• Published 5th Oct 2015
  • 510 Views, 5 Comments

The Speeches of Toys - AnObliviousAuthor

Every toy on earth is as alive as you or me. This is the tale of some of mine.

  • ...

Getting Comfortable... Probably.

Twilight was not a happy mare. Spike had, once again, done something impulsive trying to help Charlie. Not that helping her was a bad thing, but he was getting dangerously close to giving himself away. Although it was unlikely that Charlie would react as Sid had in the first Toy Story, she was still likely to tell someone. She was… Strange, that Charlie. Sometimes she would be very mature, but other times she would act younger than she was. Twilight wasn't sure how Charlie would react. But but Twilight had other problems.

“My goodness! That was rather risky, was it not?” Rarity exclaimed, staring out after Spike and Charlie.

“Yes. Yes it was.” Twilight growled.

“Is something wrong, dear?” Rarity asked, eyebrow raised at Twilight's behavior, causing her to sigh.

“Not really,” Twilight began, “it's just that…”

“It's just Spike does a lot of really crazy things when he thinks Charlie's in trouble or hurting, and Twilight’s worried that he might give himself away, letting Charlie know the truth about all of us and all the other toys she has and her brother has and everybody she knows! And even though she'll probably react better than that mean-meanie pants Sid from Toy Story, she might react in a different way that's just as bad! So Twilight's worried for Charlie and Spike ‘cause if Spike gets found out Charlie might freak out! But I know that Spike won't get caught, and even if he does get caught, Charlie has such an active imagination that she'd think that it was just in her head, so Twilight's just being a silly filly.” at the end of her second rant in less than an hour, Pinkie smiled as she gave Twilight a noogie, her smile somehow still having a cartoonish squeak despite not being in the actual show. Twilight just went with it, since even though she couldn't use magic, and the Rainbow Dash that Edward had couldn't fly, Pinkie still managed to ignore physics and defy reason. Didn't seem to have a Pinkie Sense, for whatever reason. Perhaps she could turn it on and off at will? It would make as much sense as anything else Twilight had come up with.

“Er, right.” Twilight decided that it may be best to move on. “Well, anyway, Rarity, perhaps you would like to meet the other plushes that we share Charlie with at night?” Despite Twilight's best efforts, a bit of desperation made its way into her tone, causing Derpy to snicker a little.

“Oh, of course darling! That sounds delightful!” Rarity exclaimed, to Twilight's relief.

“Great!” exclaimed Derpy. “they're over here!” she then bounded over to where the other residents of Charlie’s top bunk. There were not many, but the ones that were there… Twilight sighed to herself. They suited Charlie perfectly.

The first, and oldest, was Anne. More than ten years old, she had been part of one of the earliest Build-a-Bear series, and it was beginning to show through her dark brown fluff, especially on her sound box, which had begun its downward spiral from cheerful laughter to nightmarish static. Hopefully that would be fixed, and the sound box replaced. Despite her age, Anne’s kind, protective spirit had not dulled, and this showed as Derpy introduced Rarity to the only one of them who was more than five.

“Ah, hello there, my dear! You must be Rarity. Pinkie Pie has told me all about how your familiar acts on the show our Charlie has enjoyed these past couple of years!” Anne’s cheerful voice broke Twilight out of her musing, and she had to smother a smile as Anne got right in Rarity’s face. “Do anything to hurt her and I will make your life a living nightmare.” Rarity, understandably, shrunk away from the sudden hostility in the previously welcoming bear’s tone.

“W-wouldn’t think of it darling!” She managed to squeak before Derpy rushed her to the next. A much newer Build-a-Bear, Bubblegum was a pastel rainbow, the wavy lines covering her head to paw. Her name likely came from the plastic bear head shaped cotton candy scented air freshener, for lack of a better term.

"Haha, I would not consider Anne's threat too seriously." Bubblegum always made wide, sweeping gestures. She was dramatic that way. "She is a dear, but far too overprotective. Once she comes to trust you, she will always look out for you and your best interests. Anyway, Rarity, feel free to come to me whenever you need anything."

"Will do, darling. Thank you very much." Next, a cycloptic Minion Charlie had named Dale after winning him in a claw machine at the Boardwalk was more than happy to give Rarity an enthusiastic and completely incomprehensible greeting, before hugging Rarity and moving to the side, allowing the one other resident of Charlie's bed to come and greet the new comer.

Cuddles the elephant was grey and pink, with a flat, square head. Only her trunk lent the state fair prize more than two dimensions. Considering that she had not been around even as long as Twilight, Cuddles was very wise and knowledgeable of the world beyond Charlie's room. Unfortunately, Cuddles' head was quite a bit larger than her body, making standing up rather... difficult. And, to Spike and Pinkie at the very least, very amusing. "A pleasure to meet you, Rarity. I also extend the same offer as Bubblegum, and will be more than happy to help whenever I can."

"Thank you kindly, darling. It has been an honor to meet you. All of you." Rarity smiled broadly at all of them. "I am glad that Charlie has you here for her, and I look forward to getting to know you better."

Inwardly, Twilight sighed in relief. This, at least, had gone well. Between an unexpected newcomer to the bed and Spike being... Spike, Twilight did not need any more surprises. Hopefully, the rest of the day would be quiet.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! So, I know it's been a while since I updated The Speeches of Toys, and I'm sorry for that. I've been busy, distracted, slightly Writer's Blocked, and lazy.
That being said, although I had a plan for this chapter, I had, and have, no idea where I was going with the story as a whole. So, after this chapter, I will be putting this story on hiatus.
Please note that I am not cancelling it! I do plan on returning to this story, but probably not for some time.

Comments ( 1 )

-generic comment because I promised I wouldn't make a "FIRST!" comment- :ajsmug:

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