• Published 29th Oct 2015
  • 613 Views, 80 Comments

A Different Breed of Changeling - Zoljen

A changeling whose life is torn asunder when his hive collapses and he gets thrust into a war.

  • ...

Suiting Up

Talon blinked as he looked over the mesh of plates and leather straps that made up a pair of bracers. He held it up in his magic and continued to look it over, ignoring the glare he was getting from Amber Dawn.

“It's armor.” Amber Dawn growled, as he watched the changeling look it over some more, rotating it in the air. The changeling had certainly been doing better after that boost of energy from the show. His hoof and leg were still burned, and his crest had been fixed enough to where it wouldn't catch on anything, but he now had a gap in it.

“I'm aware, sir.” Talon glanced at Amber Dawn, then looked back at it.

“Then what's the problem?”

“Why would I need armor? It would hinder my shapechanging.”

“Well,” Dawn started, walking up and poking the changeling in the side, than shook his hoof slightly. “If you recall, you were near death. Armor would certainly help protect against that in the future.”

“That is true,” Another pony off to the side stated. The deep blue unicorn glanced at both of them, brushing his wavy black mane out of his face as he walked up, sitting next to the changeling. “But he has a point. These bracers will hide that burn mark of yours. They also have an identity spell embedded in them.”

Talon looked at the newcomer, tilting his head. “Why have one of those in it, that spell is kind of powerful, and any unicorn...scanning… oh.” He shook his head, “But this leg of mine shows that I am me, anyway.”

“Well, somepony knows their magic.” The stallion chuckled, “And yes, it is a powerful spell. So we can't do it often, helps to identify you changelings though, since you can appear as anypony else.”

“Right, good thing there are so few changelings in the world willing to throw themselves into battle.” Talon griped as he sat back, lifting his hooves up and strapping the bracers on with his magic.

“At least you’re willing to do that, Talon,” the unicorn chuckled.

“Thank you Steel Smith.” Talon looked at the bracers, and noticed that they hung loosely over his hoof, but allowed flexibility while wearing them. “Hmm.”

“I want to see if I got it right, can you make a blade?”

Talon nodded, holding the scorched hoof out, it engulfing in fire. A blade extended out with the bracer looking to be at the wrist of it. Talon angled the blade some, looking at the armor and how it rested on the area almost perfectly. “Yup, I’d say you did a good job.”

“That looks so cool!” sounded from the window, as each of the ponies looked over, they saw Cloak glide in, with a similar colored mare landing behind him. “Not exactly what I was expecting, but hey, close enough!”

Talon waved at the pair as they trotted up, the blade going side to side, making Steel Smith and Amber back up some. Talon grinned as he looked at the pair of royal guards, lowering the blade. “Well, the bracer certainly fits well. And it hides enough of my arm that it won't get noticed at least. It covers the holes at least, the rest can be explained with burns.”

Steel Smith nodded, “Good good. I’d suggest a pair for your hind legs as well, just for a matching set anyway. But for now, it's good.”

“It's just going to take some getting used to, that's all.” He set his hoof blade down, returning it to a normal hoof again. “But yes, not now though.” He turned to the new pair. “What's up?”

“Huh, so you really are a changeling. I didn't believe my idiot brother here about that.” The mare gestured to Cloak, who let out an over dramatic sigh.

“Really, Dagger? You're gonna be like that right off the bat?” He looked at her, “Can't you at least say hi?”

“Why should I?” she asked as she looked at Cloak, he just shook his head as she looked back at Talon, “When are you able to return to combat?”

“A day or two, why?”

“The Shadowbolts are getting more desperate, we are unsure how much longer we can hold them at bay.” Dagger stated in a monotone voice, looking the changeling over. “You seem capable now, so what is the hold up?”

“Just working out the kinks in hiding myself,” He held up an armored hoof. “I should be good to go by tomorrow at the earliest.”

“Good, then we can let Descent know.” Dagger turned and started back towards the window, “Come along brother, don't want to keep him waiting.”

“Yeah yeah, sheesh. Sisters can be such a pain, eh, Talon?” Cloak nudged and winked at Talon, who just nodded in response. Cloak grinned, “You will have to show me what all you can make later though!” He dashed after Dagger and took flight, going out the window with her.

Talon chuckled as he watched the pair leave, then looked to the bracers again. “So, why did you go with a dark blue?”

“Would you rather the bright shiny gold make you stand out?” Amber faintly growled, as Talon took a step back.

“No, just curious why.”

“Match the armor of Luna’s Night guard.” Steel nodded. “And more match your color tone. Admittedly, your favored red fur probably clashes with the blue, but oh well.” he paused, eyeing the changeling, “speaking of, take that form.”

Talon chuckled softly, concentrating a little to take on his pegasus form. Since the fight he found he actually had to concentrate to take on different forms, but holding them required the same focus as before.

After the fire faded, the familiar red pegasus stood there, his mane missing in its middle, and small scorch marks along his legs and wings, along with his back showing several. He glanced over the form and sighed. “Gah, I really took some damage.”

“You think?” Amber snapped. “You came in here barely breathing, and bleeding almost everywhere. You, Crimson, and Rime were all pretty bad. And yet, here you stand while Crimson and Rime are still stuck in bed!”

Talon sighed, glaring at Amber. “Yeah, and yet I didn't run. I stayed and fought with my friends. Despite my disguise shattering and others seeing who I truly was. What should I have done? Run with my tail between my legs?”

“Yes!” Amber barked back. “That was a commander you fought, did you honestly think you stood a chance against him?”

“I wasn't going to run! It's not in me to do that! May be fitting of you and your royal guard, but not me. Not a soldier of a hive that no longer exists!” Talon growled, stamping a hoof down, “So I don't care what you think! I will go back out there to protect ponies from harm, even if they hate me because of it!”

Amber looked the changeling up and down, smirking. “Good, I’ll hold you to that then, Talon.”

The changeling blinked, tilting his head. “D… Did you actually call me by name?” Amber simply turned and walked towards the door.

“Get some rest, changeling, your due back in the field tomorrow,” Amber called out as he left the changeling looking terribly confused. Meanwhile, Steel had been looking him over, mostly gazing at the burned hoof and fetlock.

“Hmm..” He had ignored the argument the pair got into, as he watched the hoof and fur. “Well, that seems to cover the holes in your limbs.” He glanced up. “How does it feel, by the way?”

“Huh...oh,” Talon looked down at the hoof, “a bit tight, but again, something I’ll have to get used to.” He wiggled the hoof around. “The bands looked to go a bit beyond the holes, least the ones that are burned.”

“So I noticed, it looks like the bands do cover them, but not all of the burn marks. Tis a shame really, but oh well. I could get some cloth you can put there to add to it. But that might irritate the burns or something else.”

“It's fine,” Talon sighed, sitting down and looking at his hoof closely. “I kind of wish I thought that through. I didn't think it would burn my own leg,” he grumbled and set it back down. “Scars tell stories, griffins say, and this one tells me I was stupid.”

“Hey now,” Steel poked at Talon, “you didn't know it would react that badly with your own magic.”

“That is true,” he shuddered slightly. “That magic still feels wrong to me. I don't know why.”

“Because it is wrong,” Steel sighs, “in every sense of the word. You should’ve seen Witching Hour freaking out when they first showed up with those things… She gave poor Golden Compass a massive headache banging on the shield she made him put up so she could study a crystal without smashing it.”

Talon chuckles, “At least I'm not the only one who feels that way.”

Steel straightens, takes a few steps back and sits, bringing up his hooves to try and frame Talon in them. “Nope, pretty much everypony here is in agreement. Also, yeah, you need a matching pair. I’ll see what I can make.” He grins and turns, trotting out the door before the changeling can protest.

Talon grumbled and walked back to the bed, sighing and removing the armor to set it aside and hopping onto the bed. He laid on his back, holding the scorched hoof up and gazing at it. “Ugh…” He let it flop to his side and sighed.

Talon glanced between the griffin and the unicorn that were escorting him from the castle. Ember had managed to drag him away for a few hours before he had to rest and return to being a Renegade, and decided to invite him a picnic with Quicktail.

“So, not that I'm going to complain about being outside the Castle.” Talon glanced down at the sock covered hooves of his unicorn guise. “But… these are annoying,” He shook a hoof as he walked, “How can a pony stand wearing these things?”

Ember glanced over her shoulder at him as she led them towards a park. “Well, it's either that or cause mass panic as a changeling. Take your pick.”

“But I could just wear those...what did Steel call them again? Leg Guards?” Talon whined as Quicktail shook his head.

“And get questioned by civilians because you look the part of a Royal Guard?”

“I just can't win.” He hung his head as he walked along. Quicktail chuckled as he walked next to Ember.

“For a soldier, he certainly whines a lot. Did he always whine like this?”

Ember nodded quickly, grinning, “He hasn’t changed!”

“Ironic, given what he is,” Quicktail quips, making a tiny glance back to Talon.

“I can still hear you two,” Talon grumbled as the pair snickered. They eventually entered the park and made their way towards one of the trees, where a red and green spotted earth pony sat, already having a sheet spread out and a basket next to him. The pony glanced towards the three and waved like a spazz.

Talon tilted his head as he looked over the pony as he approached. The earth pony looked back at him, and they both blinked, seeing the changeling beneath.

“Tor..” Talon started to say, before he got tackled by the earth pony almost faster than he could blink.

“TALON! Oh sweet Celestia! You’re alive after all!” Lode Stone yelled as he hugged Talon tightly.

“Ack… Can't.. breathe…” Talon wheezed as Lode let him go, chuckling softly.

“Sorry, guess I have gotten stronger over the last two decades. And it's Lode Stone now.” He grinned widely, hugging Talon again softer this time.

Ember grinned as she watched the reunion, sitting on the sheet and gesturing Quicktail to sit next to her. “Sorry I couldn't get the others here, but since Lode Stone is working locally, for now at least, he was easy to get.” She glanced at Lode, who was dragging Talon to the sheet. “So, that makes five of the Ruby Hive still alive, right?”

Lode stone shook his head, “Eight.” He grinned widely, “Feather Dust ran… or rather, flew into one a week ago when he was flying towards Appleloosa. Turns out two more are working at the apple farm there under some member of the Apple family. But,” he tipped his head to each side once, “they are thinking of moving to Ponyville.”

“Really? We are going to have to invite them for Hearth Warming.” Ember paused. “Wait, that accounts for two more. Where is the third?”

Lode Stone glanced at Quicktail, “Turns out she is a farmer, within the griffin kingdoms. Near Griffinstone to be exact. I’m sure our griffin friend here can find her with little to no problems. At least that's what one of the ones Feather bumped into said.” Lode grinned widely.

“If I knew her name, yes.” Quicktail nodded.

Talon shuffled a little to one of the corners of the sheet, looking at the basket and sighing a little. As the others kept talking, he glanced to his scorched hoof, then blinked when he heard his name, looking up.

“Well, Talon? What have you been doing lately?” Lode Stone looked him over, “I heard you skipped the last two decades thanks to a deity, but that was, what, months ago?”

“Uh… just things, sort of training to be a Wonderbolt,” he grinned lopsidedly.

“So, why are you quiet over here?” Quicktail moved to sit next to him.

“Just feeling out of place, that's all.” He sighed. “Missing two decades and thinking my entire hive was destroyed. I didn't bother to go looking for anypony else, yet here you all are.”

“Well, we are just going to have to catch you up on events!” Lode grinned as he slid the basket towards Talon. “First on the menu, cookies! Courtesy of Fine Brew’s Tea house.”

“Hmm, I’ve heard these are quite the treat,” Talon grinned as he floated one up and opened his mouth to take a bite, stopping and glancing to his side. He raised an eyebrow as he saw an auburn blur of a colt dash towards them, aiming for Ember. He smirked as he bit down on the cookie, right as Ember suddenly turned part way and got tackled by the colt.

“Tricks!” Talon heard yelled from a familiar voice as Ember chuckled and grinned at the colt. Witching Hour trotted up, panting softly as she looked over the group. Leaf Wind was behind her, carrying a basket on his back and somewhat leaning on a light gold mare with a black and grey mane.

“Hi Tricks!” Ember exclaimed as she hugged the colt for a moment before setting him down on their mat.

“Hi Emerald! I didn't think we’d see you at the park today!” Tricks beamed as he scooted back, looking at the group that was already there. “Who are these ponies, and…” he trailed off, looking at the griffin, grinning and waving. “Hi Quicktail!”

“Hello Trick Step.” Quicktail states formally, as Ember chuckles softly.

“These two ponies are just friends,” she points to Lode Stone, “Lode Stone, a miner currently working in the Canterlot Mines. And…” she paused, tilting her head at Talon.

“Talon,” He bows slightly, grinning and glancing to Ember for a moment.

“Why are you wearing socks? Aren't those for mares?” Tricks asks, as he points to Talons front hooves.

“Yeah, kind of have to agree there, nephew.” Leaf comments, chuckling.

Talon snorts, glaring at Ember. “See! I was better off with the leg guards!”

“Tricks, sweetie, you don't think that the Royal Guards wear those metal bracers without something to protect their skin from chaffing, do you?” Witch chuckles softly, as she floats the basket off Leaf and sets it on the edge of the sheet already laid out.

“But you don't wear them with your bracelets!” Tricks points to the bracelets that Witch is currently wearing.

“Because they’re bracelets, sweetie.”

Talon just grumbles, looking at the mare that's been silently chuckling. “So, since we got introduced, uhh, who are these two?” Talon points towards Leaf Wind and his mare.

“I'm Leaf Wind, and this is Daring.” Leaf Wind gestures to the mare, as Talon looks her over.

“Can't be the same Daring from the books. She seems shorter than I pictured.” Talon shrugged as Leaf starts to chuckle.

“I get that all the time, that Yearling really needs to get my size right,” Daring sighed a little, with Leaf still snickering beside her.

“Still, good books.” Talon grinned, then looked down to the foal that was looking over his socks. “Can I help you?”

“Just wondering why you are wearing them, that's all.” Tricks went to poke at one, as Talon quickly retracted his hoof.

“Tricks!” Witch yelled, grabbing the foal with her magic and tugging him back. “Don't bother him about it. He has a bad skin condition that he is embarrassed about.”

Talon just stared at Witch like ‘Really?’ and sighed, “Yeah, kind of embarrassing, so I cover it up.”

“Can I see it? I won't bother you if I can see just a little bit of it!”

“What about a cookie?”

“No! I wanna see it!”

Talon sighed, glancing at Witch and Ember who simply shrugged. He raised his hoof and looked at Tricks, “Okay, but you have to promise me that you won't scream or anything of that sort.” He looked at Leaf and Daring, pointing to them, “That goes for you two as well.”

“Huh? Why us?” Leaf asked, blinking and looking confused as Witch sighed.

“Because it's kind of a big deal, actually.” She turned to look at Talon, “Are you sure this is wise?”

Talon shrugged, “Might as well. I mean as long as no one panics, it's okay. Heck, the only ones who don't know are Leaf, Daring, Tricks and… Lode.” He glances to Lode Stone.

“What don't I know?” Lode raised an eyebrow.

“I Pinkie Promise!” Tricks grinned and almost shouted.

“You...what?” It was Talons turn to be confused.

“A Pinkie Promise is a promise between friends that can't be broken, and lasts forever.” Tricks grinned, as ‘forever’ seemed to carry on the wind in a high-pitched whisper.


“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Tricks grinned as he went through the motions, remembering to close his eye as he finished. Talon just watched, chuckling softly, and glancing at the couple.

“I'm not going to make you two do that, but promise me anyway.” Leaf and Daring nodded in response. Talon took a deep breath and looked down at his left hoof, his horn glowing and pulling down the sock just enough to reveal enough of the changeling leg beneath it. All of their eyes were wide as he did it.

“That… wow, did you get cursed or something?” Daring asks, making Talon look directly at her for a moment, then shake his head, “So you’re a…?” Talon nodded slowly, “Why can't you…?”

“I...did something stupid. I burned it, badly.” He glanced down at it, “I can still alter it, but I can't… how was it described? Cloak it?” He shrugged some. “So, I wear this over it.” He glanced at Lode for a moment, then looked at Tricks, who hadn't taken his eyes off the leg at all. “Tricks?”

“That seems so...cool… actually.” Tricks slowly looked up at Talon, “I mean, not the part where it's burned… But… you’re a changeling.”

Talon raised an eyebrow, “You're not freaking out about that? I mean, there was that attack a while back.”

“But you’re not attacking anypony. You’re enjoying a picnic with friends, and good company. You are just being a normal pony like me, or Mom, or Uncle Leaf!”

Talon grinned, letting out a content sigh as he slid the sock back over his leg, “Speaking of picnic, I'm hungry, and could go for a sandwich. What did you bring Lode?”

“Well, lets see…” he slid the basket over and peered into it, starting to pull out various things. “I wasn't expecting the extras, but it seems they brought their own.”

Witch nods as she slides her basket over, floating everything out. “I brought food for the four of us. So we should be fine.”

Tricks grinned as he sat next to Talon, looking up at him, “So, can I see your natural form?”

Talon looked at him and grinned, “When you’re older.”

Tricks let out a long whine as Leaf looked at Talon. “What about us? Can we see?”

Talon just grinned to him as well, “When you’re older.” He repeated, making Leaf whine as well.

Author's Note:

Amber Dawn, Leaf Wind, and Daring Do's concept is Sylvian's. Witching hour and Tricks Step are Witching Hour's.