing to the stupid bet, not me,” said Derpy.

“And yet everypony in town, but you, has tried their best to show Gilda that we ponies are awesome!” said Rainbow Dash. “Even your daughter, Dinky, has been cheering us on!”

“Leave my daughter out of this!” shouted Derpy, her eyes straightening and giving a glare that nearly made Dash flinch, but she still held strong.

“I’m only speaking the truth!” answered Dash, not backing down. “You think you’re the only pony who's made mistakes or hurt ponies in their life? We’ve all done things were not proud off, but hiding from them and never acknowledging them only causes more pain. What helps us is accepting our problems and moving on from them. You’re a great dodgeball player, regardless of what you might think, and I know you're a good pony, despite your past. If I really didn’t trust you then I wouldn’t be here asking for your help.”

“Why do you even care?! You never liked me! You always called me names or said how much trouble I was!” shouted Derpy, shoving Rainbow Dash back and flaring her nostrils. “You think I never knew what some ponies in town thought of me?! I can’t help that I have these eyes or always get into accidents! It’s who I am!”

“Yeah, and I’ve always respected you for it!” shouted Dash.

Hearing this, Derpy’s eyes lost their anger and soon showed confusion as she stepped back. “W-what are you talking about?”

Sighing, Rainbow Dash looked to her right and scratched her leg. “Look, I know... I’ve made some bad comments about you before, but truth is... I actually really think you’re a tough pony. I mean you always get into accidents or cause property damage, but then you get right back up, with that positive smile of yours, and keep trying. It almost reminds me of me when I was younger...”

Derpy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. While Rainbow Dash had never been an outright bully to her, she had never been a friend either. She tried to find some sign that she was lying, but, to her shock, Depry couldn’t find any.

“You’re a single mother who works day and night to make sure Dinky is provided for. And anytime you made a mistake you did your best to fix it. Sure you're a klutz, but nopony is perfect,” answered Dash, rubbing the back of her neck and blushing. “This town has accepted you for who you are, Derpy, but now we need you! Do you want to see all your friends disappointed if we lose? Do you want to see all our hard work end up meanless?” Rainbow Dash glared and pointed at Derpy. “The fact that you have the power to help us, but refuse too, is what pisses me off the most. You have a great gift, and yet you squander it out of fear.”

“B-but... but...” Ditzy wiped a few tears from her eyes. “But what if I hurt somepony! What if I become that demon again!”

Rainbow Dash calmly placed a hoof on her shoulder. “I’m not asking for Ditzy Doo The Crossed-Eyed Demon to fight alongside me. I’m asking for Derpy Hooves The Mailmare.”

“Dash...” whispered Derpy as she saw the other pegasus fly overhead and look down at her.

“I won’t force you to join us, Derpy. But I know you’ll make the right choice in the end,” said Dash before flying away.

Derpy stood there for a long time before she finally made her way back home.


“I’m home!” shouted Derpy, kicking the door behind her shut. She marched into the living room and put the groceries on the table. She blinked and realized that her daughter hadn’t rushed towards her for a hug like she always did. Normally, she wouldn't be so worried about this, but she had a bad feeling in the bottom of her gut.

Hoofsteps were heard and she turned around to see a worried Carrot Top. Sensing something was wrong, Derpy asked, “Carrot? What’s wrong? Where’s Dinky?” Upon the mentioning of her daughter’s name, Carrot winced and rubbed the back of her neck. This only made Derpy even more worried. “Carrot?”

“I’m sorry, Depry,” apologized Carrot Top, lowering her head in shame. “I tried my best to have her avoid the rumors but... she got to curious and asked the reporters and she learned.... we learned everything.”


“Yes, everything,” answered Carrot Top.

Derpy fell onto her haunches, her eyes misting in disbelief. No... no, I never wanted her to learn... oh goodness, she hates me! She hates me!

“How... did you...” asked Derpy, fighting the tears.

“I learned the moment you freaked out all the trainers,” answered Carrot Top sheepishly. “I kept silent because I knew you had your reasons, Ditzy...”

“Derpy!” hissed the crossed-eyed pegasus. “Never call me that!”

“S-sorry!” apologized Carrot Top, shivering. “I figured there was a reason you don't want your daughter to know and the stories I heard,” she shivered again, “I can understand why.”

Derpy covered her eyes and started crying, Carrot Top slowly embraced her and let the pegasus weep on her shoulders. It was over. The one pony she never wanted to learn about her past now knew it. She could already hear her daughter crying and yelling at her, calling her a monster and a bully. She cursed herself again; for her past for everything she had done since taking up that first dodgeball years ago. I don’t want to lose her! Please!

“You need to talk to her,” said Carrot Top.

“B-but... what if she hates me?” asked Derpy, only to get stern look from her roommate and closest friend.

“Hate you?! Dinky would never hate you? Are you forgetting how many times she’s called you her hero? The smiles she gives you every day? Or that one time you were so sick she refused to go to school for days until you were better?” asked Carrot Top, shaking her head. “Dinky loves you, Derpy. That little filly is a sweet and innocent as the day she came into this world. She’s just... confused.”

Taking a deep breath, Derpy nodded and slowly made her way towards the staircase. Before she could take the first step, she turned to Carrot Top and smiled. “Thank you, Carrot. I’m glad you’re my best friend despite knowing my secret.”

Carrot Top shook her head. “Derpy, you and I have been friends for years. Something like this isn’t gonna break it. You and I have been through a lot and we’ll continue to do so. Now get up there and hug and kiss that little muffin of yours.”

With her best friends words in her heart, Derpy nodded and walked up the stairs. Each step made her heart leap and her nerves twinge in panic. A hundred scenarios went through her head a she tried to calm herself, but ended up missing a lot of stairs along the way resulting in some falls. Eventually, she managed to reach the top of the staircase and turned to the first door on the right, her daughter’s room.

She slowly raised her hoof and knocked on the door. “Dinky? It’s me, Mommy. Can I come in?”

The door unlocked and, taking that as a good sign for the most part, Derpy walked inside. Her daughters room was like most fillies around her age, bright and colorful with a lot of toys and school stuff. One of the things her daughter liked to do was draw, and she had a lot of drawings nailed to the wall. They mostly consisted of Derpy herself, but sometimes it was other ponies like the CMC, Luna and Celestia, Pinkie Pie, Carrot Top, and some strange stallion her daughter said she met one night and visited a few times after, traveling in his strange blue box. Of course he was mostly just some kind of pony her daughter dreamed of.

As for Dinky herself, her little unicorn was sulking on the bed, looking at her mother with big, sad eyes. It nearly broke Derpy in half to think that she was the cause of her daughter’s sorrow.

“Hi, Mommy,” whispered Dinky.

“Hey, Muffin...” muttered Derpy.

Dinky shuffled her hooves a bit before she raised her head and asked the million dollar question. “Did you really hurt ponies playing dodgeball, Mommy?”

Derpy held back a choke with her first thoughts were to lie and tell her daughter that they were just nasty rumors, but she held back. Closing her eyes, she shameful nodded. “Yes, Dinky. I... was a bully... a very mean one...”

“Why?” asked Dinky, showing no emotion but confusion. Derpy didn’t blame her. She had always been her daughter’s hero, even more so the then Princesses could ever be. To shatter such innocence, it only broke Derpy’s heart even more.

“I wanted... I wanted others to feel my pain, from being bullied,” answered Derpy, lowering her head as tears dripped down her face. “I convinced myself that I was doing it to gain respect, but the truth is I was tired of being hurt and bullied to the point where I wanted to cause the same thing to others. Do you remember why I told you to never strike back against Diamond Tiara, no matter what she says?”


“It’s because all hatred does is breed more hatred and hurt others. It’s nothing but a cruel feeling, Dinky,” muttered Derpy. “One that I never got a chance to learn until I realized too late. And now you're ashamed of me, I won’t blame you if you are.”

Dinky sat on her bed, silent for a long time. Then she got off and walked over to her mother before lifting her head up so they could see each other, despite Derpy’s eyes wandering in different directions. “Do you feel sorry for what you’ve done?” asked Dinky. Derpy nodded and then, to the pegasus’ shock, her daughter smiled and nuzzled her. “It’s okay, Mommy. I forgive you.”

“You... forgive me... just like that?” asked Derpy, falling to her haunches with her mouth wide open. “Even though I just admitted that I was a bully long ago?”

“That’s right, ‘long ago’. You’re not one anymore and you feel really sorry for it! You told me if somepony made a mistake, and feels really sorry, that pony should be forgive and everypony should move on!” said Dinky, surprising her mother further by giving her a hug. “I’m never gonna stop loving you, Mommy! Never!”

A smile stretched across Derpy’s muzzle as she held her daughter and kissed her on the forehead. “Oh, Muffin... thank you... thank you...” Never before had she ever felt so relieved. It was like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders and she could fly free.

The mother and daughter held each other tight, their love still strong.


It was finally here. The big event that everyone had been waiting for. The charity went off to a great start, with ponies filling the newly constructed stadium, paying their way in. Merchandise and food were being sold at the various stands, earning more payment for the charity from ponies who wanted to support their fellow ponies or wanted to give their fillies and colts something to remember the event by. In just two hours, the seats were all filled with, everypony chatting about the upcoming tournament; giving their opinions on which team would win and why. It wasn’t just commoners who were here to see the dodgeball tournament as well. Famous ponies such as the Wonderbolts, Fancy Pants, Photo Finish, and many more were seated in the high box games. There was even a box for Princess Celestia and Luna should they decided to come, but they announced that they couldn’t favorite one town’s charity event over another so they sent two representatives. A unicorn with a pink mane and white coat named Sunny, and pegasus with a short dark blue mane and a light blue coat named Lulu.

Reporters from all over Equestria, and even some griffin ones, were trying to find the best spots to report all the action. The sight of some griffins, both reporters and in the stands, had unnerved a few ponies due to Gilda and her teams intimidating arrival, but to their surprise some of them were actually wearing Ponyville’s colors.

The Sibirdia vs Ponyville game was the one everyone was looking forward too. Bets were being lined up, with most of the odds supporting the Sibirdia team much to disappointment of others. However, there were some who were whispering rumors that the Crossed-Eyed Demon, Ditzy Doo, had been spotted in town and some were wondering if she would show up to support her fellow ponies. Other said she was going to face both teams and destroy them all.

In truth, Derpy had been at the stadium, but with a disguise. Dinky and Carrot Top had wanted to see the tournament, but the former wanted her mother to come so she could explain the game better. Although she loathed to see any dodgeball game again, she felt it was the right thing to do for her daughter after lying to her all these years. With a fedora, mustache, shades, and long trench coat to cover her cutie mark, Derpy and her companions sat at the front row where they could see the best action.

“This is so exciting! I can’t wait to see us ponies kick those griffins in the butt! Go Ponyville!” cried out Dinky, wearing a Ponyville hat while waving her flag in excitement.

Derpy couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her daughter’s beaming face. She’s really getting into his... maybe I should let her explore more about dodgeball. It’s not right for me to limit her to it just because of my issues.

Carrot Top, eating her popcorn with a large soda by the side, noticed her best friend smiling and chuckled. “And you didn’t want to come originally.”

Derpy blushed. “I just want to make her happy. She’s really into this...”

“Yeah, did you know she’s been playing the game at school during recess?” asked Carrot Top earning a surprise look from Derpy. “According to what I hear, she’s got her mother’s talent. But don’t worry, she’s always showing good sportsmanship when she wins or loses.”

Although this made Derpy relax a bit, she couldn’t help but worry about this. Looking at the innocent filly that was everything to her, Derpy wondered if she should continue to allow her daughter to keep pursuing her interest in dodgeball. If it was something her daughter loved doing, she had no right to prevent her and should support her all the way. But what if she becomes like I did... I don’t want her to become a demon...

“Look! It’s Miss Twilight!” shouted Dinky, snapping her mother out of her thoughts.

Everypony watched as Twilight Sparkle, the lead planner of the event, come up to the middle of the stadium field with a microphone levitating by her side. Clearing her throat, she spoke as her voice echoed across the stadium. “Fillies and gentlecolts! I would like to welcome you all to Ponyville’s Help the Needy fundraiser correspondence with other towns and cities around our great nation. Already we have made twice our original goal with your support and we thank you all once again!”

A large eruption of cheers came from the audience. When it settled down, Twilight continued, “And without further ado, let the games begin!”

Everypony cheered again as the first two teams of the tournament took their spots and prepared themselves...


Derpy had to admit, it felt good to once again feel the energy of dodgeball. The roaring crowd, the strategies deployed, seeing players move around and sweat, the excitement of seeing hits and near misses and so forth. It reminded her of the times when dodgeball was fun once in her life, before Starfall’s betrayal and her descent into the monster she was famous for being.

What made her even more energetic was the sight of Dinky’s face. She was absolutely into the whole tournament, cheering for her teams when they won and moaning when they lost. She had never seen her daughter so passionate about something before and, if Carrot Top was right earlier, she was good at then maybe she would develop a cutie mark for dodgeball.

And if she does I’ll make sure she doesn’t become like me, thought Derpy.

She looked at the tournament board and realized that they had come to the halfway point of the tournament. Meaning it was time for the griffin vs pony game. She wasn’t the only one to realize this as the crowd began to speak in more excited tones. An announcement was heard from the speakers. “Fillies and Gentlecolts, it is now time for the match you have all be waiting for!”

The entrance music for the Sibirdia team started to play as one by one big brutes marched in like an army. Many members of the audience started to boo or hiss at the team of bullies, but they showed no emotion on their way down to the court. Only Gilda showed a smile on her face, but the kind that spoke of cunning and deviousness. Derpy had yet to see this group of professionals, but now that she could, she could already tell that Dash and her team were up against trouble.

“Introducing the visiting team: Bloodlust, Hammerhead, Viper, Dragonbane, Jackknife, Stone Cold, Apex Killer, Bob, and Gilda!”

Just by their stance showed how disciplined they were, the fact that their eyes were focused on the court meant they were already in a battle mode. Not to mention she could see power in those eyes, power that made even her tremble a bit. Their bodies were build for both power and speed, meaning that each of them was just as skilled as the other, giving her also a hint that they worked as a team, with little to no ego about each other.

“Those griffins are scary,” muttered Dinky, moving closer to her mother.

Derpy wrapped a wing around her little muffin’s tiny body and whispered, “It’s okay. They’re not gonna hurt you.”

The Sibirdia team finally made it to their side of the court and waited for their opponents to arrive. They didn’t have to wait long as the entrance music for Ponyville’s team started and everyone in the stands jumped in cheers. Rainbow Dash lead the team, followed by Applejack and the rest who waved their hoofs or wings at their fans. Banners and posters could be seen at every corner of the stadium with some even throwing roses.

The all pony team sucked it up like a sponge and began posing or cheering with the crowd; Snowflakes famous “YEAH!”’s were even heard across the stadium. Everypony cheered louder as their names were announced. “And introducing the home team, our very own Ponyville citizens fighting for our honor: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Lyra, Big Macintosh, Snowflake, Sugarberry, Lucky, and Roseluck!”

Dinky and Carrot Top were cheering for their team like everypony else. Everypony, but Derpy. She quickly looked at the team Dash had formed and then back at the Sibirdian’s, coming up with a quick analysis on how things were going to go down. It’s gonna be a slaughter.

She knew in her heart that Dash’s team had no chance against these professionals. They were made for the sport, and while most of Ponyville’s team had top athletes, they didn’t train years to be as good as she could tell the griffins had. Experience would be the ultimate deciding factor in the game, and it would take only a miracle for Ponyville to win. She felt sick, imaging the disappointed looks on everypony’s faces when they saw their heroes utterly beaten while the griffins would help themselves to all the bake sale’s food.

And worst of all, she could just imagine her daughter’s sorrowful expression when they lost. That was enough to make her feel really sick.

They might have a chance if had joined them, a voice inside her pointed out.

Derpy shook her head. Regardless of her sympathy and worry, she wasn’t going to play again. She promised long ago and she was going to keep that promise. Trying to push such thoughts away, she instead tried to focus on the game as the two captains, Gilda and Rainbow Dash, made their way to the center.


Rainbow Dash knew the odds were against them, but she had faced odds before and shoved them back up logics nostrils. Standing tall, she met up with Gilda at the center where the referee, a unicorn, met with them. He gave both of them a serious look in the eye. “Now I want a nice, clean game between you two. I’m not playing favorites and you will obey my rules. Understood?” The two captains nodded. “Good, shake and let’s do this.”

Gilda and Rainbow Dash shook, but snarled nonetheless. “Get ready to lose, Rainbow Crash.”

“In your dreams, Gilda.”

The two captains retreated and formed up, ready to run or fly at the line of dodgeballs in the middle of the courtyard. All was quiet in the stadium, so much so a pin could drop and all could hear it. The referee looked at both teams before putting his hoof up.


Gilda licked her chops in anticipation.

“... set...”

Rainbow Dash flared her nostrils.

“... Dodgeball!”

Both teams took off in a flash and the game was on.

Author's Note:

One more chapter to go, it's gonna be the longest so I'll need to time make it epic and awesome.