• Published 11th Oct 2015
  • 2,305 Views, 26 Comments

What Your Cutie Mark Doesn't Tell You - RaylanKrios

The CMC finally have their cutie marks. So why are they still worried about them?

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What Your Cutie Mark Doesn't Tell You

The cutecnera had ended, old friends (Pipsqueak) and new friends (Diamond Tiara) had bid their goodbyes, and even the crusaders themselves had reluctantly agreed to part ways. Though it had been a very exciting day, the three little fillies wanted to take a moment to reflect on the life changing events that had transpired.

An orange pegasus sat on top of a hill overlooking an empty field, if you reached the very top and looked out it almost looked as though you were soaring above Ponyville. A quiet breeze rustled through the trees as she watched the sun begin to set. The rustling of the leaves almost masked the soft thud of another pony landing beside her.

“Hey squirt, whatcha doin up here all by yourself?”

Scootaloo glanced over her shoulder to see Rainbow Dash, before returning her gaze back to the clouds. “Nothing, I was just thinking about my cutie mark,” she said with a shrug.

“What’s there to think about? I thought you loved your new cutie mark, and you get to share it with your best friends. That’s so awesome! You’d probably have to check with Twilight but I’m guessing that kind of bond is pretty rare.”

“I know, and I do like my cutie mark and I love that I share it with Sweetie Belle and AB. I just thought once I got my cutie mark everything would kinda make sense...ya know.”

The question was met with skepticism. “I’m not really following ya kid.”

Scootaloo hesitated for a second and for a moment Rainbow thought she wouldn’t say anything else. But once she began to speak the words came rushing out of her. “I still can’t fly. And my cutie mark didn’t come for anything even close to flying. Does this mean I’ll never be able to? And what am I supposed to do with this mark anyway? I mean how do you go around finding ponies who need help discovering their talents ? Do you think Twilight would let us borrow her magical map thing?”

“I’m not sure that’s how the map works,” Rainbow answered giving her the only answer she had amongst Scootaloo’s barrage of questions.

Scootaloo bit her lip and glanced away, embarrassed at her next question. “What if this means I’m not really good at anything?"

Another filly was wandering through the vast expanse of Apple orchards she called home. She half heartedly bucked a particularly large tree and took note of how only a few apples fell down. Soon she was joined by her big sister.

“You look sadder then a rattle snake in a library. What’s eating ya sugar cube?” Applejack asked laying a comforting hoof on Apple Bloom's shoulder.

Apple Bloom gestured to her no longer blank flank. “I was just thinking, it’s not really an apple, does this mean I can’t still live on the farm? Am I still a member of the family, can I go the reunions? Is my name even Apple Bloom anymore?!"

“Calm down sugar cube. First off, you’ll always be an Apple no matter what. And you’re always welcome on the farm, or at the reunions or at any of your kin’s places, that don’t change and it ain’t never gonna change. And you’re name is still Apple Bloom. We don’t have time around here learn to call you something else,” Applejack said with what she hoped was a reassuring smile.

Apple Bloom nodded, but then she bit her lip and glanced away. “Does this mean I’m not really good at anything?”

The last member of the newly officially minted trio, was up in her big sisters guest room that doubled as her home away from home. The soundtrack from the Bridleway performance of Cats emanated softly from the record player in the corner as she sat on the bed.

“Sweetie Belle? You’ve been awfully quiet ever since we got home. Is everything okay?” Rarity asked, pushing the door open ever so slightly.

Sweetie Belle looked up and gestured to the record player. “I still like singing, and musicals and theater. Does this mean I can’t do any of those things? What if my special talent means I always have to sing backup?”

“Why would you have to sing back up?”

“Because I’m supposed to be good at helping other ponies find their talents, and you can’t really help a pony’s talent shine, if you’re hogging the spotlight.”

“Well that seems like a rather limited view to take. I’m sure you can still help ponies and still sing a few solos. Just because you’re great at helping other ponies find their talents doesn’t mean you can’t shine yourself,” Rarity replied with a reaffirming nod.

Sweetie Belle brightened up but then she bit her lip and glanced away. “But what if this means I’m not good at anything?”

"Hey that’s enough of that squirt! You’re the coolest little pony I know and your cutie mark makes you even cooler. You’re good at scooting and dancing and running a fan club and being a great friend. Your cutie mark doesn’t change any of that."

"Not good at anything? You’re great at lots of stuff AB. You’re still great with those potions, and you swing a hammer even better then Big Mac. Give yourself a few years to pack some muscle on and I’ll bet you could raise a whole barn by yourself. And like Ah said, you’re still an Apple, that means you can farm better than any pony east of Appleloosa. Your cutie mark don’t change any of that."

"What a ridiculous thought. You’re still a talented singer, director, and actress. And you’re very smart and well read for good measure. I’m proud to call you my sister and your cutie mark doesn’t change any of that."

Thanks Rainbow Dash.

Thanks Sis

Thank you Rarity.

Author's Note:

My only problem with the ending of this episode is that it ignores all the other stuff the CMC might have gotten their marks in, and instead gave them all Cutie Mark Crusader Cutie Marks, which feel like a bit of a cop out.

Also I think just because they have their marks doesn't make them less interesting characters and there should still be lots of CMC fics.

Comments ( 26 )

Fine, you can have a like. It is okay, and I also feel like it was a copout. I still really liked this episode , though. Great insight into Diamond Tiaras character. And good songs.

I found this story pretty interesting, but the problem I have with it is that if you look closely at the cutie marks, you will see an apple, a music note, and a Pegasus wing with a lightning bolt inside it, so that kind of diminishes the feeling of not knowing their cutie mark (aside from scootaloo, who can't fly, but can use her wings to go fast on the scooter). To be fair, I didn't notice those features at first either. It wasn't until I rewound the show and looked closely at the marks that I saw that. I'm sure there is still confusion about the marks, though. I still think this was a nice story, though! The writing was pretty good! It is an interesting concept you have there as well!

True Talent =/= skill or aptitude. That's a mistake that I think we all made. The True Talent is the mix of skills, aptitudes, mind-set and aspiration that points towards the life that makes a pony most fulfilled.

Look at Pinkie Pie. She's a great baker, she's got a wonderful sense of humour and has an enormous talent for organisation. Her cutie mark reflects none of these things. Rather it shows that she's happiest when she uses all her skills and aptitudes to make other ponies happy. Rainbow Dash is another example - She's a skilled flier and weather engineer; she could have any career based around flying, civil or military and do well. However, it's only by being a flashy, public acrobat that she'd find real happiness and fulfilment.

I couldn't agree more! We should all still make CMC fics! I'm going to do my part and make a good one right now!"

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that this episode feels like the show's focus on the CMC is coming to an end?

6515585 Hell no, this does not mean that they're ending, they're still the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and I highly doubt episodes with them in it will end!

At least the marks have an individual symbol in the shields. AB has an apple. Sweetie has an eighth note, and Scoots has a wing with a thunderbolt.

I also like how the shields color matches their individual mane colors. Red, pink(ish) and purple.

The question was meant with skepticism. “I’m not really following ya kid.”


Applejack asked laying a comforting hoof on Apple Blooms shoulder.


Is my name even Apple Bloom anymore?!

Needs end " marks.

Sweetie Belle looked up and gestured to the record player.

Move down a line.

Thanks Sis
Thank you Rarity.
Thanks Rainbow Dash.

Dash > Sis > Rarity [since it's a reply to the above lines.]

I'll admit I loved the latest episode. Heck no pony alive has had a Cutie Mark flash like they did [literally rose them off the ground with their combined magics]. But this fic really didn't have as much emotional impact as it could have if it was a longer. Or had time to build up an emotional payload.

But that's just my personal opinion.


But this fic really didn't have as much emotional impact as it could have if it was a longer. Or had time to build up an emotional payload.

Yeah agree. The problem from my perspective is that I liked the idea that the CMC getting their cutie marks in no way marks the end of their journey, nor does it mean that they no longer suffer from the self doubt that plagued them sans cutie marks.

But there wasn't enough there to write a full length fic about it, and I didn't want to explore this. I kinda wanted this out and crossed off. The result is that this isn't the best thing I've ever written.

Thanks for the editing.


You're welcome and yeah, that show did have material for a good journey of self discovery [seriously loved how that came about, and how it manifested itself. Although I really hate Hasbro for that line between Dash and Scoots. Since apparently Scoots has helped Dash a lot over the seasons, and we see none of it (although we did get a lot of crap episodes, and tons of Apple Bloom / Applejack episodes [mediocre ones at that, that didn't really grow them as characters]).].


This is decent, not your best I agree, but good.

Though I must disagree with your statement that this episode was a cop out. The CMC have been helping other ponies and each other from day one in dealing with cutie marks. There's apparently not much they enjoy more. So why wouldn't their marks relate to helping others find their talents? Not only that, but DT unintentionally started the Crusaders, I think it's fitting that she unintentionally helped them to the next level. I would say these marks mean they all have their individual talents, as they are individual in nature, but share a common love in helping others find theirs. Thus Scootaloo probably becomes a sports team talent scout or coach, Sweetie becomes a singing coach and AB becomes a... I don't know general psychical education teacher maybe :applecry: ... I'm sure she'll find something. I actually kinda like them getting cutie marks that imply that they won't grow up to be stars at what they do, but instead will help others, this show doesn't concentrate enough on people in support positions.

I am more of the impression that the CMC's marks are sign that they are not only linked in a way which not even the Mane Six are[1], but that it also suggests they have more than one special talent.

[1]We've seen ponies with the same cutiemark. We've related ponies with cutie-marks with similar themes... We've NOT seen cutie marks so individualiased (noting that the colours on them are each other's) and linked in this manner before. I personally reckon this is only very slightly under Twilight's ascention level of significance (and perhaps more subtle, but even more so). Especially given the spectacularly dramatic way in happened.

The soundtrack from the Bridleway performance of Cats emanated softly from the record player in the corner as she sat on the bed.

That's my favorite musical of all time!

Apple Bloom had an apple with a heart in it, Sweetie Bell had a star with a musical note in it, and Scootaloo had a wing with a lightning bolt.
6518591 I agree and look forward to what happens next. :yay:
6514352 Couldn't have explained it better myself :twilightsmile:
6515585 Definitely not. Even the last song implies this is the setup for something akin to the cutie map for the crusaders. Maybe the cutie map will even call them to solve a if not many cutie mark problem(s).
6514098 Watch this video, then tell me if you still feel the same way.

6515585 it only ends them finding their cutie marks, now it moves onto a new saga, now we can see them helping others.

D'aaaawww, that was sweet. :twilightsmile:

One thing, though: In the first sentence of the story, there's absolutely no point in outright tossing Pipsqueak and Diamond Tiara's into the sentence in parentheses. It's jarring, and simply writing "friends old and new had bid their goodbyes" would do perfectly fine.

Anyone else notice that Apple Blooms mark didn't match up with what was originally hinted at? Like, everyone thought Sweetie's talent would be singing, and she did get a music note in her shield. Scoots was always a toss up between dancing or some sort of sport stuff, and the lightning/wing was kind of on point with that. But Bloom's talent was hinted at being carpentry or design (or maybe potions sort of), and she ended up with a heart and apple.

6529368 Every Apple gets an apple cutie mark regardless of their specific talent because they all mentally define their mark in terms of helping their family. Thus Big Mac talent isn't just "feats of strength". To him it's "feats of strength to help the family". If Apple Bloom's talent had been "wood working" then to her it would have been "woodworking to help the family". But it isn't. As it turns out Bloom's real talent is something more abstract along the lines of "inspiring ponies". Not exactly something you can demonstrate at a talent show.

So, since they all got the same mark, Sweetie is inspiring ponies with singing. And Scootaloo is inspiring ponies with... tricks? I guess those make sense, since music can be inspiring as well as watching someone pull off an amazing stunt. Applebloom got the short end up the stick then. Her talent is only to inspire ponies, and I guess her family specifically.
Still, my point was that, in the beginning, her talent was hinted at something different that what it ended up being. There's a reason all the fans thought it was going to be something like an apple and paint brush or chisel, and I felt whoever wrote the episode and designed that mark for Bloom dropped the ball. Real serious brain fart there.

Its spelled Cute-ceañera.

How did S6E4 make you(the author especially, but everyone else too) feel on this issue?

7135842 It didn't. The episode just re-enforced what what we knew which was that the CMC got their marks in helping other ponies with cutie mark type problems. I guess it was nice to see that it didn't change who they were. Scootaloo likes daring stuff, and Sweetie likes creative things and AB likes a bit of everything.


Funny thing that this story is somewhat addressed in the next season story after the aforementioned episode.

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