• Published 18th Nov 2011
  • 5,312 Views, 228 Comments

Dragon of the Eclipse - Marik_Azemus

No pony could have prepared for the adventure or horror Cerberus would bring to Equestria...

  • ...

The Final Flame

"This is where they should be... sister. Wake yourself. We've arrived."

"Mmm... where?"

"One of Star Swirl the Bearded's secret reports led me to this cavern. It says here that this is where we can find the Elements of Harmony."

"Can they stop your husband?"

"He's no husband of mine. Yes, I can purify him with the elements... whatever they are. Star Swirl told me that they will take whatever form is necessary for the situation at hand, but we'll know what they are when we see them."

"Like those six gems over there?"

"Why... sister! You found them!"

"I only wish to help."

"Okay, these represent magic, kindness, and generosity..."

"What about these?"

"Those are loyalty, laughter and honesty. Hmm... if only our friends were here. I suppose I'll have to use all of these on my own."

"No, Celina. It might be too much for you to handle. I'll carry half the load."

"You're so young. Why cast yourself in harm's way?"

"Desmond is ruining what should be our kingdom. Why shouldn't I help?"

"You're a good mare. Just be careful. There's no telling what Desmond will do once we enter his territory."

Chapter 15

The Final Flame

The trees began to thin out, becoming few and far between. The sky could be seen, presenting a cloudy day. The limit of Winter Solstice’s spell was also visible, as blades of grass escaped the dwindling snow cover. It was likely that by the time the Lunar Republic reached Fillydelphia, the snow would be nowhere to be seen. There were painful jokes about how Ponyville was more or less a frozen ghost town at that point, causing once pleasantly nostalgic thoughts of home to become more sour and depressing.

Judas, who had snuck away from Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash (“It’s all night with them! I couldn’t sleep for a second.”), did her best to keep her friends’ hopes alive with a friendly toast of apple cider, which she had brought in a thermos instead of water, much to Heretic’s chagrin. Still, he enjoyed the alcohol as much as the rest of the bunch.

“What shall we toast to?” he asked.

Rarity raised her cup high. “I wish to propose a toast to Cerberus and Fluttershy.”

Judas rolled her eyes. “A drink to the happy couple... how original.”

“You misunderstand me. They’re expecting!”

Judas, who had been up in the air, collapsed to the ground as she momentarily forgot how to use her wings. Cerberus approached her seemingly unconscious body and prodded it. “Um, Judas? Are you okay?”

“Okay?!” she pounced on Cerberus and spun him around. “You’ve gotten laid and you’re gonna be a father and you ask me if I’m OKAY?!” She squeezed him until his eyes looked as though they were going to escape their sockets. “My little brother is growing up!”

“What do you think? How long has it been?” Judas had spent the entire last stretch of this trip pestering Fluttershy and Cerberus with questions about the pregnancy.

“Well, I haven’t felt a kick yet. We don’t really know.” said Fluttershy.

Cerberus, as ecstatic as he was that he would be a father, was mentally kicking himself for not expecting this. He had gotten so enveloped in every passionate encounter with Fluttershy that he never stopped and thought about the consequences. Consequences? That sounded like a bad thing. This was amazing. Cerberus also couldn’t believe he never noticed the slight bulge near Fluttershy’s stomach until now. He had a lot on his mind at the time, he supposed.

Twilight Sparkle had examined Fluttershy with her magic and confirmed that the baby would be a male pegasus. So far, no genetic mutations could be found.

“Nero.” Fluttershy said.

“What?” asked Cerberus.

“I think that should be his name.”

Cerberus liked that name well enough, but he couldn’t focus on that or the numerous “Congratulations” that he and Fluttershy were getting from the group. What would Nero look like? Would his wings be draconic like his father’s? Cerberus didn’t want his son to be discriminated against like he was. No, he won’t. This is completely different. Besides, the whole point of this fight is to make a world where my kind can live freely. If we die, well, then we won’t have to worry about it. That was the reason Fluttershy had neglected to telling me at first. I can respect that.

Cerberus stood at the top of the hill, looking down at the city of Fillydelphia. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Winter Solstice had entered the city from the North Entrance a few hours prior. Heretic, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie had gone in through the Western Entrance.
He looked about impatiently, before looking to Twilight and Judas with a small nervous tick over his eye. “He said in his letter that he’d be here by now. Why isn’t he here?”

Twilight looked at Cerberus quizzically. “Who?”

“Hephaestus! He was going to meet us at the top of this hill so he could give us our armor. What the hell happened?"

Rarity steadied Cerberus with her hoof. "Sweetie, maybe he's just late."

The entrance to town, as the traveling ponies thanked the divines for, was unguarded. Fillydelphia was much like the Veneightion architecture of Ponyville, mixed with the corpulent high rises of Manehatten. Fresh, yet familiar, however the beauty of home was nowhere to be seen. The tension of this war was like a rubber band, it could snap at any moment. Civilians ran and hid from even the lowest ranking guards, who looked keen to strangle a puppy. The brick walls were almost invisible beneath a veritable wall of wanted posters and calls to arms. Contain the Uprising. Show your support for the Empire of the Sun. Some were torn down by angry townsfolk, leaving behind scraps of glued paper. Other walls were coated in black graffiti. Luna will save us! All hail the Lunar Republic! Amateur sketches of Heretic, Judas and Winter Solstice could also be seen on the walls. Apparently their names and faces had become known by word of mouth.

“Well by Luna, Solstice. We’re celebrities. I suppose all the single colts will gather at your hooves for an autograph, or a kiss.” said Judas.

Solstice shook her head. “They will be disappointed.”

"Psst!" A voice could be heard from what looked like an unoccupied building with broken windows and an unreadable sign hanging from the doorway (The paint had long faded away). A brown earthwalker pony with a patch over his right eye stuck his head out the window. "You lot! Get inside, quick! We've been expecting you. Hurry, before the guards come by."

Cerberus lead the group up to the doorway, and reluctantly stepped inside.

It seemed as though this miserable little wooden shack was much larger on the inside than it was on the outside, and much more welcoming too. Various cots were set up along the finely painted crimson walls, occupied by wounded refugees and rebels. Tables filled with various foods, from salads to pastries, made up the opposite end. There was even a lit fireplace.

The brown one-eyed earthwalker spoke to the group.

"You're not as subtle as you think, Lunar Republic. The moment you waltzed into town, everypony was on edge." He smiled. "Hella good you ran into us first. My name is Keeper."

Judas burst out laughing. "Wow, I've heard my share of dorky names-"

Rarity magically smacked Judas across the forehead. "So, this is a sanctuary for the rebels?" she asked.

"Yeah, the attack on Ponyville set off a lot of folks. When they found out that Celestia burned down a whole town just to kill one half breed, well... that didn't go over well. So, a nice unicorn by the name of Maredoth set up this little hospital slash hotel for anyone on Luna's side. She put an improportionata interiora spell to make it bigger on the inside and a nihil ad hic charm to keep the royal guards from investigating. What a woman, eh?" Keeper nodded to the cots. "Runaway half breeds are also welcome, of course."

On the cots, upon closer inspection, some of the sleeping ponies had zebra stripes, or manticore tails, and there were even other half dragons. Cerberus was pleasantly surprised by how much kindness these half breeds were getting in retrospect to the hell he was put through. "All thanks to you, Celestia." he gleefully muttered.

"Hey, wait a minute..." Keeper used his one good eye to look closely at Cerberus. "I thought you looked familiar... it's just how she described you... blue, magenta highlights, gold earring..." He then shouted to the refugees by the dining table. "HEY EVERYPONY! We've got Cerberus over here! Just like Queen Luna said!"

Suddenly all attention was on Cerberus instead of the food. He was overwhelmed by the bruised and battered rebels lining up to shake his hoof and tell him how much of a hero he had become. Ponies that he recognized from years ago that had cornered him in alleyways and beat him within an inch of his life were now treating him like royalty (Which he had to remind himself, he was). He even caught a glimpse of the filly with the butterfly wings from Cloudsdale.

"Okay, give the lad some space. I'm sure he's not used to the publicity. Still, this is something worth celebrating! Cider's on the house!"

"If this is just a glimpse of what a normal life is like, well, I could get used to it." said Cerberus to Fluttershy, as they slowly drank their cider. Cerberus was grateful to Keeper for mixing in sapphires to give the cider an extra zip.

"We had a normal life." said Fluttershy. "Just, before all this nonsense with Celestia."

"Once she's off my mother's throne, all the other half breeds can have what I had, and we can settle down."

A tipsy Judas was talking to the drinking refugees telling exaggerated versions of her adventures with Cerberus, which somehow always ended with her using some un-foreshadowed deus ex machina to save the day. Her stories only got more and more ridiculous by the minute.

Winter Solstice and Heretic kept quiet, hardly touching their drinks.

"Okay, okay, everypony! Settle down!" Keeper stood atop the bar counter with his glass held to nearly touching the ceiling. "I think we need an official toast!"

Pinkie Pie jumped from her seat. "There's toast? PLEASE tell me you have raspberry jelly! Or blueberry! Or if you mix the two you can get-" Rainbow Dash forced more cider down Pinkie's throat to shut her up.

Keeper went ahead. "To Cerberus! Our savior, the Dragon of the Eclipse!"

"To the Dragon of the Eclipse!"

Heretic was intrigued. "I see, I see. They have taken to calling this revolution the Eclipse. Very fitting."

As Fluttershy downed more glasses of cider, her smile widened. "I was thinking, when this is over... at least two more kids?"

"Lots and lots of mutant babies." said Cerberus.

"House on the beach, or maybe a penthouse suite?"

"Let's keep it close to nature."

"Ah yes... you'll have to tend to the critters while I tend to Nero."

"But first, the wedding."

Fluttershy stopped drinking and tilted her head. "Wedding?"

Before that awkward conversation could reach a conclusion, a heavily scarred pegasus opened the door to the inn and shouted at the partying ponies. "Guys, quiet down! Listen to the town crier!"

A ringing cowbell could be heard outside the inn, followed by a loud gravelly voice, that of a minotaur's.

”Attention citizens of Fillydelphia! On this day, a required gathering of all able bodied ponies will be held in the center square at exactly twelve o’ clock! I repeat! At twelve o’ clock, drop whatever you are doing and go to the center square! All able bodied ponies in the vicinity are required to show!”

Keeper scratched at his crew cut mane. "That... never happens. We're never required to show for anything. Hell, neither is any other town."

The scarred pegasus was now inside the inn and peeking through the curtains. "Hmm... awful lot of soldiers out there... it looks like they took somepony captive... he's a unicorn... bronze... it almost looks like his tail is on fire... sweet Luna, I think it is on fire..."

Cerberus' drink fell to the floor, sending glass flying. "HEPHAESTUS!" He flew to the window and shoved the pegasus aside. "Where are they taking him?" He looked at everypony with desperate eyes. "What time is it?"

Keeper pointed to his wall clock. "About a quarter to twelve... son of a mule!" He realized what Cerberus was panicking about. "Are they gonna-"

Cerberus went a little ballistic, flying around in circles and jumping on tables. "THEY'RE. GOING. TO. KILL. HEPHAESTUS. In front of everypony! And you know something? Celestia is only doing it to get to me!"

Numerous cries of anguish and variations of the word 'bitch' were passed around.

Cerberus threw on his black cloak and opened the door. "I'm not going to let that happen. I'm tired of watching my friends suffer." He was gone in an instant.

"Wait! Come back! That's just what she wants!" Twilight threw her cider aside and chased after the vengeful half dragon.

The silence that followed was only broken by Keeper groaning. "Maredoth's gonna have my head if I don't clean up all this cider."

Cerberus found it very easy to avoid the guards, as he kept to a large crowd moving in a single direction. He duck and wove between breaks in the crowd and kept his wings tucked into his cloak to avoid rousing suspicion.

The center square was more of a circular kind of place. Many different shops and facilities surrounded the remains of what used to be a marble statue of Celestia. The head, part of the tail and her wings were broken off. Set in front of the forehooves of the statue, fittingly, were the gallows. There, Hephaestus Ironwright stood tall, the noose already set around his neck. Despite looking malnourished and absolutely exhausted, his face was a face of determination.

Cerberus' heart skipped a beat. It pained him to see another half breed in this state, but also shocked him to see Hephaestus stand so tall and mighty in his situation.

Twilight followed Cerberus as he broke away from the crowd and approached the gallows.

"Try and stop me, Twlight. See if that makes a difference."

"I want to help him too. I'm just here to make sure you don't do anything you'll regret."

Cerberus lowered his hood and began his quest to save his friend.

“Hephaestus!” Cerberus called out in a shouting whisper. The half phoenix looked his way and, surprise to him and Twilight, smiled.

“Greetings to you, Cerberus. Here for the show? There’s cookies and punch by the door.”

“I’m here to rescue you.”

Hephaestus gave a quiet chuckle. “I don’t think so. Trust me, this is for the best.”

“How is this a good thing?” said Twilight. Her voice was significantly louder than Cerberus’, causing heads to turn. “We have to get you out of here! We need you.”

Hephaestus bowed his head. “Celestia has done everything in her power to break me, even going so far as to kill my little Sophie. I don’t want the same fate to befall Golden Glimmer. It’s better that I die now than let my friends and loved ones suffer. I’ve long worn out my welcome anyway.” He slowly exhaled. “A thousand years. Like a long day, and I finally get to sleep.”

"Don't do this, Hephaestus!" Cerberus stopped trying to be discreet. He was leaning on the platform, desperately yelling to somepony he hardly knew, yet he felt like he had as a friend his entire life. He couldn't let a friend die, not after every brush with death that he had endured.

"Stop your babbling!" snapped Hephaestus. "I've already given you everything you need! My time is over!"

It was clear to both Cerberus and Twilight, despite their protests, that Hephaestus had made up his mind. He had fought this war since the beginning, and it was time to pass on the torch, and like a torch, the flames that made up his mane burned bright, a light of hope in these dark times. These were the only good flames that Cerberus had seen in a long time. It pained him to think that they would soon be put out.

“Time for you to leave, Cerberus.” said Hephaestus. “Go to my workshop, next to Maredoth's inn. Everything you need to end this war can be found there. Give my best to Rarity and the rest of your friends.” He said that as if he were merely going on a summer vacation.

Despite their grief, Cerberus and Twilight found the strength to back away from their friend in war, and rejoin the gathering crowd.

Captain Black ascended the staircase to the gallows (Cerberus growled under his breath) and stood next to Hephaestus. "A message from Canterlot! Evidently there has been talk of an uprising against the Solar Empire, and for what reason? An attack on the traitorous town of Ponyville? It was the home of the Lunar Republic, who had conspired to kill her majesty Princess Celestia. Their leader? None other than a half breed by the name of Cerberus! Murderers and nothing more, but now some of you, or if the rumors are true, most of you actually revere this half breed as a hero. Well, perhaps your loyalty will be swayed on this day. Allow me to introduce you to Hephastus Ironwright. A half breed, and a filthy ingrate like the rest of them-"

"I'm afraid I am no half breed, Black Licorice." said Hephaestus ever so calmly. "It was an uncanny magical accident that merged me with my pet phoenix, I'd say it was about a thousand years ago. I believe a half breed is a pony born with the qualities of another species?" Some ponies in the crowd below who were not speaking out against this hanging laughed at Hephaestus' civil impudence.

Captain Black was left with a twitching eye, in response to the interruption and the use of his full name. "Y-yes, that's right." He continued his speech. "But, half breed or not, this unicorn phoenix rebelled against Celestia from inside the castle itself! Delivering armor and magical weapons to the rebels and sabotaging our own. Now the time has come to end his little charade and make it known to the public what happens to traitors!"

"You're the traitor, Black Licorice!" Hephaestus broke out of his stoic disposition and was now bold and enraged. "Last I checked this was supposed to be a kingdom of love and tolerance. When was the last time you upheld either of those things? You're hypocrites! You and the rest of your templar friends! Listen to me, Equestria! The Lunar Republic is the answer! Go to them! This war has been going on for much longer than you realize and they will stand up and end it! Maybe not today, maybe not a hundred years from now, but even an immortal tyrant has her time!"

"So do you." said Black.

"Yes, but the difference between me and Celestia is, I've learned to accept it."

Captain Black pulled the lever to the gallows, as Hephaestus shouted to the sky for all to hear, “LONG LIVE LUN-” but his voice gave out when he fell, the rope tightening around his neck, severing him from this world and taking him to the next. All that remained of Hephaestus Ironwright was the lifeless corpse of a grey foal and a single phoenix egg.

Cries of sadness and disgust swept over the crowd for all of Fillydelphia to hear.

"How could you?!"

"You're a monster!"

"He didn't have to die!"

Twilight remained quiet, though miserable, and saw Cerberus was facing the cobblestone. He was starting to sweat. His fangs were barred.

Twilight knew he was ready to charge Captain Black. She threw herself on him to prevent it.

"You can't! There's nothing more we can do! Risking your life won't bring him back!"

Cerberus let out an earsplitting roar which caused Twilight to get off of him and cover her ears. He took off from the floor and swept over the cobblestone, right into Captain Black's smirking mug.

"You-" The Captain hardly got a word in as Cerberus slammed his head into the gallows. The collision knocked Black unconscious. Cerberus debated finishing him off right then and there, but there were more important matters at hand, like the hundreds of ponies cheering his name!

These ponies that had once thrown stones and blades at him and wished for his death were now seeing him as a hero, an icon in a time of uprising. Their emotional support gave him the courage to speak aloud, as he picked up the phoenix egg that was once part of a dear friend and held it up for all to see, high in the air.

"My fellow Equestrians! We have lost a valuable comrade in war, but have no fear! To me, Hephaestus Ironwright is there on my back!" He slammed his free hoof against his chest. "And here in my heart! He is with all of us! He believed in us! He gave us a mission. It's time to end this thousand year war once and for all! The Lunar Republic will protect you, as soldiers and as friends! Fight alongside us! End the tyranny of Celestia!"

It was as though an invisible bomb had detonated, as the cheers of these ponies were so loud and mighty.

Cerberus returned to the ground and passed the egg to Twilight who was now beaming. "Do with it what you will." he said.

"You've come a long way." said Twilight. "One day you're fighting for your life, now you're a father to be, leading a whole revolution..."

Cerberus nodded. "Gotta go. No doubt Celestia's soldiers won't like what I did to Black."

Everypony below waved to him as he flew away from view. As for the late half phoenix, his egg was passed around for all to say their last goodbyes. A final farewell to an unsung hero. The lifeless foal under the gallows would receive a proper burial later that night, but not by the Lunar Republic. They had more important matters to discuss. Twilight snuck away from Hephaestus Ironwright's makeshift funeral, and rejoined her friends to relay his message.

Twilight didn't have to say anything to the Lunar Republic for them to know what happened. A moment of silence was shared between them. Heretic raised the last of his cider. "To Hephaestus, and everything he has done for us." He paused. "And everything he could have done."

"He isn't done with us yet. He said he left something for us in his workshop..."

Hephaestus' workshop was small, but absolutely jaw dropping. From ceiling to floor, the walls were covered in armor of varying color, shapes and size. Some armor was exotic and dazzling, adorned with tribal marks (Judas in particular was eyeing those ones), other sets were bulky, and could make anypony as huge as Big Macintosh. Other armor (Likely for pegasi) was skintight, giving ample protection whilst not obstructing their flight capabilities.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes darted around the room when she heard some loud snoring from nearby the hoof locker up against the wall. She noticed a lumpy blanket rising and falling.

“SPY!” she yelled, causing everypony else to jump. She swiped the blanket away from whomever was beneath it, waiting to strike... or sleep. “Zecora?!”

The forest dwelling Zebra was the last thing the Lunar Republic had expected to see here. She was awake almost instantly, wearing an embarrassed smirk. “The Everfree forest was being raided. I decided my residence should be updated. The guards couldn’t catch me, though they tried. I found this house was unoccupied.”

“I never took you for a squatter.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures. Case and point, look at these treasures.” She gestured to the armor along the wall, and to the hoof locker.

Twilight opened it and levitated the contents up high for all to see. Hephaestus had prepared unique cloaks for all of them!

“Oh my goodness, Hephaestus!” said Rarity as she applauded. “You really did think of everything!”

The cloaks were colored and adorned for its specified wearer.

Twilight Sparkle’s was purple, decorated with many familiar constellations and a magenta six pointed star.

Rarity’s was a milky white mixed with sparkling curved streaks of pink and blue.

Pinkie Pie’s... well, pink, of course, and three cupcakes which changed color in the sunlight made up the center.

Heretic’s was a simple black with a white pi in the corner (“Hey, he perfectly captured your blandness!” said Judas).

Winter Solstice got a significantly larger cloak. This one was a light blue with sparkling snowflakes. No two were the same.

Judas’ cloak was black like Heretic’s, but intentionally artistic rips and tears could be seen at the corners. Of course, it was covered in exotic patterns and tribal marks to suit her fancy.

Even Rainbow Dash, who wasn’t exactly the most enthusiastic about fashion, found these cloaks drop dead gorgeous. She saw that the blanket she had pulled off Zecora was a cloak made for her, dark blue with rainbow patterned lightning bolts traveling vertically down from the hood.

There was a small grass green one for Applejack too, with many different types of apples to represent the Apple family stitched onto the border.

“Even in death, Hephaestus Ironwright guides us all.” said Heretic. “Gather everything you can carry. We will send a letter to Princess Luna, and tell her the time has come. Celestia has gone too far. This war will come to an end.”

Everypony was in silent agreement.

"From winter, to spring, to summer, to autumn... one side of this war will feel defeat upon them. Fate has no place in these times, we can not depend on the divines. Purge the templar or quell the rebellion, end the pain or die like a hellion. Either way, a new age will rise, the kingdom of the sun or the republic of starry skies. Equestria can bloom or wilt like a flower. The answer will come in the twilight hour."

Zecora walked out the door without another word, leaving the Lunar Republic to ponder her cryptic words.

"Was that some sort of prophecy?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Don't be foolish. Prophecies don't exist." said Heretic.

"Oh, don't get us started on stuff like 'inevitability' and 'fate'." said Judas, rolling her eyes. "Even if there were a prophecy, it wouldn't change a thing."

"She also made it very clear that fate has no role in the outcome." said Heretic.

"So, we pretty much just heard what we already know. What was the point of that?" Rainbow Dash stuck her head out the open window. "Thanks for nothing, Zeck!"

Heretic adjusted his glasses. "I don't think we should worry about that too much. It's a distraction, and we have a lot to do. Troops to gather, weapons to organize, organizations to plan..." he rambled on about the preparations for the upcoming battle. This was really happening. Most of the Lunar Republic thought that they would be in higher spirits, or inversely, dread this fight, but the idea had lodged itself in their minds and became common thought. "Um, what do you think about it, Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle, however, was stricken dumb by Zecora's poem. Something about it made her go silent, unable to respond to any questions. She left the shop with her eyes on the ground.

“Zecora! Please, wait!” Cerberus had been hopping from rooftop to rooftop and had overheard his friends in the armory below. He had heard Zecora’s name and seen her leave the shop. He flew down to her, for he had something he had wanted to say for a very long time. “Zecora!” He intercepted her path, much to her surprise. “I never got a chance to thank you for everything.”

“Everything being what?” she asked.

“If it weren’t for you and Twilight, I’d be... wait, I thought you spoke in rhyme?”

“I must forgo my usual mannerisms to make my message more direct.” Zecora looked rather content at a glance, but her eyes began to show regressive sadness, like she was remembering something she had put behind her. “Like Hephaestus Ironwright, I have been aware of this war of purity for some time. Not as long as he was, mind you, but I too have been hurt by Celestia. In my younger days back in Saddle Arabia, I had fallen in love with a treasure hunting unicorn. He was reluctant at first to try his hoof at a relationship with a zebra, as such a thing was unheard of, but he quickly came through. Soon we were married and we boarded the first ship to Equestria. Before I knew it, we had a lovely home in Ponyville and I had given birth to a unicorn Zebra hybrid. I couldn’t have been happier.

Of course, word quickly spread of a half breed wandering the streets. Celestia is not fond of Zebras, but to have my kind mix with hers? I shudder to think of what anger was in her heart and mind.

So, my house was ransacked and destroyed, my husband was taken away, and my daughter...” she bowed her head and sighed. “I haven’t seen her since. I had to hide in the dangerous catacombs of the Everfree forest to survive. Even in a remote town such as Ponyville, my name had become taboo. That’s not the case anymore but... I can never go back.”

Cerberus reached out his hoof to comfort Zecora. “I am so sorry...”

Zecora quickly snapped back a state of alertness, now slightly angry. “Apologies and grieving will not bring our loved ones back. Cerberus. I knew from the start that you were my second chance. I knew that you had made an attempt on Celestia’s life, and I knew you would do it again, and several times more until you had your freedom. You and your friends can right her wrongs. Create a new world where all half breed children can frolic. End this thousand year war for me. For us!”

“I will! For your lost ones and my son!”