• Published 11th Nov 2015
  • 3,286 Views, 261 Comments

Long Live the Queen - QueenChrysalisForever

The current Queen Chrysalis has been wounded beyond the healing a good feeding provides. So she invites Discord over, to perform a spell he has been helping with for centuries. Will the new Queen be able to handle the pressure? Or will she fail?

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Family Meeting

Changeling Castle- Apatelodes

The sun was just beginning to set as I made my way back to my rooms. Spot had gone off to the library to do some more reading, leaving me to walk alone. The others had not been happy with my lack of information from the book, which I couldn’t blame them. What had Hope done to stop Sombra? What did she do that gave the princesses the chance to take him down? Perhaps the only way to find out would be to ask her, and I doubt she’d tell. For one, she hadn’t been in the Crystal Empire when it disappeared and as such, must be dead and gone.

Just as I was passing the window I had first spotted that mysterious unicorn from, my emerald buzzed. I quickly pulled it out, hoping it was Chrysalis with some news that would calm the others down. “Hello?”

“Oh good, you finally answer,” I heard Morpheus snort.

“Is everything okay?” I asked. “Did you find our Queen and give her the emerald?”

“Oh yes, all that and more,” he groaned.

“Tell him,” Danaus grunted.

“What happened?” I glared at my emerald, even though I knew they couldn’t see.

“She knows! She knows,” Morpheus groaned.

“Knows? What the hay you talking about? What does she know?” I said. Was there something I was missing? “Please be more specific.”

“W-what happened at the wedding,” Danaus stuttered, yelping a moment later.

I rubbed my forehead with a hoof. “Lots of things happened at the wedding Danaus,” I huffed.

“Ponyfeathers Apatelodes, you know what we mean!” Morpheus snarled. “She knows about the deaths!”

“Deaths? The only ones who died were our hivemates.”

“Are you that dense?” Morpheus yelled, Danaus shushing him.

“Calm down Morpheus, they’ll hear us,” Danaus whispered. “Apatelodes was inside for the attack, right?”

I nodded, “yes, I was near our Queen’s side nearly the entire time.”

“I don’t think he was in on the plan,” Danaus said softly.

“Oh buck,” Morpheus cursed.

“What plan?” I growled. “What did you do Morpheus?”

“It was all his idea!” Danaus yelped. “I told him she would find out eventually.”


Morpheus let out a low growl. “Okay, yes it was my fault. But it kept us fed better than if I hadn’t done it!” I stood silent, waiting for him to continue. “I found a loophole in our Queen’s orders. ‘Gather love but don’t kill anypony’ she ordered us right?”


“Well, I took my patrol, and talked Danaus into taking his patrol into taking this as far as we could. Technically, none of us killed anypony.”

“And yet you say ponies died,” I said bluntly.

“Yes, but only after we were finished with them.” I swear I could almost hear him smile. “They were still alive when we left them on the streets or on the floors of the palace.”

“Bu-but I waited after my patrol drained some of the royal guards,” Danaus said. “A-and only a minute or two after we stopped feeding, they stopped breathing,” he sniffed. “I-I never wanted to kill them, I just wanted to help the hive!”

I let out a deep sigh, shaking my head. “And you have told our Queen all of this?”

“N-no we kind of ran away,” Danaus whispered. “Our Queen was already angry that Princess Cadence teleported us all away before she could help Aglais when the guards caught him. W-we didn’t want to anger her more.”

“You know she will just be even angrier with you for running away right?” I sighed.

“By the time she finds us, her anger will hopefully have abated some,” Morpheus snorted. “We do have other news for you though.”

“Oh?” What else could have happened since I last talked with them?

“That unicorn you saw outside the castle, our queen has found her identity. It is Radiant Hope.”

“Sombra’s Radiant Hope?”

“The very same. She ran into her in Ponyville.”

“Oh colt,” I groaned. “How the hay is she still alive?”

“No idea, but we’ll keep you posted. Our Queen is in the castle, supposedly talking to Princess Celestia now,” Morpheus said.

“Well hopefully she will let Leptostales go and we can figure all of this out. Anything else?”

“I think that is all,” Danaus said.

“Yes, nothing else to report,” Morpheus said. “Keep the hive safe Apatelodes.”

“You know I will, and Morpheus?”


“Tell her sooner, rather than later,” I snorted.

“Will do. Over and out,” he said, and my emerald went dull.

No wonder the ponies hated us so much, if some had actually been killed. I sighed, put my emerald away and continued on towards my rooms. What else could go wrong?

“Apatelodes! Apatelodes!” A shrill yell came from behind me. I groaned, turning around to see Chioides and Crambus rushing toward me. They paused before me, faces a pale grey and ears flat against the back of their heads, nostrils flaring.

“What is it now Chioides?” I sighed.

“Apatelodes, U-Umbrum have been spotted circling the castle!” He yelled, making me cringe.

“Take it down a notch, I’m right in front of you!” I hissed. “Now, what is this about Umbrum?”

“D-dark cloudy ponylike figures have been sp-spotted circling the castle,” Chioides stuttered.

“They are huge!” Crambus said, shuddering.

“Where were they seen? How many have seen them?” I said, shaking out my wings behind me.

“This way,” Crambus said, and with Chioides on his tail, they hurried off back down the hallway I had just walked.

Taking a deep breath, I followed them back down to the second floor. Both had their wings and tails flat against them, breathing heavily. Near the last window before the music room a crowd of changelings had gathered, maybe thirty in total, with one or another looking out the window every few seconds only to jump back, wings quivering in fright.

“Okay, back up and let me through!” I growled, to which they quickly complied. I trotted over to the window, one hoof placed on the window frame as I looked out. Hovering above the trees maybe a hundred yards from the gate, was a shadowy creature. Like Chioides had said, it was vaguely shaped like a pony. Similar to Sombra in his dark clouded form we had heard about when he returned, its form wavering in the wind, wisps almost floating away here and there. Some strange moth-like wings kept it afloat.

It turned its head our way and let out a laugh, strangely loud for how far away it was. I whipped my head back and forth as other similar shadows flew past behind it, not staying in one place for long but circling us. There weren’t very many, half a dozen at most if they all passed by this window, but that was enough. I couldn’t suppress a slight shiver of my own, wings curling against my sides before I took a deep breath and turned away.

“What should we do?” Chioides asked, lowering his one ear, and bit his lip.

“Make sure the foals stay inside,” I said after a moment. “Any lessons that usually take place outside, if they can’t be held inside, are to be put on hold.” I looked out at those gathered around. Even with the weakened hive mind, I could taste their fear in the air. “Everyling do your best to stay calm. Our Queen is in talking to Princess Celestia, maybe even the other princesses as well, as we speak. We will figure out what to do about this threat.” I turned to look at Harran, one of our main gatherers of love. “Harran, how are we on stocked up love? How long can we survive on it and the ponies employed at the castle?”

Harran levitated some scrolls out of his bag, along with a quill, doing some quick figuring while those gathered watched nervously. Finally, he looked up at me. “With just the storage of love we could last maybe two weeks, with the ponies, if they stay on the regular schedule, around two months? But our supply of fresh food for both us and the ponies is low. I was just talking with Peazan earlier today and he was planning a trip to purchase more in a few days.”

I took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “Tell Peazan to take a dozen soldiers with him and leave first thing in the morning. I want them back as soon as possible, and to avoid those things as much as possible.” I pointed out the window at the one still watching us. Harran nodded and stuffing the scrolls back into his bag, was off. “As for everyling else, stay inside. We don’t entirely know what those things are capable of, and I will not have anyling getting hurt on my watch if I can help it!”

I looked to all those gathered, many still trembling in fear, and closed my eyes. “Just be smart everyling. We have always survived before, and we can continue to do so.” Looking back up at them I gave them a reassuring grin. “We’ve gotten through much worse than this. Now, return to your duties.” I shooed them away from the window, watching as they slowly walked away.

As the last of them disappeared behind the corner, I turned to look once more at the Umbrum staring into the castle. “You don’t scare me,” I hissed softly, then whipped around. Maybe I could do this. The others were getting used to me being in charge, and so far I had been able to help with their problems. We would solve this Umbrum problem. Sure they might be circling us, but that is all they had done. I stood up straight and trotted back up the stairs. Perhaps Chrysalis had been right in trusting putting me in charge after all. All I knew, was I would not let her down.

Shiny’s Home- Shiny Whistle

As I reached the stairs I took a deep breath, the smell of my mother’s cooking in the air: homemade tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, and strawberry muffins, all my favorites. Her muffins were a secret recipe handed down for three generations and were the best muffins I had had, even in my travels. Quiet voices drifted from the kitchen, and as I reached the doorway I heard the laughter of Discord and my brother, Velvet Beat.

“Ah and here he is now,” Discord grinned, looking up as I walked through the door.

“Shiny!” Velvet yelled, jumping up from his seat and diving over the table at me, tackling me to the floor. He wrapped his wings around me, giving me one of his infamous bear hugs. “I’ve missed you, little bro.”

“A-and I you,” I gasped, wiggling under him. “But could you please let me up?”

“Oh, right, of course,” he chuckled, flapping his wings to lift him into the air, combing his long Mohawk back with one hoof.

I stood, grimacing at the pain in my broken rib, but stepped over to my chair and sat down. Discord sat in Dew’s regular seat, having changed out of his suit into a torn black t-shirt with a pony skull and crossbones on it, a spiked dog collar around his neck and his little floof of mane spiked up. “Trying to get in good with my brother?” I asked, frowning slightly at him.

“And it’s working too!” Velvet laughed, holding up a hoof to Discord, who brohoofed it with his lion’s paw. “Why didn’t you tell me you were friends with Discord? He’s awesome!”

“It’s kind of complicated,” I sighed, looking over at the stove, where mother was stirring the soup with one wing.

She set down the spoon, turned around, and trotted over to me, hugging me with one wing. “Feeling better Shiny dear?”

“A little yes, thank you mom. Dinner almost done?”

She nodded, “just waiting for your father to get home. Upper Crust hired him as the entertainment for an event she was holding. Should be done anytime now.”

“You going to tell us what you been up to, little bro?” Velvet asked, settling in his seat next to Discord.

I nodded. “As long as you tell me what this is about you wanting to join the guard? What about your band?”

“Oh, that,” Velvet’s ears fell, wings folding tight against him as he looked down at the tabletop. “Well, we kind of had a falling out,” he sighed, blinking in surprise when Discord snapped his fingers and produced a glass of chocolate milk in front of him. “Er, thanks Discord,” he said, lifting the glass with a wing and taking a sip.

“Anything for a member of my favorite band,” he chuckled. “Upgraded Frostbite, what a catchy name!”

“So what happened?” I asked. Mother just frowned and went back to the stove as Velvet took another sip.

“Well, it was kind of all my fault, or at least a large part of it,” he sighed, closing his eyes. “You know Soarin’ of course, right?”

“Who doesn’t?” I said. “He is a member of the Wonderbolts after all. Why?”

“During the winter when they are on break, Soarin’ has been playing with the band. He was one of our guitarists.”

“What?” I gasp, gaping at him. “H-how have I not known this? I go to most of your gigs.”

“Just the ones in Canterlot,” he said. “Soarin’ usually plays with us when we go to Manehatten. He lives there when not doing his Wonderbolts stuff.”

“Oh, okay but still what does that have to do with the band breaking up?”

“Don’t you read Canterlot Songwriter Shiny?” Discord tsked. “It was the main story a few months ago that Velvet was dating some mysterious guitarist.”

“Wait, so you and Soarin’…?”

“Yeah,” Velvet shrugged. “Soarin’ kept his identity secret while playing with us, but as we got to know each other well… things happened.”

I blinked in surprise. Of course, I had known Velvet liked stallions for a while, even if he often had mares all over him, he still preferred the former, but Soarin’? “Didn’t Soarin’ have a thing with Rainbow Dash?”

Velvet shook his head. “Soarin’ does swing both ways, but he and Rainbow were always just friends,” he sighed, lowering his ears. “Though part of that is why we broke up.” He raised the glass of chocolate milk, draining it, and slamming it down on the table. “One night a few weeks ago, I was coming back to Soarin’s house after a gig. I opened the door to his room, and bam there she was.”

“Rainbow Dash?”

“No, still a blue mare, but not Rainbow. Never did catch her name, but she was some tiny little thing. Could almost swear she was a filly, if it wasn’t for the rest of her being far more matured than any filly. They were going at it, and I well…. I just ran.” He sighed, lowering his ears and looking at the table.

The front door clicked open at that moment, and I looked into the entryway to see my father step through the door. He a dark purple unicorn, mane and tail a dark chocolate brown with eyes like milk chocolate, cutie mark a microphone with a star behind it. Father paused in the doorway of the kitchen, a bouquet of tulips held in his magic falling to the ground as he stared at me. “Shiny? Is that really you?”

“Yes father,” I grinned at him, standing, for him to race forward and wrap me in a hug. He let go a moment later, looking around the room, pausing on Discord in confusion. “Where is Dew?”

“Well father s-she’s not with me,” I bit my lower lip, ears lowering as he looked back over at me.

“Dinner’s ready!” Mother trilled, trotting over with a plate full of grilled cheese sandwiches on one wing and a plate full of strawberry muffins on the other. She placed them on the table, then leaned in to kiss father on the cheek.

“But what about−” father said as mother put a hoof to his muzzle.

“After dinner dear,” she smiled. “We have a guest after all.” Father sighed, but nodded, plopping down into his chair as mother brought us all steaming bowls of tomato soup and placed one in front of each of us. “Eat up! I hope you like soup Discord?”

Discord nodded, taking a spoonful and placing it into his mouth. “Delicious, dear Mystery.” He licked his lips and continued. Across from me Velvet swirled his spoon around in the soup, eventually starting in as well. Looking down at my own, I began to eat, not looking forward to our after dinner discussion.

As soon as the dishes were cleared away, everyone turned to me, including Discord. “You already know what happened, why are you looking at me like that?” I snorted at him, to which he just chuckled.

“Oh, I don’t know everything though,” he frowned. “Please, do tell me what I missed while you decided not to invite me for the fun.”

I sighed, shaking my head. “Fine, but please, no interruptions?” They all nodded. Just where to start? So much had happened.

“We won’t judge you Shiny dear,” mother said softly.

I took a deep breath, and let it out, closing my eyes, then nodded. Might as well start at the beginning. “It all started with the wedding,” I began, and told of them of all I had been up to. Mother gasped at the mention of going to look for the changelings, ears going down when I found them, their queen no less. Discord grinned at the mention of Princess Citheronia being born, eyes wide and nudging Velvet with the elbow of his lion’s arm, who just shook his head, turning back to listen.

The only one to make little reaction as I told of my time as a music teacher, heading out to search for the Queen’s friend, and our journey to Canterlot to request his release was my father. He just sat back in his chair, forelegs folded and staring at me expressionlessly. An ear would twitch every now and then, but even at the mention of finding out the truth from Princess Celestia and my running away, he didn’t react more than letting out a deep sigh.

The only part I left out of my tale, is my strong feelings for Chryssy. I knew father wouldn’t take it well, what with everything that had happened. Discord frowned at me when I skipped over my true feelings, but thankfully didn’t say anything. “… and well, that is how Discord and I came to be standing at our door this evening,” I finished, taking a sip from a cup of apple juice mother had grabbed for me around halfway through my story.

I glanced outside the kitchen window, to see it had gone dark long ago. Was Chryssy okay? It had been hours now since I left. At the sound of a cough, I looked back to my father to see he had finally unfolded his forelegs and set them hoof down on the table.

“So let me get this straight,” he said, a small frown appearing on his face. “After all the damage the changelings had done, both mental and physical, you risked your life to go find them. In the process, you caused your sister to worry about you and go off searching for you and now she is missing.” I cringed at his words. Truly I had not meant for Dew to follow me! “Not only that,” he continued, “but then you somehow befriended their queen and came on a crazy journey, leading her back to Canterlot disguised as Dew, let her feed off you, almost got KILLED by these strange shadowy ponylike creatures, and then ran home when you learned what that demon was really like?”

“She’s not a demon dad!” I yelled, pounding a hoof on the table.

“Sure sounds like it,” he yelled right back. “Her and her whole hive. I mean, does Princess Celestia even know she has ponies held captive there?” he yelled, holding up a hoof. “Or does she know HE,” he pointed the hoof at Discord, “is friends with her even after reforming?”

“Well they do say, friendship is magic,” Discord said, rolling his eyes to where they fell into his own cup of chocolate milk in front of him. He fished them out and popped them into his mouth, closing his eyelids, then opening them again winked over at my father, his eyes back in their sockets.

Father let out a groan, holding his left hoof to his head and shook it. “Missing the point,” he took a deep breath and sighed. “At least you got away from her Shiny, one less of my foals to worry about.”

“Maybe we should all get some rest,” mother said, wrapping a wing around father. “You had a long day working dear, and finding Shiny had come home is a big shock.” She nuzzled his cheek, getting an almost instant small grin from him.

“Sleep would be good,” he said, head lowering. “But,” he said, looking back up at me. “This is not over Shiny. You are in big trouble. Might be too old for me to ground you, but I−” he paused as mother kissed his cheek.

“Let him get some sleep before you yell at him, Smooth Solo,” she smiled. “He knows what he has done, but he has had a very trying day.”

“Yeah dad, he’s been gone for two months and the first thing you do is yell at him?” Velvet chimed in. “Can’t Shiny and I get some brotherly time before you chase him away again?”

Father shook his head, the hoof returning to his forehead. “Fine, let’s get to bed. Discord−” he looked over at the draconequus. “You can share rooms with Shiny for tonight.”

I gaped at my father. “What? Why with me?”

“Well he is your ‘friend’ is he not?” he said flatly.

“Well, yes but−”

“Come on Shiny, we’ll have lots of fun!” Discord chortled, snapping his fingers. A pair of yellow pajamas appeared on his form, while upon his hoof and clawed foot were two bunny slippers.

“Let’s make it a sleepover,” Velvet said. “I want to get to know my biggest fan,” he winked at Discord. “And of course, catch up with you Shiny.”

“Fine, let’s go,” I sighed.

“Tomorrow morning though Shiny, we will talk more about this obsession of yours,” father said, frowning as mother grabbed his foreleg and pulled him up.

I trotted over to my mother, wrapping her in a hug. “Thanks mom,” I whispered as I leaned in to kiss her cheek goodnight.

“Anytime dear,” she whispered, winking at me as she hugged me back. “Now you three have fun, but get some sleep as well!”

“Of course, Madame Mystery, I wouldn’t dream of keeping your sons up too late,” Discord crooned, kissing my mother’s free hoof and making her blush.

“Don’t make me regret letting you stay,” father growled, glaring at Discord.

“You won’t dad!” Velvet said, hugging both him and mother, also giving mother a kiss on the cheek, then led the way back upstairs. This was going to be a long night.

Author's Note:

And hello again my wonderful readers! Sorry about the long wait on this chapter. Between finals, moving, and work it has just been hard finding time to write. :ajsleepy: But now we have some wonderful little fun, finally meeting Shiny's family (well, all except the real Dew.) Things are falling into place for the climax of the current act, which is where the story will truly earn the dark tag I have on it. (If it doesn't already feel like it deserves it...)
Lastly, with this chapter I have finally reached 100k+ in words! :pinkiehappy: (counting the AN, as I think it does...) Wow I am just so excited to reach that milestone. As usual, comment, critique, make predictions, and I hope you enjoy and will continue on with me through the rest of the story. :twilightsmile:
Proofread by:
Meep the Changeling