• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 2,828 Views, 96 Comments

A Light to shine the way - Light Spark

Light Spark was never social. He was never liked. Now, He moves to Canterlot and meets 3 people than impact his life in many ways. The question is who are they?

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First Day - The Worst Day of the School Year.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The alarm went off at 6:45am on a typical Monday. A kid named Light Spark got up. His blond hair blended in with his yellow skin, and his hair his eyes were a piercing blue and he had dark rings under his eyes from lack of sleep. Light Spark got out of his bed and reluctantly went to shower. It took him 15 minutes to get in and out of it. His parents called him from downstairs as he exited the bathroom.

“Light Spark, get down here! You’re going to be late for school!” Light’s mother called. “I’ll be right down, mother. Just wait a second,” Light responded.

Light calmly got dressed finished brushing his teeth and then walked to his kitchen where his parents were.

“Good morning, Mother, Father” Light greeted his parents.

“Good morning, Light. You sleep well?” Light’s mother asks.

“Yes, I slept fine, mother. I’ll just be on my way to school. I’ll eat something later,” Light spoke as he walked out the door, closing it behind him.

“That kid needs to open up to people otherwise he’ll never have any friends to talk to or people to get along with” Light’s father mutters. Light’s mother turns her head and frowns.

“He’ll be fine,”Light’s mother assured. “He’ll open up eventually. Just give him time.”

As Light walked down the street to go to the bus stop as soon as Light arrives at the bus stop he notices it just going down the street as he saw it drive down the street he thought I missed the bus…. Could this day start any worse than this? Should I even ask this? As Light ponders this a car flies by and hits Light with water from a puddle near him. I shouldn’t have said that now the day will be even worse. Light let’s out a sigh and then continues walking to school.

Light continues to walk down the street and wonders to himself This town has had it’s fair share of weird and crazy things happen from demons attacking a school to random creatures that could control you with their voice. Why do they target this town?

As he turns a corner, Scootaloo ends up crashing into him while she was on her scooter.

“Gosh darnit, Scootaloo! I told you NOT to speed down the sidewalk!” a southern feminine voice called.

“Can it, Applebloom!” Scootaloo retorted. “It would have worked if this guy didn’t stand in my way! Besides, we know we can use this as a weapon, right?”

“You ok there, mister?” Sweetie Belle was trying to help Light up, speaking in her normally high-pitched voice.

“I’m fine. It simply was an accident. I’ll be on my way. Tell your friend to be more careful,” Light gets up and starts walking away.

“Wait!” Scootaloo stopped him. “I’m sorry about… you know, hitting you with my scooter. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“I told your friend to tell you it was fine. It was simply an accident. Now, please leave me alone. I do not want to be late for my first day,” Light tries once again to walk by them.

“She was only tryin’ to apologize! Applejack says forgive and forget,” Applebloom replied, clearly annoyed.

“I get that, miss. I said it was fine. I don’t need your friends advice. I’ve seen things you’d never want to witness. Now, leave me alone, and you,” he says, pointing at Scootaloo, “try to be more careful, alright?”

“Smooth!” Scootaloo mutters under her breath and goes back to her friends.

Sweetie Belle began to argue. “To be fair, we did warn you to not go so fast!”

“I know you did, but did I know someone would be there? It’s not my fault, Miss Know-it-all!” Scootaloo argued back.

“That’s why you always check first!” Sweetie Belle stated in response.

“Yeah! Remember that time you knocked over mah apple cart!? We lost 3 days profit on that, and ah was doin’ so so well sell them apples!” Applebloom remarked.

“Would you all be quiet? Look, it was an accident. Nothing more. She apologized to me. There is no need for an argument to start. You’re all going to sound like idiots arguing about something irrelevant to this. Just stop.” Light said. After saying this, he walked off and headed toward Crystal Prep.

As Light arrives at the gates of Crystal Prep, he stands looking at the school. He hears an engine roar to life from behind him. He turns to see two students. The motorcycle was a dark black, almost as dark as the void of someone’s soul while the sounds of a horse could be heard as the first student was a male with a navy blue and dark green hoodie with dark blue to black jeans with black and purple sneakers, with a dark black helmet. The second was a female that was wearing a Crystal Prep uniform and with light ambrish grey skin, and was wearing a dark leather jacket with multiple band logo patches all over the arms and back. She wore a dark yellow helmet with cat ears and had light blue japanese writing on the sides of the helmet near the visor.

As the student with blue hair gets off the motorcycle she walks past Light and into the school.

On his right, Light sees a boy who is a few years older than himself. The boy has white hair, blue skin and has yellow eyes. He also wears a Crystal Prep uniform along with black fingerless gloves and a black, stetson hat.

The boy spotted Light at the gate and decides to walk up to him. “Hello there.” The boy greeted Light. “Are you new here?”

Light turns to see where the voice came from. “Yes. I’m new here I just transferred here due…. to concerns. Might I ask why you approached me?”

“Well, I saw you just standing there at the gate. I thought you were a little shy to go in alone so I decided to meet you so that wouldn’t be so alone on your first day.” The boy explained.

“Ah, makes sense. I’m not shy. I was just looking at the school. Thank you for greeting me. If I could ask what’s your name?

“Name’s Lone Wolf.” The boy pointed to himself. “I also got transferred here almost a month ago.”

“Lone Wolf... nice name. My name’s Light Spark.” Light introduced himself.

Before Lone could say anything Light felt something rustling around in his backpack as something, or someone, rather popped out of the backpack spraying school supplies everywhere.

“HI!!!” the person screamed in Light’s ear as he turned around and found himself face to face with a pink-haired girl with a huge smile on her face.

Light didn’t look surprised but was aggravated.“How did you get there!? Actually, never mind,” Light then starts to pick up his school supplies calmly, trying to avoid the new student’s ecstatic stare.

“I’m Pinkie Pie!” The girl remarked excitedly. “I came from a portal in your backpack connected to a portal I have in my bedroom. I went through expecting to land in front of my school, canterlot high, but I found myself in your backpack and popped out and saw you. So I decided to say hi!” Light blankly stared at Pinkie. She looked at Light from head to toe, and her face turned confused. “Why are you wearing a Crystal Prep uniform?”

“I go to Crystal Prep…..hello? Look around.”

The weird pink haired girl that came out of Light’s backpack turns and leaves and then turns around and yells, “Bye Sparkie!”

Light sighs and says “Sparkie? Seriously?? I’ve watched some anime but that nickname compares nothing to what I’ve heard…” Light, reminding himself of his current situation, proceeded to run into the Crystal Prep building.

After walking in, he headed straight for the gym. The gym teacher called out to the other students for them to gather around. “Hello, students! In class, we have a new student with us.” The gym teacher looks towards him. “Would you introduce yourself, please?”

“Fine…” Light Spark muttered, rolling his eyes. “Name’s Light Spark. I honestly don’t care what you think of me. We can try to be friends. I doubt it will work out. Also, if you do try to talk to me don’t be offended if I don’t respond. It just means I have no interest in what you’re saying.”

A girl with blue hair raised her hand.

“Yes, Indigo?” The gym teacher spoke.

lndigo lowered her hand. “So, basically, you’re a loner?” she bluntly asked.

Light paused for a second before responding. “Yes, what’s it to you?”

“Nothing. Just making sure.”

After the question, the Gym teacher announced that they would play dodgeball. After the teams were chosen, the coach blew the whistle and all hell broke loose in the gym. As the whistle was blown a student standing next to Light was knocked over.

“Seriously, another injured student? Someone get them on the bench. I’m… going to sit here, watch, and also eat popcorn.” As soon as the Teacher finished the sentence, a dodgeball came flying out of nowhere and hit the popcorn out of his hands. “NO! MY POPCORN! WHOEVER DID THAT WILL PAY!” The teacher yelled, shaking his fist in the air bitterly.

On the other side of the dodgeball court, a girl with light green hair took off her headphones and looked around confused, and asked, “Did anyone say anything?” As she asks this, a dodgeball flew by and hit her hand causing her to drop her headphones. She stared at her headphones, and began to scream. “You… You Shall regret doing THAT!” During her battle cry, another ball comes flying and hits her in the face causing her to rear backwards and fall to the ground.

Light watches as his teammates get taken out one by one while he just stands there never getting targeted once. Once he was the last standing, he just looks over and sees about 6 students with dodgeballs in hand. He muttered, “Wow, pick on the new kid… how low are they?” As he mutters this a ball hits him in the face. He gets up and said, “Well… That went as expected.”

“Alright, Game set match! The game is over. Also… someone please go get the nurse. We have about 4 injuries that need tended to.” While the teacher ran off to get the nurse, the bell rang signaling the end of class. All the students exited the class and headed off to their 2nd hour.

“Yay… Science… one of the most boring subjects… still it’s not as boring as math. Although,I think I’ll pull through,” Light remarks sarcastically as he took his seat. As the rest of the class comes in the teacher arrives and takes attendance.

“Lone Wolf?” The teacher said.

“Present,” Lone Wolf said, raising his hand in the air.

“Heavenly Quill?” The teacher asked after looking at the attendance sheet.

“Here..” Quill softly says, raising his hand just enough to be visible.

“Sunset Shimmer?” The teacher asked.

“Present!” Sunset Shimmer raised her hand signaling she was there.

“Coco Pommel?”

“Here..” Coco said, barely audible.

“Neon Lights?” The teacher said, receiving no response. “Has anyone seen him?” The teacher questioned.

The girl Light recognized as Indigo said, “He’s in the nurse’s office he got nailed in the face with a dodgeball in gym class.”

“Ok….” The teacher went on taking attendance and then the class went on. The teacher was teaching them about something in space. Light didn’t care to listen because he found it extremely boring. After the boring lecture, Light was researching supernovas when a pencil hit him in the back of the head. Light thought, Really? Flinging pencils?? How immature can they get? After the pencil hit him, a girl with light blue hair came up to him, apologizing.

“I’m so sorry! Someone took my pencil and flung it at you when I wasn’t paying attention. Are you alright?”

“Yeah… I’m fine. Here’s your pencil back” Light reached down below his seat and picked up the pencil, handing it back to the girl.

She grabbed the pencil and spoke, “Once again I’m really sorry for this. My name is Coco Pommel. What’s yours?”

“Light Spark. Now I should get back to researching all this stuff, even if it’s pointless.” Light said.

“Well.. I’ll see you later then?” Coco responded, turning and walking back to her seat. Light turned back to his computer, continuing his research.

“Next time we go to Math, the worst class in all of history, and I go to Lunch. The rest of this day looks like it’s going to be one strange ride.”

Author's Note:

This took me a long time to write i have the following people to thank
Celtic Fire
Tiberious SilverFang
Frost Guardian
Also My best friend and editor Aaron. He does not have an account but helped me a lot on this chapter.
Also feel free to leave a comment.