• Published 29th Oct 2015
  • 612 Views, 80 Comments

A Different Breed of Changeling - Zoljen

A changeling whose life is torn asunder when his hive collapses and he gets thrust into a war.

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The First Patrol

Talon blinked as he swiped his hoof to the side, blocking and deflecting a pink beam of energy. The changeling floated there for barely a moment before thrusting forward, grunting as he drove a hoof forward, smacking the pegasus in the face. He floated back, glaring at the crystal that floated next to the pegasus wearing a similar outfit to him.

It had been a week since he started this, a week and a half since meeting Twilight Sparkle, and he still couldn't believe what he was seeing. He did a quick glance around, spotting Crimson dealing a solid blow to another pegasus far below him. Rime was above, dealing with her own pegasus.

The pegasi they were fighting were wearing purple spandex that had black cuffs that were lined with little lightning bolts. They were also wearing yellow goggles and had pink crystals floating by them. They also seemed to move faster and were stronger than normal pegasi, it was throwing Talon for a loop. They were Shadowbolts.

Talon floated back, raising his arms up to block another beam, grunting and glaring at the pegasus before him. He spun around in the air, swinging a hoof around as he deflected another bolt. Charging forward, he landed another smack across the his face.

Talon took the moment the stallion looked away to breathe out a little flame, letting it curl to his hooves and form blades made of fire. He grinned as the stallion looked back at him, shocked for only a moment as he raised his hoof, firing off another beam.

Talon deflected the blow as he thrust his other hoof forward, shooting the fire forward as he deflected the beam. The stallion growled as his crystal glowed, a shield coming up and deflecting the fire.

Talon took that moment to fly up and over, bring both his flame covered hooves down upon the shadowbolt. The shadowbolt saw it coming and moved the shield upwards a little, making the changeling bounce off of it.

The shadowbolt growled and threw his hooves forward, striking the changeling to push him back before firing off another beam which got deflected. As Talon stabilized himself, he engulfed his hooves in fire and was about to charge forward before he heard some pony shout.

“Shadowbolts, retreat!”

Crimson flew up next to him as the pegasi before them grinned at them before vanishing in a pop of pink light.

Talon sighed as he floated there, looking at Crimson who looked back at him, looking confused. Crimson pointed towards Talon’s flaming hoof.

“How’d you get fire?” Talon looked to his hoof, then back to Crimson, grinning sheepishly.

“Uuuhhhhhhh.” he quickly shook his hoof, getting rid of the fire. “I know a special trick?”

“Talon…” He heard from above and behind him, making him spin part way and glance upwards, looking at Starry Skies. “Maybe it's time.”

“Right, this is so a good time to do that.” He snarked as he glanced over his shoulder at Crimson, who was just staring confused at him. He looked back at Starry, “When we get back to base.” He started towards the base, with Starry, Crimson, and Rime following behind.

Talon sighed as he stared at Crimson and Rime from his bunk. Starry stood off to the side, leaning on the door frame as she stared at Talon. He glanced to her, then to them. “Do I seriously have to tell them?”

“Yes,” Starry said flatly.

“Tell us what?” Crimson looked at Starry, then back to Talon.

“Fine, fine,” Talon sighed, his form getting engulfed in fire, revealing the changeling beneath. Both Crimson and Rime stood there, shocked. He sighed again and looked at Starry. “There, happy?”

“You're a changeling?” Crimson was the first to speak.

“Well, that makes sense,” Rime said, looking Talon over. “The lack of element control with swiss cheese wings; the lack of fighting skill, holey hooves.”

“Hey now! I can fight!” Talon glared.

“Yeah, now!” Rime shot back, smirking slightly.

“I was bred as a soldier, thank you.” Talon huffed, crossing his arms and glaring at her.

“Well, that somewhat explains your likeness of fire.” Crimson pointed at Talons wings. “You look like a drake had fun with a changeling and made a foal.”

Talon tipped his head to the side, “Well, that is kind of accurate, but I can literally breathe fire.” He let out a small puff of fire, “So there, discussion over.” He assumed his pegasus form again with a huff.

“Okay, fine. So you're a changeling, why are you here?” Crimson looked at Talon, sitting and crossing his arms. “Aren't your kind normally ones to avoid conflict?”

Talon let out a long sigh, “And here I explain again, no hive, no home. I dropped in on a meeting thanks to Discord, and… here I am.” He waved a hoof.

Rime walked over to the bunk and leaned on it, looking at him. “So, why not just fight in that form?”

“And your reaction when I revealed myself?” He paused for a moment as they looked at him, answering his question with their silence. “Exactly. And now that you know.”

“I don't think that changes a thing,” Crimson chuckled. “You’re fighting to protect ponies who could care less about you.” He shrugged. “I’d say that makes you more honourable than anything else.”

“Right, we’ll see if I reveal myself to more ponies. Anyway, I want to know about that magic, it just rubs me the wrong way.” Talon shuddered visably.

Crimson raised an eyebrow as Starry just turned and left. “What do you mean, rubs you the wrong way?”

“I can tell it's fake. Yet I can deflect it just as if it's real. It's confusing really.” Talon just sighed. “It makes my head hurt each time I see it. How is it pink?”

“Can you even feel magic the same way as a normal pony?”

“I can, mostly. Not as effective really, think of me as a jack of all trades; able to touch on all types, but not really able to master anything.”

Crimson raised an eyebrow, “Yet you're skilled with fire, and I am sure you can even shoot out beams.”

“Yeah, not as a pegasus. I’m limited to what you can do.”

“Are you saying your better then us?” Rime glared at him, making him chuckle and raise his arms defensively.

“As if. You’re faster than me, can fly better than me, and have better control over the elements. Me? I just have external magic.”

“Like a unicorn, better than one of them?” Crimson floated up and sat on the bunk next to Talon. Talon shook his head in response.

“They could lift more things, shoot farther, etc.” He glanced to Rime. “And before you ask. Earth ponies are stronger and tougher… Although…” he trailed off, making them both give him questioning looks. “Given my heritage… naw, still tougher.” He grinned.


“Drakes did infact mingle with changelings like, four or five generations ago. It wasn't pretty at first, but now it's…” he paused, looking towards the ground. “It had balanced out.”

“That's twice you’ve paused like that, why?” Crimson asked as he poked at Talon, whom let out a sigh.

“My hive was destroyed, I literally have no home to go to. As far as I'm aware, I'm the last of my kind.” He glanced at Crimson, “And before you mention the Equestrian changelings, I'm still different from them. Drake traits and all.”

“Right, so. Back onto the subject of how you fight, why not an Alicorn?”

“One, explain where a male alicorn came from. Two, those manes require focus for us drones. Three, they show off way too much magical power at almost all times anyway, no way I can mimic that.” Talon went on almost monotone.

“Well, you could appear like Celestia or Luna.” Crimson chuckled, “I’m sure some of the boys wouldn't mind that.”

Talon just rolled his eyes, “You’d like that too, wouldn't you?” Crimson just grinned widely. Rime snorted and looked away, as Talon glanced to her. “Problem, Rime?”

“Stallions.” She huffed as she walked away. Crimson raised an eyebrow at Talon, who looked back him.

“What's her problem?” Crimson asked, looking confused.

Talon just smirked at him and jumped off the bunk, heading out.

“I'm going to get food, care to join?” He dodged the question. Crimson growled and followed after.


“Not going to say since the subject of her ire is blind.” Talon sung as he pranced to the mess hall.