• Published 18th Nov 2011
  • 5,312 Views, 228 Comments

Dragon of the Eclipse - Marik_Azemus

No pony could have prepared for the adventure or horror Cerberus would bring to Equestria...

  • ...

Burning for You

Chapter 7

Burning for You

“Fire!” Heretic’s cry cut through the panic and, for a few seconds, all went deathly silent. Then, somepony screamed.

Mayhem ensued. While the pegasai made haste to the clouds, checking for a chance of rain, unicorns made attempts to carry water with their magic from the rivers to douse the flames. Earth ponies got out of the way, letting those with a better chance of helping take the job.

It was not enough. Despite the adrenaline, there was no denying that many ponies were still under the influence, and this hampered their abilities to perform efficiently. Pegasai forgot to flap both wings, and flew in dizzying spirals before regaining their balance. Ponies stumbled into each other; magical holds on bubbles of water slipped and got themselves and others wet instead of the seemingly unquenchable flames devouring the trees.

The fire, stoked by the trees it fed on and pushed by the intense wind, leapt to the barn, engulfing it in it’s terrible inferno. The grass was soon consumed as well, creating a sea of fire. The pegasi above got the best view of the carnage. Rainbow Dash was in a panic. “This is not good! Oh jeez, oh gosh... if we don’t stop it, the whole farm’s going down!”

“Get ahold of yourself!” Judas slapped Rainbow Dash clear across the face. That shut her up. “You’re a freakin’ pegasus! Get some rain clouds so we can fix this!”

“I can’t! None of these storm clouds have any precipitation! Do you see why I’m freaking out?!”

“Well, go higher then!”

“There’s no time!”

“Rainbow Dash! Yours is the hoof that will pierce the heavens!”

“...What?“ "

"Hold out your hoof!” Rainbow Dash reluctantly did as she was commanded. Judas wrapped her hoof around Rainbow Dash’s, pulling her to her side. “Now flap those wings!”

Rainbow Dash couldn‘t stop shivering. The ferocious and feral wind, the anxiety of the situation, and her immortal enemy, fear, were all slowing her wings. “Judith...”

“RAINBOW DASH, FLY!!!” A second later, a Rainbow trail, as well as a purple and black one, were all that remained of the rocketing pair of pegasai.

Applejack was in a panic of her own. Whereas most were concerned for their own safety, Applejack feared for the life of a little filly who she knew wasn’t at the party. She ran for the farmhouse, faster than she had ever run before, over the blazing grass. The wooden farmhouse was starting to burn. “Applebloom!”

“Applejack! Somepony! Help!” Apple Bloom didn’t know what started the fire, but it was quickly surrounding her clubhouse. It had already ensured that she couldn’t climb down. If nopony came to her aid, She would have to try and make a jump for it...

“Applebloom! Where are y-cuhl, cogk, hack, hack!” The smoke and fire were almost too much for Applejack to take. She could handle out of control carriages, trees ten times her size, even giant monsters, but fire was too much for her. Wild-eyed already from her fear, she made the choice to keep her trap shut, lest she inhale any more smoke.

“That’s it, I’m jumpin’. A few broken hooves are better than dyin’!” Applebloom opened the nearest window and prepared for liftoff. She was ready to jump, but the weak structure of the clubhouse had other plans. A section of the roof caved in, right on top of the hapless filly. Her lower back was filled with the worst pain...

The situation was getting more desperate by the second. Applejack had a critical choice to make. Either risk her own life to find the only sister she had, or bail out now and face the world, knowing Applebloom was doomed to die in the fire... “NO! Not again!” Applejack continued to choke and gag on the intensifying smoke, telling rational thought to piss off, determined to find Applebloom.

Applebloom had gotten in way over her head, thinking she could actually get out of her prison of rubble. The fire continued to spread, consuming all of the pictures, streamers, and other decorations the crusaders had collected over the years. Soon, the fire snuck up on Applebloom, igniting her tail. She hardly registered the pain, it was the stench that got her screaming.

The stairs could not support Applejack’s weight. They split beneath her hoofs, toppling her to the floor. She was already weak, and flat on her stomach was not a good position to be in. She couldn’t stand up.

“HELP! HEEEEELP! SOMEPONY!! Please...” Applebloom had cried out until she was hoarse, and it still was not enough. She was too weak to remove herself from the rubble. She was too exhausted to even continue screaming. Her priorities continued to dwindle. First she had wanted to escape from her prison underneath all this wood and nails, then to continue shouting, hoping that at least somepony could hear her. Now that she had lost her voice, and couldn’t stop hacking, her only wish was that she could keep breathing for just another second. “… Somepony… please…”

Applejack knew, as much as every fiber of her being wanted to deny it, that this was where her life would end. The sting of smoke in her eyes blinded her. The dry air burned her nostrils till they were raw. She coughed to the point of heaving. I... I knew I shouldn’t a... even her own thoughts were too weak to complete themselves. She decided it was best to wait for death to welcome her with open arms, and hope that Applebloom wasn’t at his side... she had an uncanny feeling in her legs and chest. It was like she had left the burning room and had crossed over to... somewhere. If this was what being dead felt like, it wasn’t so bad. She had one more moment of clarity, that she spent on one thought. Applebloom… Ah failed ya… A tear ran down her cheek as she gave one last shuddering breath.

Applebloom’s mind, along with the pain in her hindquarters, began to waver... and she felt an unusual sense of weightlessness take over. As her consciousness slowly slipped away, the burning in her lungs died away to a cool feeling. She watched as the clubhouse burned to ashes beneath her before she slipped away completely...

Ba…………….bum. Ba………….bum. Ba…….bum. Ba……bum. Ba…bum. Ba-bum. Ba-bum. Ba-bum. Applejack felt lips pressed against her own, causing her heart to flutter, as well as her lungs. The darkness began to recede. She saw a deep blue muzzle pressed against her own. Her lungs filled with air, which then trickled out. Another kiss, full lungs. Breathless, repeat. Her sense of smell returned. A musky scent, masculine. Smoke. Then, she saw green eyes staring intently into hers. The lips of the muzzle moved. The face was familiar, but she couldn’t put her hoof on it, figuratively and literally. The head turned away. A pink mane atop a yellow head moved into her dim field of vision as she unconsciously followed the head’s movement. Another familiar face that she couldn’t quite remember... her brain began to receive more blood and she could think clearly.

“F...Flutter...shy?” Fluttershy squeaked with overwhelming joy and nuzzled Applejack affectionately. Upon further inspection, Applejack saw that she was lying in the middle of the burnt remains of the farmhouse’s living room. Somehow, most of it still stood. She turned back to her good friend. “Didja save me?”

“Goodness, no. I’m not brave enough to fight fire. It was Cerberus.”

“... No. No, no. Not him.” Applejack’s mind tried to start racing, but shifted gears too quickly and had to pump out unnecessary exhaust.

“Howdy, Applejack! Ya’ll sound like a hairball’s stuck in yer throat.” Applejack heard a voice she thought she’d never hear again. Applebloom entered the room with her entire hindquarters wrapped in bandages. Applejack managed to lift herself off the makeshift bed and struggle over to her sister to give her the most intense hug in Equestrian history.

“Oh, thank goodness you’re alright... wait.” Applejack looked Applebloom over. “What did it do to you? Oh sweet Celestia, if it so much as touched you...”

“I’m fine, sis! The fire only got my tail.”

“No, I’m talking about the dragon freak! Did he hurt you?”

Applebloom’s optimistic smile trickled into a sad, confused frown. “Why would Cerberus hurt us?”

“Because he-”

“He saved my life! He saved yours! You should thank him!”

“Oh, I’ll do somethin’ to him, alright...”

The blue half-dragon Applejack feared and hated slowly reemerged into her field of vision. “...I heard that.”

Applejack moved to guard her sister. “Alright, ya big varmint, what happens now? You come ta finish us off?!”

“Applejack, don’t hurt yourself.”

“I was doin’ just fine until you showed up!”

“You were dying.”

Applejack moved closer to Cerberus with every word she shouted. “I had it under control! You just bucked it all up with your publicity stunt, you stupid, half-bred piece of-”

“Applejack, if you’re trying to make me cry again, it won’t work.” That was enough to stop her in her tracks. She could see that Applebloom was astounded at the insults she had thrown at Cerberus, and Fluttershy was on the verge of tears. “I knew you and Applebloom were in danger, so I saved you. I didn’t expect you to thank me. It’s just enough to know you’re safe. I know you hate me for my wings and tail and-”

“For Discord’s sake, ‘tain’t none of those things." Applejack lowered her head. She needed to get this off her chest; she hated that she’d practically lied before. The truth came as natural as breathing. “Cerberus... Ah’m fine with you lookin’ like you do.” She tried unsuccessfully to nod her head towards Fluttershy. “You all act like I didn’t learn anything from Zecora. I think you’ve got a mighty fine gift, Cerberus.” Her expression then turned sour. “It weren’t your wings. That fire breathing. Ah. Hate. Fire.” She shuddered as she lowered herself to the ground. “It’s the most terrifying thing I know of. When you sneezed up a fire ball, I got so scared I couldn’t get control of myself, and I ended up hurtin' your feelins'. That's me, stubborn as a mule... When I saw the fire, I thought of that night...” Applejack curled up into a catatonic position on the ground. She closed her eyes and began to sniffle. “Daddy...”

To say that was a difficult night for the Apple family was an understatement. You don’t get over almost dying overnight. At least it ended on a positive note.

Applejack had collapsed from the utter exhaustion and relief, so Cerberus was inclined to carry her to Fluttershy’s house. The rain had begun to fall harder and faster, eliminating the remaining traces of flame. This was a nice kind of rain that lightly falls on one’s head and does not require hooded protection. Best of all, Cerberus and Fluttershy could talk as they trekked along the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. Of course Applebloom was there too.

Applejack was sound asleep on Fluttershy’s bed, her signature cowboy hat, singed at the edges, hung up to dry from the rain. She continued to choke back tears between breaths. Applebloom sat at the edge of the bed. Fluttershy wanted her to rest downstairs, but the little one had insisted that the Apple sisters should stay together.

Cerberus kept his green eyes locked on the mare and filly he’d saved. He didn‘t want to let them out of his sight. What Applejack had said before falling asleep sparked personal thoughts inside him. “I wish I could understand her grief. I never knew my father... I mean, we’ve never met.”

Fluttershy took sympathy on her friend. “Oh, that’s a shame. What was his name?”

That honestly stumped Cerberus. Luna told him, once. “Well, um... mother said it was... Si... Jah... Kwe... I can’t say it.”

“Why not?”

“Uh, it’s impossible to translate.”

“You can speak Draconic, right? I mean, if you don’t want to-”

“I'll try... *&%@!^$%^@)$#+!{*.” The sounds Cerberus made were just plain unnatural, and he looked incredibly strained afterward.

“Um, bless you?”

“Yeah, I am never doing that again.” Cerberus looked back to Applejack to ensure he didn‘t wake her. “I think we should leave her be.” Fluttershy nodded in quiet agreement, proceeding toward the door.

“Please... Please don’t go...” whispered Applejack. Cerberus stopped. The able bodied mare that had once feared him was in a state he couldn’t stand to see. The floodgates had broken. Tears streamed down Applejack’s face, as a result of whatever dream was tormenting her. Fluttershy, like the caring individual she always was, fluttered over to Applejack and whispered calming words into her ear. She then turned back to Cerberus.

“I’ve never seen her so broken.”

“I can try to comfort her.” Just an hour ago Applejack had been just another angry face, though that had lost all meaning when Cerberus saw how fragile she really was. Cerberus slowly and gently crawled onto the bed next to Applejack. He made an attempt to speak as soft as Fluttershy had, to not alarm his friend.

“Um... Applejack, if it helps, I’m sorry for what happened to your father. I… I never knew my father, but I do know what it’s like to lose someone close... And… I’m sorry. I- I could’ve lost you. I- I was scared, too.” Cerberus’ voice cracked as he remembered how horrifying it had been seening her just lying there in a pile at the bottom of the stairs, not breathing.

She must have found some solace with his words, because her sniffling and squirming died down.

“It… it hurts. It really hurts all of us to see you like this. You’re strong and brave. I wish I were half as brave as you are.” Applejack’s face got a faint smile as she shed one last tear, before snuggling into Cerberus’ midsection. “Um.” He blushed, looking up at Fluttershy.

She stifled a giggle. “It’s okay,” said Fluttershy. “It’s been a very long day. You and Applejack should sleep.” Cerberus nodded, suddenly feeling all the adrenaline rush out of his system, leaving nothing but a wave of exhaustion in its place.

Curling up around Applejack’s form so he could keep from falling off the bed, Cerberus drifted off.


Cerberus woke. His senses slowly ebbed back to him, starting with his ability to hear. What did he hear? It was not exactly loud or obnoxious, but enough to break the dead silence.

His ability to smell came next. He smelt... hay. His eyes began to work as well, and he saw that his face was snuggled up close to Applejack’s head. She was facing away, and her messy blonde hair took up most of Cerberus’ vision. That explained the hay smell.

When his senses fully returned, he felt the warm body between him and Applejack’s, one of his wings pulled over it and Applejack like a blanket. With what little mobility he could manage from his stiff wing, Cerberus pulled it up a little to see Fluttershy curled beneath it, snuggled up close to his underbelly. Her eyes opened and stared blearily into his own gummy-feeling eyes.

“Yay...” Fluttershy’s voice was barely audible, but it still sent a slight thrill of shivers down Cerberus’ spine.

“Yay?” He could feel a blush forming as he smiled goofily at Fluttershy as she snuggled in closer, nuzzling his neck.

“I’m happy.” She smiled up at him, her eyes pulling him in as he thought of all that had happened. It was truly something to be happy about, in the long run.

“Me too, but, what are you doing?”

“I was cold, and you felt so warm.” She snuggled up even closer until her face was between his and Applejack’s mane. “I like being wrapped in your wings.”

Cerberus’ smile grew to the corners of his face as his blush deepened. “Yay.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes again, her face mere inches from his. Her breath became a steady-paced trickle of hot air that tickled his muzzle. It seemed she was not quite ready to leave. Frankly, to Cerberus, that was alright.


Cerberus craned his neck to see what the hay was making that noise, trying not to disturb either of the mares before him. Applebloom was sitting in the corner sketching on a small, plastic artist easel with multi-colored pencils and pens. She still wore her bandages, though they were coming loose. She seemed to be too absorbed in her work to have noticed his and Fluttershy’s conversation.

“Little one,” Cerberus whispered with a spiked curiosity.

Applebloom poked her head around the side of the easel to reveal that she had a red colored pencil in her mouth. "Aoh! Yeou're awewae, Stherbewrus!" Applebloom spat out the pencil, tucking the paper from the easel away with a slight blush.

“What are you working on?” Cerberus extracted himself from the still sleeping Fluttershy, facing the smaller one with a yawn and an amiable grin. Applejack turned over in her sleep, gripping the yellow mare as she would a teddy bear. Applebloom and Cerberus stifled laughs before Cerberus motioned towards the paper again. “Can I see it?”

"Oh... Um... It’s… not that good… J-just, Y- you... and, um, Sis... and, Fluttershy..." Applebloom seemed to think there was something wrong with that. She edged towards the door, the stairs looking like an inviting retreat.

"A... picture? I'd like to see it, if you don't mind?" Cerberus and Applebloom looked up at Fluttershy, who was waking up again, blushing as she saw Applejack’s forelegs around her midsection.

Applebloom, unwilling to hoof it over, finally admitted defeat. Fluttershy was Fluttershy, after all. "Umm... s-sure. It's really bad, though... I was gonna color it better, then you woke up...” Applebloom held out the piece of paper to Fluttershy, who took it and spread it out on the floor. Cerberus leaned in to look, his eyes not comprehending what he was seeing.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but chuckle at Cerberus going slightly red in the face. "Is... is that really what I look like?" he asked, though it was more of a question to himself. The picture was more than a simple sketch, which was what he'd been expecting. It was... amazing, to say the least. He was wrapped around Fluttershy and Applejack, but it seemed less like a thing done to get comfy, and more as a way to protect the two. His face had the kind eyes of a colt with love and compassion in his heart as he looked upon the two sleeping forms. Fluttershy and Applejack's faces were completely blissful, safe from any dangers that may lurk beyond the protection the half-dragon could give. The two mare's manes were detailed in the most wonderful way, cascading around their faces to frame their forms, and the shadows sketched onto the three forms almost seemed to move. Cerberus felt a sting in his green eyes, and realized he was tearing up.

"Ah knew it. It's terrible, ain't it?" Applebloom was tearing up too.

"No, little one." Cerberus pulled her into a hug. "This is the greatest thing I've ever seen. I can't wait to see it finished."

Applejack broke the silence, slurring out a "wazgoinon?" as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

“Look at what your little sister created.”

Still weak from the traumatic night before, the orange mare managed to get over to Applebloom’s wonderful artwork. She chuckled to herself. “I’ll be damned.” Applebloom felt a smile form on her face as something in her mind seemed to... click. "What'cha so happy 'bout, li'l sis?"

Applebloom kept smiling, not sure how to answer. “I dunno, sis... I feel... good. Even though tha farm's gone, I feel... okay. Seein’ ya’ll happy makes me happy. Like I'm complete or sumthin.” Applebloom closed her eyes, nodding in satisfaction with her fragmented reply.

Applejack's eyes widened as the filly seemed to glow for a second. When the younger Apple opened her eyes again, her sis was smiling down at her. Cerberus approached Applebloom, and cautiously barred his fangs. He clutched Applebloom’s bandages with his teeth and tore them right off, revealing Applebloom’s flank.

Instead of singed hair and burns where the fire had licked at her coat, there was... "Mah CUTIE MARK!!!"

The Apple filly pranced around happily, all pain gone for the moment. Her head started spinning, and she sat back on her haunches, her smile wider than ever. She looked back at her flank, wanting to savor the moment, making sure it was real. The mark was still there.

It showed a painter's palette with the paint smeared across it in a smiley face. A paintbrush was dipped into the red, which looked a lot like an apple.

Cerberus was proud that he was here to witness the happiness of the young filly, as she experienced the satisfaction of obtaining what he never would. He and Fluttershy left the two sisters alone upstairs as they oohed and ahhed at the filly’s wonderful new cutie mark.

He was happier than he had ever been in a long time. He had friends… His happiness gave way to a pit in his stomach as he realized that his old friends were probably all dead. He was too exhausted to cry, but he couldn’t help but wish that he could’ve at least told them how wonderful they had been. I can’t believe that I never really thought of them as friends before. We were just a group of like-minded individuals. He sighed. I’m such an idiot. He looked up at Fluttershy, who was busy preparing a meal for them to eat before helping the Apples back to town. He shook those thoughts away. Mourn later. Too much good has happened for you to mourn a loss you only think you’ve suffered. If I survived, then… Maybe…

“Geez, Fluttershy! That smells amazing! I hope that those two have a big appetite, huh?” He nuzzled the butter-yellow pegasus, who playfully swatted at him with her tail as she blushed.

“Stop! *giggle* Don’t make me drop it!”

Maybe something in his life would go right for once. Maybe he could be normal.

“Hey, you two love-birds better not burn them pancakes! Ah guess dyin’ kin give ya the durndest hunger. Ah’m ready ta eat!” Applejack sat down at the table, snuffing at the sweet smell of honey and maple syrup.

“Me too, me too! Ah got mah cutiemark! Ah can’t wait to show the others!” The little filly bounced down the stairs and into the kitchen, managing to land squarely on a chair as she wiggled in anticipation.

Cerberus helped Fluttershy set out plates stacked high with pancakes drizzled in syrup and butter, the honey and biscuits disappearing as soon as it was on the table.

They all dug in, eating however they felt, in no real rush to finish. There was no fear of being discovered.

Maybe, just maybe, he could be normal.

He definitely felt happy.

“Is everypony ready to head into town?”

“Let me grab my cloak. Just in case I need it.”

Yes, happy was a word Cerberus felt he could now understand, and he wanted to share that happiness with a friend he now held most dear. That is why, a few days later, he mustered the courage to take her hooves in his and say, "Fluttershy... I want to go out to dinner with you."