• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 15,686 Views, 613 Comments

Silent Night - cerealkiller78

It’s the Christmas season, and all are at home with their families..except one. Labeling her as a scapegoat during the Anon-a-miss incident, a number of students have abducted Sunset, intending to make her pay.(branchoff from Dainn's "Anon-a-Miss")

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Chapter 4

Author's Note:

Hey Guys! Sorry, I haven’t updated in almost two weeks. I didn’t have as much time for writing. Hope this chapter doesn’t disappoint.
And now, here’s Sour Sweet with the disclaimer!
“We must ALL be VERY kind and understanding towards this author. For she does not own anything…Not Equestria Girls, not MLP…and not a thread of dignity! And if she DID own EQG, we would have all killed her by now!!”
……You don’t get to do disclaimers anymore Sour.

There were people in wheelchairs, beds, and crutches, as Rainbow made her way past them all and approached the front desk.

“I-I’m here to see someone.” She stated simply.

“Name?” The attendant at the desk asked.

“Sunset Shimmer.”

The woman clicked away at her computer, pulling up the files needed. After a while, she spoke up.

“That’s odd. We don’t have any record of a Sunset Shimmer being admitted here.”

Rainbow’s breath caught in her throat.

“A-are you sure?” She asked hesitantly.

“Sorry, there’s nothing. Are you sure she was admitted to this hospital in particular?”

“I…no. Sorry, I must have made a mistake. Thanks anyway.” She replied before walking away, feeling nauseous.

The fact that Sunset wasn’t in the hospital, combined with what the student had said to her earlier…”They took it too far” was enough to work Rainbow into a small panic.

She decided to try her apartment. Surely she was at home then…She HAD to be at home.

The place was a junk heap. Why Indigo had ever wanted to come here was beyond her. Sugarcoat had never really been one for the old. She preferred the new and now. Why waste time on old, dusty, outdated junk when there was so much better stuff out there. Crystal rather than must.

She was shaken out of her musings when she saw something on the floor. Something red. Something fresh looking.

She bent down to get a better look.

Something that looked strikingly similar to…She got back up and took a closer look around the place, noticing that there were similar splotches decorating the floor in various different places, all looking quite recent.

Despite her unease at the sight, a hint of humor struck Sugarcoat, her thoughts going back to Gilda.

Maybe that’s why she seems crabbier than usual…She thought to herself.

After contemplation, she ultimately decided to go a bit further in, taking this turn and that, following the eerie crimson trail.

If there was anything she HADN’T been expecting at that moment, it was taking the next turn which led into an open area, and being met with a punch straight to her face from the side, causing her to fall to the floor.

When she finally got her bearings back, she found her hands being tied behind her back.


“You should have stayed in the city.” A low voice spoke to her, before proceeding to put a blindfold over her eyes.
Panic was beginning to set in.

“Now wait just a minute…” Another voice spoke up.

“What we’re doing here is supposed to be strictly for revenge purposes. She didn’t do anything.”

“She went snooping where she wasn’t supposed to. What are we supposed to do anyways, let her go? She’ll go straight to the police and then we WILL go to jail. Girl, you chose the wrong day to go exploring.”

“It wasn’t exactly my idea to come out here in the first place. I got dragged.”

“Well then, blame whoever dragged you out here.”

There was a commotion just then, not far, as Gilda fought to bring a struggling Indigo to the area.

“Could one of you guys possibly find it in you to make yourself useful and HELP me out here?!!” She screamed.

Three others went to her aid, and soon enough, had managed to get Indigo under control as they forced her onto the ground on her stomach, and tied her hands behind her back, Indigo screaming profanities at them all the while.

She lifted up her head and examined the area they were in, before her eyes landed on something that filled her with dread.

There…on the other side of the room, was what appeared to be a half dead girl on the floor.

She lost it.

“What the hell you guys?! What’s going on here?!” The panic was clear in her voice, and Sugarcoat recognized it immediately.

“What is it Zap?” She called with worry of her own, not being able to see anything because of the blindfold.

“You…you guys are sick!” She ignored Sugarcoat.

“You’re freaking psychopaths!”

With every outburst from Indigo, Sugarcoat felt herself getting all the more nauseous from just the thought of what Indigo saw. She was beginning to be thankful that she couldn’t see anything.

“You know something, our school is right. You guys are a bunch of freaks…and not for the reasons our school says either.

We come out here to explore an awesome abandoned factory, and find out that CHS is full of a bunch of psychopathic killers!”

Gilda rolled her eyes.

“Fine, if you have such bleeding hearts, then you don’t have to be in the same room, how’s that? You can stay in one of the other rooms. Not like we were planning on you guys coming here anyway.”

Sugarcoat felt herself get lifted up as she and Indigo got taken into a different room. The guy carrying Sugarcoat went back after putting her down, but the other guy stayed for a moment.

After making sure he was out of earshot, he pulled a knife out. Indigo saw this, but her mouth was covered before she could make any noises.

“You want to ruin any chance you have to get out of here, then go ahead and scream.” Indigo gave him a confused look.

“Just trust me.” He slowly took his hand off her mouth. When she didn’t try to scream, he removed his hand completely, and began cutting away at her binds.

Her eyes widened.

“Dude…” She whispered, letting out a sigh of relief.

“You rock…”

When she was free, he went over to Sugarcoat.

“Coats, don’t scream.” Indigo warned.

“This guy’s getting us out of here.”

He took the blindfold off first, and Sugarcoat saw him, and Indigo behind him, relief flooding her as he cut her free as well.

“Get yourselves out of here, and get the cops over. There’s an alternate entrance you guys can get out of over there.” He gestured with his hand.

They didn’t have to be told twice. Indigo was already gone.

Sugarcoat looked at the guy, giving him a rare smile.

“Thanks…a lot.” With that, she too was gone.

As soon as they were back in the car, they drove off without a look back. Indigo drove while Sugarcoat took her phone out and dialed 911, telling them everything that had just happened.

In record time, Rainbow arrived at Sunset’s, and knocked on her door.

After getting no response, she knocked harder.

“Sunset? If you’re in there, I really need you to open up right now.”

No response.

She sighed, and took out an out of shape paper clip, and began picking at the lock. Soon enough, the door came unlocked. She opened the door slowly.

“Sunset?” She peeked inside. The place was empty.

She entered the small living space, went past the kitchen, to the back where her bedroom was located.

Nothing. No sign of Sunset anywhere.

She sighed, and turned around to leave, when her eyes suddenly fell on her backpack in the corner.

She decided to open it up, rummaging through, hoping that something in here could tell her anything.


Her journal.

She took it out, and opened it up, landing on the page that she had been writing to Twilight about going to…see the sirens?
She read some more, trying to make sense of it all, and then read previous entries, from both her, and Twilight.
But none of it made any sense to her. The entries made it sound as if SHE had been trying to figure out who anon-a-miss was…the whole time.
But…if SHE was anon-a-miss, how would any of this make any sense?...

The post at school today….

The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, as she dropped the book to the floor. She cursed out loud. Her hands going to her mouth in realization as a stream of curses coursed out of her mouth. She looked around for a phone. She needed to call Gilda NOW.

No such luck. Gilda had her phone, and Sunset’s phone was nowhere to be seen. She had probably taken it.

She thought out the possibilities of what she could do, before deciding that Pinkie’s place was probably the least amount of distance from here. So, she got on her bike and peddled like she never had.

She let her bike fall to the ground as soon as she got there, and banged on the door.

Nobody was home.

She cursed and looked at her watch. That’s right, it was only 3pm right now. Everyone was just getting off school now.

She took her handy paperclip out and picked the lock again.

She had been to Pinkie’s house enough times to know exactly where their home phone was, and went straight for it, dialing her own cell number.

“You had better have my phone on you…” She mumbled to herself, before putting the phone to her ear, waiting for an answer.

She didn’t have to wait long.

“Hey buddy!” Gilda’s voice answered on the other end.

“We’ve all been wondering where you’ve been.”

“Gilda, we need to talk. I found Sunset’s journal that she uses to keep in contact with Twilight, and according to what’s in there, she’s been trying to find out who Anon-a-miss is herself! Apparently she even went to the sirens thinking THEY were doing it. Why would she be doing that if she herself IS Anon-a-miss?”

There was silence on Gilda’s side.

“We messed up BIG time Gilda…wherever you are, whatever’s going on, call it off. Now.”

There was silence for another moment, until she finally answered.

“Consider it done.”

Dash sighed in relief, before hanging up.

Gilda looked at everyone, after putting the phone down.

“A certain someone just notified me that SHE,” She pointed accusingly at Sunset.
“has been keeping company with the sirens.”

A number of gasps went out among them.

“She says the only reasonable thing to do would be to kill her now.”

There were a few approvals, while others seemed a little hesitant.

“What about the new Anon-a-miss post?”

“We’ll have to figure it out another way.”

“But-” The speaker was cut off by a death glare from Gilda, silently daring him to challenge her.

He ultimately decided against arguing with her, as did anyone else in the minority who weren’t too keen on murder.

She took a knife out, and leaned down, speaking quietly into Sunset’s ear, so only she would hear.
“No hard feelings. I already know you’re not Anon-a-miss. It’s just a matter of power you know?...” She smirked.

“You’ll understand…Oh, and one more thing…you know your friend Rainbow Dash?...She sold you out hook, line, and sinker. Everything that has happened to you in the last 24 hours would not have been possible if it weren’t for her…” She got back up.

"But I guess none of that really matters now." She put the knife to her chest, not quite putting enough pressure on it to break skin.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll go to pony heaven."

Sunset closed her already tired working eye.

This was it...