• Published 5th Nov 2015
  • 1,564 Views, 8 Comments

Blueberry Pie - ImNoPony

Set after Rainbow Rocks, this story is about two crazy girls forming a frindship

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Part 3

After setting her stuff in her locker to be picked up at another day, Fluttershy gleefully shuts her locker and began making her way to meet up with her friends. Over the past few days, everyone had kept a watchful eye on Pinkie Pie and witness how well she was getting along with Sonata. Even before Pinkie began telling the stuff they have been up to, they actually become more then willing to let Sonata hang with them. Fluttershy had never seen what Pinkie and Sonata done for herself, but she had heard many good things and she never found Sonata all that scary. Suffice to say that she was really looking forward to getting to know Sonata.

However, as she was walking down the halls with much anticipation, Fluttershy noticed Sonata down a separate hallway and was frighten to see the other sirens were with her. She could see Adagio and Aria with gleefully intimidation while Sonata looks like she wasn't happy to see them. Fluttershy was too nervous to get involved. But instead of telling the others, she decided to hide around the corners and keep watch on the situation.

"What do you want Adagio?" Sonata asked, not really happy to see her "friends" that she spent so much with.

"Why do you have to be like that?" Adagio replied, trying to sound friendly. "We're just here to congratulate you."

Sonata couldn't helped it but she became intrigued. "What do you mean by that?" she enquired hesitantly.

"What are you talking about? You managed to get yourself into Sunset's little clique of friends and trying to convince them to tell you where the portal is. That is really ingenious" Adagio explains who actually sounds like she was genuinely proud of her.

"Really!" Sonata replied.

Aria even remarks: "I hate to admit it, but you were really good. If we tried to pull the same trick, I bet we wouldn't get very far. But you... You managed to pull it off."

Never before had Adagio and Aria gave such kind compliments to her. They had just used her to help get what they all want and berate whenever she said something stupid. However, Sonata couldn't forget what they said to her before they parted ways and wants to test them so see if they mean it.

"So... are you sorry for what you said to me?"

And just then, Aria's and Adagio's kind demeanour crumbled as Sonata had said a word that they have never heard before. Aria asked: "Sorry? What's that... a food."

Using the stuff that she learned to the test, Sonata explains: "Sorry is a word which someone says if they are regretful about their actions. You know, like... you should say sorry for calling me an idiot."

The two sirens was shocked to hear their bumbling friend said something so intelligently. They realized that she must have caught that word from being around the Rainbooms and they did not want to admit to something that's so kind. They feel that if they apologized, it will ruin their bad girl reputations.

"Oh come now" Adagio replied, trying her best to avoid saying that word. "We had said worst things to each other before and we never had to apologized."

Aria then added: "And besides, aren't friends allowed to say mean things to each other. Because... You know... They want them to get better or something like that?"

Seizing the opportunity to what Aria had just said, Adagio had came up with a convincing argument and tells Sonata: "Yeah! If we hadn't called you stupid, you would had never did something that is so smart."

If Sonata was a little bit brighter, she should have picked up that they had never apologized and that she shouldn't trust them. However, her deceptable mind gave into their words and was convinced that they have changed.

"I guess you're right" Sonata hesitantly admitted. At that moment, the two sirens thought that they had got Sonata back into their hands. But then, as a last test of friendship, she then asked them: "So... are we friends again?"

Both of them looked at each other surprised before they made the happiest smiles that they can and Adagio begrudgingly replied: "Yeah... We're... friends."

"Really!" Sonata replied a happily. She then wrapped her arms around Aria and Adagio and told them: "I missed you so much!"

The both of them found Sonata's hugs really strange. They always found anything nice and sweet as boring or uninteresting. However, they oddly found Sonata's hug oddly welcoming. Adagio then pat her back and replied to her: "Um... Thanks Sonata. We really missed you too so you can let go now.

Once she let them go, Adagio and Aria ripped their blushes off their faces and got down to business. "Ok... Have they told you where the portal is yet?" Adagio enquired.

Still very excited, Sonata told them: "No, but I did learn a lot of things about everyone else."

At first, they were disappointed at Sonata for not finding out what the was. But they could see why they wouldn't tell her just yet and they were curious what else that she found out about their enemies.

Sonata tells them: "Well... Rainbow Dash gets really sensitive if anybody touches her feet, Rarity doesn't like green hair, Pinkie Pie's secret trash can is at the horse statue, Fluttershy doesn't really like lizards, especially the komodo dragon, and..."

But then, Aria stops her what she should that she heard something important. "Wait, what did you said just there? "Trash can at the horse statue"? There is no trash can by the horse statue."

Sonata explains to Aria: "Well, you see, whenever Pinkie have to get rid off a lot of trash really quickly, she chucks it into one of the mirrors and it all gets sent to a different place."

When they heard such a fact, Aria face palmed and Adagio ground by the sheer idiocy. The don't know if they want to be mad at Sonata for not realizing that it was actually the portal or Pinkie who use the portal in such a manner. In the end, Adagio yelled to Sonata: "SONATA! That! Was! The Portal!"

"Really!" she responded. She then put two and two together and realize that it makes a bit of sense. "Oh yeah... I guess you're right."

Still very frustrated, Adagio then told her: "Come on. You are gunna show us where it is exactly."

And then the three sirens leave, with Adagio and Aria following Sonata's lead. Fortunately, they went down a different direction from where Fluttershy was. When they were gone, Fluttershy got out from hiding and was very, very shocked.


Out in a different part of the school, Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack was making their way out of the school while Pinkie Pie was telling them all of her best moments with Sonata. Everyone couldn't help but smile when they hear Pinkie excitably tells them her tales.

"... And after truth and dare, we had a crazy night with Maud when we went to Boulder's birthday party. And then..."

"Ok Pinkie! We get it. You don't have to convince us anymore" interrupted Rainbow Dash who was at her limit in stories.

"I have to say Pinkie, you sure love spending your time with Sonata" Rarity commented.

Applejack added: "Yeah, it's like you two were made for each other. If I didn't know any better, I would say ya were replacing us with her."

"Oh don't worry Applejack, I would never do that. And besides, we can now hangout together again" Pinkie replied. She then turn to Sunset and then ask her: "So... will ya let Sonata hang with us?"

Sunset replied to her: "Ok Pinkie. She can hang with us. You two have shown us how much you can get along with each other."

Upon hearing the good news, Pinkie Pie squealed with delight and joy while her friends just barely covered their ears in time. But then, before they could continue the conversation, Rainbow Dash's phone started buzzing.

"Oh! Hang on guys, Fluttershy is calling me" she declared before she answered the call.

While Rainbow Dash was answering her call, Sunset took this time to seriously ask Pinkie: "Pinkie, before we meet up with Sonata, did you tell her anything about the portal or how it would lead back to Equestria?"

"Don't worry. I didn't tell her anything about the portal" Pinkie replied nonchalantly.


Everyone else yelled "WHAT!" upon hearing the revelation. As everyone was looking at Rainbow Dash with horror, she explains to them: "Sonata Had Gotten Back Together With The Other Sirens And She Is Taking Them To The Portal Right Now!"

Everyone then look at Pinkie with disappointment and disgust, especially since she told them that she didn't. Pinkie looked confused by the situation and tried to explain: "WAIT! I Didn't Tell Here Anything About The Portal! All That I Told Her Was... !" But then, the gears in her head started to turn as she was starting to recall what happened that morning. She did told Sonata and because of her ignorance, she has now endangered the safety of Equestria, the home of one of her closest friend. She clasped her hands up close to her face and said: "Oh no!" as she was horrified to what she had done.


Everyone was rushing down the hallway, hoping they could make it to the portal before the sirens. And while they all were frantically running, Sunset also had to write the warning down in her magic book and hopping that Twilight could get the message in time.

"I Could Not Believe You Would Tell Sonata About The Portal!" yelled Rainbow Dash in frustration towards Pinkie.

"And I Could Not Believe You Would Use An Inter-Dimensional Portal As A Dustbin!" Rarity added

AJ then added: "This Is Thee Most Foolish, Idiotic Thing Ya Have Ever Done!"

Pinkie yelled back: "I KNOW!" as she was busting down into tears while she run. "I... I Never Thought This Would Happen!"

As she was finishing writing, Sunset yelled to everyone: "We Can Sort This Out Later! For Now, We Have To Stop The Sirens!" And for the rest of the way, everyone ran in silent.

Everyone eventually arrived to the entrance hall where Fluttershy was secretly watching the sirens from the doorway. Fluttershy initially jumped when she saw her friends behind her, but Rainbow Dash quickly calmed her down.

"Calm Down Fluttershy!" she asked while she got hold of Fluttershy's shoulders. Once she was finally relaxed, she let her go and then asks her: "Tell us about the situation."

However, Fluttershy was confused on what to say. She wasn't panicking like the situation was completely terrible. Instead, she just point everyone outside so they can see for themselves.
Outside, they could see Aria, Adagio and Sonata was at in front of horse statue, on the side where the portal was. However, they did not see any part of them was through the mirror. In fact, when Sonata was trying her hardest to push her way, she wasn't going through the portal. The Portal was closed. Everyone had a sigh of relief as a heavy burden had been lifted from them.

"Oh Thank Celestia! The message got through in time" Sunset muttered. Even though they know Sunset's phrase was something she picked kept from Equestria, her friends always found it weird that she was saying the name of their principal. But they don't care. They are just happy that the crisis was successfully adverted.

However, once all the relief and tension was all gone, they then turn their attention back towards Pinkie as they remember that they are still really upset at her. She was intimidated by their intimidating stares at her. However, she know that she did something really stupid and she closed her eyes in acceptance to any insult or punishment that she will receive from her friends.

But then, as they were about to yell at Pinkie, they began hearing shouting from the courtyard.

"Sonata! Are you sure the portal is here!?" asked Adagio who was slowly loosing her patients.

"You have to believe me! The trash disappeared when they went trough here" she replied as she was touching every corner of the mirror, hoping that there might be a switch or something.

Aria commented: "I hope you haven't been lying to us."

"I"M TELLING YOU! It's Here!"

After touching everywhere on the mirror surface, Sonata then tried to push as hard as she could to make it through the other side. After that failed, Sonata then got any leftover rapper she had with her and try to see if they can go through. Unfortunately for her, it did not.

After the failed attempt that left all the rappers on the ground, Adagio remark: "You know... we might have been too hasty on calling her a genius."

And then Aria added: "Maybe it was all dumb luck?"

Combined with the frustration from not opening the portal, Sonata turn and face them in anger and responded: "HEY! It wasn't just dumb luck. It's just... She shown it to me here... It just that... I... I... I don't know why, but..."

But as she lost grip of her bravado and was starting to stammer, the other sirens had enough with Adagio declared before she and Aria was about to walk away: "This has just been a waist of time."

Sonata grabbed a hold of their arms to stop them from leaving and began pleading: "NO WAIT! I can show you. I can show how smart I gotten. You just have to..."

However, before Sonata couldn't finish, the two sirens then pulled their arms away from her grip and then Adagio began criticizing her. "No we don't. You were supposed to find us the exit to get us out of this accursed world, Which You Were Supposed To Do! Instead, You Were Dilly-Dallying About With Someone Who Is Equally As Dim-Witted As You Are! You had your chance And You Wasted It!"

The Rainbooms was watching from afar as they could see Adagio was tearing apart Sonata. They felt pity as Adagio's cruel words was bringing Sonata to tears. Eventually, Pinkie Pie had enough of it. Before any of them could see it coming, Pinkie had snatch Sunset's book and began jotting something down.

"Pinkie! What are you doing?" Sunset asked.

However, by the time that she asked, Pinkie had finished writing and handed the book back. She then walk outside and began making her way to the sirens who was picking on her friend. The other Rainboom tried to stop her, but Pinkie had a strong determination in her eyes that made them to let her go.

When Pinkie finally made it to the sirens, Sonata was about to be burst into tears. When they finally notice Pinkie, with Sonata was the first person to spot her, Pinkie calmly told them: "Girls, calm down. There's a misunderstanding."

"Pinkie?..." muttered Sonata who was still reeling from the insults.

"What do you want?" asked Aria intimidatingly.

Pinkie then got in front of everyone, stood in front of the mirror and began telling: "Sonata's right. The portal is here... but it just won't open to anyone."

Pinkie then grabbed a can of soda pop out of her hair and quickly drinkk all of it's contents. When she finished, she then chuck the empty can at the mirror and it went right through the porta;. Pinkie friends was shocked that she revealed to them the portal and Adagio and Aria was shocked to see the portal was right in front of them. However, when the two sirens tried to run through it, they slammed against the statue.

After landing on their asses, Adagio asked out loud: "What!... What in the name of Tartarus just happened?"

After getting them off the ground, Pinkie then told them: "Like I said: the portal won't open to anyone. You have to be really best friends with an Equestrian princess in order to use it."

As Pinkie just stood there with arms crossed and was looking proud of herself, everyone was left speechless. Pinkie had came up with a cleverly concocted lie that not only help defend Sonata, but also keep the security of Equestria as well. The rest of the Hu-Mane 6 was admittingly impressed for her quick thinking while Adagio and Aria was left duped by the lie.

While Aria just looked away and stomped in anger, Adagio was still shocked by the fake revelation and was muttering: "Wait... Our first ticket to get us out of exile... and it won't let us."

However, while Pinkie and the Rainbooms were impressed, Aria was angry and Adagio was having her mind broken, Sonata just stood there and was trying to make sense in all of this. She just stood, slowly piecing together a picture which she thinks that she understands. And when she was done, she came to a conclusion which no one could have predicted.

"Hang On!" Sonata yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. She then points towards Pinkie and then says: "So then... You Lied To Me!"

"What!" yelled Pinkie.

"What!" yelled Adagio and Aria.

"What!" yelled the Rainbooms.

Sonata then angrily explains while still pointing at Pinkie: "You said that I'm allowed to use the portal, but now you say that I couldn't use it in the first place!"

Shocked that her friend who Pinkie shared her laughter and kindness with, Pinkie became upset and pushed Sonata's hand away from her.

"Now Hang On A Minute!" Pinkie yelled back as she now pointing her finger back at Sonata. "You're the one who betrayed me. You Pinkie Promise that you would keep this a secret. And Then You Go Ahead And Tell These Two!"

"Well FRIENDS Are Allowed To Share Secrets" Sonata rebutted. She then took Adagio and Aria under her arms and proudly proclaims: "And These Two Are My Friends!"

A confused Aria then ask one of them: "Wha... What's going on right now?"

A still infuriated Pinkie then argued: "Friends!? But They Call You An Idiot And Was Insulting You!"

Sonata then pushed her "friends" away and then argued back: "Well Your Friends Treat You Like An Idiot To And You Still Call Them Your Friends!"

"Well At least They Treat Me Better!"

"Treat You Better While They Stole Our Ability To Sing! Which I Remember That You Insulted!"

"I Didn't Insult! All I Said Was That In Karaoke, You Are Allowed To Sing Badly!"

"Well In That Case: YOUR SINGING SUCKS!"

"WHAT!... Well In That Case: YOUR COOKING SUCKS!"



Their bickering then dissolve into the both of them yelling "SUCK! SUCK! SUCK!" at each other at the same time. Eventually, Sonata then yelled to Pinkie: "FINE! If That's How You Feel About Me, THEN I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE!"

Pinkie replied back by yelling: "FINE! I Don't Want A Friend Who Betrays Ya!"

As she was about to push Adagio and Aria away (who was still very confused by the way), Sonata yelled back: "You Were The One Who Betrayed Me First!"

"No! You Did!"

"No! You Did!"



They kept having their argument even when the sirens were leaving. And as they were becoming further apart, Pinkie then let her pent-up tears loose and was dripping down her face. She still continued screaming until her friends went up and Applejack yelled at her:

"Stop Pinkie! She's Gone!"

When Pinkie opened her eyes, she could no longer see Sonata or even hear her voice. Her emotions began to sink in. Pinkie had finally met someone who felt like a kindred spirit to her. She told a lie in order to help her, but that lie also tore them apart. She broke up with friends before and some of them ended on a really sour note, but they never felt as painful as the pain she was experiencing now. When she look at her friends who looked very sorry for her, Pinkie burst down even harder into tears and began crying onto Rarity's chest. Despite not expecting for Pinkie to be crying on her, Rarity knows that she needs to and let her cry on her. Everyone then gave Pinkie a group hug, but this time, it was to comfort her as she was still crying very loudly.


Sometime later, the Hu-Mane 6 took Pinkie to the soccer field so she can rest on the bleachers. Pinkie was still very heartbroken, but at least she was about to stop crying. And while everyone tried their best to cheer up Pinkie, Sunset was standing away from everyone so she can quietly give her friendship report to the princess.

Dear Princess Twilight,

We're sorry about letting the sirens know about the portal. However, I don't think this will be a problem again. That is, not unless they have a reason to think it will open for them. We perfectly understand if you want to keep the portal shut for a long time now, but we still hope you can still come and visit us while you have a chance.

And during this who fiasco, I learned an important lesson on friendship. I learned that friendship is a delicate thing and it has a great effect on people. Some people would could feel really insecure about themselves and they could use a friend to make them feel better. However, I also learned that some friends can patch things up if they really wanted to. And honestly, we hope that Pinkie can patch things up with Sonata because they had so much fun together, even through they are on opposite sides.

Your friend
Sunset Shimmer.

When Sunset finished writing, she put her book away and go and check on how Pinkie was doing. And she was happy to see that Pinkie had cried her last tear.

"Hey Pinkie" Sunset greeted as she walk up to her. "How are you feeling?"

Pinkie replied: "Sigh. A little better then before. You guys must think that I am a total idiot now?"

Rarity argued: "Hey Now! We didn't thought that."

And Rainbow Dash then added: "Yeah. And because you think on your feet, you managed to help Sonata when she was having trouble with her "friends.""

However, Pinkie rebutted those words by stating: "Yeah. But because of it, Sonata now hates me."

After she said that, Pinkie then buried her face into her arms. Her friends were worried that she would fall back down into depression. However, Sunset quickly asked her: "Hey, do you want to know something which I learned from Princess Twilight."

Curious, she de-buried her face so she can look up and replied: "What?"

Sunset got down to the same level of Pinkie and then she reveals to her: "Twilight wasn't the one who closed the portal in time."

Everyone became surprised and Pinkie even yelled: "What!"

Sunset explains: "You see, it was the Pinkie Pie on the other side who was opening and closing the portal. She even helped you in your plan when you tried to help Sonata."

Having that fact revealed to her had lighten Pinkie's spirit a little bit. It even brought out a little smile on her face. She even felt good enough to jump out of her seat and happily cried out: "Alright then. Didn't we suppose to have a study party at Sunset Shimmer's house?"

Everyone believed that Pinkie had gotten better and they all yelled: "Yeah!" at here. As everyone was starting to leave, Rainbow Dash quickly swung her arm around Pinkie and told: "And don't worry Pinkie. Nobody can hold a grudge forever." The only reply that Pinkie Pie gave back was a grateful smile.

But then, as the Hu-Mane 6 was making their way to Sunset's house, Pinkie stopped for a second and none of them notice. She then got out her phone and began deleting photos that she took with Sonata. She delete the picture with them singing at karaoke, them cooking and them when they were at Boulder's birthday party. However, she was hesitant to delete the last photo she had with Sonata, the one that they took while in the broken photo booth. After a quick deliberation, she pressed no for deletion and decide to keep the last photo.


After she decided to keep the last photo, Sonata then put her away and catch up with Adagio and Aria when they yelled to her to hurry up. But what both she and Pinkie didn't notice that in the last picture that they saved was the pony ears that both of them have.

Author's Note:

Oh boy...... You are probably wondering why I split them apart. Well you see...... it's relating back to how I believe they wouldn't be friends right away. Other fic's often depict them as the bestest of friends and without any faults. But if I may quote Silver Quill here:

Perfection is boring.

It's realistic to show them that they have problems with one another and fight because of it. I also tried to mimic the show a little bit and differ expectations.

But if you can remember my author notes in the first chapter, this story was originally part of a longer episodic series that I forgot to add anymore. If I had continued, Pinkie and Sonata would be fighting with each for most of the series. However, during the last climatic chapters of the story, they would reconcile after both being lost in a forest and would apologize to each other, giving credence to Rainbow Dash saying "No one can hold a grudge forever."

If you like this story, remember to press the thumps up icon and leave a kind and constructive comment. If you don't like the story, still please leave a constructive comment so I know where to improve.

Comments ( 4 )

What Aria and Adagio were doing during this whole time?

Truth be told I don't know if I should press like for how good this story is or press dislike for its ending, you do have an excellent reason. Do us a favor and make a sequel where pinkie and sonata gets together again

Truth be told, this was meant be the beginning of a series long story detailing the interactions of the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings. I even made a second part of it. However, I soon lose focus on it and went on to make different stories. I could continue it now, but considering all the changes to the EQG series and that this was an idea in my early days, I'm not sure if I can do it.

Very sweet and I hope you make a sequel

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