• Published 11th Nov 2015
  • 3,286 Views, 261 Comments

Long Live the Queen - QueenChrysalisForever

The current Queen Chrysalis has been wounded beyond the healing a good feeding provides. So she invites Discord over, to perform a spell he has been helping with for centuries. Will the new Queen be able to handle the pressure? Or will she fail?

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Royal Conversation

Canterlot Castle-Queen Chrysalis

Celestia grabbed up two scrolls, a quill and some ink from beside her throne and began to write, her golden magic flowing across the page as she did so. With a wink, the scrolls disappeared a few moments later and she replaced the quill and ink near her throne. “There, Luna and Twilight have been notified. Come along, please.”

I followed beside Celestia as she calmly walked toward the back of the throne room. Pushing aside some curtains with her magic, she revealed another hallway. Stepping slowly inside, I turned around to see her follow me, dropping the curtain behind her and lighting up her horn, illuminating the dark hallway. “Why we going this way?” I asked, glancing over at her.

“Less ponies to see you, as well as quicker,” she said, glancing over at me before continuing on.

“Yeah, and the less to panic her precious little ponies,” Chrys sighed. “Really, be glad you became one of us and not one of them. Creatures that are prey scare so easily.”

That was a good point, throughout most of the show it seemed so many of them would just faint at the littlest problem or race away from the silliest dangers. I shook my head and followed the light from Celestia’s horn. We walked quietly through the dark passageway, the only sound the clip-clop of our hooves against the ground. She paused near another dark curtain, and turned to look at me.

“It would be wise for you to temporarily transform before we leave this hall. But,” she held up a hoof, a small frown on her face. “Not into Shiny Whistle’s little sister again, nor any other real pony. If you are able to use a unique form?”

“I am,” I said with a small snort, transforming into the yellow with blue mane Soaring Song I had constructed. “Will this do?” I asked, tucking my feathered wings against my barrel.

Princess Celestia nodded, “it will do. Come now, the other Princesses, except perhaps Twilight Sparkle, should be ready for us.” She pulled aside the curtain, waited as I stepped out of the passageway, and then dropped the curtain along with the light spell.

We had exited into a large, boxy hallway, a large potted plant stood next to us, with simple gold and midnight blue banners hanging on the walls between each room. Only four doors adorned the walls from our vantage point, each a simple pale blue.

I turned my head as the one to my right opened, and a tall, slim zebra mare stepped out. Dressed in a simple black and white maid’s outfit, she turned her bright blue eyes to us and gasped, dropping the feather duster she had been carrying in her mouth. “P-P-Princess Celestia! S-She is−” she paused with a hoof in the air, pointing at me.

“Seriously? Another one?” Chrys growled. “Maybe that stupid talent is more common than I thought.”

“Yes Zenovia, I know who my guest is,” Princess Celestia grinned at her, stepping forward and wrapping a wing around the zebra.

“G-guest?” she gasped, ears going flat against her head.

“Yes, my guest,” Celestia confirmed. “But I do thank you for watching out for me. Why don’t you head down to the kitchens and ask the chef for a slice of my Cloud Cake to calm you down?” she rubbed Zenovia’s mane gently, smiling as the zebra nodded.

“O-okay,” she said, then looked back over at me. “I’ll be keeping my eye on you, and for any of your minions!” she snorted, stomping a hoof before she trotted off.

“When did you find a zebra that could see through our disguises?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at Princess Celestia. “Especially one that doesn’t speak in rhyme?”

“Shortly after the wedding,” Celestia said, watching as the zebra made her way down the hall and around the corner. “Zenovia heard about what happened, and came to the castle to offer her services. She’s been a lot of help in sifting out your changelings that were employed at the castle. As for not speaking in rhyme, she has hated them since she was a foal, so speaks like you and I.”

I nodded. “I would hope you didn’t kill them all just for being what they are?” I growled.

Celestia shook her head, trotting in the opposite direction of the zebra. “No, against the wishes of many of my nobles,” she lowered her ears slightly, wingtips twitching. “Many of your changelings had been working in the castle for years, and I had rarely if ever gotten any complaints about them. I’m not a monster Chrysalis.”

“Then what did you do with them? Send them to the moon?” I snorted.

She chuckled, lifting a single hoof to cover her mouth. “You would be surprised how many think I do that. But no, it takes much power to send a pony to the moon. When they had done nothing wrong, there is no need to expend that kind of power.” She sighed, gazing over at me softly. “I sent them all home, back to your castle in the badlands. Though there were a few I allowed to stay.”

“What? Why the hay would she do that?” Chrys gasped.


“Because they had found love,” she said. “They had been here so long some of them had married. Of those, most had already told their spouse what they really were. As long as they behave, and were not part of the attack, it would be cruel to pull them from the ones they love.”

“Love? With ponies?” Chrys groaned. “Well, I guess if they have a good food source. Who would want to leave a tasty treat behind? But still, that’s not possible! Perhaps they are better infiltrators than Celestia thought,” Chrys chuckled.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. “I’m afraid that is not possible Celestia.” What was I saying? Though, with what had happened with Shiny, perhaps Chrys was right? Was I upset because we lost a good food source, or because of… something else? His love was very tasty, probably more so since it was directed at us and not some other pony. But did that mean I loved him back? Ugh, why was love always so complicated?

“Oh?” Celestia said, pausing in her hoofsteps. “You don’t believe your kind is capable of love?” She gazed over at me, a concerned, sad look on her face.

“In all my years, I have never experienced it,” I said softly, closing my eyes. “We are only able to lust after ponies or other creatures, and the nourishment they provide for us.”

Celestia stepped forward and put a wing around me, pulling me in close. I let out a little whinny of surprise, looking up at her. “I don’t believe a word of it,” she shook her head, giving me a small smile. “Cadence herself judged their feelings for the ponies they claimed to love, and came to feel the truth of their words.” She continued on down the hall, pulling me gently with her.

“Why is she being so nice to us all of a sudden?” Chrys growled. “Are we not her enemy? She can’t forgive us so easily. I can somewhat understand Mrs. ‘Princess of Love’ giving us a second chance so quickly, but Celestia? After what we did? Be careful, I smell foul play,” she snorted.

“Why are you being so nice to u− me?” I asked, lifting my own wings and pulling out of her embrace. Though it had been… nice.

“You came to me for help,” she said, tucking her wings back against her sides. “I might not trust you, nor your intentions, but I am trying to extend a hoof of friendship. Is that so wrong?” She paused by the far door in the hallway. “We are here, you ready?”

“Ready? Of course we are!” Chrys huffed. “We’ll set these ponies straight and get something done about that Radiant Hope. As for a hoof of friendship? Ponyfeathers!” She hissed. “We might be on their side for the battle, but that doesn’t mean we need to be friends. One does not become friends with their food, it just complicates things too much.”

“As ready as I can be,” I said, wings twitching.

Celestia opened the door, her golden magic pushing it wide for us. She stepped inside. Taking a deep breath, I followed.

The room was rather large, a mahogany table took up most of the space, chairs scattered around it. Enough for probably a hundred ponies. The walls were adorned with a giant map of the known world. Little pins placed here and there on it. My mouth dropped open in shock as I saw a few pins placed deep in the badlands, a little picture of a castle underneath them, with small villages surrounding it.

“They KNOW, HOW?” Chrys gasped. “Our castle, the villages we get much of our feeder ponies from, they know about it! Yet, haven’t done anything?”

“I see you are surprised by our knowledge of the changelings.”

I shook my head, turning to the sound of the voice as the door closed behind me, to see Princess Luna and Princess Cadence sitting at the far end of the table. Celestia joined them, gesturing me forward and to a seat between her and Luna.

“You may change to your own form now, Chrysalis,” Celestia said as I walked over silently, flabbergasted.

I took a deep breath, changed, and sat down, ears lowering at the glare Luna sent me. “Er, yes I am surprised,” I said to her. “If you have known all this, the villages near us, and our exact location−” I paused, glancing back up at the map. “Then why have you not acted on such information?” I looked back over at Celestia. “From all I know of you, you hate to see any of your little ponies in pain or suffering, but we have never seen or heard of a visit from you to protect them from us.”

“It is true we have not acted,” Luna said, turning to look at Celestia, who gave her a quick nod of her head. “Chrysalis, the reason we have let you be since we discovered your castle, is we have not had the forces to take you on, without resulting in the loss of many lives.”

“That and you have been rather quiet since your defeat,” Cadence said. “Even through what you did at my wedding, the lives that were lost,” she sighed, closing her eyes. “Once we received a count of how many changelings were in your hive, or a rough estimate, we knew neither Canterlot nor the Crystal Empire together had enough ponies to fight.”

“Why not enlist ponies then?” I asked.

“Are you trying to help them destroy us?” Chrys snorted. “Stop giving them ideas!”

“Like I said before,” Celestia said, “we wanted to keep the full truth of what happened away from the common pony. If we were to enlist them, then all would know the horrors.” She let out a deep sigh, “even those who had no fighting experience would have signed up, and many would have fallen. With greater numbers we might have been able to overwhelm you, but at too high of a cost.”

“So basically she was just being a coward, scared for her little ponies,” Chrys growled. “Well, so much the better. I bet she didn’t want to risk losing her precious Twilight either,” she chuckled. “We’ve taken on Twilight and her friends twice before, the wedding and during the Secretariat Comet. We could do it again if need be.”

The door to the room slammed open, an enraged Twilight Sparkle bursting through with her horn lit up, breathing heavily and her mouth in an angry scowl. “Chrysalis!” she yelled, glaring over at me. I gulped, heart pumping as she extended her wings.

“Twilight, calm down,” Cadence said sternly, getting up out of her chair to wrap a wing around the younger princess. “Chrysalis is here as our guest, not to attack.”

“Ponyfeathers!” Twilight growled. “Does she have you all under her spell again?” She stomped a hoof against the ground.

“I come in peace, Twilight,” I said softly. “I am not the enemy here today.”

“You will always be the enemy, after what you did to my brother!” She growled. “You expect me to just forget about all that happened? How you tried to steal my magic too?” Her cheeks were bright red in her anger.

Cadence wrapped her in a hug, nuzzling against her mane. “Please Twilight, give her a chance? Trust me, I’m not letting her anywhere near Shining.”

“Indeed, dear Twilight,” Luna nodded in agreement. “Thou forgavest me for my misdeeds as Nightmare Moon, did you not? As did my sister and our little ponies.”

“That’s different,” Twilight snorted, but I could tell she was calming down a little at least.

“Let her say what she has come to say, my little pony,” Celestia said softly, standing to trot over to Twilight and wrap her in a hug as well. “Then decide how you feel.”

Twilight took in a deep breath, putting a hoof to her chest and holding it out as she let the breath out, again and again until the red in her cheeks had faded. “Very well, I will let her explain herself,” she glared over at me, but trotted to the table, taking a seat next to the chair Cadence had been in.

“Thank you Twilight, I appreciate your willingness to give me a chance,” I said, smiling at her. She just turned away, watching as Cadence and Celestia returned to their seats.

“Now that we are all here, we may begin,” Celestia said, folding her forehooves on the table. “Chrysalis−” she was interrupted by the door once more slamming open, an out of breath unicorn stallion standing at the door.

“Auntie, I came as soon as I heard,” he said, breathing heavily. It took me a moment, but then I remembered him, Prince Blueblood. The tall white stallion’s usually perfect blond mane had a few strands hanging loose. A light sheen of sweat covered his fur, likely from running to get here. He took a few steps forward into the room, then stopped abruptly upon seeing me. His ears fell flat against his head and eyes wide, mouth open as he gasped in horror. “No, NO NOT YOU!” he yelled, looking around the room frantically. “I don’t want to be put in a pod again!” He flipped around to smack right into the door frame, his muzzle hitting it with a crack as he tumbled backwards, sprawled out on the ground, unconscious.

“Seems he remembers us well.” Chrys cackled, “Oh how fun it was to tease that bumbling fool. Too bad he turned out to not be as important as I thought. Royal by blood alone, and because of such, a spoiled colt!” I couldn’t help letting out a little chuckle of my own, only to receive a glare from Twilight.

“It’s not funny!” she snorted, watching as Celestia went over to check on him.

“He will have a bad bruise, but I think he will be fine besides that,” she said, looking out into the hallway. A young pegasus stallion guard, orange with a blue mane, poked his head inside.

“Ouch! What did he get scared of this time?” he smirked.

“Me,” I said, winking at him.

“Wha−?” he yelped, jumping back and staring at me wide eyed. “Q-Queen Chrysalis? What the hay are you doing here?”

“Aww he remembers us!” Chrys crooned. “He was with Shining Armor a few times when we were disguised as Cadence. Caught us in the act once, but a little bite and mind manipulation made him forget to mention it to anypony. I hear he has a crush on dear Twilight now, the fool will never win that bookpony’s heart.”

So we knew Flash Sentry? Well that certainly wasn’t in the show, but I could roll with it. “Hey handsome, glad to see you remember me,” I giggled, which made him blush. “Don’t worry, I’m not here to steal your captain this time.”

“Oh, well er− that’s good!” he laughed hesitantly. “Um… so you wanted me to help him, right?” he asked, turning to Celestia to see her staring at him. “What?”

“You already know Chrysalis?” she asked. Flash nodded his head. They paused for a moment, looking at each other, before Celestia nodded. “Yes Flash, please see he gets taken care of.”

“Of course, Princess,” he said, bowing. He tossed one last glance at me before picking up Blueblood’s forehooves and wrapping them around his neck, adjusting the unicorn to be partially on his back. With that, he dragged the unconscious prince out the door.

Celestia closed it behind him and looked to me, the other princesses following her gaze. “It seems you have more to tell us than you planned.”

“Oh come on, that was all two years ago!” Chrys huffed. “Does it really matter anymore as long as they all came back in one piece?”

“Perhaps,” I sighed, nodding. What other things would I learn Chrys did that didn’t make it on the show, now that we had made it to Canterlot? “You were saying? Before we were humorously interrupted.”

“Tell me everything you did to my brother!” Twilight snapped, stomping a hoof against the table.

“Shining already told you what happened Twilight,” Cadence said. “Anything he might have skimmed over was probably for your protection.”

“Or hers,” Twilight snorted.

“Either way, there are more pressing matters to address, than the goings on of years gone,” Luna said calmly.

“Well, well, somepony seems to understand,” Chrys said. “And to think I doubted her. Too bad she missed all the fun at the wedding. Pressing matters in Yakyakistan if I recall? Didn’t let her return until that evening.”

“Thank you Luna,” I smiled at her. “You are right, while what happened at the wedding is… concerning for someponies,” I turned to look at Twilight. “Dealing with that can wait until present matters are dealt with.”

“Go on,” Celestia nodded, returning to her seat.

“How do we know we can trust her?” Twilight asked, pointing a hoof at me.

“I came here of my own free will, did I not?” I snorted. Colt, Twilight was making it hard for me to like her, even though I was a lot like her when human. Not that I could blame her, but still! “I don’t have to give you the information I know.”

“Or you will just give us false information. How do we know you are not working with this pony Princess Celestia mentioned in her letter?”

I groaned, putting a hoof to my forehead. “Look, Twilight, I don’t want to join her,” I held out the hoof and stomped it against the table. “Just, let me say what I have to say, then judge me how you will. Colt, I try to do something good for once…”

Twilight opened her mouth to go on, but Cadence lifted a hoof in front of it. Twilight stared at her for a moment, but then nodded, wing feathers rustling.

“Now, from what Cadence tells me, both you and she know of the Umbrum?” I said, turning to Twilight, who nodded. “And I know you know of them,” I glanced between Celestia and Luna, who also nodded. “Then you know why I can’t join her.” I paused, thinking of all Chrys had told me of those dark times one thousand years ago. “They are the opposite of us changelings, feeding off of fear. That is what gives them their power. If the world is filled with fear, then we changelings starve.

“Now, let me start from when Radiant Hope’s threat first appeared a few weeks ago, to my royal guard…”

All three nodded. “Continue then, Chrysalis,” Celestia said. “Then we can see what action we must take.”

Velvet’s Bedroom- Shiny Whistle

With Velvet’s room being the bigger, we decided to have the ‘sleepover’ there. Though I wasn’t much in the mood for such things. Grabbing some pillows and blankets from my own room, we entered Velvet’s.

His walls were painted an icy blue, pictures of bands he liked scattered across it: The Beach Colts, Arctic Timberwolves, Metallicolt and others, even one of his own band on the back of his door, Upgraded Frostbite.

His drum set rested in the corner by the window, a white sheet draped over it. One small bookshelf was against the wall at the foot of his bed, filled mostly with back issues of rock magazines, sheet music and records. Besides that, a simple bed with dark green blankets, a small nightstand, and a record player were really all that was in it.

With a snap of his fingers, Discord brought forth a hammock, swinging from the ceiling with a pillow and blanket in it. He flew up to it and stretched out, his pony hoof dangling out the side.

“Just make yourselves comfortable,” Velvet said, trotting over to flip through his records. “What you want to listen to?”

“Oooh how about Canterlotian Mares?” Discord chuckled, rolling over in his hammock to look down at Velvet. “It has been such a long time since I heard that one! You know,” he whispered, a big gleaming smile on his face. “It was Princess Celestia’s favorite when she was younger!” he chortled, almost falling out of his hammock as he rolled over.

I sighed as I put my blanket and pillow by the window, setting things up, and plopped down. My ears twitched toward Velvet and Discord as Velvet grabbed out the right record and placed it in the player, adjusting the needle, and letting it go. The soft beat filled the silence of the room, as Discord snapped his fingers along with it.

Manehattan mares are chic
Their fashion none compare
Appaloosan mares, and that friendly talk
Sends me swoonin’ when I’m out there.

While Discord and Velvet listened to the music, I curled up on my pillow looking outside. The moon was waning now, but still mostly full, brightening up the small garden my mother kept behind the house. The leaves on the small apple tree a silver-blue. I opened the window a crack and set my muzzle on the window frame, a cool breeze blowing through my mane.

In Tall Tale farmer’s daughters take you for a moonlit flight
And the Crystalians in the cold and ice
Can keep their coltfriends pleased all night.

I wish they all could be Canterlotian
I wish they all could be Canterlotian
I wish they all could be Canterlotian mares.

Luna had really made this night a beautiful one, the stars almost seemed brighter than usual. Was that a bad sign? Did she do so because they locked up Chryysy and wanted to celebrate? Would she really get the axe? Hearing Discord and Velvet laughing, I turned away from the window to see Discord snapping his fingers and changing Velvet’s mane into a rainbow afro, another snap turned it into a tangle of snakes, yet another replaced his mane with a slice of pumpkin pie.

Las Pegasus has bright sunlight
And the mares fly through the air
I love a Prench bikini on Hoofwaii Island
Dolls by a cloud bank resting there.

I shook my head as Discord took the slice of pie and swallowed it in one gulp. Wasn’t he worried about Chryssy? Or the others? Colt, I had left Nemoria and Acronicta all alone with Twinkleshine! Were they okay? Had the princesses tossed them into the dungeon too? What about Morpheus and Danaus? Wherever they had run off to.

I’ve flown all around Equestria
And I’ve met so many types of mares
Yeah, but I couldn’t stop far from Canterlot,
To return to the best mares in Equestria.

“Shiny? You okay?” Velvet asked, walking over to me. Looking up at him, I saw in place of his mane Discord had now placed sour gummy candy strings, in streaks of blue and red. “Like my new do?” he smiled softly, then put a hoof to my shoulder when I just looked away.

“I− nothing Velvet, just tired I guess,” I sighed. Not like I could tell him, he would probably tell mother and father.

“Oh come on, don’t you trust your brother Shiny?” Discord chuckled, ruffling my mane with his lions paw. “You’re parents are asleep and the door is closed.” He snapped his fingers, and I watched as a giant soap bubble appeared around the three of us. “There, now tell him what you left out of your story to mommy and daddy.”

“You didn’t tell them everything?” Velvet asked, then let out a laugh, patting Shiny on the back. “Did you do something bad while you were gone?” he gasped, ears going partway down. “No, you know where Dew is and don’t want to tell dad because she did something bad and is now hiding out so Dad will always think of her as his baby filly?”

I glared over at Velvet. Where did he get such crazy ideas? “No Velvet, I really don’t know where she is. The truth is− well… I’m in love with her.”

“With Dew? Our sister?”

“NO!” I groaned, putting a hoof to my forehead. “With the changeling queen, Chrysalis.”

Velvet dropped his hoof from my back, jaw dropping as he stared at me in shock. “Well… I… guess we all have things others might think crazy?” he said, giving me a sheepish smile. “Why?”


“Yes, why are you in love with her?” he asked, plopping down on the carpet beside me. Discord brought his hammock into the bubble, attaching it near the top and relaxing above us.

“I would like to know that as well,” he said. “I’ve heard you love her scent –by the way, great choice on that, she does smell divine doesn’t she?” he chuckled. “But there must be something more to it than that?”

“O-of course there is!” I snorted. Velvet and Discord watched me, waiting for my reply. What else did I like about her? She was beautiful, cared about her subjects, had saved my life! But there was something else… “I− there is something about her I can’t quite put my hoof on,” I said softly. “She is still very much the mare I first met at the wedding, the one I wanted to find out more about, but−”.

“Yes? Do continue,” Discord grinned, ears wiggling as he gazed curiously at me. “Well, I feel there is something much more behind the mare she lets everypony see. It intrigues me. Of course beyond that, she seems to be developing feelings for me too. Or- or maybe I am just crazy,” I laughed, shaking my head.

“So she loves you too?” Velvet asked. “I thought changelings couldn’t love?”

“I’m not sure of that anymore Velvet, either way. All I know is I came home to Canterlot to help her, and when she needed me most, I ran away,” I sighed, looking at the ground.

“Seems running away from our problems runs in the family?” Velvet chuckled darkly. “It might be too late for me with Soarin’, I haven’t even heard from him in a while.” He looked up, wrapped his hooves around me, and hugged me close. “But I think with Discord’s help, we can make things right for you.”

“You mean you are not against it?” I gasped, looking between the two of them. I hugged Velvet back, pulling away a few moments later.

“Chryssy is my friend too Shiny,” Discord chuckled. “And as Fluttershy is always telling me, it is a good thing to help your friends to be happy,” he said then booped me on the nose.

“Dad is the one who totally hates changelings, not me,” Velvet smiled. “Even after you told us about what they did at the wedding… well maybe I am just asking for trouble but− if one of us deserves a chance at true love, why not you?”

“So, dear Shiny, what is your plan?” Discord asked, leaping from his hammock to curl up around Velvet and me.

“Well, I need to make sure Chryssy is okay first,” I said. “And if the princesses have locked her in the dungeons, I will do all in my power to free her!” I stomped a hoof on the carpet. “This time, I will not leave her again.”

“Want me to deal with this other changeling that she’s after?” Velvet asked. “Take him somewhere else so he won’t hurt your chances?” he pounded his two forehooves together, wings spreading out behind him.

“No,” I shook my head. “I want things to be fair. After all, he has a foal that needs him.”

Velvet nodded, reaching up to one of the sour gummy strings he had as a mane and pulling it out, chewing on it. “Well then, we’ll just have to make sure you win her heart over him. He might have a child with her, but well−” he let out a yawn, covering his mouth with one hoof. “Somehow we will get you back to Canterlot Castle tomorrow, right Discord?”

Discord nodded, rubbing his chin as he stared at me. “Yes, yes we shall.” He snapped his fingers, the bubble disappeared and his hammock was once again connected to the roof. Another snap and Velvet’s mane was back to its normal Mohawk. He blinked in surprise as I tossed my hooves around him and Velvet, giving them both a hug.

“Thanks for being understanding. I know my feelings are… odd,” I grinned.

Velvet ran a hoof through my mane, mussing it up. “Hey, what else are big brothers for? We better get some sleep, we’ll want to be up before dad, and he is usually up at dawn.”

I nodded, nestling down in my blankets as Velvet turned off the light. The pale moonlight shone through the window, forming a little patch beside me as I watched Velvet crawl into bed. Discord hopped up into his hammock, sighing as it swung back and forth.

It looked like things were about to turn around. My brother was on my side for this, and though it seemed strange, I was glad to have his support. “Stay strong Chryssy,” I whispered, looking out at the moon. “I will return.” With that, I turned over and closed my eyes.

Conference Room- Queen Chrysalis

The princesses all stared at me quietly as I finished. I covered my muzzle as I let out a huge yawn. What time was it? It felt like I had been talking for hours.

Celestia was the first to speak, clearing her throat to get the others attention. “You have been rather busy as of late, Chrysalis. Your tale is astonishing.” She lowered her ears, letting out a sigh. “Poor Radiant, even with Sombra gone, she is still suffering from his choices.”

“Suffering?” Chrys yelled. “I wouldn’t call what she has done ‘suffering’. She has certainly been enjoying it!”

“What if it isn’t Radiant Hope?” Twilight asked. “How could she have survived this long as a unicorn? Sombra’s diary even said his spell would be his greatest revenge on her, that he developed it because of her betrayal.”

“Could that be why she still lives?” Chrys said. “Was Sombra’s spell to make her live forever, filled with guilt?”

“Well if not her, then it is a very close look-alike,” I said softly. “And what are the chances of a second pony getting such a powerful cutie mark? Sure everyday ones like cooking or all those ponies who have hourglass cutie marks. But a mark that signifies one can heal any wound?”

“Thou makest a good point Chrysalis,” Luna nodded. “I see little reason not to believe this pony is who she says she is, even if she is far different from the Hope my dear sister and I recall.”

“S-she could be a changeling in disguise?” Twilight said, grinning sheepishly.

“If so, why would she go after her own queen?” Cadence pointed out.

“I would know if she were from my hive,” I said, shaking my head. “We all have a certain scent, more a magical one than physical, which signifies us to one another. Ponies can’t sense it, though some zebras can.”

“Then we must take this threat seriously,” Celestia said firmly. She turned to look at Cadence. “Has Shining Armor arrived back in the Crystal Empire yet?”

Cadence shook her head. “I haven’t received a message from him yet. But he was to check on the alicorn amulet the moment he returned.”

“Good, let us know what he discovers,” Celestia said.

“Of course Auntie,” Cadence smiled softly.

Celestia turned to Twilight. “Gather your friends together, my dear student. Prepare the elements−”

“We put them back into the Tree of Harmony, Princess Celestia,” Twilight said, blushing brightly. “Er, sorry to interrupt.”

“Wait, they got rid of the elements?” Chrys gasped. “Oh this is delicious, they have nothing to protect themselves from us then! But… then that means they lost their greatest weapon against Hope as well,” she growled.

“Thank you for reminding me Twilight,” Princess Celestia said, patting the blushing Twilight’s hoof. “We’ll think of something else to send after her. Until then, perhaps it is best we all get our rest.”

“Yes, it is very late,” Luna nodded. “I have already raised the moon while we conversed, and most shall already be in their beds.”

“What about her?” Twilight asked, pointing a hoof at me.

“What about me?” I snorted.

“Chrysalis is our guest, Twilight, and will be treated as such,” Celestia said, giving Twilight a firm look. “As long as she remains civil, she will continue to be so.”

“Aw, so we can’t have any fun?” Chrys groaned, letting out a chuckle. “Well, it is worth it if together we can defeat Radiant Hope. We can be good for a few days, shouldn’t take longer than that.”

“I’ll be good,” I promised, smiling at Celestia.

“I am glad to hear so. Zenovia is the only zebra we have in the castle, so I would advise if for now you wear your disguise when out in the halls,” Celestia said. She turned to look at Cadence. “Would you escort her to the quarters set aside for her and her friends? Take along a few guards as well.”

“Still don’t trust me, do you?” I sighed.

“It is more for your protection than trust, Chrysalis,” Celestia said. “I would do the same for any visiting dignitary without guards of their own.”

“Oh we have guards,” Chrys snorted. “But when we find them, they might wish they had stayed back at the castle!”

My ears twitched at Chrys’s words, but other than that I took a deep breath and nodded. “Very well, thank you Princess Celestia.”

“One hoof out of line….” Twilight said, glaring at me, before standing.

“Understood, Twilight,” I said, glaring right back at her. One way or another I would win her over. Eventually.

With that, we all stood and trotted for the door. I took a moment to bring back my Soaring Song disguise before the door opened, then followed the others out.

Cadence led me down the way the zebra had gone earlier, grabbing Flash Sentry and another guard, this one a pale grey unicorn stallion with an electric blue mane and tail. Both currently wore the armor of a solar guard, and followed behind us.

“Sorry about Twilight,” Cadence said as we climbed a set of stairs. “She hasn’t gotten over what happened.”

“I don’t blame her,” I said, shaking my head. “But she could try to be a little kinder, if we are to be allies.”

“She’ll come around, it will just take time,” she grinned. “Until then, things might be difficult.” A few other ponies passed us by, two young mares, though they were even taller than Twilight. I gazed at them curiously for a moment, watching as they trotted by, dressed in flowing, silky, white robes, to enter into a bedroom off to the right.

“The young daughters of the rulers of Saddle Arabia,” Cadence said, noticing my look. “Kamaria and Sahar. They are visiting for a few days.”

“So we will be roomed close to them?”

“Yes, this is the royal dignitary hall, where all royalty stay during their visits.” Cadence trotted up to a set of double doors, a silvery color with gold trim. “This will be for you and your friends.” She opened the doors, and we walked inside. Flash and the other guard paused at the doorway, standing to either side of it as the door closed behind us.

It was quite lavish, from what I could see from the doorway, we had a large sitting room, two plush burgundy couches facing a marble fireplace, empty of wood and closed off this time of year. A bookcase filled with books lined the far wall, and the plush carpets, a few shades lighter than the couches, gently tickled my hooves. Beyond that, three open doors led into bedrooms, too dark to make much detail out this time of night. Behind another closed door I could hear quiet snores.

“Twinkleshine and the fillies must be in there,” Chrys said softly. “Or maybe Morpheus and Danaus. Either way, let’s just check tomorrow.”

The closed door opened slowly, and Twinkleshine stepped out, yawning as she looked at us. “Princess Cadence, and I’m guessing Chrysalis?” she whispered, to which I nodded. “Glad to see you two. The girls are fast asleep. Though I haven’t seen Shiny or your two guards since we arrived.”

“Thanks for keeping an eye on them,” I whispered back, letting out a yawn.

“I’ll let you get settled,” Cadence said, opening the main door again. “Sleep well, we will figure out what to do tomorrow.”

I nodded, letting out another yawn. “Thanks for all your help Cadence, and forgiving what I have done enough to do so.”

“Of course,” she grinned, “you are welcome.” She closed the door softly behind her as she left.

“They have been little angels,” Twinkleshine said, giving me a tired smile. “I figured you would be up here eventually, so waited up for you,” she let out an even bigger yawn, covering it with a hoof.

“You didn’t have to do that,” I said, “but thanks. Let’s both get some sleep now, shall we?”

She nodded. “The room on the far right is the largest, and should have a bed long enough to accommodate you. Sleep well, I’ll keep an eye on the fillies.” She stepped back inside the room she had come from, quietly closing the door.

“I believe it is time we sleep as well,” Chrys sighed. “Tomorrow will likely be a long day.”

I nodded in agreement, trotting toward the room Twinkleshine had pointed out. She was right, the bed was quite long. That is all I really took in though, as I transformed back to my original form and collapsed on top of the covers, drifting off to sleep.

End of Day One

Author's Note:

Song from this chapter a parody of "California Girls" by the Beach Boys.
Hello all my wonderful readers! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Not too much 'exciting' things happening but things are finally getting done. If the End of Day One you see at the end of this chapter seems ominous, that is because it is. :pinkiecrazy: But it will still be awhile until we find out why. After all, there are still two more days to go.
As usual, please comment, critique, and/or like the chapter and have a wonderful day!
Preread by:
Meep the Changeling