• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 554 Views, 41 Comments

Seeking Answers - Skye Mist

Skye Mist has always been alone. She remembers her mother and sister, but never knew exactly what happened to them. Will this determined young mare get the answers she desires?

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Prologue: Just A Normal Night

Author's Note:

Edit: I added a touch more detail to the chapter.

Deep in a supposed wild and untamed forest, a lone black alicorn flew. She had just returned from her...visit to the Castle of the Two Sisters. Not really a visit, more of a meeting. Not many knew about her, and she intended to keep it that way. Her business with the princess of the night was private, so nopony else knew about their meetings.

She headed out towards the edge of the forest, where a massive cave loomed. She landed right outside the opening and continued into the cave until she was consumed by the darkness. Thankfully, she was used to the dark, and it took only a few seconds for her slitted eyes to adjust.

To the normal pony, it would seem as if the cave was a gaping oblivion with no light beyond its opening. However, this alicorn was no normal pony. She knew every nook and cranny of the forest, let alone the cave. In fact, it was she who created the forest and its wild state. Though, it was just like any other forest before the darn castle was built in the middle of it. She could control what the forest did and didn't do, so when the Royal Sisters built the castle, she had made the forest grow wild. Alas, her attempt to frighten the ponies failed. She eventually got over it. Sometimes, she even considered calling herself 'Princess of the Everfree'. Everfree. That was what she had heard ponies call her beloved home. She couldn't argue with it though. It was a bit wild and dangerous now.

She continued on her way, a dim light coming from her horn. Her hooves made the cave have a resounding 'clip clop, clip clop'. She didn't mind the cave's dark and somber setting. She knew that the darkness would soon fade and a pleasant sight would be revealed.

What she didn't notice was two slitted sky-blue eyes watching her every move. The figure silently pursued the black alicorn, drawing closer and closer.

The sound of the alicorn's hooves stopped and the light from her horn faded. It was no longer dark. Before her stood a sleek, midnight-blue castle made of obsidian that gleamed with light. Nopony knew about this place expect her and-

"Attack!" The figure, who looked quite small, yelled as they pounced.

The black alicorn whipped out her left wing in time to catch a little alicorn filly who looked around 6 or 7. The little alicorn's coat was ocean-blue except at the muzzle and hooves; they were a cranberry purple. She giggled at the little alicorn's attempt to free herself from her grasp.

A dusky blue alicorn with a black muzzle and black hooves that looked around 12 or 13 flew down to them. She shot a glare at the little alicorn and then looked at the black alicorn in front of her.

"Sorry, Mother. Skye wanted play 'Battleground' again and she didn't listen to me about not going outside the castle," the dusky blue alicorn said apologetically. The little alicorn in question, Skye, stopped struggling in her mother's embrace and smiled cheekily at her sister with an expression that said 'Who me?'.

"It's quite fine, Night. She is still a filly after all," the black alicorn replied as she nuzzled her younger daughter.

"Yeah, a filly that's 100 years old," Night said grumpily.

"Night Shadow, you know that we alicorns age differently than other ponies. Need I remind you that you yourself are 300 years old?" the black alicorn scolded.

Night sighed and said in defeat, "No, Mother."

Skye blew a raspberry at her sister before her mother turned to her. "And as for you, Skye Mist, what did I say about listening to your sister?"

Skye's triumphant smile turned into a sad pout. She answered dejectedly, "You said to listen to whatever Nighty told me."

The black alicorn addressed her daughters. "I hope you both get over this little mishap. I can't always be around to sort these out."

"Yes, Mother."

"Yes, Mommy."

Two pairs of slitted sky-blue eyes looked apologetically at her. The black alicorn sighed and shooed both of them into the castle. Her mane billowed behind her as she said good night to her daughters.

She went to her room down the hall and pondered for a bit. Princess Luna's proposal seemed a little too...perfect. There had to be a catch. There always was. In her long 1000 years, she had never come across such a flawless plan. It was simple; she and Luna would become one pony for one night and take complete control of the throne from Luna's sister, Celestia. After that, Luna was convinced that her subjects would adore her and her night. In their agreement, Luna agreed to let her and her daughters roam free in public without somepony mistreating them.

But for tonight, she was content in the castle that was hers and her daughters'. She looked into the vanity mirror beside her bed and saw why ponies cowered in fear of her. She was as tall as Celestia with a solid black coat that made her look intimidating. If that wasn't enough, her eyes were different from other ponies'; they were slitted like dragon eyes. It was a trait that had been passed on to both of her daughters, except theirs were sky-blue and hers were turquoise. Her mane was like that of the Royal Sisters, floating behind her elegantly, except for one fact. While the Royal Sisters' manes simply floated behind them like they were caught in the wind all the time, hers was shapeless and could be used to actually hold objects.

So, yes, she could see why ponies would be afraid of her. She learned quickly that to appear in her natural form would cause panic and fear, so by using her transformation abilities, she went into towns and cities unnoticed. It seemed her daughters had also inherited the ability to transform. When she had found out about it, she was genuinely relieved that her daughters wouldn't be looked upon as monsters.

She lifted a hoof to her mouth to stop a yawn. She realized how tired she really was and climbed into bed. Her last thought before going to sleep?

'A name that I hate, yet it is mine. Quite fitting to my appearance, but not my demeanor. If only others saw me as more than just Nightmare Moon.'