• Published 2nd Oct 2015
  • 11,486 Views, 307 Comments

Fractured Bonds - Midnight Ronin

Spike is accused of a crime he didn't commit and his friends and family turned their backs on him. There is only one who can understand the hatred in his heart of being betrayed and Spike will use that hate to severe the ties once and for all.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Butterflies


Silence was the only thing that currently resided within Ponyville. This silence was brought on by the aftermath of an explosion at the Element of Kindness’s home, and within the flames of the said explosion stood the creature that stood out above all others within a pony filled town and then everyone watched in silence as that figure faded away without a word, leaving all spectators silent.

Well almost everyone.

“Spike...” Twilight mumbled to herself as she watched the rest of Fluttershy's home get consumed by the green flames.

“D-Did you see...that?” Rarity whispered to Applejack, who only stood in shock.

“Fluttershy...” Rainbow Dash whispered to herself before flying straight up into the sky to grab and bring down a big gray cloud. She gave it one strong punch, causing the moisture sealed within to be deposited over the burning cottage.

Once the flames were extinguished, Twilight dashed through the massive hole in the roof and landed inside, ending up in Fluttershy's room. Because of the explosion, the entire second floor was leveled so everything underneath was crushed.

Once standing and thinking straight, Twilight dropped to one knee as her senses were overwhelmed with the foul stench of Fluttershy's dead animals, bringing the taste of vomit to her mouth. “Be strong Twilight.” Twilight whispered to herself before leaning up to inspect the room.

“So much damage! Spike....how could you…?” Twilight looked around at the devastation in shock until her eyes landed on the center of the room and there she saw Rainbow Dash, on her knees. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called out to her as she slowly made her way past the burned down doorway leading into Fluttershy's room. “What are you-” Twilight's sentence soon came to a halt as she saw what gained her friend's attention.

Before Rainbow Dash's knees was black scorch markings of their friend that was seared into the wooden floor with the remains of a few burnt feathers that have now been turned to ash.

“No, F-Fluttershy....” Twilight thought as she raised a hand over her mouth. "To use flames of such intensity and power that would only leave an outline of her body…" Tears trailed down Twilight's eyes as she looked at the horror before her. The pain that their dear friend must have endured before her demise, must have been excruciating.

Rainbow Dash was no better, in fact she was worse off. Yes, everypony loved Fluttershy, but she held a special place in Rainbow Dash's heart. She was her first true friend next to Gilda. She always stood up for Fluttershy when she was being picked on by bullies. She was also the one that Rainbow would confide in when she was at her lowest, something she would never tell to anypony, regardless of how close they were. Heck even her parents are unaware of their daughter's struggles in life. They had bond so strong, so close that Fluttershy was like a sister to her.

“I-I should have been here... I could have saved her.” Rainbow Dash clenched her eyes tightly as tears streamed out. “Anything! W-We should have prepared for something like this. We should have- I should have done something... Fluttershy... I'm so sorry. Damn it! Why?!”

As Rainbow Dash grieved over her friend, Twilight realized that they couldn't stay there forever. The citizens of Ponyville, the ones that now stand in front of Fluttershy's burnt down cottage, waited outside to hear the sensitive news of the local animal caretaker, especially their friends, who were waiting anxiously for them to return and deliver, hopefully some good news of their friend.

“Rainbow Dash” Twilight spoke in a low whisper that rivaled their now deceased friend. “We need to go...” Rainbow didn't respond. Her head hang low as her tears dripped onto the blackened surface of Fluttershy's silhouette. “Rainbow...” Twilight took a few steps towards Rainbow Dash before placing a hand on her shoulder. “Come on.” Twilight took a deep breathe to add some strength in her next coming words. “I need for you to gather our friends and tell them to meet me at the castle. I'll make sure to clear everypony outside. Please Rainbow.”

Rainbow Dash slowly stood up and nodded her head. “Alright Twilight, I'll let them know.”

“Thanks Rainbow.” Twilight glanced back at Fluttershy's scorch mark. “P-Princess Celestia needs to be informed of what happened.” With that Rainbow Dash flapped her wings upwards as she made her way through the huge hole in the roof with Twilight close behind, gaining the attention of the waiting citizens. As they made their way to the ground, Twilight spoke to the crowd of ponies as Rainbow Dash made her way over to her friends.

“I know you all have many questions that you want answered, but I'm afraid I won't be able to answer them at this time. I will give you all an update at a future time.” Twilight began to make her way to her friends, who were preparing to make their way to the castle, until a voice stopped her.”

“Princess Twilight, please wait!” A female horse with a light pink rose mane with a wine colored coat shouted to the Alicorn.

“Yes, Miss. Cheerilee?” Twilight addressed the school teacher of the Ponyville School.

“Was that… That was Spike, wasn't it?”

Twilight looked into her eyes and nodded her head slowly. “Yes... that was him.” At that moment another pony was about to ask a question, only to be put to a stop by Twilight's next words. “I'll let you all know of any future information that I'll come across. Please go home and lock your doors until tomorrow morning. I'll check in on everyone tomorrow.” And with that Twilight's horn lit up before she teleported in a flash of purple light to her castle, where she would wait for her friends who had already left to make their way to her castle.

Inside the burnt cottage, a single yellow feather floated down ever so slowly.

Twilight reappeared in a flash of light on the front step of the castle staircase. There she waited for her friends to show up quietly and soon enough they did. As they made their way up the steps, they only gave each other a slight glance before going inside to discuss the loss of their friend.

“...and that's what we found inside of Fluttershy's home.” Twilight speaks to her friends, minus Rainbow Dash, giving them all of the details of their findings.

Twilight stood in the center of the room while her friends sat along the wide couch that was located in one of the lounges in the castle. While everyone was very attentive to what Twilight was saying. Rainbow Dash opted to close her eyes in a vain attempt to calm her storm of emotions. All she could think about was Fluttershy and the more she thought about her, the more pain she felt. It wasn't just anger she felt, it was also despair.

“S-So it's true. Fluttershy i-is really...” Rarity bit her lip, unable to finish the sentence, but even if she didn't, Twilight knew and so as a response, all she could do was nod her head.

“Yes... afraid so.” Twilight looked towards her other friends, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash in sadness. They were silent and Twilight understood why. Applejack held her brown hat down over her eyes as her left hand squeezed her left leg, possibly to resist the urge to cry. Pinkie Pie just stared at the floor, her once bright pink mane was deflated and gloomy grey. Rainbow Dash… she had already experienced what had happened. Twilight could tell that she was suffering much more than the others and as much as she wanted to support her, she had a job to do and it was crucial that it was accomplished as soon as possible.

“Alright everypony, I'll be back in a bit. I really need to send a letter to the princess, so they can be aware of has happened.” Only Rarity looked towards and spoke. “Go ahead. We understand.” Twilight nodded and left the room towards a room that had a writing desk with parchment, ink and quills. Once she got settled at the desk she prepared the parchment by opening it out before writing to her mentor.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I apologize for the time of this letter's arrival, but this is of the utmost importance. My friend Fluttershy was murdered at 11:35 P.M. Or rather this is the presumed time of death. While I wasn't able to find a her body, I can only assume that her body was converted from a solid to a gas, by extraordinarily high heat temperatures. Her home was destroyed by green flames and within those flames I saw Spike. Before anypony could make a move towards him or even say a word, he vanished within the flames. A part of me wish it was all in my head, just a weird reflection of the light, but I know better than that. It was him. I await your desired action to take for this matter. Please respond back as soon as you can.

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Twilight rolled up the parchment before it poofed away in purple light. “I hope she responds soon...” As Twilight stood at her desk, she reminisced to her first time meeting Fluttershy with Spike. “Why her?” Twilight whispered to herself. Her eyes soon shifted to a picture that rested at the edge of her desk, a picture of her friends and from there all she could do was think of her dear friend, a friend who taught her kindness, a pony of five who taught her the meaning of friendship, who helped her to become the very princess of what she didn't care too much about at first.

Twilight winced as her heart ached from the bond she had with her dear friend just vanished before her. Her heart and mind finally accepting the reality of what had just happened, to fully comprehend what had just occurred. Their friend, the Element of Kindness, the one who taught her a valuable lesson in friendship, was gone from Equestria forever.

“Fluttershy...” Twilight finally broke down and rested her head on her desk as her sobs started to fill the room.

Canterlot Castle

“Get ready sister, he approaches.”

Both Princess Celestia and Luna sat upon their thrones as they witness a body of a royal guard crashing through one of mural windows before hitting and rolling across the ground.

“It's come to this.” Princess Celestia mumbled to herself as the huge double doors to the throne room were forced open.

“Well well, princesses of Equestria, it has been awhile since we last met face to face.”

Celestia glared at the figure that now entered the throne room, breaking the door frame as he forced his large frame through the small entrance. “Tirek....” With each step the behemoth took towards the throne the ground shook a little from his weight.

“This time I shall take from you what should have been mine and nothing will stand in my way.”

Before Luna could make a retort that would cause the sudden atmosphere to explode in a fierce battle, Celestia spoke out first.

“Why Spike?”

Luna's eyes widened as she looked at her sister.

“Why Spike?” A wicked grin formed on Tirek's face as an eerie yellow glowed from his pupils. “Because he…”

Celestia woke up in her queen size bed of the finest silk and cotton as the sound of teleportation startled her from her dream. Before her was a floating rolled up parchment surrounded in a purple aura that had a royal stamp that is used by Twilight on it. Celestia took hold of the parchment in her magical aura, preparing to opening it before her bedroom doors burst open to her little sister who ran it.

“Sister are you okay?” Luna asked in an anxious tone as she made her way to her bedside.

“Yes sister, I am fine. I… I believe I had another vision like before.”

“Yes, I remember. It was when Tirek escaped from Tartarus for the first time.... I too had the same dream.” Luna's gaze traveled from her sister to the floating parchment that floated in front of her. “Another letter from your student? What does it say?”

“I'm about to find out.” Celestia's magic unrolled the paper and straightened it out in front of her so she could read its contents.

Once Celestia finished, the scroll dropped to the bed sheets as a she leaped out of bed, walking fast towards her walk in closet for proper wear.

“What's going on sister. Did something happen?”

“Yes! Spike was in Ponyville not to long ago! Call the guards!” She said in fear.

Luna's eyes widened as she took a step forward towards her sister's closet. “And what happened?”

Celestia didn't answer, she put on some footwear before making her way back to her sister.

“Tell me Tia, what happened?” Luna asked again, this time with sternness in her voice.

“The Element of Kindness, Fluttershy, she was murdered.” Celestia looked her sister in the eyes. “I'm heading to Ponyville immediately with a few guards.”

“Murdered!?” Luna asked in shock and anger. “W-what did he do!?” Asking that question only made Celestia grimace before passing by Luna to grab her crown. That reaction was all Luna needed to understand the situation of the pegasi. “Then I'm coming with you.”

“No, Luna!” Celestia turned towards Luna. “I need for you to stay here to protect Canterlot in case Tirek or Spike make any attempts at attacking the city.”

Luna nodded and Celestia made her way out of the room. “Just be careful sister.” She said.

As roughly as 30 minutes went by, Twilight and her friends remained in the lounge area within the castle. Sitting in complete silence, already expressing their pains, rage and sorrows with each other over their lost, including cursing Spike's name, on Rainbow Dash’s part, they awaited the princess of their land to arrive and just as if their singular desire became reality, a flash of golden light filled the room as Celestia stood there wearing a mesh of clothing and armor that had the outline of the sun on the center plate. In a square with the princess of the sun in the center, where four royal guards, each holding a spear in one hand while having a sword in its sheath strapped to their back.

Celestia held a serious expression on her face, before shifting to a look of concern. “I got the news Princess Twilight and my subjects. I am sorry to hear the painful news of our friend Fluttershy. I wish my timing to arrive here, wasn't for such dangers.”

All of Twilight’s friends slumped in sadness.

“Yes, I wish the circumstances were different too, but..” Twilight took a deep breathe before continuing, “i-it's true.”

“Twilight, I want you to take me over to Fluttershy's home, while you give the details of your findings.”

“Yes, your highness.” Twilight turned towards her friends who waited for the next action they should take. “ You should all go to bed and get some rest, we could all use some rest after what just happened. We may need to be fully rested for what's to come tomorrow.”

Her friends only nodded their heads before slowly getting up and making their way out, saying they goodbyes, all except Rainbow Dash, whose mind was elsewhere.

Celestia and Twilight flew from the ceiling hole in Fluttershy's cottage before landing outside on the grass as two more royal guards make their way inside to gather as much evidence as possible.

Celestia stood there in silence and it was understandable. Death consumed that home, with various dead and burned animals scattered about, leaving a sickening scent that made her want to gag.

“Princess,” Twilight started. “What should we do?”

Celestia took a deep breathe as her horn began to light. “I'll need time to go over the evidence. I need for you to keep the citizens of Ponyville secure. They need to believe that Ponyville is safe, so I need you to stay here. Do you understand?”

“Yes princess I understand.”

“I'm afraid I must go. I need to relay this information to Luna. She will want to know the full details of what has happened. We will need to prepare a funeral for her....” And with that Celestia's horn lit up in a golden light before vanishing away in a bright light, leaving Twilight alone in the dark, burnt home of a once happy and lively Fluttershy.

Author's Note:

Well I don't have much to say for my notes, but as always I would like to thank you all for your patience in waiting for these chapters, cause I know I take forever in uploading.

Editor: The Pony Spartan

Also, Happy Thanksgiving! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 88 )

And this is only the beginning, I really wish the next one wold be Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie. I really want to see what Twilight will do without the elements of Laughter and Loyalty.

I'm not convinced that Fluttershy is dead. Spike could have easily taken her. After all there was no body. But after all that she's probably dead.

Only NOW do they truly give a D(&^ about evidence! But then again it's not like Spike was a pony or anything, they only needed enough for a kangaroo court the last time

7660186 yes he could have but revenge is a mean to share our pain , in a bad way yes , but it is

Poor Fluttershy :fluttercry:
But in all honesty I'm not angry with Spike I'm more disappointed simply cause if the main 6 and princesses hadn't turned the backs on Spike none of this would Be happening in the first place :pinkiecrazy:

Ponyville? Safe? Ahahahahaha, they're so boned.

inb4 all the Fluttershy fanboys crawl out the woodwork demanding Spike's head on a platter

Also, whats my betting Fluttershy isn't really dead and that Spike saved her at the last second

7746377 it would be quite the cop out

Dude this is actually pretty dam good story, a good read that I haven't found of many others for awhile

Yes! 150 likes!!! :pinkiehappy:

I'm glad to know that I'm doing something right!

Love this story! Any updates on the next chapter?

7978948 You have one epic imagination.

You make me want to commission an artist to draw that scene out.

is the next one almost done?

Comment posted by Sadistic Joy deleted Apr 9th, 2017

I'm tempted to say: IS THE NEXT CHAPTER DONE YET?!?!?!?!
Holy shit. I just said it.

Anyway, I keep reading this story. I've repeated for the 4th time.

8028672 Ironically, you're profile picture is Jeff the Killer only ponified.

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

Not to rush you or anything but are you going to update anytime soon?

I really hope your close to another chapter. :moustache:

I shall read more of this story... I like where its going.

For the time being I think I still consider this abandoned.

I'm working on it and I'll never abandon this story.

Just a P.O.V. for the time being.

Really difficult to hold it in for another chapter. Xo Trying though, and I'll say this again -

It shows how much they actually "cared" when with Shy's "death" they're falling all over themselves to find evidence of such a disaster and yet with Spike's framing it took one look for them to declare him guilty.

No investigation.

No trust in his words.

Just one look at the flimsy "evidence" and he's instantly guilty. That hypocrisy is going to come back to bite them and hard.

Comment posted by Telwyn Freecolt deleted Jan 16th, 2018

I also believe that. I also believe Spike never left the building and was hiding on the ceiling with an unconscious Fluttershy, hence the feather falling from the ceiling. Maybe Spike channeled his breath not to harm flesh but everything around it.

*Takes Look At Claim & Date* Uh huh. That's why it's been over a year since it was updated then? *Sigh* Down-voted and unfavorited. I don't do slower than a snail at updating authors.

You know, it's funny, just yesterday I was looking at this story, just to see where I left off and I nearly screamed when I saw the last time this was updated.

This is unacceptable. I'm fixing this now.

I'm giving your comment a thumbs up for my neglect.

If you can do it at a quicker pace then I'm back with it.

A possible alternative ending for this story after tirck and the other villain are killed or re an prison is an ending where spike chooses to exile himself away from equestria as a punishment for siding with tirck and this other villain after they are defeated as spike knows by then that he can't stay nor ever fall in love with luna celestia or the main 6 that are not killed as he choose to side with the enemy even though he choose not to think they were just using him, and maybe exile would be better over trying to hope scars cans be fixed when corrupt ponies like Blueblood and angry ponies will just make that impossible and mock spike and say he still is evil and that he has to die. So if spike frees himself from the lies that he was told by tirck and is not killed he may choose to exile himself away from Equestria and hide himself away from the world only to be found again by those he left behind after the events of this story as the girls who love spike will want him to come back even if it is to late for spike to want to rebuilt a life that was taken away by blue blood even if he is punished or killed.

To spike it just won't be the same so maybe you could make an ending like what I commented for spike cause I can already guess and imagine how this is going to end so I like to know if you could make what I commented as an alternate ending for the end of this story.

Another alternate story to this one is at the beginning of the story spike flees equestria in a self exile before he can be imprison in the underworld after the trial at the start of the story and goes to other lands and nations to explore and adventure in other places all the while trying to find himself meaning his destiny to make things right and instead of him being angry at those who left him behind and choose to believe he murdered Fleur De Lis he cries over the fact that everypony who said he never be alone lied to him or choose to think he murdered Fleur De Lis and will keep asking himself why would they say that he never be alone or abandon when they choose to try and imprison him but failed. Perhaps them failing to live up to what they said to spike means they also can fail to live up to what they themselves have learned even by telling spike he never be alone by failing to live up to harmony means they have to see they are not perfect either by failing that its a lesson of its own for spike to see and understand that those he is close to can also fail the words of friendship love and harmony as much as dragons and anyone else can a lesson that spike would learn in his travels outside of Equestria. Mean while in Equestria with everyone who knew spike the atmosphere without spike is bittersweet, dull and sadden and questions are raised if spike was truly guilty and why shining armor did not come to confirm that spike was with him, everyone is divided against each other lines are drawn as friends and families of dose who knew spike are affected turn against each other, and behind the scenes evil is on the rise again and growing stronger and without spike the main 6 and princess's do not have it in there hearts to truly fight the darkness and evil that comes once again cause of the guilt and the fact that spike may indeed be innocent and when they are taughted by the villain responsible for spike fleeing into exile and that it was not spike who killed Fleur De Lis it will hurt them even more as they fail to even use there powers and the elements of harmony to fight the villains in the end it will be spike who must choose to come back to Equestria to fight the ones who caused him to flee in exile.

This could also be a better alternative story to this one also was Fleur De Lis in love with spike over Blue blood cause then it makes sense to why she was killed and is it possible that Fleur De Lis might come back alive? or is she sadly dead permanently.

Agree if spike was not put in prison in the underworld spike may have choosen to cry over being angry that he could have done what you said maybe an alternative can be where spike after the trial flees in self exile in tears and grief and escapes Equestria before he can be sent to prison and has the adventure of a life time that even after everyone in Equestria finds out he did not kill Fleur De lis spike dose not want to come back to the home he was raised in when he can spend his time looking for his parents weather they are kind or not and adventure and explore the world. a story has got to be done for this accept spike would eventually find a girl to fall in love with.

If the lazy author ever gets back to it then yeah, that'd be a nice alternate route for him too take.

Hope you're doing well just woundering how's the storying is coming along?

Comment posted by CosmosGalen deleted Apr 11th, 2019
Comment posted by CosmosGalen deleted Apr 11th, 2019
Comment posted by CosmosGalen deleted Apr 11th, 2019
Comment posted by Aether Spark deleted Sep 22nd, 2018

Not to be an asshole but its been two years is it dead or are you gonna post the next chapter

Comment posted by Armored Core deleted Oct 13th, 2018

AWESOME of all fics on spike dark this one shuddered, I hope that this fics is not dead because only knowing that bleublood a spike of insult to marriage and that it was already a place of fete the shots, I picture the plan to make blueblood fall and put the girl to shame.

And after killing fluttershy and paying Twilight a visit to taunt her on her past actions and prove that she was wrong Spike goes back to the dragon lands knowing he's ruined the lives of his former friends by murdering her, tirek can finish the job.

The end

Comment posted by CosmosGalen deleted Apr 11th, 2019

I highly doubt that. They didn't just betray him they squashed every light he had in his life. I think its safe to say he's never going to forgive them. Not to mention he killed Fluttershy so I'm pretty sure they aren't going to throw any forgiveness his way either even if they discover he was innocent. if anything Rainbow Dash will become hell-bent on exacting Vengeance on Spike for fluttershy...

Though I have doubts she was killed or will even know at this point.

You have doubts that she was killed? but there's lots of evidence on chapter 5.

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