• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 3,364 Views, 60 Comments

Crimson Wave - Summer Dancer

Lyra experineces period cramps in the middle of class.

  • ...

The Horror!

Bzzt! Bzzt!


Bzzt! Bzzt!


Bzzt! Bzzt!

A hand reached over the bedside table, fingers grappling for the phone. Lyra grabbed it and tapped her thumb on the screen until the buzzing finally stopped. She yawned as she lazily brought the phone to her ear. “Mmmm.”

“Don’t you know what time it is?”

Lyra pulled away from her phone to glance at the screen and moaned as her head flopped back onto her pillow. “Class doesn’t start ‘till, like, 8:20. It’s 7:30.”

“Uh, yeah, 7:30 on Halloween! Come on, get up, get dressed! I know you, Lyra. You’re lying around in bed with the T.V. still on, aren’t you?”

Lyra sat up and blinked at a random television show that was on her screen, and her other hand fumbled across the sheets in search of the remote. “No I’m not,” she mumbled. “I’m up, okay? Just lemme…” She slipped out of bed while rubbing sleep out of her eyes. “Lemme shower, ‘Kay?”

“Well, make it a quick one, hurry, hurry! I’m already putting the finishing touches on it! Just wait till you see it. I look SMOKIN’.”

Lyra rolled her eyes and hung up. She went over to her closet and grabbed her costume wrapped in plastic and unzipped it. I really hope I won’t be around dirt today, she thought. Lyra pulled the white dress with laced sleeves over her head and tugged it twice and smoothed it over. She looked behind her with a smile and gently shook her shoulders, letting her small silvery wings sway in the air.

Lyra went over to her dresser to retrieve the final part of her costume when she caught her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was a bushy mess. “Ew! Yucksville!” After running a comb through her feathery locks, she placed the missing item on top of her head. She nodded her head twice and her halo bobbed along with it. “I make the perfect angel.” She hummed contentedly as she sprayed body glitter on her chest, shoulder, and arms.

Lyra paused, realizing that she forgot to shower; then she glanced at the clock. 7:45. Ouch. She simply shrugged and applied some deodorant. I took a shower last night, I’ll be fine.


Lyra jumped and shuffled over to the window and looked out to see Bon Bon honking her horn, glaring up impatiently. Lyra waved a hand out the window and grabbed her white flats and school bag before leaving the room.

Lyra bounded down the porch steps, accompanied by the loud honking of Bon Bon’s horn. “Okay, okay, I’m coming! I don’t even have shoes on yet!”

“Put them on in the car!” Bon Bon looked up and grinned as Lyra observed her costume. She stood there with a hand against her chin before giving her friend a confused look. “I thought you were going as a spy. What are you?”

Bon Bon’s grin dropped from her face. “What do you think I am?”

Lyra frowned slightly at Bon Bon’s silky black dress with two thin straps. Bon Bon rolled her eyes exasperatingly. “I’m a mouse!” She pointed to her head, which were two fuzzy ears on top of her black hair band. “Duh!”

Lyra couldn't help but smirk as she got inside the topless convertible and tossed her school bag to the backseat. “Of course you are,” she said with a light laugh. “They’re gonna love it. What do you think of my costume?"

Bon Bon looked her over and nodded in approval. "It's a thousand times better than that unicorn costume you wear every year."


They shifted into conversing about the latest things happening around school while Bon Bon drove a just notch above speed limit, causing fallen autumn leaves to scatter across the street as they blew past. A pang of discomfort suddenly emanated from Lyra's lower body. Lyra winced slightly and shifted in her seat, but the feeling went as swiftly as it came.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t eat breakfast this morning. I’ll just have to fill up on candy they give away at school.

As they drew closer to Canterlot High School, Lyra was starting to wish she had brought along a jacket. She could tell Bon Bon was thinking the same thing as they parked. “Why does it have to be so frigid?” Bon Bon shuddered, wrapping her arms around herself after slamming the car door. Students swarmed around them in all sorts of costumes.

“Well, it is almost November,” a voice laughed from behind. Lyra glanced over her shoulder and laughed at the sight of Flash Sentry in a police uniform. He lowered his sunglasses at the two girls with a humorous look in his eyes. “You're both under arrest…” He looked them up and down. “...For stealing my previous costume ideas.”

“Seriously?” Bon Bon deadpanned, but couldn’t keep from smiling. “A cop?”

Flash pushed up his sunglasses and struck a pose. “I know what you’re thinking, Bon. And the answer is yes. What you see here is very much a reality.”

Lyra shook her head. Although the relationship between the three of them was platonic, she did enjoy the occasional play-flirting. Flash walked up and put both his arms around Lyra and Bon Bon’s shoulders as they strolled through the busy quad. “But now I’m a cop with a mouse and an angel by my side.”

Bon Bon giggled and batted her eyelashes. “You say the sweetest things.”

Just then, the warning bell rang, and students scurried from all parts of the front lawn and into the building. Late comers jumped out of cars and uttered quick goodbyes to their parents before quickly adjusting their costumes.

The trio made their way inside Canterlot High; Bon Bon went down another hall and waved to her friends as she departed to her first period. “See you guys later!”

Lyra and Flash walked into their History class with two minutes to spare, the only period they shared together. Lyra took her seat near the middle of the classroom with Fluttershy sitting in the seat next to her in simple wedding gown and veil. "You look beautiful, Lyra," Fluttershy said with a smile.

"Thanks! You too!"

As more student filed in, Lyra caught a glimpse of Applejack in a tin costume, and despite the loud chatter, she could hear the clomp clomp of her metal boots as she waddled down the hallway.

Ms. Harshwhinny stepped out from behind her desk and clapped her hands, effectively ending all conversation. “Good morning, class,” she said as the final bell rang. “You all look lovely this morning--however, let me be perfectly clear. Just because it’s Halloween, it does not mean that we won’t have class time today.”

Collective groans filled the air.

“C’mon, Miss H,” Flash said from the back of the room. “It’s bad enough we gotta come to school on a national holiday!”

“Halloween is not a holiday!”

Cheese Sandwich parted the curtains of his shower costume and peeked out with a joyous grin. “Where’s your costume, Ms. Harshwhinny?”

The teacher in question snorted and rolled her eyes. “I do not dress up for Halloween, nor do I give away candy to those little beggars that come banging on my door each year!” She retrieved a stack of papers from her desk and started to pass them out row by row.

“But I understand that teachers must give out some kind of treat if Halloween ever were to befall on a school day. If we complete this worksheet before the period is over, you may all get one lollipop.” Harshwhinny walked up to the board and picked up a stick of chalk. “Now, let’s begin. Today, we are going to be learning…”

A stabbing sensation made Lyra flinch in pain. Then another. Lyra clamped her legs together and held in a whimper. My period! It’s come early! she thought in dismay. The teenager clamped her mouth shut and gritted her teeth. It hurt. It hurt more than anything else in the world.

It felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing her lower abdomen with a butcher knife. Lyra took a deep breath, picked up her pen, and started filling in the blanks on the worksheet as Ms. Harshwhinny wrote out the answers on the board.

“...an army known as the Night Guard went up against the tyranny that was…”

Another shot of pain made her jolt in her seat, her pen clattering against the desk. “Ah!” Fluttershy cast a curious glance in her direction and mouthed Are you okay?

Lyra bobbed her head, feeling truly and utterly embarrassed. Unfortunately, Ms. Harshwhinny was very strict on how often students go to the bathroom during class. Each student was allowed six bathroom breaks per semester, and Lyra had used them all. I’m never drinking slushies before class again!

After two minutes of holding her legs together with force, the pain ebbed slightly. She glanced at the clock and picked up her pen. Okay. I can do it. I can make it. Just twenty more minutes until class is over. I don’t. Feel. Pain. I don’t feel pain, I don’t feel pain, I don’t feel pain--

Lyra gasped as a wrenching sensation tore through her body. Her legs shot out in a fit of indescribable agony. I FEELPAIN! A few heads turned in her direction and she gave a weak grin before they returned their attention to Ms. Harshwhinny and her ongoing lesson.

Lyra silently rocked back and forth in her seat with clenched fists. She suppressed a groan when little pangs started forming in her lower backside. She continued rocking with tears forming in her eyes. To her left, Cheese frowned slightly, looking very much confused; he wondered whether or not he should raise his hand or something.

The pangs wouldn’t stop, and Lyra kept bouncing lightly in her chair. The torture wasn’t going away anytime soon.

Harshwhinny continued writing on the board with lackluster. “The voyagers carried with them their flag that bore a moon and sun, and the Buffalo tribe that greeted them led them to--”

Lyra arched her back and screamed when a jolt of pain shot up her butt. Every single student stopped writing regarded her with wide eyes. Ms. Harshwhinny slowly turned from the board and glared at her, looking both shocked and angry at the same time. “Miss Heartstrings! What the devil is the matter with you?”

Lyra’s mouth hung open, unable to give a reasonable response. Her fellow students were visibly shocked and appalled, especially Flash. Quick as lightning, she bolted out the door. She ran down the hall until she found the girls bathroom and tugged on the door handle. It was locked. “Why would they lock the bathroom!?” Lyra whined, pulling and pushing at the door.

“They’re all gonna laugh at you!” a voice wailed from behind.

Lyra whirled around and gasped. A girl with thick glasses and a purple turtle neck stood there with a pained expression. “M-Moon Dancer!? W-What are you doing here in CH? I haven’t seen you since--”

“They’re all gonna laugh at you,” Moon Dancer warned. “...If you don’t wear that pad.”

“U-Uhh…” Lyra slowly backed down the hall and broke into a run. “Help! I need a bathroom! And an adult!”

She raced past the gym and turned a corner when she bumped into someone else. Lyra reeled back and sighed in relief. “Sweetie Belle! Oh, Sweetie Belle, it’s just you!” She wrapped her arms around the freshman and pulled her into a hug.

A pair of hands clapped by her ear. Lyra’s head jerked behind her, but there was no one there. She glanced back at Sweetie Belle, who looked at her with a blank smile. “Wanna play clap and hide?”

Lyra jumped back and moved away from the girl with horror. “What...what…”

She turned, prepared to run again, when Apple Bloom and Scootaloo appeared in front of her with dull expressions. “Come play with us, Lyra,” they said.

Lyra heard a whooshing sound. She turned around and screamed as an ocean of blood came crashing down the hall like a wave, engulfing anything and anyone in sight. Lyra ran past Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, shrieking at the top of her lungs. When she came to the main rotunda of the school, the bell rang and students milled out of classrooms, completely oblivious to the horrors Lyra had seen.

Bon Bon skipped over to her with a happy smile. “Wanna sit inside during lunch?” she asked in a high squeaky voice.

“B-Bon Bon--”

“Hey, what happened back there?” Flash asked as he joined them. “One minute you were fine, the next--OH MY GOD!”

Lyra flinched. “What!?”

Flash pointed at her dress in pure disgust. “You’re BLEEDING! Dude, that is nasty!"

Student stopped and gasped. Girls wretched. Boys collapsed. The Sirens played jump rope near the door. A sound of mourning emanated from Lyra’s throat as she observed the bloody stain spreading on her crisp white dress.

“Lyra,” Bon Bon whispered. “How could you?”

“It’s my period, I swear!” Lyra wailed, dropping to the floor. “It’s my period, I swear!”


Bzzt! Bzzt!

“It’s my period, I swear…”

Bzzt! Bzzt!

“It’s my period, I swear…”

Bzzt! Bzzt!

“AAH!” Lyra sat up in bed covered in sweat. She gasped and clutched at her heart as she looked around. "It...It was a dream?" she panted. "Only...a dream?" The realization finally sunk in, prompting Lyra to fall back in bed with a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness."

She closed her eyes as she reached for her vibrating phone. "More like a Nightmare. Hello? Mom? Yeah, no, I know. I'm not feeling well today, I think I'm just gonna stay home today, if that's alright. No, I'm fine, I'm just not--what was that?....My progress report? It...It came in the mail this morning!? You're about to open it!?"

Lyra sat straight up. "AAAAAHHHHHH!"

Author's Note:

The dreaded progress report, the true horror. Hahaha. :rainbowlaugh: So, Happy Haloween/Nightmare Night, everyone! Just wanted to write some silly things that don't really make sense at all :derpytongue2:

Just so you know, these types of cramps DOES NOT HAPPEN TO EVERYONE, some girls I know only have headaches, those lucky little... Anyways, these ae the types of cramps I get. I know, TMI. :fluttershyouch::pinkiecrazy:

Anyways, have a great night tonight! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 60 )

This story speaks to me on so many levels.

Even as a man I understand the agonizing horrors women face. Good story. Well worth missing bedtime to read it.

Lyra heard a whooshing sound. She turned around and screamed as an ocean of blood came crashing down the hall like a wave, engulfing anything and anyone in sight.

"...and the halls of Canterlot High would run red with blood..."

"It's a thousand times better than that unicorn costume you wear every year."


Sadly, I get those cramps as well... Through the entire first half of the story I was thinking, "You shouldn't have worn white" over and over again.


Me too!

I was terrified she was gonna have a run through during class.

Yeah. I'll even have a run through with a pad. And I use the big ones. :raritydespair:


Every girls fear in high school.

This story is so true and accurate.
Needs a slice of life tag and to be featured.


That´s the reason I´m convinced God is a man (and a jerk ). Otherwise there is no way he would have designed menstruation, birthing pains and menopause.


As a man, I agree.

We need to elect Celestia in his place.

She can get shit done AND actually talk to us, wroth an appointment.


Iirc periods and thus period pain and the pain of childbirth were supposed to be part of the 'Original Sin' curse for Eve and her descendants.


"WHAT?! That miserable clone I created now chooses to eat from the Fruit of Knowledge and developing critical thinking rather than being an obedient pet in my private zoo? And is giving Adam ideas? I'll teach that bitch respect!
Oh, I know, I'll kick her and her hubby from the Garden, mess with her reproductive system to add extra pain to all its functions. And to make the message damn clear I'll create a religion to teach all future women to be submisive to their men and that all bad shit I unleash upon humanity is their damn fault. Yeah, just like that."

Comment posted by cunning_linguist deleted Nov 2nd, 2015

"Bonbon, Bonbon! I had a terrible nightmare! I was friends with Flash Sentry!!!"

Oh my...:rainbowderp:

6592669 The worst possible thing is to wear white, especially when you don't expect it :rainbowderp: And guess what :facehoof: I went on my period an hour after I submitted, so it must be Lyra's revenge :rainbowlaugh:

Oh dear. I can imagine both pony and human Lyra yelling revenge with a manic look in their eyes... I never wear white towards the end of the month, when mine usually comes on. (But is very unpridictible and will sometimes be 2 weeks late!)

Wearing white when you know its about to come on is nearly equivalent to a deathwish. I still remember that poor girl with white pants walking to the busses eith a huge red stain. I really wanted to say something, but I didn't since I didn't know her and would probably embarrass her. I probably should have though... :unsuresweetie:

6595202 Sigh. Those moments. :ajsleepy:

See, this is one of the many reasons why we should start upgrading the human genome already.


Not agreeing or disagreeing with the idea merely saying what I know

This story is me, like, 97.82%.

The rest is me saying, "But I get, like, a million skip months!"

Hah! I only get headaches, I'm a lucky ducky:pinkiehappy:

Poor Lyra, that must be terrible. I couldn't imagine living with that if it happened to me in class.:fluttershyouch::fluttershbad: This is possibly the scariest fic out there. (Especially with the Progress Report):derpytongue2:

I really don't know what to say here. This is just one more reason us guys need to respect the girls in our lives. Whether they be friends, family, or strangers.

I once wore white shorts during that time of month... I think you can figure out the rest.:unsuresweetie:

Didn't even get as far as the description and I knew this had to be a story about a particular cycle in the female body. (Not sure if the name is the same as it was last time I heard of it because, you know, society)

If you're in THAT time of the month, wearing dark shorts or pants can really help.

Uuuuhhh those days of those of months....:raritydespair:

To be perfectly honest, I thought this was going to be an inane kind of comedy where the central joke was simply "women have periods, hur, hur". But I was wrong! Super funny dialogue/story and it's so relatable to boot. ^-^ Upvote~

This was funny and it scared me. Like The Shining. Which was referenced!

Seeing as I have mostly female friends. I really feel for you women.

Mine likes to sneak up on me. Damn thing's almost ALWAYS a day late if not a whole stupid WEEK! Seriously, you crummy bag of torture, PICK A SCHEDULE AND STICK TO IT. I have things to pack! Libraries to raid! Food to eat! I do not have time to lie around being crampy and depressed! :flutterrage:


Oh lawd, that Mean Girls ref :rainbowlaugh:

As a guy with 3 sisters, I feel Lyra's pain. Metaphorically, at least.

Lyra paused, realizing that she forgot to shower; then she glanced at the clock. 7:45. Ouch. She simply shrugged and applied some deodorant. I took a shower last night, I’ll be fine.

I love little reminders in fics (and media in general) that even girls occasionally do slobby things like this.

Fluttershy sitting in the seat next to her in simple wedding gown and veil.


Nice twist ending. The progress report, I mean. The dream thing was telegraphed a bit too soon.

Well... That was a little more information than I needed.
Here's a fav, tho, I liked the like, wave of blood. ^-^ It's reminiscent of a certain old horror movie...
:pinkiecrazy: HERE'S JOHNNY!

I feel her pain. I'm usually sobbing, unable to eat, and bedridden with a heating pad or large icepack on my lower abdomen on the first day or two of bleeding. Yay for me, pain meds that I can safely take don't work. If they do, it's only slightly and not enough to have even bothered taking them.

Yay. Periods are awful. I remember my worst one. It lasted two hours (at the two hour mark is where I stopped counting) and it was the worst one I had ever felt. It kept taunting me by lightening up for two minutes before going back to that painful void. Advil did NOTHING.

7222816 Yes. But I've never had anything as bad since so that's good.

Darnit! Why do I always get stuck in the wrong side of the internet?!

Funny story though...

This has actually happened to me. Mind you... not a blood wave, but gosh, it was embarrassing. It happened twice:facehoof:

Why must the world be so cruel?!

So wait let me get this straight... you get cramps and you hallucinate in your dreams only to wake up to find your mom looking at your failing progress report? man, that's oddly specific. And sucks. :raritywink:

I'm lucky to be guy. We only suffer if we get kicked there. Or punched. Or sat on. Or you anything...

6595164 Wrath so powerful that it crosses universes and the frigging laws of time & space! Not to mention sanity... DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiegasp: :pinkiecrazy:

*stares in confusion because male*

6592899 Do you think he designed menstruation and every other aforementioned aspect of the feminine reproductive anatomy to torture you, or because it was the best and safest way he could do it? I am a firm believer in the idea that anything could be worse than it currently is, so you should be grateful that what you got isn't any worse.


1. I am a "he".
2. I studied back in college about the "design flaws" in the human body, like the blind spot of our eyes, an useless and dangerous apendix, a dual function pharynx which increases the danger of choking, a very narrow birth cannal, etc...
If our bodies were truly designed, we should find the designer and sue him for incompetence.

It happened today... I got A's though....


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