• Published 4th Nov 2015
  • 1,726 Views, 53 Comments

I'm Foreign?! - Eddy13

In a crazy plan to stay in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash ends up falling for her best friend.

  • ...

Awkward Wedding

Rainbow Dash and the others stood with wide eyes at Fluttershy, stunned by her declaration. Finally, Rainbow Dash spoke.

"Y-You'll marry me?"

"Yes" Fluttershy answered quietly, "Since nopony else in town would, I'll do it so you can stay."

Rainbow Dash looked to Fluttershy with a concerned expression. "Are you sure you want to, Fluttershy?"

"Yes" Fluttershy nodded assuringly. "I'm positive I want to do this. Anything to keep you from being deported."

"Fluttershy" Rainbow muttered as her look of shock slowly turned to one of gratitude before she scooped her fellow Pegasus up into a grateful hug.

"Thank you, Flutters" she said sincerely, "You really are a true pal."

"That's very noble of you, Shy" Applejack said as she and the others walked up to the Pegasi.

"Indeed," Rarity added, "You really are doing a good thing by helping Rainbow Dash like this."

"Yay, Dashie gets to stay!" Pinkie Pie was cheering.

"Now all we need to do is go back down to City Hall and tell that stallion in the Department of Immigration" Twilight said.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Walking up to it, Spike answered, revealing it to be the Department of Immigration official from yesterday.

"Ah, there you are, Miss Dash" he said. "The chariot to take you back to Cloudsdale is outside."

"You went to the trouble of tracking her down to make sure she was deported?" Twilight asked in surprise.

"You'd be surprised how many ponies try to get out of this" the pegasus replied.

"Yeah, well I don't need to leave now" Rainbow said confidentially, "I'm getting married."

"Is that a fact?" the official inquired. "Well then, who's the lucky pony?"

"That would be me" Fluttershy said shyly.

"Really? Well then, you've certainly found a very lovely pony to marry, Miss Dash" the stallion said sincerely, "Congratulations to the both of you."

"So when do I get my new citizenship?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, following your marriage, filling out the necessary paperwork would take about...three weeks."

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's eyes went wide.

"Three weeks?!" they cried in unison.

"Wow, you two are already acting cute" the official said with a smile before turning, "Good luck, you two lovebirds."

With that, he was gone. After Spike closed the door, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked to each other with matching shocked expressions.

"We...We have to be married..." Fluttershy started.

"...for three weeks?!" Rainbow finished.

"Hey, it won't be that tough" Applejack said soothingly, "Shoot, that time will just fly on by and you'll be back to your normal lives in no time."

"And in the meantime" Pinkie Pie said optimistically, "You two can have oodles of fun playing 'house'!"

"Well, in any case," Twilight spoke up, "Let's get to work on the wedding so we can get it out of the way."

"Alright" Rainbow Dash conceded as the six ponies walked through the castle's great halls "But nothing fancy!"

Within half an hour, the six friends had set up a makeshift ceremony. Applejack was on Rainbow's side, Rarity on Fluttershy's, with Twilight in the middle and Pinkie Pie as the witness while Spike played music with the player piano he had used to fool the yaks.

"Good thing being a princess allows me to perform ceremonies like this" Twilight said.

"Yeah, well, let's get it done already" Rainbow Dash said in a snippy tone "I'm just glad no other pony is around to see this."

Twilight was about to begin the ceremony when suddenly, Pinkie Pie appeared holding a large wrapped package.

"Ooh, I found this on the steps!" she said excitedly. "I think it's a wedding present!"

"What?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow "Who'd send a gift? Nopony knows about this yet."

"Ooh, I wonder what's inside!" Pinkie Pie said as she looked over the package.

Little did she know that she'd get her answer. At that moment, the lid of the package burst off and colorful smoke and mist shot out of the package. The colorful smoke flew around the room before landing in the center, which a figure appeared out of.

"Surprise!" the familiar being cried in excitement.

"Discord?" Rainbow Dash asked in shock combined with detestment "What are you doing here?"

"You wouldn't think I'd miss the wedding of my dear friend Fluttershy, would you?" the spirit asked with a syrupy tone as he ruffled the canary yellow pony's mane "What kind of friend would I be if I did? In any event, congratulations are in order for the two of you. Rainbow Dash is marrying a truly wonderful mare and Fluttershy is saving her closest friend, well, second closest after me, from being kicked out of Ponyville. Oh, what a beautiful occasion this is!"

Rainbow Dash glared at the draconequus. "Eavesdropping again, huh?"

"Well, how else am I suppose to keep an ear out for what's happening with my friends?" Discord asked as one of his ears appeared in his taloned hand before he reattached it to his head.

"How about asking?" Applejack retaliated.

"Oh" Discord scoffed, "Asking questions is so passe these days. In any case, it looks like I showed up just in time." he said as he looked around at the empty and vacant hall. "But don't worry, I can fix this up."

"No! Wait!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

Unfortunately, it was too late as Discord had already snapped his fingers. In a bright flash, the entire hall was decorated in yellow and blue streamers, a large banner that said 'Congratulations, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash' was dangling over the balcony, off to the side was a long table with refreshments, complete with a wedding cake that had figures shaped like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in a romantic embrace on top, nearly the entire population of Ponyville was sitting bewildered in rows of seats that Discord had provided, each one dressed in their best, Twilight was dressed in a regal gown and Rarity and Applejack were dressed as bridesmaids.

"There" Discord said approvingly. "Much better. Marvelous!"

"Hey!" Applejack cried as she felt the top of her head "Give me back mah hat!"

"Fine" Discord scoffed "Ruin the atmosphere with your country look."

"Onree varmint" Applejack grumbled as her Stetson re-materialized.

"I have to admit though" Rarity said as she looked over the dress she was wearing "He does make great outfits sometimes."

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were wearing matching wedding gowns, Rainbow Dash grinding her teeth as her face turned red.

"Do you know how embarrassing this is?!" she shouted at the reformed Lord of Chaos.

"Hmm" Discord looked over her with a paw to his chin, "I see your point." With a snap of his fingers, Rainbow's dress was replaced with a suit and top hat "You're more of a tuxedo mare anyway."

Rainbow Dash growled. "I am not going through this like this!"

"Fine" Discord shrugged. "Don't get married and get deported if that's what you want."

"Oh!" Rainbow Dash groaned as she brought her hoof over her eyes, knowing there was no way out of this. With a sigh, she turned to Fluttershy "Let's get this over with so he'll get out of here."

"Ooh, wait a moment" Discord said before appearing off to the side, dressed as a director, a clone at his side operating a camera. "We mustn't forget to document the happy memory. Pinkie, would you be dear and use this?" he asked the party pony as a take marker appeared in her hooves.

"Okie-dookie!" Pinkie Pie went along with the fun before running up to the camera. "Flutter and Dashie's Wedding, Take One!" she said before clapping the marker...right on her hoof "Ouch!"

"And action!" Discord cried through a bullhorn.

Looking out to the unwilling crowd of witnesses, Twilight cleared her throat before addressing the two Pegasi. "Do you, Fluttershy, take Rainbow Dash to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" the demure mare squeaked in embarrassment, but it was loud enough for all to hear.

Twilight then turned to Rainbow Dash, "And do you, Rainbow Dash, take Fluttershy to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Rainbow Dash grumbled for a moment, before muttering something under her breath.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"I said 'I do!'" Rainbow Dash yelled, red in the face.

"Very well" Twilight said "By the power vested in me as a princess of Equestria, I now pronounce you mare and mare."

"Whew" Rainbow Dash said with relief before turning to Fluttershy "Come on, let's get out of here."

"Wait a minute!" Discord cried as he appeared in front of them with his camera "You forgot the best part!" Seeing the confused looks on the mares' faces, he said "What are you waiting for? Kiss the bride!"

"No way!" Rainbow Dash shouted at the draconequus "This situation has been embarrassing enough as it is!"

"Rainbow" Fluttershy said soothingly "Let's just do it and be done with it."

Dash sighed "Fine."

Closing their eyes, the mares leaned forward and gave each other a quick peck on the lips.

"Whoo Hoo!" Discord cried happily before ejecting a DVD from the camera "That's going in my library of good times with my friends! Oh, almost forgot, can't forget these!"

Looking down, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy saw golden bands on their forelegs. Rolling her eyes, Rainbow Dash led Fluttershy out of the castle...where they found Discord standing on the steps throwing bird seed at them.

"Congratulations, you two lovebirds!" the spirit of chaos cried before making a chariot with a sign that said 'Just Married' on the back and cans tied to the fender appear in front of them.

With a groan, Rainbow Dash led her new wife into the chariot.

"Ooh, ooh! Wait a minute!" Discord called out "Fluttershy, the bouquet!"

Deciding to humor her friend, Fluttershy tossed the bouquet she was holding over her shoulder, which Discord immediately caught by stretching out his arms.

"Whoo hoo!" he cried in excitement "I'm next to walk down the aisle!" With a final snap of his fingers, Discord had the chariot carry Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy off to Fluttershy's cottage before waving good bye to them "Take care, you two lucky kids!"

"Did yah really have to put 'em through all that, Discord?" Applejack asked the draconequus as she walked up to him. "It seemed downright awkward."

"Oh, I don't know." Discord said with a mysterious look in his eye "I get the feeling that before this whole marriage business is over, they'll be thanking me for this."

Then, with a chuckle, he vanished, leaving Applejack to wonder what he meant.

Author's Note:

Discord wasn't originally going to be in this chapter, with the awkwardness going to be mainly with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy being embarrassed about going through the wedding. But after thinking about it, Discord's inclusion not only adds a lot of fun and a lot more awkwardness, but also starts building the foundation of something more between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Comments ( 31 )

Careful what you wish for sucka!!!

Lmao you fucking genuis :rainbowlaugh:

Ha, I wasn't expecting a comedy! The montage of Rainbow going around town was hilarious, and Discord's appearance was awesome (and appropriately chaotic).

This is really, really good - going into favourites. I can't wait to read what happens next :pinkiehappy:

What's the plan for releasing chapters? Are you still writing it?

Well, it varies on how well I can write out each chapter, since I'm more or less doing it by the seat of my pants. However, I do know what I want for the ending.

"I'm next to walk down the aisle!"

Not only did I read that in his voice, but I can imagine the sunny princess he would do it with... :twilight smile:

Great chapter. It shines nicely and made me laugh. I look forward to what comes next.

That wedding was perfect, in that it was pure cringe material.

Thanks, though if the latest episode is correct, Rainbow Dash no longer holds detestment for Discord in the cartoon.

Haven't seen it yet, but if it contributes to our stories, then i need to see it

Of course, I do like that you found the wedding chapter hilarious. Since I had no plans to include Discord in the story, I've been wondering if his appearance is out of place. I guess the only way to remedy that is for him to make an appearance at the end.

Incidentally, considering the FlutterDash/FlutterCord rivalry that's going on, how do you plan to address it in ASOFD?

6611436 As far as planning goes, I'm still on Season 2 for ASOFD, so I don't have any particular thoughts about the later episodes yet (I'm not great at planning that far ahead - my plans usually end up completely changed when I get there) :twilightsheepish: I'm interested to play around with some possible jealousy when I get around to Keep Calm And Flutter On, as that'll be the first one I get to.

"We...We have to be married..." Fluttershy started.
"...for three weeks?!" Rainbow finished.

Yep. Have fun taking care of the animals Rainbow. We all know how well that turned out.

But don't worry Rainbow Dash, because now Fluttershy HAS to help you with the weather! And she's never done ANY sort of cloud duties!

"Well, in any case," Twilight spoke up, "Let's get to work on the wedding so we can get it out of the way."

"Alright" Rainbow Dash conceded as the six ponies walked through the castle's great halls "But nothing fancy!"

Moments later...

In a bright flash, the entire hall was decorated in yellow and blue streamers, a large banner that said 'Congratulations, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash' was dangling over the balcony, off to the side was a long table with refreshments, complete with a wedding cake that had figures shaped like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in a romantic embrace on top, nearly the entire population of Ponyville was sitting bewildered in rows of seats that Discord had provided, each one dressed in their best, Twilight was dressed in a regal gown and Rarity and Applejack were dressed as bridesmaids.


After what he just did, I demand Discord walks down the aisle with Treehugger!

That was the joke. I wanted Rainbow Dash to refuse to make a big deal out of this little formality, but Discord, of course, turns it into an authentic wedding ceremony. Of course, as he hinted, there may have been a method behind his madness.

Discord, you are the man for bringing those two to kiss.

And of course, keep on the writing.

Well, I'm currently working on the third chapter which might take some time as I'm basically winging this story.

I really loved this chapter, and I feel you do a good Discord. Hope to read more! Loving it. I also love awkward stuff in fics, so this chapter really did hit a bullseye. (For me, atleast.)

Don't worry, more will be coming in the future.

Gotta admit, Discord doing something for the benefit of someone other than himself is quite the chaotic surprise. Somehow it's so out of character for him that it's perfectly in character o.O well done.

Well so far, this is pretty good! X3 I do like the whole theme of marriage convenience, but slowly becoming real after a while. :D My only real criticism is that you need some punctuation at the end of dialogue bits. It's just something to keep in mind.

Also, don't be afraid to add in a little touch of narrative between dialogue bits. Not every single paragraph needs to start with dialogue. Adding a bit before the character speaks adds a sort of natural pause to even the flow a little bit. Don't worry, you don't have to do this for every paragraph! Again, it's something to keep in mind.

Either way, this was cute so far. X3 I loved Discord's inclusion in this chapter! He was so funny! And when he caught the bouquet, that was so like him! I can see him doing that! XD

I'm definitely looking forward to how this turns out!

I love this story I liked when Discord appeared out of no where.

Well, apart from adding humor to the scene, I just couldn't see Discord not being there to see Fluttershy get married. Anyway, glad you like what you're seeing so far. The third chapter is currently in the works.

So far, im loving this story:pinkiehappy: Can't wait for the next chapter!:rainbowwild: This is going in my favourites:rainbowkiss:

Yeah, as you can see, I mostly see Discord as a FlutterDash supporter rather than being in love with Fluttershy. Besides, I think he's better with a certain alicorn princess of the sun.

6925893 THOSE ARE EXACTLY MY VIEWS ON THE MATTER!!:pinkiehappy::yay: Discord is great with Celestia, and i hate FlutterCord:pinkiesick::twilightsmile:

Shame this seems to be dead, I was really looking forward to seeing what happens next. Are you planning on writing more to it in the future? Or is it officially no longer being worked on, and cancelled?

Relax, it's still going. I've just hit a bit of a Writer's Block. It'll resume eventually.

Will this be ever continued ?

Yes. Once my muse returns. Don't worry, I've got the story planned out, but I just need the drive.

Nice im glad to hear that

I hope to see more of this one eventually.

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