• Published 7th Nov 2015
  • 2,433 Views, 95 Comments

Queen Mommy - Evowizard25

  • ...

Luna's Not the Nicest Pony Around

This whole thing was ludicrous. In fact, I’d say it was an affront to everything Equestria stood for. We stood for peace and unity. How were we supposed to be the best of the best if we housed monsters? It was asking for trouble. Yet so few listened to me, not even my sister. She never listens to me, the ungrateful swine. I’m the one out in the dark forests fighting monsters all the time. What is she doing?

Staying in doors and playing nice with the nobles. Who cares what the nobles think? They should just be happy we aren’t tyrants and do whatever they like. I ought to behead a few to teach them a lesson. Well, a few more. What happens outside the castle walls is none of their business. Perhaps my sister would finally listen to me today. The griffins were gearing for war, I was certain of it. Now was not the time for a soft-heart.

Just then, I felt something smack into my leg. I looked down to see… three things I’ve never seen before. They looked like an ugly cross between a horse and a fish. I scowled, “Vermin, how did you get here?” I knew they were probably just animals and it didn’t matter whether I asked or not. I just thought it prudent to ask before I killed the little beasts.

The blue and purple ones squeaked in fear and hid behind the yellow beast. The little thing had the gall to growl at me, displaying such feeble carnivorous teeth. I harrumphed, “You think that scares me, little one?” Calling out to the shadow domain, my trusty mace was called up and floated in the air besides me. “Do you really believe battle is the answer, little beast? Do you think you can defend the others?” The beast seemed to nod and growled louder.

I narrowed my eyes and lowered my head closer to it. “I say, leave now, or I shall-” I let out a yell as the beast latched onto my nose. I pulled my head back and grabbed it with my magic, tearing it off and throwing it into a stone column. I would have enjoyed the screech of pain, but my nose was bleeding. I had to use some magic to heal it. “You little beast!” My voice shook the castle as I glared at them. How dare they strike me. The other two huddled around the orange one. Good. Makes it easier for me.

Before I could strike, a section of wall not far ahead of me burst open. A howling screech that even sent shivers down my spine was cast into the air. Whatever this beast may be, I shall face it. Low and behold, the worst beast imaginable comes forth, “Chrysalis.”

“Luna,” Chrysalis, the Tartarus filth, growled at me. She walked forward, like she was ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. She cast her gaze at the three little beasts and her eyes widened. “My children…. You hurt my children.”

I quirked an eyebrow, “Your children? They look nothing like you.”

She growled, bounding over to them. She swiftly nuzzled them, but stopped when she saw the bruised orange one. “You….. YOU!” Her horn was flaring as she turned to give me her best glare.

I will not let her know that it unnerves me, “I thought they were vermin.”

“My children are not vermin, you stuck up, lunar bitch.” Chrysalis hissed.

“How dare you,” I scowled. “If I had known-”

“You’d have done the same, you heartless cow.” Chrysalis took a step closer.

How dare she say such a thing? Does she not know how lucky she is? If it was up to me, she’d be dead already. She’s just biding her time. She’ll try and kill us all. Why can’t my sister see it? Why can’t any of these idiots see it? Why are they so blind? Why does no one EVER listen to me?!! I’ll show them.

“Stop,” my sister’s voice halted our would be battle. She was scowling. She didn’t do that often. “What is going on here?”

“She harmed my Adagio,” Chrysalis growled, keeping herself in between me and the little things.

“Luna,” my sister’s tone was disapproving.

“I thought they were vermin,” I huffed, stowing away my mace in the shadows. “How was I supposed to know it was hers? Everything that comes out of that womb looks like a nightmare.”

“You’re one to talk,” Chrysalis hissed.

“What did you say?” Perhaps I’d retrieve my mace.

“Enough,” Celestia glared at the both of us. “Luna, I want you to apologize.”

“Me?” I scoffed. “I did nothing wrong.” My sister’s glare turned for the worse. So I had to reluctantly say it, “Fine. I’m sorry.”

“Good, you may go now.” Celestia said.

“Gladly,” I snorted. This isn’t over, Chrysalis.


I sighed as my sister stormed off. She had been getting increasingly difficult over the last few months. It was almost like talking with a different pony at times. It’s probably nothing serious. The constant attacks on Equestria have just frayed her nerves. She’ll be right as rain once we settle the country. I would talk with her later about this. For now, I had to take care of Chrysalis and her kin.

She was huddled around them protectively. I could relate. Well, if I had children. Thankfully, the ponies of Equestria acted enough like children that I got to snuggle with them a lot. It pays being so large sometimes. When I saw little Adagio whimpering, I quickly made my way over. No baby whimpers in pain on my watch. My horn lit up and a halo of energy appeared over her, causing her to glow.

Once it finished, Adagio looked at herself and smiled. She then looked at me and babbled in baby talk. So cute~ I nuzzled her, “It was no trouble.” She even hugged my muzzle. No biting at all. Progress.

Chrysalis chuckled and nuzzled her children, “Thank you.”

“As I just said,” I smiled and gave her a motherly nuzzle as well. “It was no trouble.” I sighed. “I should have told Luna about your children, but it just never came up.”

“I don’t blame you,” Chrysalis huffed. “She’s always had it out for me.”

“Luna isn’t a bad pony,” I said. “She just… needs more time to get used to all of this.”

“She’s lucky you’re here,” Chrysalis growled. “I would have torn her to shreds. I doubt Hurricane is going to let this go.”

“Oh I don’t doubt that,” I nodded. Hurricane was a very stubborn stallion. He’d probably call Luna out for a duel. The only reason I didn’t fear for him was because he was quite capable in combat. Maybe not enough to kill a goddess…… Okay, he could possibly do that if he had the right weapon. He was such a warrior. “You caught yourself quite the stallion, if I say so.” It’s always good to switch topics.

Chrysalis smiled, “Of course. I deserve only the best.” When the little ones mewled for her, she gently put her bottom jaw over their heads and rumbled softly. “Mayhaps I should leave for a bit. Travel the countryside.”

I frowned, “You want to leave already?”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, “Oh I know you’re just loving the ‘grandma’ role, but a little air can do me good.”

I hummed in thought and let my gaze fall on the little ones. There was so little we still knew about them. What if they got sick or worse? “At least wait for Starswirl’s arrival. He might be able to help us know what your children are.”

Chrysalis was silent for a moment, obviously thinking it over. “Fine, once that old geezer is finished, I’m leaving.”

I nodded, “That’s all I ask for. Now, scoot over. I want to get in on the cuddling too.”


I couldn’t believe this. My sister took that monster’s side again. AGAIN! I’m her sister. She should be on my side. Why? Does she just love it more then me? Am I just an inconvenience? I’m the one who’s routinely fighting monsters all day. I’m the one keeping this nation safe. She should bow down to me for all I’ve done for her.

Wait, bow? Perhaps I’m pushing it a bit too far. They were children after all and… maybe I should apologize.

‘Why bother? They’re monsters, remember. They’re poisoning your sister's thoughts.’

Right. Of course. Monsters can’t feel anything… but that whimper. I hurt a baby. I… I should be ashamed. There is no honor in that. I’ll go back and see if I can help. Maybe babies like axes or something. Yes, a present.

‘Giving a monster a present? That’s asking for trouble, Luna.’

Yes, that is silly of me. I shan’t arm my enemies. Chrysalis will never be my friend. She’s trying to kill us all. I know it. Her children are the same.

‘Remember that. Never forget that.’

Of course I won’t. I’m not an idiot.

‘Your sister is.’

That’s not… true? Yet, she won’t see the threat. She didn’t feel those ‘things’. They seemed to brim with energy. Dark energy and it grew in my presence. What manner of creatures are they? Starswirl will know. Yes, of course he will. My fears will be put to rest.

‘And if not, then you put them to rest.’

There is no doubt of that.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone. Sorry for the delay. Colds and all that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They really do help.

As well, don't worry, the next few chapters are going to be much cuter and lighthearted.