• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 554 Views, 41 Comments

Seeking Answers - Skye Mist

Skye Mist has always been alone. She remembers her mother and sister, but never knew exactly what happened to them. Will this determined young mare get the answers she desires?

  • ...

The Path I Walk Alone...Or Maybe Not?

Skye bolted upright as a scream pierced the night like a blade. 'What was that?!...Prob-Probably just my imagination...Still that sounded awfully real.'

She crept out of bed and walked down the hall to Night's room. She knocked a couple of times. "Night, did you just hear that sound too?"


She knocked again. "Night?"

No answer.

Finally, she opened the door. The bed was empty and untouched by wrinkles and crinkles. "Night? This isn't funny...you know?"

Her eye had caught sight of a letter on her sister's nightstand. She also realized that her sister's black cloak was missing from its hook. Daring herself to read the letter, she tentatively picked it up with her magic and read. Her eyes widened as she read.

Then, as soon as she finished reading it, she was just a blur, leaving a couple of feathers and the letter to float down gently to the ground.

'Dear Skye,

If you are reading this, little sis, then I haven't returned from my search. I can't place my hoof on it, but I know that there's some missing factor to Mother's banis disappearance. I have gone to search at the Castle of the Two Sisters (or what's left of it), for I presume that is where I can find the most clues. Don't worry about me. If nothing turns up, I'll be home before noon.

Your sister,

Night Shadow'


'Night, are you there? Night?!' Skye panicked internally at her sister's lack of response.

She had quickly left the castle, but not before grabbing her necklace. She was currently flying high above the forest, trying to pinpoint the location of the castle ruins.

'Maybe I'm getting worried over nothing, maybe I'm just being paranoid.' Still, she couldn't shake the feeling of wrongness in her, and that scream certainly hadn't helped her nerves. She still wasn't sure if that scream was a fragment of a nightmare or a part of reality.

'Only one way to find out.' Skye had at last found spotted the spire of a tower in the thickness of the Everfree. She swooped down, but she didn't land. She circled the ruins, trying to find a flash of her sister's electric blue eyes or the sound of a cloak in the growing wind. But alas, her senses picked up not a sight nor sound.

Skye started to angle her wings to land, but a movement out of the corner of her eye stopped her from doing so. With her slitted eyes and enhanced night vision, she caught the sight of a cape, or was it a cloak, flapping in the breeze. She dived towards it, landing in what appeared to be a hallway or a foyer. Her eyes landed on the cloak, caught in a crevice in the high parts of the 'room'.

But no sign of Night.

"Ni-Night, are you here, sis?"

Silence. Skye felt her throat run dry.

"Come on, Night! Don't play around."

Silence. Tears had dampened her cheeks. When did she start crying?

"I-It's not funny, Night!...It's...not...funny."

It was pointless, she knew. Night wasn't coming back, just like her mother. The two most important ponies in her life: gone in a matter of days.

Filled with such mixed and negative emotions of fear, anger, and despair, Skye crumpled to the stone floor, crying softly. 'I had it all. Somepony to call family. Somepony to call friend. Somepony to look up to... Now, it's all gone! Why?! Why me?!'

"Why me?" Skye sobbed quietly.

Caught up in her grief, she never noticed the dark shadows in a corner move and disappear with a quiet chuckle. Nor did she see the wisps of purple smoke emanating from her own eyes as she cried.


Harsh sunlight shined on Skye's eyelids, stirring her. "Huh, what? What did I do to end-oh."

Events from the night before replayed in her head. Tears formed at the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them away. 'No more tears. I've cried enough. Yesterday's mistake is tomorrow's future. I shall not be torn apart again. I shall not allow my emotions to run free again. I shall remain calm and peaceful, showing not a care. I shall not walk down this path of grief anymore. Now-'

A shrill cry interrupted her thoughts. Skye looked up to see a- she blinked. Surely, her eyes were playing tricks on her. She blinked them again. Nope, her eyes were just fine.

Of all things, she saw a phoenix and a cockatrice having an aerial battle. She would have to see this. She quickly zipped into one of the high pony-sized crevices, but not before grabbing Night's cloak. 'A reminder...of the good times.'

She draped it over herself and watched the scene play out in front of her. From her vantage point, she could see that the cockatrice had the advantage; it showed little signs of injury and was holding its own while the phoenix carried great wounds and was quite obviously tired. Yet, the phoenix kept on battling; its bursts of light would momentarily confuse the cockatrice, leaving it enough time to get a fire attack or two in. No matter how clever the phoenix's tactics were though, its health was deteriorating quickly.

Skye frowned, and a moment later, she smirked. 'Let's even this playing field...Or maybe, a bit more.'

Her horn lit up and she teleported right in front of the cockatrice. She sneered at it right before she fired a beam of magic at point blank. "Surprise! Let's see how you feel to this!"

The cockatrice let out a cluck at her sudden appearance, and it didn't have enough time to try and turn her to stone. It was caught in the beam and was blown back by the sheer force and proximity of it.

Skye didn't see if the cockatrice escaped or not; she focused her attention on the phoenix, whose wings were faltering slightly. She flew over to it, and when it glared at her, she blinked in surprise and extended a hoof towards it. Though its eyes narrowed, it perched on Skye's forehoof.

"So, how about we fix you up? Get you in full health again?"

The phoenix gestured with its wing to the ground. Skye tilted her head in confusion. "You want to go on the ground? Why would a injured phoenix like you want to go on th-"

A chirp cut her off, and it wasn't from the phoenix she held. It came from somewhere below them. She put two and two together. "Oh....so that's why. It's also why you were fighting with that cockatrice in the first place...am I correct?"

The phoenix nodded its head. Skye slowly flapped down to the ground; she took a look around and saw a makeshift nest with three little phoenix chicks in it. They were plain adorable. Two were the normal fiery shades of yellow, orange, and red; the other was two shades of blue, one of the rarer phoenix recolors.

"Aww..." Skye said as the mother phoenix nuzzled the chicks. As she examined them, however, she noticed that they were all very thin and judging by the tacky nest, they were looking for a permanent home.

'I must be crazy to do this. I hope I don't regret this...' She thought.

"Would you all like to live with me? I'd be more than happy to help."

The mother phoenix narrowed her eyes at Skye, as if judging her. Skye stood her ground and stared back at the scrutinizing glare.


At last, it gave a single nod of agreement. Skye let out a breath of relief. She moved the makeshift nest onto her back, and slowly lifted off the ground. She was careful to adjust her flying speed and style to keep the nest from falling off her back. It was harder than it seemed.

Netherless, she set her eyes on the thinly concealed cave entrance and headed off with conviction shining in her eyes in the growing dawn.


'Bloody Tartarus, that was exhausting!'

Skye's wings were limp at her sides while she walked through her home. She had finally gotten home after noon had long past gone. It was now nearing dusk. After she had patched up the mother phoenix, she had left the family of phoenixes in the foyer with all of the remaining food in the storages. It wasn't a problem; natural-born alicorns really didn't have to eat to survive. The phoenixes needed it more than her. Her only regret was that she and Night hadn't bought any food when they had went into town; as a result, they had less food in the castle.

'Still, it should be enough.'

She stopped outside a door. It was the one room that Skye had never entered in the castle: her mother's study. Her mother had forbidden her and Night from entering it. She had even made them promise not to. Now...she was going to have to break that very promise.

Skye hesitantly opened the door with her magic and stepped inside. It seemed normal; nothing was really out of place. Skye couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It had a desk with scrolls stacked neatly on it against the back wall, a bookshelf with many ancient tomes was placed to the far left, and the entire right wall was covered with a bulletin board. There was a cushion in front of the desk as well.

Skye carefully noted how only the near left wall was left blank, but she walked over to the bulletin board on the right. Surprisingly, it was a timeline of Equestria.

Skye backtracked to the far left of the bulletin to see a piece of parchment detailing the founding of Equestria. She rolled her eyes in a playful manner; her mother had always gone on and on about the history of Equestria. Skye hadn't really listened to much of it. Her mother was probably the one who wrote it.

The next piece of parchment was much more interesting. It was about Discord's reign. She skimmed over it; she would have time to carefully examine the room and the timeline another day. To her surprise, during Discord's reign, not a single pony died. In fact, it seemed as if he just wanted attention. It went on to say something about the Royal Sisters standing up to him and turning him to stone. The last part, though, was...different. It was an attached letter. The hoofwriting was different from the rest of the parchment and the previous one as well.

Skye slowed down her reading. She had a feeling she would want to read this part carefully.

'To my dear friend,

I know now how wrong I am. I know I was wrong in turning the nation into a mess of things. It was fun, but I realize that it solves nothing for me. I'm sorry for doubting you. My apologies aside, I know my reign is drawing to an end. I know my former frie those two alicorns will stop me. They've been strategizing for days on end now. I won't try and stop them. I know I deserve my punishment. As my only friend now, I hope you remember my apologies, Moony. Because I won't. As soon as I send this letter to you, I am erasing my memory of it all. The lust for attention, the sorrow of abandonment, the heartache of loss, and most of all, this letter. All I will remember is ruling over Equestria in chaos with a smile. I will not remember writing this letter, I will not remember why I wrote this letter, I will not remember realizing my mistakes...and I will not remember being your friend. I assure you; it'll be for the best. Take care, my good friend. D.~'


Skye stood stone still, mouth agape. Her mother...Discord...were friends?! Discord had apologized for his misdeeds?!

She had information that no other pony had. What else had her mother been hiding?

She would have find out another day, for her internal clock told her that it was already nearing a late hour. She stopped by the foyer to see the phoenix chicks trying to fly with aid from their mother. A soft smile spread across Skye's face as she watched the scene.

The two fiery chicks were up in the air and flying steady, but the blue recolor was still having a hard time getting off the ground. Deciding to help the little one out, Skye came out from her viewing place.

"Need help, little one?"

The chick looked at Skye and nodded its head.

And the flight session began.


The mother phoenix chirped at Skye. The phoenix chicks had long since fallen asleep, so it was just them. Skye took it as a 'thank you for helping us', but then, she had an idea. Her horn lit up and surrounded the mother phoenix. It let out a squawk of surprise, but it was quickly shushed by Skye's hoof. She gestured her free hoof towards the nest where the three chicks slept. The three were also surrounded by her magic.

"I'm about to give a wonderful gift to you and your chicks. Don't fret."

The mother phoenix relaxed visibly, patiently waiting for the spell to be completed. After all, this pony had helped them and taken them in; she wouldn't be a threat.

As the aura of magic faded away from the phoenixes and the pony's horn, the mother phoenix felt something around her neck. She looked down to see a pearl necklace. She looked at her chicks to see pearl necklaces around their necks as well.

She turned to the pony, about to chirp a 'thank-you' to her when- "Thank you."

Skye smiled while the phoenix tried to grasp what just happened. "Do you like it?"

The phoenix found her voice. "Y-yes. I-It's a wonderful gift, but h-how did you do it?"

"It's quite simple, technically. I simply enchanted the necklaces with a speaking spell. The hard part was magically manifesting four necklaces. I haven't really practiced my magic as much as I should've. But it's worth it to have company around to speak with."

The phoenix was touched. "Well, I appreciate your gift very much, and I'm sure my girls will love it. Thank you, again."

"It was no problem. And by the way, do you have names? I go by a different name sometimes, but my real name is Skye Mist."

"It's a pleasure to finally know the name of my savior, Miss Mist. And I have to say, us phoenixes really don't have names since we have no use for them."

"Then, would it be alright if I were to name you? Or would you rather choose your own names?"

"I think letting you decide our names is best, Miss Mist. Just a small way of repaying you for helping us through our troubles."

"I'm flattered you think of me as such, hmm...Guinevere? Is that a suitable name?"

"Guinevere is a fine name, Miss Mist." The phoenix beamed at Skye. "And what of my girls?"

"Well, it's getting rather late, so I'll have to think about their names."

"I bid you a good rest, Miss Mist."

"And to you as well, Guinevere." Skye said as she trotted off towards her room.


As Skye stirred, she heard three voices. She already had a guess at who they were, too.

"Do you think she's awake yet?"

"She would be sitting up if she was, you dodo!"

"Will you two stop bickering?!"

"I'd appreciate if you'd stop screaming at each other in my room." Skye said as she sat up, rubbing her eyes.

The three phoenix chicks paused, blinked, then hurtled themselves at Skye. They all said in unison, "Thank you!"

Skye recoiled from the sudden hug, but returned it a few moments later. "You're welcome, little ones."

Then one of the two fiery colored chicks piped up. "Mama said that you were going to give us names. Are you?"

Skye smiled. "Of course. And I've come up with names for you three, if you choose to accept them, of course."

The second fiery colored chick perked up. "Are you going to give them to us now?"

Skye giggled softly. "Not right now. Go to your mother and when I come down, I'll give you three your names."

"Okay!" The two fiery chicks said together and raced down the staircase. The blue one was about to fly after them, but turned around and said a quick "Thank you." first.

Skye smiled.


"What do you think your name will be?" One of the fiery chicks asked the blue one.

"Honestly, I don't really care." She said nonchalantly.

The fiery chick simply shrugged. Turning to the other fiery chick, she asked, "What about you, sis?"

"Maybe something fiery like Flare or Scarlett. Or maybe something graceful-sounding like Majesty." And they chattered on and on, enjoying their gift very much and anticipating the moment when they'd get names.

"I see you're very curious to find out your names." Skye said, gliding from the stairs.

"Yep!" The two fiery chicks said enthusiastically.

Their mother quickly shushed them and apologized to Skye. "I apologize for their lack of respect, Miss Mist. They've been very excited at the prospect of getting names."

"I can see." Skye said, smiling. "Before I start, I have to say that you can always reject the name I give you. I have barely known you for a day, so I do not know what you prefer. You can even come up with your own name."

The three phoenixes lined up in a row as Skye walked up to them, their mother watching from where she perched on the backrest of a chair. Skye walked up to the first fiery phoenix, the one who was constantly asking the others what they thought their name would be. The phoenix chick in question was practically jumping in place, a look of eager was apparent in her eyes. Skye grinned at the hilarious display.

"The name I've chosen for you, little one, is Philomena. It is obvious in the short time I've known you is that, as the eldest of your sisters, you love and care for your family despite your mischievous nature. Do you accept this name...?"

The question just left her lips when she was quickly tackled by a fiery, feathery bundle. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it!"

Skye used her magic to set the newly named phoenix down and used her wing to pat her gently on the head before moving on to the next chick. This fiery chick was mellower than her older sister, but she too had a eager look in her golden eyes.

"The name I've chosen for you...is Majesty. Though you have an energetic spirit, you also have a fondness for anything that is elegant and graceful. Do you accept this name...?"

The chick walked up to Skye and wrapped its wings around her foreleg, her answer obvious. Skye shot a wink at Guinevere, indicating that she had heard the conversation between Philomena and Majesty.

Unlike Philomena, Majesty simply grinned at Skye before standing next to her elder sister again. Skye repeated her earlier gesture of acknowledgement and moved on to the last phoenix chick. The blue chick looked up at Skye with expectant eyes. Skye realized that she was expecting another sophisticated name for herself; she grinned at the irony of it.

"The name I've chosen for you...is Arctic." Short, simple, no sophistication in it.

The blue phoenix blinked in surprise. She had been expecting a sophisticated name like her elder sisters', but she had gotten what she wanted: a name that was simple. Her beak dropped open and she managed to say, "Thank you, Miss Mist. It's exactly what I wanted."

'That's what I thought, Arctic.' Skye thought as she smiled at the three newly named phoenixes. They were huddled in a group, their excited whispers betraying what they were talking about.

'Almost like having a family again.'


One week later...

"Okay, Philomena, you don't have a problem lifting off, but your landing is too sloppy! Majesty, your descent is very controlled and elegant, but you need more power to lift off! And Arctic, you're doing great! Keep it up, girls!"

Skye and the three phoenix chicks were having another flight session in the clearing in front of the cave. Guinevere watched from a tree branch near the clearing. A few minutes passed and the girls took a break.

"Okay, girls, that was good. We can conti-" Snap. A twig snapped. Skye's ears flicked; her eyes widened in fear. 'Please, let it be something else.'

She turned towards the sound. A Timberwolf stood in front of the cave entrance. Skye closed her eyes and forced down her feelings. 'Come on. I vowed I wouldn't let my feelings get the best of me. Besides, it just one Timberwolf. I can deal with it.'

Opening her eyes, she hurtled herself at it. Lighting her horn, she fired a beam of magic at it. The Timberwolf fell apart, but Skye kept firing at its pieces. She had to be sure it would not reanimate itself again.

A growl came from her other side. She whipped around in time to see wooden claws coming at her head. She tried dodging, and although she came out with her head intact, her left ear bled scarlet. Skye didn't have time to worry about that though, for two more Timberwolves were now on her tail. When she fired at one and it fell apart, the other would snap at her before she could blast the first one to smithereens, so it wouldn't reanimate.

Before long, she was panting from the effort. She knew she was at the end of her energy. She wouldn't last that long, but she wouldn't run from these creatures again. One of the Timberwolves pounced; she readied herself to dodge. She didn't have to; a burst of fiery light threw the Timberwolf off course from its target.

Skye looked up to see Guinevere and her three chicks. Guinevere narrowed her eyes at the recovering Timberwolves. "Girls, stay here."


"No but's. Miss Mist is in trouble. Stay here. I'll help her."

Guinevere dived towards the Timberwolf that just attacked Skye and shot a fireball at it. It didn't have time to dodge; it instantly burst into flame and fell apart. Guinevere hovered next to Skye and turned to her. "Miss Mist, are you alright?"

Skye opened her mouth to answer and widened her eyes at the sight. "Watch out!"

Guinevere turned around too late; claws struck her across her neck and left wing. Guinevere dropped to the ground and her three chicks rushed down to help her. "Mama!"

Guinevere was gushing blood. Her bright plumage dimmed several shades. "Girls, fly away. You're in danger!"

"We're not leaving without you!" they protested.

"I don't have much time left anyways. Go, girls! Leave!"


"Leave!" Guinevere insisted. As the fire died from her eyes, she said, "Help Miss Mist and stay safe..."

"Mama...?" The three cried. If phoenixes could shed tears, the three would've done so.

Arctic was the first to turn away; she turned to her older sisters with a fire in her eyes. "Let's avenge her death and help Miss Mist. Just like Mama's wishes."

They nodded, their colors flaring. They turned to see Skye dodging all of the Timberwolf's attacks. She still couldn't retaliate; the three phoenixes shared a glance at each other before lifting off and flying towards the Timberwolf.

Arctic nodded at her sisters and they started making a giant fireball. Turning to Skye, she yelled out, "Miss Mist, look out!"

Skye turned towards them, saw them, and moved to the side instantly. Arctic nodded and added her own fire to the giant fireball.


They unleashed the fireball; the Timberwolf realized too late what was happening. It was engulfed by the fireball and it let out a howl of anguish. It received no pity.

"Girls! Thank you!...And I'm sorry for your loss." Skye said as she rushed over to them. "I know what it's like to lose family."

"We'll get over it..." Arctic spoke for all three of them.

Skye nodded. "I know. I did too..."

Letting out a sigh, she reached a hoof up to her ear, which was still bleeding. 'Let's hope this is all the tragedy that will happen to us...'


Skye stared up at the ceiling as she thought over what she was about to do. 'In a matter of a few days, five souls lost some of their loved ones. It only makes sense that they should keep each other company...'

"Arctic, Majesty, Philomena. I'm about to ask a favor of you. I'm not forcing you, I think you should choose of your own will." She addressed the three phoenixes perched around her room as she laid on her bed.

"In a matter of a few days, I've lost my mother and sister. You three lost your mother. And there is another who has lost their sister...Princess Celestia. I'm asking that one of you keep her company."

Silence followed her request. Majesty and Arctic were too comfortable here. But Philomena stepped forward.

"I'd be fine with fulfilling that request."

"Are you sure?" Skye asked.

"Yes, she was an older sibling. I'm an older sibling. I can relate. And I'd be more than happy to help her through these dark times."

Skye gave a faint smile and nodded. "We head for Canterlot tomorrow."

"Of course."

Arctic and Majesty voiced their opinions. "We'll miss you." "Remember to visit us."

"I'll come as much as possible."

Skye interrupted. "You know I'll have to take the pearl necklace, right? I really don't want Celestia finding out about me or the capabilities of my magic. Of course, you'll still get it back when you come to visit."

"I'm fine with not talking. I can manage." Philomena said nonchalantly.


Celestia rested in her room; it was the only place she ever stayed in nowadays. She only walked out onto her balcony to raise and lower the sun and moon. A constant reminder of her sister's banishment.

As the time neared, she walked out onto her balcony. What she found waiting for her was a sight that would remain in her memory for years to come. A basket with a baby phoenix inside it was on her balcony. It chirped happily at her and picked up a note from within the basket, holding it out to her.

Celestia took the note with her magic.

'Dear Celestia,

In these recent days, a few have suffered a tragic loss of a loved one. I have lost my mother and sister: the only family I ever had. You have lost your sister. And this phoenix and her two siblings have lost their mother. In these dark times, I wish for us to be able to share the company of others that share our grief. I wish for you to take care of Philomena, and I will do the same for her siblings. Take care Celestia. Know that you are not alone. S.M.~'

Celestia smiled for the first time since her sister's banishment. "I guess you and I can keep each other company, Philomena."

Author's Note:

EGADS! Two new chapters within the same week?!:pinkiegasp:Aren't things just peachy?:scootangel:
Also...near 5K words?! That's the most I've ever written.:pinkiegasp:
Okay, officially calling it now. I just realized how dark and mature this beginning is, so now it's gonna be rated Teen, just to be safe.

Happy New Years'! :scootangel: