• Published 7th Nov 2015
  • 2,433 Views, 95 Comments

Queen Mommy - Evowizard25

  • ...

Starswirl's Lab

I couldn’t help but pace back and forth in front of the door. That stupid, stupid door. Starswirl couldn’t help but make it outlandish and big enough to fit a dragon, could he? Oh, it probably changes sizes, but he chose to have it dragon sized. I’ve killed dragons, but this wasn’t going to calm my nerves. Not with my babies in Hurricane’s hooves, sitting to my left or right, depending on where I was pacing.

I could feel Hurricane slowly rolling his eyes as he kept track of the three young ones. I didn’t have to see it. I could sense it. Call it a wife’s intuition. Well, that or I could feel his emotions and judge them accordingly, but I like the first one better. “How long is he going to make us wait? Celestia sent him a letter.”

“Starswirl isn’t someone who follows the ‘right’ procedures when it comes to guests,” Hurricane pulled his head back from Adagio’s jaws. The little girl kept trying to best her daddy, with all her pushing and biting. Awww, she already wants to be ruler. So cute. Sonata was busy chasing her own tail and Aria was resting on his head. Overall, I wanted someone to paint this so I could save it for a rainy day.

“Well he better learn them soon enough,” I growled. “Or else I’ll have to educate him myself.”

“Celestia won’t take kindly to his death, Chrysalis.”

“Oh I wouldn’t go that far,” I chuckled at my mate’s deadpan gaze. “Oh alright. I’ll go easy on him.”

“Besides,” Hurricane spoke up, petting Adagio who had worn herself out. “Starswirl the Bearded isn’t someone you should underestimate. I’ve never met a more powerful unicorn.”

“Take it from someone’s who’s been to multiple worlds,” I snorted. “There’s always someone more powerful than you.” Father always loved to remind me, whether it be by pitting me against stronger opponents or himself. We have a very complicated relationship. A relationship my daughters won’t have to endure if I can help it.

Finally, the doors opened. I sighed in relief. I was about to break down the doors myself, but I knew Celestia wouldn’t like that. She also wouldn’t like me throttling Starswirl, but that went without saying. Trotting inside, I didn’t even glance at all the strange potions or items laying about everywhere. Half of them I’ve already seen on other worlds and the other half I just don’t care about. I just focused my attention on the old loon in front of me. Well, old for a pony. I was several times older than him, but I didn’t look a day over twenty one thousand.

“From one another, another to one. A mark of one’s destiny singled out alone, fulfilled.” The old unicorn stated with a growl. “Gah!” He used his magic to throw the large piles of paper he had everywhere. “It’s right there. It’s right, bloody there. Why can’t I find the end?”

“Having trouble with a spell?” I smirked, catching his attention. “I thought the great Starswirl the Bearded never had trouble with magic.”

Starswirl narrowed his eyes, “Ah yes, Chrysalis. I was expecting you.” Using his magic, he stuffed all the paper into a bookcase nearby and sealed it.

“You don’t seem happy to see me,” I loomed over the geezer. I never really cared for him. Too strange. Reminds me a bit of some of my father’s daemon lords.

“I’m never happy to see you,” Starswirl snorted before looking around her. His eyes sparkled. “But I am glad to see them.”

“Now wait-” before I could say anything more, he teleported in front of Hurricane.

Sonata and Aria hid behind him, while Adagio growled. “Well aren’t you just fascinating,” Starswirl leaned in closer. “They’re a breed of sea ponies I’ve never seen before.”

“We were hoping you’d help us with that,” Hurricane kept himself in a battle stance. He trusted Starswirl, but ever since the three were born, he was even more on edge. It was cute, though I did fear why. A lot of the pegasi weren’t happy with this union and they were known for aggression.

“Oh yes,” Starswirl caught Adagio with his magic when she tried to lunge at him. I so wanted to kill him right then and there when he did that. “Fully formed teeth at this age? Interesting.” He thankfully let go of her and turned and trotted into another room. “Come with me.”

“Can I kill him now?” I spoke up when he was out of earshot.

“No,” Hurricane sighed reluctantly. “We need him alive.”

I groaned, “Of course we do. Let’s just get this over with.” I gave my babies a little reassuring nuzzle and pulled back. Little Sonata wasn’t having any of it and had grabbed onto my muzzle. She was dangling and giggling, wagging her tail. My heart melted as I smiled at her. “Aww, I know you love mommy. Mommy loves you too.” I could feel tendrils of their love just fine, even though it was oddly tainted and rather…. Disgusting. Even if it was tasty, I wouldn’t feed on my children. I gently put her on my back and we walked after the old coot.

The room we found ourselves in was bare, save for a single table. He patted it, “Set them here, if you can.”

I snorted, but did as he asked. The sooner we got this over with, the sooner I could snuggle with my family. I didn’t have to worry about him trapping us. I had twenty five thousand changeling units around this very house and many more at my command. I can’t help but miss the times when I had millions at my beck and call, but daddy won’t let me have his soldiers anymore.

I gave each of my girl’s a little nuzzle, “Now be good for the stallion, alright?” I reluctantly pulled away. They started to whimper, holding out their little hooves to me. Oh, I couldn’t stand seeing them like that.

“Chrysalis,” Starswirl got in between us. “I can’t have you smothering them the whole time I work.”

I growled, “Of course you can’t.” Urge to kill him, RISING!

Starswirl hummed in thought as he walked around the table. His horn glowed and soon so did the table. A wall of light appeared all around my babies. I kept telling myself to keep calm. This was just an inspection. I shouldn’t hurt him, even though my babies are cowering together….

Must resist the urge.

A little blue square appeared before Starswirl. The wizard started gazing at it, like he could see something rather clearly. He was obviously reading something off the buzzing square. I bet he loved just lording over his intellect. “Fascinating. They are definitely adapted to aquatic lifestyles.”

“I never would have guess,” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as I said that.

“Of course,” Starswirl noted. “They are most certainly not sea ponies. Sea ponies evolved from pegasi many thousands of years ago. What your daughters represent is a sort of ‘missing link’, as it were in the evolutionary chain.”

“Wait,” I held up my hoof in questioning. “You’re a master of magic and work for a goddess and you believe in evolution?” I had to ask. Most feudal worlds don’t believe in it, especially when they have magic.

Starswirl raised an eyebrow, “I know you’ve been to many more advanced worlds, Chrysalis. I assure you we aren’t that primitive.”

“Could have fooled me,” I smiled as he glared at me. Had to make that joke.

“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” he made sure to give me a glowering gaze before continuing. As if I cared, anyways. “Your daughters are built for aquatic travel, akin to early dolphins. They can’t breath underwater like sea ponies can, however a good six to ten minutes without breath is possible. Again, it’s astounding the similarities they carry with dolphins. What exactly did you two do when you-”

“None of your business,” I seethed.

“Right,” Starswirl noted and touched the magic pad again. “However, I noticed something strange. Your daughters are abnormally light for a purely aquatic creature. In fact,” his magic spiraled up and prodded my daughters’ sides with pole like extensions. Aria shrieked and Adagio put herself over her to protect her sister, growling at him.

I’d do more then that, but I think my glare got my message across. Starswirl pulled away immediately, “They have specialized air sacks stored inside that help with buoyancy. While this isn’t uncommon in aquatic creatures, this is a feature of Flying dragons also possess. The way it’s structured is more similar to them, not to mention the light bone structures and weight.”

“What are you getting at?” Hurricane asked. “Are you saying my daughters’ can fly?”

“I’m saying they were born to fly as well as to swim,” Starswirl nodded. “Magic is as magic does. When it comes to evolution, magic tends to make things complicated. We see so many chimeras in nature influenced by magic that sometimes whole families need to be reworked to keep up with the fast paced change magic spurs in evolution.”

“I actually like the pace,” I smiled. “Reminds me of my own changelings.”

Starswirl narrowed his eyes, “Changelings’ genetic structure was created by chaos magic as is yours.”

I glared at him, “My magic isn’t chaos. It’s life.”

“Chaos is a part of life,” Starswirl countered. “Just because you hate your family, doesn’t mean you can’t accept the truth. Your daughters are supercharged on chaos magic and not in the way you are.”

“What are you saying?” I asked.

Starswirl looked over at the trio, “Changelings are creatures that primarily feed on positive emotions. This is easy to reason. It is easier to quench your thirst with and general means a healthier supply. Negative emotions are tainted and an overdose can be lethal for most changelings, yet your children are fine. Better than fine.”

“Of course they are,” I gave my babies a reassuring smile. They were trying to push against the magic barrier to get to me. “Calm down. Mommy’s here. Your safe.” This seemed to pacify them once more.

“Your children have been exposed to many negative emotions over the past few days,” Starswirl noted. “Your anger with the nobles. The nobles’ scorn. Luna herself and the anger between us.”

“And?” Where was he going with this.

“Your daughters have evolved a new way to feed,” Starswirl stated. “What I found most strange is that they had energy from all those sources. Dark energy, yet positive energy such as the love of their parents or Celestia herself has only an underlying effect. As though positive emotions can only sustain them, but they thrive on the negative far more easily and have a healthier time of it.”

“Are you saying they feed off of the negative?” I laughed. “Oh don’t even joke about that. My daughters are the most positive beacons of hope in all the world.”

Starswirl glanced at Hurricane, who shook his head. “So what would you suggest we do?” My Hurricane asked. Hmph, I don’t see why this is an issue. I’ll just give them more love.

“I don’t know,” Starswirl sighed. “It’s too early to tell. Perhaps when they grow older, this will fade away. We can only hope. Negative emotions can corrupt absolutely, no matter what you try.”

I could attest to that. Far too many of my father’s creatures and minions lived off of negative emotions. It drove them all mad. It drove them to be monsters. My babies weren’t going to be monsters. No. They wouldn’t be like me. They were going to be sweet, little angels {that occasionally conquer planets}. They were going to be perfect. PERFECT!


“Chrysalis,” Hurricane spoke up. “You’re plotting again.”

I couldn’t help but blush blue. “IGNORE ME!”

Hurricane looked me up and down, “No.”

I blushed further, “You are so going to be snuggled to death tonight.”

“It’s a good thing I love to tango with death,” he smiled. Oh that alluring smile. I could get lost in it and those hard eyes. Those eyes that could kill a legion with a gaze. He’d drown the world with blood if it meant I’d be happy.

What a guy.

“Now you can- GYAAA!” Starswirl cried out when the magic barrier fell and Adagio sprung into his face.

“TEAR HIS EYES OUT!” I cheered, quickly picking up Sonata and Aria in my arms.

Hurricane sighed, “I suppose we already forgot about the negative emotion thing.” He looked at Aria, who was shuddering and folding her hooves over her eyes. Sonata was.... Enjoying the display far too much. He gently took her in his arms and nuzzled her, “Starswirl will be fine. This stuff always happens to him.”

Author's Note:

And I'm back. Sorry for the wait. I hope this chapter was worth it and you had a good time.
Please leave a comment below and have a great day. :twilightsmile: