• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 2,828 Views, 96 Comments

A Light to shine the way - Light Spark

Light Spark was never social. He was never liked. Now, He moves to Canterlot and meets 3 people than impact his life in many ways. The question is who are they?

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Chapter 2 Interesting Math and Introductions in Lunch

Just as Light was walking into math, another person was coming out, unaware of Light’s presence, and the two collided in the doorway. Light looked up to see a kid with green skin and green eyes in front of him.

“O-Oh no, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going. Are you alright?” The kid asks.

“Yeah, I’m alright. Just watch where you’re going, okay? Now, could you please move? I’d prefer not to be late for class,” Light responds.

“Alright. Well once again, I am sorry that I ran into you,” the kid then walks off to his next class.

After the brief exchange, Light walked into his math class and sat down, just waiting for the class to start. As the rest of the students walked in and sat down, Light was able to recognize a few of the students. He noticed Lone Wolf come into the classroom. After Lone was the girl who had asked if he was a loner, or Indigo Zap, if he was to call her by her real name. She took her seat and after that he didn’t recognize any other students that entered.

“Alright. We will now begin the lesson. While we do have a new student, we must continue on with the lesson. I hope you don’t mind.” The other students instantaneously looked over at Light, possibly expecting him to complain about not being able to introduce himself. He, instead, was focused on the lesson that the teacher is lecturing about, ignoring everyone’s glares.

“How long does this teacher expect to lecture us on a bunch of stuff that we already know. I mean, come on, we know all this ridiculous geometry and algebra stuff.” Light hears a student mutters, aggravated.

“Well, maybe if you a little more attentive, you wouldn’t be so bored. I actually find this ‘quite fun compared to what you consider ‘fun’. Which usually involves being a stereotypical rebellious teenager.”

“And that is how you use the Quadratic Formula. Miss Zap, could you please tell us how you would use that formula properly?”

Indigo was surprised, not expecting the teacher to call on her.“Uh… sorry, Teacher. While I was paying attention, someone was distracting me and I couldn’t focus on the lesson.”

“Well, do you mind telling me who was distracting you? Then, maybe we can prevent future distractions in the classroom.”

Indigo looked around her and saw everybody glaring at her, with looks on their faces just daring her to choose one of them to blame when it was her own fault of not paying attention. She did notice one student who was still writing notes slowly. Light watched as Indigo pointed at the kid right next to her and say, “He’s the one who was distracting me from taking notes.”

“W-Wha?” The kid said, shocked and confused. “I never even spoke to you at all during this hour. How can you blame me for this?” The kid respond, annoyed by the accusation.

“Miss Indigo? Are you trying to blame Shadow for this incident? Because it looks to me that you were not paying attention at all.”

“U-uh... Okay, I admit, I wasn’t paying attention. But, quick question-why do we need to learn this stuff again. Don’t we know it already?”

“If you look up on the board, you would realize that this stuff is different than what we we’re reading before. Next time, I think it would be a good idea if you paid attention.”

The rest of the class started to snicker at Indigo, as she blushed, embarrassed, from her failed attempt to cover up how she wasn’t paying attention. As the rest of the class started to laugh, Light just sighed and said, “If you need the notes Zap, I could help you with them. But next time, try to pay attention in class.

Indigo and Light stayed after class a little while, allowing Indigo to finish catching up on notes, and they both walked out of the classroom, heading down the hallway to Lunch. As they walked down to lunch together, Light looked around observed the hallway around them, noticing that there was not many students lingering in the hall. They noticed the lunchroom was already crowded as they walked in. They were the only students in the lunch line at the time since they arrived so late, and everybody was staring at them and whispering to one another

“Hey, there’s Indigo. Why is she late?” “And who’s that kid she’s with?” “I don’t know. I’ve never seen the kid. I think he’s the new student.” “He’s the new student? You think Indigo likes him?” “Could be. She did walk in here with him.” As the two grabbed their lunches, Light walked around, observing the lunchroom until he found an empty table to sit down and eat his lunch at. Indigo separated from him and walked over to her normal table with all her friends.

“So… Indigo, why were you late from math class? Were you trying to get to know the new kid? Do you have a crush on him?” A pink girl with green and yellow hair asked, eagerly awaiting Indigo’s response.

“What?” Indigo responded, shocked. “That wasn’t it! Why would I like him? I just…. got caught in math class for not taking notes and he let me copy his and explained to me the formulas I didn’t understand.That’s all stop trying to create rumors Zest.”

“Yeah, she got caught for not taking notes and disrupting the class and then she tried to blame Shadow for distracting her from taking notes.” A girl with bluish skin and orange glasses and two ponytails said bluntly.

“Wow! Talk about a fail! You seriously tried to blame Shadow?! Seriously Zap? One of the quietest kids in this school for talking to you?” A girl with yellow skin and cranberry hair with a turquoise highlight said.

“Shut up, both of you! I had no other choice. You seriously expect me to blame the new kid? He’s not that different. Couldn’t blame Lone or Quill. The teacher knows they don’t talk much in class.” Indigo Zap said, glancing over at Light. She noticed that none of the outgoing kids that would get to know new students had gone over to him. “Well, that’s strange. I thought that Lone or Quill would go up to him and ask them to join them. Oh wait… ” She watched as Lone approached Light’s table. “Never mind. There goes Lone to talk to him right now.”

“Hi, Light. Why are you sitting here all by yourself? Didn’t you make any friends on your first day so far?” Lone asked, watching Light.

“Well, as you can also see…” Light spoke, waving his hands over the empty seats, emphasizing them.”I’m not the best at making friends, and not many people approached me and asked, ‘Hey! Do you want to be friends?’ ”

“Okay…” Lone replied, in thought for a second before responding. “Do you want to come over and sit with me and my friends? I could introduce you to them, if you want me to.”

“Alright, Lone. I’m not sure if this’ll work, but lead the way,” Light responds, getting up from his spot. Lone and Light start walk towards another table, filled with Lone’s friends. Light recognized one of them as the one who ran into him earlier today. Light looked at him and asked, “Didn’t you run into me and knock me over when I was walking into math?

“Yeah, t-that was me. I’m sorry about that” The green haired kid says. “By the way, I’m Heavenly Quill. I never actually got your name.”

“Heavenly Quill...I might’ve heard that name before.” Light says, trying to remember when he had heard Heavenly’s name. “Yeah, I think I have in gym class. You were either the 2nd or 3rd one out in dodgeball.”

“The kid over there with peach colored skin and dark blue eyes and multicolored hair is Dark Steele. Like you, he’s a new student here. He’s also got a sister here-Lilac Steele, I think. She’s over there talking to some of the girls. She’s the one with Peach skin and purple and black striped hair with Lilac purple eyes as well.”

“Okay well it was nice to meet you all, but isn’t time to go?” Light pointed towards the clock, which read 11:30

“Yeah. We should probably get going. We don’t want to be late. Who knows what the teachers will do if we are.” Quill replied.

“Right… Whatever. Let’s get going,” Dark mumbled. “I’ll go get my sister.” Dark walked over and tapped his sister on the shoulder and said, “It’s time for class. Come on.”

“Alright, fine. I’m coming can’t you just lighten up. You’re not going to make many friends that way,” Lilac said. Dark walked back over to the group with his sister and motioned for them to follow him to their next class. As they walked to English class, Light was introduced to Lilac by Dark, albeit a bit reluctantly.

“Maybe, I’ll see one of you guys later see you guys later,” Light says, walking into his English class. All of his friends gave him a small wave goodbye, except for Dark, who refused to do it, despite Lilac slugging him in the back of the head. When Light saw Lilac slug Dark, he silently snickered a bit as he walked into English hoping that it wouldn’t be as boring as Math was.

Author's Note:

My Friend Aaron helped me with this and i greatly appreciated it although he doesn't have a account
Also, Sorry for the long waiting time for the new chapter.