• Published 17th Nov 2015
  • 8,443 Views, 119 Comments

The Man & The Siren - Oldtakufanboy

Jack was walking back home from work till he came across a girl crying in an alley way who would change his life forever.

  • ...

The Date

Author's Note:

The finale of the story

So sorry for those who are waiting. I just haven't been into writing this one, but today, I felt like writing it.

I deeply apologize for the wait

Five weeks have passed and I've been secretly saving up my money for Sonata and I to go on a date. After listening to Adagio's advice five weeks ago, I think I'm ready to do this. As Sonata and Aria stood in the living room watching Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Adagio has been helping me look ready for my date. The time is 1:21 PM.

"You sure do look handsome," said Adagio, as she dusted off my right shoulder of my leather jacket, "you look like a less dorky version of that guy from that old TV series we saw four days ago."

"Are you talking about the guy that goes 'ayyy'," I said, as I gave her the thumbs up.

"Ha! Ha! Yes, that's the guy," said Adagio, as she and I began to laugh from my impression.

"His name is the Fonz and the show was Happy Days," I explained.

"Oh! Thanks," said Adagio with a smile, "now let me do your hair."

She grabs ahold of my brush and starts combing it to the side.

"You're gonna make our Sonata a very happy siren," said Adagio, as she continued to comb my hair, "please take care of her."

"I promise you, I'll make sure to take very care of her," I replied, as Adagio finished my hair.

"You're a sweet guy, Jack. I can trust you," said Adagio with a smile, "now go get Sonata and Aria and bring them to me."

"Will do," I said, as I stood up and walked out of my room.

I came into the living room and both Aria and Sonata gave me a surprised look.

"My, Jack," said Aria, "you sure do look handsome."

Sonata got up and came up to me with that same expression and touched my face.

"Wow, you're really handsome," said Sonata.

"Thanks, Sonie," I said with a blush, "well, Adagio wants you two in my room."

"Okay, we'll be back," said Sonata, as she patted my shoulder, "I'm excited for this date."

Sonata skips towards my room, as Aria stood up and walks past me to follow Sonata. The door shuts, as I sit down and watch where Aria and Sonata have left off.

10 Minutes Later...

"We're coming out, Jack," announced Adagio, as I turned off the TV and stood up straight.

I heard footsteps and from the hallway came Sonata. She was absolutely beautiful. She had her scrunch taken off to let all of her hair down, she wore make up on her face, her eyes sparkled like gems, and she wore an Redbone T-shirt along with blue jeans.

"What do think of her, Jack?" asked Adagio, as she and Aria came in from behind Sonata.

"Sonie… you look… beautiful," I said, as I walked up to her.

"Thanks, Jack," said Sonata with a blush.

"You ready?" I ask, as I walked up to the counter and grabbed my things.

"I sure am," said Sonata with a smile.

Sonata comes up to me and holds onto my arm. I look over to Adagio and Aria who were giving me funny grins.

"Let's get going, Sonie," I said, as Sonata and I headed out the door.

"Have a good date you two lovebirds," said Aria and Adagio before I closed the door.

"You buckled in, Sonie?" I ask, as I placed in my seatbelt.

"I sure am," said Sonata, as she gave me a smile.

"Here, play a song," I said, as I handed her my phone.

She grabs my phone and looks around my music. She then pressed the one that was on her shirt.

"Perfect choice," I said, as I placed the key in the ignition and backed up, "where would you like to go, Sonie?"

"Could you take me to get a milkshake?"

"Anything for you, Sonie," I said with a smile, as I drove on out.

"Hey! Jackie! You were a good singer during the dance!" said Pinkie, as Sonata and I took our seats.

"Thanks, Pinkie," I said with a smile.

"It's also good to see you too, Teresa," said Pinkie, as she looked over towards Sonata.

"Good to see you too, Pinkie," said Sonata.

"So what would you two lovebirds like to have?"

"We'll be sharing a shake," I said, as Pinkie writes down our order.

"Sure thing, coming right up," said Pinkie, as she walks away.

Sonata and I stood there quiet for about fifteen seconds until I had to break the ice.

"So… would you like to go to the arcade after this?"

"I would love to," said Sonata with such a cute smile.

"And possibly tonight…How about a boat ride?"

"A boat ride? At night?" said Sonata with a cocked eyebrow.

"Don't worry about it being too dark. The full moon will be out tonight and there'll be other people like you and me."

"Really? Then yes," said Sonata, as she gave me a tight hug.

"Here you go you two," said Pinkie, as she walked over to our table and placed down a milkshake with two straws in for Sonata and I, "enjoy."

"Thanks, Pinkie," I said, as Sonata and I immediately broke the hug.

"See ya," said Pinkie before moving to another table.

The two of us grabbed our straws and placed them into the shake. The both of us reeled our heads down and accidentally bumped heads.

"Ow!" said Sonata, as she rubbed the part of her head where we bumped.

"Sorry," I said, as I did the same.

We had an awkward silent moment, until yet again, I break the ice by saying:

"You taste it first."

"Okay," said Sonata, as she placed her lips around her straw and sucked in a little of the shake, "Mm, this tastes good."

"Glad you like it. May I-" I was cut off, as Sonata sucked in a little more shake in a quicker pace, "Sonie, don't drink too fast."

"Why? Is something-ugh!"

She places her hands on her forehead, having a total brain freeze.

"Brain freeze, is why."

"It hurts a bit."

"Think warm thoughts; it makes you feel better."

There was a moment of silence and Sonata places her hands to the table.

"Wow…it worked. Thanks Jackie," she said, as she hugged me.

"May we continue having our shake?"

"Absolutely," she said, as we got our straws and drank away.

"That was a good drink," said Sonata, as we both leave the establishment, "can we come here again soon?"

"Of course we can," I said, as I ruffled her hair.

"Can we now head for the arcade?"

"As you wish, Sonie," I said, as I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

The two of us climbed into the car and drove away to the arcade, where as we got there, was not as crowded. I haven't been to this arcade in such a long while that I can't remember where the games I like are. However, it will be fun for Sonata and I. I got us a cup of coins and walked into the gaming room, which was full of teenagers and kids playing the usual, like Pacman, Tetris, Megaman, etc.

"Wow is this place amazing!" she said, as she squealed like a child, "can we do that game there?"

She pointed towards the game Dance Dance Revolution, which is so old school; I don't know anyone that still has that game now a days.

"Sure," I said, as the both of us came to the platform and placed in four coins.

"Pick a song," said the machine, as it gave us options.

"Oh! Jackie! Pick that one!" said Sonata, as she pointed to one that I never knew was there.

"Smoke on The Water by Eddie? That's bizarre, but let's do it," I said, as I chose the song.

Sonata and I got in place and got ready.

"You know how to do this, right?" I asked.

"I totally get it," she said before the music began to play.

As the song ended, Sonata and I caught our breath.

"You're pretty good, Sonie."

"You too. One more?"

"Sure," I said, as I pulled up the cup filled with our coins and put four more of them into the machine.

We flipped around through the music and were getting bad results.

"Meh, these songs look bad," I said, as I continued to flip through.

"Oh! Pick that one! The one with the girl with two ponytails!" she squealed, as I moved to the one she saw.

"Levan Polka? Hatsune Miku? If only Blake was here," I said to myself, "okay, let's do it."

I chased the song and Sonata and I went into our get ready stance.

"Ready, Sonie?"

"I was born ready."

The song comes on, showing Hatsune Miku and all of her glory.

"Blake is gonna be jealous," I thought to myself.

As the song came to an end, Sonie and I panted more than before. This song was touch than the one before.

"Phew! That was tough," I said, as I wiped a bead of sweat away from my forehead.

"Totally," she said, as she and I leave the station.

"What now?" I asked.

"How about Mortal Kombat?"

"You sure?"

"I'm used to violence. Not to mention that you showed me Parasyte FYI," she said, giving me a nudge at my shoulder.

"Alright then," I said, as she and I made it to the game and plopped in two coins for each of us.

"Choose you character," said the game, as Sonata and I flipped through the characters.

"I'll be this character," she said, as she chased Sheeva.

"Then I'll be Liu Kang," I said, as I chased the character.

The game gets ready, until our characters were showed on the screen.

"Round one: FIGHT!" said the game, as Sonata and I began to fight one another.

"Take that!" she said, as she button mashes the buttons, giving me deadly punches.

"Luckily, I'm blocking," I said, as I was already in block mode.

"You're gonna have to hit me at some point," she said, as she continued kitting my character.

"Wait for it," I thought to myself, "now!"

I broke her attacks and began giving her deadly blows. She eventually counter attacks me, giving me more punches than I could.

"Your finished!" she said, as she gave me the final blow.

"Sheeva: wins," said the game, as it got us ready for the second round, "Round two: FIGHT!"

I attacked first and I gave it all my might.

"You better do something, Sonie," I said, as she then began to counter attack my attacks.

"Like that?" she taunts, "I can beat you!"

She may have though like that, but in the end, I gave her my uppercut, which makes her character fall.

"Liu Kang: wins," said the game.

"Top that," I taunted back.

"Oh! It.Is.On!" she said, putting on her game face for the final round.

"Sure you can," I said.

"Final round: FIGHT!"

Sonata and I bashed away at the game, until-

"BOOYA!" she shouts, knocking my character out cold.

"Sheeva: wins," said the game before the game was over.

"Top that, Mister," she said, nudging me on my other shoulder.

"Okay. Okay. You win. Don't rub it in my face," I said, trying to calm her down.

"Next?" she asked.

I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"Let's go get some pizza," I said, as she and I left passed through the games and towards the food court.

The day went by so quickly, as Sonata and I continued having our fun through the arcade. We played many games, won many prizes and enjoyed the food.

"Man, this was a fun day, Jackie," said Sonie, as she and I left the arcade and looked over to the setting sun in the distance, "Wow…beautiful…it…reminds me of…home…"

I let her have a moment, as she stared off out at the beach which was two miles away from where we were.

"You ready for that boat ride?" I asked, as I held up our prizes such as, a large teddy bear, a stuff whale, a bag of candy, a robot figurine and two stuffed fishes for Aria and Adagio.

"Whenever you are, Jackie," she said with a smile.

I smiled back, as the two of us walked towards the parking lot.

As the two made it to the lake, it was getting dark and the sun has been down for the past thirty minutes. The stars began to glow, as she and I walked up to the station.

"Hello Sir," said the man at the station, "how may I help you?"

"We'd like a night stroll on a boat for the night," I asked.

"Really? Is it for your girlfriend, lover boy?" he said teasingly.

"It is," I said with a chuckle.

"Okay then, that'll be thirty dollars," he said, as I handed him the money, "Okay then, sit at that bench over there and we'll get you two ready for your romantic night."

Sonata and I sat at the bench, where the stars began to shine over us.

"Wow," said Sonie, as she looked around the starry skies, "very pretty."

"Oh! Sonie, you see that group of stars?" I said, as I pointed towards the constellation.

"Oh! I see it," she says, as she points to what I see.

"Do you see the shape that they make?"

She squints her eyes to get a good picture of it:

"It…looks like a…dragon?"

"You are right, Sonie. Those are the stars of Draco. My favorite constellation of all time."

The two of us snuggled against one another, until we heard an announcement.

"Boat for the two love birds," said the announcement, as Sonata and I got up and headed towards the dock.

As we got there, there was a small wooden boat with two paddles, along with a small lamp in the middle.

"Hop onboard," I said, as I held onto Sonata's hand, as she gets into the boat.

"Thank you, Jackie," she said, as she sat down.

"Hang on," I said, as I gripped onto the paddles and began pushing forward, as we became afloat.

It was very peaceful around here at night; the only sounds that were out are the sounds of crickets, the lake itself and Sonata humming a soft tune. The only lights were the lamp in the middle of our boat and the full brightness of the moon.

"How are you liking this so far, Sonie?" I asked.

"It's…Romantic," she said with a blush.

"Sonie…Can I ask you something?"


"Would you and your sisters…Like to move in with me?"

"You mean…We can stay?"

"We can all pitch in, you girls can get jobs, help me pay the rent and we can all live like one happy family."

"You mean it?"

"Absolutely. Sonie, I love you and I want you and your sisters to live in an comfortable home."

Sonata crawled over to me, making me stop my paddling. She rushed towards my face and planted her lips upon mine. We were in the position for five seconds, until she reeled her head back.

"You are the best human I will ever know, Jack. You are kind and thoughtful to us."

"Thanks Sonie."

"I love you, Jackie."

"I love you too," I said, as we nuzzled our noses together.

Suddenly, we broke our love scene from the sound of music playing in the background:

"Well…That was unexpected," I said, as she and I chuckled.

"Let's enjoy the song," she said, as she sat back down across from me.

I continued to paddle along the lake and decided to take a left for a loop back to the docks. As we did, suddenly out of nowhere, glowing lights were spotted along the tall grass near the water. The song became obvious that it wanted us to kiss again; which we did.

"This is amazing," she said, as she looked around the lake, "It's magical."




"Do you think we can do this again?"

"Of course, my love," I said, as I continue to paddle forward.

"Also, do you think Aria and Adagio might disagree to our decision?"

"I doubt it."

She smiled and reeled back up to me for another kiss.

"May our love never die."

"I'm with you all the way," I said, as she sat on my lap and the both of us paddled away along the lake.


Comments ( 21 )

i hope for a sequal but it is up to you dude ^^


...wait, it's over?

this was the best and fanfic i have ever read that involved the dazzlings! :pinkiehappy: and also one of the most romantic fanfics and i love romance :twilightsmile: i really hope you make a sequel to this. it is up to you but if you do all of your fans will be looking forward to it. ^_^


Wow, I'm flattered. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

7079794 no problem it was my pleasure :twilightsmile:

Dat moment when a story you enjoy comes to an end and you're all

Really? I never knew that.

When did you begin to like hatsune miku that was unexpeted

I liked the story, but it felt rushed. Some more chapters on the start of the romance between the two would've felt better. They went from being strangers to lovers practically overnight.


Although this comment is a bit late, I wanted to say that I was glad to have read this story and its journey. From its humble beginning to its touching end, I can't find it in myself to not favorite this.


As long as you enjoyed it, I'm okay with that

*claps hands

Bravo bravo on the story. This story by far is the best story I have red that invoked the Dazzlings.:pinkiehappy:


Thanks. That means a lot

Really nice story it was a cute ending.

She places her hands on her forehead, having a total brain freeze.

"Brain freeze, is why."

"It hurts a bit."

"Think warm thoughts; it makes you feel better."

No, press your tongue against the roof of your mouth and rub it around. That helps.

This was a nice fic, could've gone without the other two sirens. They abandoned Sonata, then have the audacity to ask for a second chance after such a deed? They screwed up when they abandoned Sonata in the first place.

What would you do if someone left you for dead. Or if you fell in love with someone who was left for dead in an alleyway for a pack of stray dogs, and the family that they left behind came crawling back and have the balls to begged for mercy dispite what they did? What would be your reaction? Forgive such wretched treatment? Or let fate allow them suffer for their sins? I say if god wanted them to not suffer, then he'd take care of them.

Dance Dance Revolution, which is so old school

I remember when it was new, Seeing someone call it old school makes me feel old.

This is good, Cute and fun. I dont know why it took me so long to get round to reading it. :twilightsmile:

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