• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 15,686 Views, 613 Comments

Silent Night - cerealkiller78

It’s the Christmas season, and all are at home with their families..except one. Labeling her as a scapegoat during the Anon-a-miss incident, a number of students have abducted Sunset, intending to make her pay.(branchoff from Dainn's "Anon-a-Miss")

  • ...

Chapter 6

Aria was lounging on the couch, as Adagio had stayed in bed that day. Sonata was who knows where at the moment, so with no one else around, she took the couch.

She had been mindlessly flipping through the channels on their small tv, not really paying much attention to anything, when a news channel came up, sporting a face she recognized from the Battle of the Bands.

She got about halfway through the news story, before getting up and storming to the door, grabbing her coat.

“They’re messing with our last hope to be able to eat in this world again!”

She had been walking for a while, when she saw a familiar head of rainbow colored hair down the street from her.

She came up behind her, and without warning, slammed her into the wall.

“Well, if it isn’t Canterlot’s most wanted. You’ve really thrown plans off for me and my sisters, you know.”

Rainbow looked at her, realizing who had her pinned to the wall.

“You?? Why would it even concern you of all people what happened to Sunset??”

“Because she came to us the other day, claiming that if we could help her figure out who was behind Anon-a-miss, she would help us get our amulets back.”

Dash opened her mouth to say something, but stopped.

“Wait….She did what??”

“Well, if you really must know the details, she first thought it was us, and as good as broke into our house…And yes, she did. Long story short, we’re slowly starving without those pendants. We live off negative energy, but we cannot absorb that energy without those stones.”

“So she offered to get them remade for you?? How would we know you wouldn’t just go back to your old ways??”

Aria shrugged.

“Didn’t exactly work out for us the last two times. We’re not ones to do something over and over, expecting different results.”

“Wait… last two times?...”

“How we got dumped in this world in the first place.”

Rainbow dash slowly nodded, understanding, before another thought occurred to her.

“Wait…do you guys know who did this?...”

Aria scoffed.

“I’m surprised you didn’t figure it out sooner… That girl with the scooter who worships you, and her two friends. Though after this incident, I doubt she’ll worship you for much longer.”


“If that’s what her name is, then ya.”

“You think THEY did this??”

“Open your eyes Dash! Sunset told us everything. How you guys were having those slumber parties. How Sunset’s pictures from when you were at the diva’s house- whatever her name is, got posted to the Anon-a-miss account, how the hillbilly’s nickname got loose… who else was present in those houses while you guys were having your sleepovers, but their own sisters?...”

Rainbow felt herself at a loss for words, realizing that what Aria said was true.

“Anyway, I’d kind of like to be able to eat again, so I need to know where that phonebook of Sunset’s is, so I can contact Miss Prissy Princess.”

“You- You’re going to tell her what happened, aren’t you?”

“She’s going to find out sooner or later. Might as well be sooner.”

Rainbow sighed.

“It’s back at her place. She lives at 6th street, 16 Ave, apartment number 13.

Aria let her go without another word and continued walking as if nothing had happened.

“You…You’re letting me go just like that? How do you know I’m not lying?”

Aria answered without stopping or looking back.

“What you do with your life is of little importance to me, it’s not like you have much of one left anyway… and if you are lying, you think I won’t be able to find you again?” She stopped, turning back to Rainbow.

“But if you are lying…I highly suggest you tell me now.” After a long pause, she turned around again and continued walking.

Aria had arrived at the address Rainbow had given her; a worn down apartment complex. She found Apartment number 13 carelessly unlocked to her advantage. She went inside the small living space, and inspected the small kitchen, before finding a bedroom in the back.

She entered the small room, before tripping on a foreign object. Catching herself, she looked down to see a book of sorts, lying open, face down on the floor. Picking it up, she flipped it over, revealing its contents of several journal entries, and their replies. She skimmed through several pages, seeing that there were multiple unanswered entries from Twilight’s side, before flipping to an empty page.

No sense in keeping her waiting any longer… She thought to herself as she put the pen to the page.

Twilight had yet to receive a reply from Sunset about how her going to see the sirens had gone. She honestly would have gone through the portal sooner to find out what was taking her so long to reply, but matters involving the Crystal Empire had come up. She had tried to get out of it, but was unable to do so. She had only been back at the castle for a few minutes until now. She took the book down from its place in activating the portal, and upon seeing that there was still nothing from Sunset, she put the book back in its place to activate the portal again, and was about to go through, when, as if on cue, the journal started glowing and vibrating in its place.

She gasped, taking the book back down again, and flipped it open.

But what she saw did little to calm her nerves.

The doctors worked tirelessly through the hours. Sunset was now on an oxygen apparatus to help her breathe. She had a low cervical nerve injury of a level C8 in her spine. So in time, it was possible she would have some hand movement back. How much so, was indefinitive, but in time, it was likely that she would still be able to grasp and release objects. If she was living by herself, it was likely that she would still be able to do most things herself, with the exception of more difficult tasks, of which she would likely require assistance.

But the more prominent and pressing issue was that of cranial trauma. Yes, with a C8 injury in her spine, it was likely she would be able to go back to doing those things, but a concomitant brain injury added to that was only going to lessen those chances. In fact, if they were completely honest, she would be lucky to even be alive at the end of all this, never mind being able to take care of herself.

Then, there was the frostbite, causing more additional damage to the nerves in her fingers and toes. If they had to amputate, the advantages of having only a C8 spine injury would go down the drain, seeing as she would have no fingers or toes.

It had originally been her intent to go right to the police station. But after her run in with Aria, Rainbow figured that Applejack needed to know this new information. So, having no phone, she decided to go to the hospital to tell her herself.

She put her hood up, both because she was cold, and the fact it would conceal her from anyone else who had seen the news.

Arriving at the hospital, she went inside the emergency, trying to locate her friend.

After a while, she came upon a sitting area, with not one, but four familiar faces; Sweetie, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were there with Applejack.

Great…she thought to herself. How am I supposed to let AJ know of this suspicion with them being here too?

Applejack had her head in her hands, and the three were crying.

She sighed. No sense in delaying this…She thought as she walked up.

“…AJ?” She spoke quietly before Applejack lifted up her head, gasping slightly as she realized who was speaking to her.

“Dash?” She spoke quietly.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were going to the police?”

“Well, I was…but…” She looked at the other three.

“Would it be ok if we spoke alone?...Just the two of us?”

“O-ok," Applejack said as they went around the corner, out of earshot of the three girls.

“AJ, this is going to sound crazy…but just bear with me…I have reason to believe that Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie belle are behind Anon-a-miss.”

Applejack looked at her for a minute before sighing.

“A little late for that ah’m afraid Dash…”

“What do you mean?”

“They already confessed.”

Dash went silent.

“They…they really did it?...” She whispered, to which Applejack nodded sadly.

Rainbow went silent for a long period of time, trying to comprehend this.

“Why?...” She asked quietly, though more to herself than AJ.

“They…they didn’t like that we were spending more time with eachother than with them…”

“…You’re telling me…they did this out of jealousy?” Rainbow’s tone grew a hint of anger to it.

Applejack didn’t say anything.

“So they tried to break us all up? And framed Sunset to be in the middle of it all?...”

There was a long silence.

“….They know better…” She said quietly.

“They…know better…” She repeated, her tone growing angry.

Without warning, Rainbow started making her way back to the other three.

“Dash?...What-” But Rainbow grabbed Scootaloo, catching her off guard, and did something that shocked everyone.

Rainbow punched Scootaloo. Enough to send her staggering back.

“Dash!!” Applejack grabbed her.

“What in tarnation?!”

“She’ll thank me in the future. Next time you EVER get the gull to do something like this again in the future, maybe you’ll look back on this and think twice about it….What could have ever possessed you to do such a thing Scoots?...For any of you,” She gestured to Sweetie belle and Applebloom “To do something like this?”

Unfortunately for Dash, she had acted without thinking, her rage blocking out the fact that there were still people around them.

“Hey buddy! What do you think you’re doing?!” Someone spoke from behind, before pulling her hood down.

“Hey, wait a minute…You’re that girl from that news bulletin!”

Celestia was on her way to the hospital, when her phone rang. She checked the caller ID.

“Hey Luna.”

“Sister, you may want to go online.”

“I’m kind of caught up in other things right now Luna.”

“It is rather important. I’m sending you a link nonetheless.”

“What is it?”

“A petition created by another certain principal in the city to shut CHS down.”

Celestia immediately pulled her car over, gripping the steering wheel rather tightly.


“How possibly could you tell?...” Luna asked sarcastically.

Celestia enabled the speakerphone, as she went to the page.

Petition To Close CHS’s Doors For Good.
I’m sure by now, most of us have been made aware, in one form or another, of the atrocity that took place just the other day at Canterlot High School.
What parent would want to send their child to a school with this history? Nevermind having them participate in PE class, inside a tainted gym, where a student was beaten half to death by her own fellow peers. The fact that these students were able to get back into the school absolutely unnoticed, with no alarms sounding, no cameras to capture it, and no security whatsoever tells us all that CHS is severely incompetent in their safety standards.

The first two names appearing at the very top of the signatures, were two students right from Crystal Prep.

Indigo Zap, and Sugarcoat.

“That…Woman, really needs to mind her own business. I’ll call you back Luna.” Celestia hung up, and redialed.

“Abacus Cinch.” She started sternly.

“Do you not think I already have enough to worry about to try and fix without you posting biased information via internet?”

“How on earth is any of it biased Celestia? Everything I voiced is nothing but facts.” Cinch replied.

“CHS is more than just a school, it’s a sanctuary, a safe haven for the students…You can’t shut it down.”

“Safe haven?...Is that what you’re calling it?”

There was a long pause.

“There was no way to foretell something like this was going to happen.” Celestia answered finally.

“Of course there wasn’t. Your students are unpredictable animals, as they have clearly shown in this act. Your doors will be shut Celestia, for the good of all of Canterlot’s children.” The line went dead.

Celestia just sat there. Before long, her phone rang again.

“Did you talk to her?”


“What are you going to do?” Luna asked.

Celesta pulled into the road again.

“The only reasonable thing there is to do at a time like this…I’m going to the hospital. Unlike her, I have more important things to worry about than a mere reptutation.”

Author's Note:

So for those who may not have noticed, Sunset's address is the first EQG release date.