• Published 17th Nov 2015
  • 8,438 Views, 119 Comments

The Man & The Siren - Oldtakufanboy

Jack was walking back home from work till he came across a girl crying in an alley way who would change his life forever.

  • ...

Clothes Shopping Again?!?!

I gave out a good stretch, as I looked towards the sliding glass windows, where the sunshine was coming from. I stood up and groggily walked over to my Mac and went through my music; I played the song Let's Have Another Cup of Coffee, which I heard from an episode of Family Guy.

"Makes sense to play in the morning," I said to myself, as I walked over to the coffee maker.

As I grabbed ahold of a red mug, I then had a second thought.

"You know what, I'm gonna make the girls some coffee," I said, as I took out three extra mugs.

I looked at the clock, as I sipped my coffee.

"Eight AM? Damn, I woke up early," I thought, as I flipped through the TV channels.

As I flipped through the channels, something caught my eye. My eyes lit up, as I noticed in five minutes, the 1970s animated Lord of The Rings was about to start.

"Wow, I gotta watch that," I said, as I clicked onto the channel and waited for the credits of the previous movie to end.

Just then, I heard two doors opening from the hallway, out came Sonata, Adagio and Aria with sleepy faces. I looked over to Adagio and was glad that she's wearing pants, unlike last night when she came to see me wearing nothing but a shirt and underwear.

"Good morning, girls," I said, as I stood up.

"Morning, Jackie," said Sonata with a yawn.

"Good morning, Jack," said Adagio.

"Mornin'" said a grumpy-sounding Aria.

"Would you ladies like some coffee? I have them right on the counter. Sorry if they feel cold; I woke up very early this morning," I said, as I pointed to the counter.

"Thanks Jackie, you're so sweet," said Sonata, as she and her sisters got to the counter and grabbed ahold of their mugs.

"Thanks, Jack. You made my morning," said Adagio, before sipping her coffee.

"Thanks, I guess," said Aria, as she got ahold of her mug.

"What are you watching?" asked Sonata, as she sat down beside me on the left.

"The animated Lord of The Rings is about to come on."

"Lord of The Rings? I hear that's a good book and movie trilogy. We three haven't seen or read any of them." said Adagio, as she stood beside the couch.

"It is," I said in agreement, "And there's also The Hobbit, which is also a movie trilogy and a novel."

"You three are such nerds," said Aria, as she placed her empty mug on the counter.

"What crawled up your butt?" said Sonata.

"Never mind, I'll watch it," said Aria, as she stood beside Adagio, staring at the TV.

"Would you two like it if I sat on the floor and you two sit on the couch? I don't think this couch can withstand four people," I said, as I stood up.

"Really? Are you sure you want to sit on the ground?" asked Adagio.

"I don't mind."

"Such a nice guy you are," said Adagio, as she patted my back and sat down on the couch.

"Thanks," said Aria, as she sat down beside Adagio to the right.

"Oh look," said Adagio, as she pointed to the empty spot close to Sonata, "looks like there is room for you."

"Oh good," I said, as I sat down beside Sonata, "You comfortable, Sonie?"

"I am," she said, as she leaned her head onto my shoulder.

"You are so-" I was cutoff by Adagio's shushing.

"The movie's starting," said Adagio.


"Seems ok," said Adagio, as the movie continued.

"Meh, for me," said Aria with a bored look on her face.

"How about you Sonie?"

"It's alright," said Sonie.

"I think at some point tomorrow, we should watch Peter Jackson's The Hobbit first before we go to The Lord of The Rings trilogy."

"Why The Hobbit first?" asked Adagio.

"Because it takes place before The Lord of The Rings."

"Oh, thanks you for clarifying that," said Adagio.

I looked back towards the movie with a smile on my face.

"I think I'm gonna have a great time with these girls," I thought to myself.

"That was… ok, I guess," said Adagio, as the credits began to roll.

"I'm with her on that," said Aria.

"It could've been better," said Sonata.

"Perhaps we should've watched the movie trilogy instead," I said.

"Yeah," said the three girls.

Adagio looked towards the clock and was surprised at the time.

"Oh my God, we should get ourselves cleaned before going to the abandoned house to get our things," said Adagio, as she rushed towards the guest room, "I totally forgot!"

"Oh shoot, she's right," I said, as I looked over to Sonata and then Aria, "would you girls get yourselves cleaned before we leave?"

"I'll go after Adagio," said Aria.

"Then me," said Sonata.

"I'll go last then," I said, as Sonata began to giggle.

"It's already 11:23 AM? Time flies by," I said to myself, as I grabbed ahold of my things and walked towards the door where the girls are waiting.

"You three ready?"

"We're ready," said the three.

"Let's roll," I said, as I unlocked the door and held the door open for the girls.

"Such a gentleman you are," said Adagio.

"He is, isn't he?" said Sonata.

"A gentleman indeed," said Aria sarcastically.

I locked the door and the four of us headed downstairs.

"Here we are," I said, as the girls and I stood a few feet away in front of my car.

"I like it," said Adagio.

"Then why don't you ladies hop in?" I said, as I opened a door for them.

The girls got in and buckled up; I sat in the front and started the engine.

"Sonie, you know what to do," I said, as I handed my now connect phone to Sonata.

"You girls are gonna love his music," said Sonata, as she and her sisters looked through my music.

"I have to admit Jack, you have a great taste in music. These songs are old, but still popular," complimented Adagio.

"It's unlike me to say this, but you really do have good music on your phone," said Aria.

As I began to pull out of the parking garage, Sonata picked a good one:

"Good choice, Sonie. You must have heard this from Heavy Metal," I said, as I made a right turn.

"Yes indeed," said Sonata cheerfully.

"Anyway, Adagio, could you tell me where this house is?"

"Sure, keep going forward ten blocks, then take a left and you'll see it," said Adagio, as she pointed forward.

I have to admit, it was a nice ride, when out of nowhere, Aria began to sing the lyrics:

"Won't you take a rideriderideride on heavy metal~"

After Aria sang to it, we all sang along with her:

"It's the only way to travel down that road~. Satisfiedfiedfiedfiedfied on heavy metal~. Baby won't you ride, ride until it explodes~."

"This is it," said Adagio, as she, her sisters and I were looking at the old abandoned house.

We walked towards the door and opened it. Inside were a bunch of cobwebs, dust, and anything to make this place look old.

"I feel as if I entered a horror movie," I thought, as Adagio and Aria went up the stairs.

"You and Sonata wait there. We'll be right back," said Adagio before making a right turn towards one of the rooms.

"I can't believe they lived here. I feel bad for them," I said before Sonata began to pat my back.

"At least they're with us. You'll take good care of them, like you did with me," said Sonata.

I smiled, as I ruffled with Sonata's hair.

"Of course I will, Sonie. For you," I said, making Sonata blush.

"Here they are, let's go," said Aria, as she and Adagio came down the stairs.

We got out of the house and walked back to the car.

"It's a good thing that these bags weren't touched," said Adagio.

"Totally," agreed Aria.

"Oh no," said Adagio, as she looked through her bag, "Looks like we need more clothes. These look disgusting."

The hairs on my head lit up.

"Oh God, don't tell me," I thought with worry.

"Yeah, these clothes are starting to look as if I was attacked by some sort of creep," agreed Aria.

"Shit! Are they going to ask me to-"

"Jack, would you mind if we go to the mall to get some clothes? We need them."

There was only one word in my mind:

"Are you ok with going to the mall today?" asked Sonata.

"S-sure," I said, "God, just kill me now!!!"

"Also, can we get something to eat? We haven't ate anything this morning," said Aria.

"Sure," I said, as I started the engine and we drove towards the Canterlot mall.

"Ok, let's get this over with," I said, as the girls and I got out of the car.

"What's wrong, Jackie?" asked Sonata, as she walked up beside me.

"I think he's embarrassed to be with us in a women's clothing store," said Aria with a snicker.

"Is that true, Jack? You embarrassed to go into a women's clothing store?" asked Adagio, as she, her sisters and I walked towards the mall.

"Yes," I said with a flushed face, "I feel like a pervert."

"But you were brave enough to do go into that lingerie store for me," said Sonata, "I think you can handle it one more time."

Adagio and Aria stopped and gave me a surprised look.

"You went into a lingerie store with her?" said both Aria and Adagio.

"...yes," I said silently.

Adagio and Aria immediately burst out with laughter.

"My day just got better," said Aria with tears of laughter coming out of her eyes.

"My sides hurt," said Adagio, as she placed her hands on her sides.

"Oh, shut up!" I said out of embarrassment and continued walking forward, along with Sonata by my side.

The two sisters stopped their laughter and followed us.

The four of us went through the sliding doors and entered the mall. Adagio and Aria were really impressed that they reminded me of when I took Sonata to the mall. I gave out a chuckle, as the girls looked back at me with a cocked eyebrows.

"What's so funny?" said Aria.

"You two remind me when I took Sonata to mall. She did the exact same thing you two did."


"So where is this lingerie store you'll be taking us?" asked Adagio, as she came up to me.

"Follow me," I said the three girls followed behind me.

"Oh! Jackie, we should also go to Hot Topic for PJs as well. For me and for them," said Sonata, as she came up to me.

"Thanks for reminding me, Sonie," I said, as I ruffled her hair.

"So this is the place you took her?" asked Adagio, as she looked up at the Victoria's Secret logo.

"Yes," I grumbly said.

"Let's just go in and do this already," said Aria, as she walked into the store.

"You ready, Jackie?" asked Sonata, as she wrapped her arms around my arm.

"I'll live," I said, as she, Adagio and I entered into the store.

"Jeez, what's taking those two so long to put lingerie on?" I thought to myself, as Sonata and I sat in front of the dressing room.

"We're almost done, Jack," said Adagio from within the dressing room.

"Well hurry up! I don't like being in this store," I said frustratingly.

"Just suck it up!" said Aria.

As Sonata and I stood in front of the dressing room a little longer, I notice that there were women looking at us. I can hear them whispering things like:
"Isn't that the guy who came here with that blue ponytail girl?"

"It is, and now he has two more girls with him."

"I think this guy is trying to make some sort of harem."

I was more embarrassed than ever before, but I had to stay and pay for the clothing.

"Don't worry, Jackie," said Sonata, as she placed her hand on my arm, "we'll leave soon."

"We better," I thought, as I looked back towards the waiting room.

Just then, Aria and Adagio came out and looked at me with evil grins.

"What's wrong, Jack? Embarrassed?" said Adagio teasingly.

"You got that right," I said out of frustration.

"Well, we're done. If that makes you any better," said Aria, as she placed her and Adagio's clothing into a shopping bag.

"Let's go," I said, as the girls and I walked over to the cashier.

Aria placed the shopping bag on the counter, as the cashier gave me a rather awkward look.

"What are you looking' at?" I said out of irritation, as I gave the cashier a angry glare.

"Oh nothing, Sir," said the cashier, as she frantically took out the clothing and scanned them.

"Jack, what's up? You seem… angry," said Sonata, as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

From her tout, all of my frustration just disappeared. I looked at her and gave her a soft smile.

"Sorry… I'm just a little frustrated to be here," I said, as I ruffled her hair.

"That'll be $150.56" said the cashier.

I took out my wallet and gave her my card.

"Will that be debit or credit?"

"Debit, please," I said, as the recipe prints out.

"Have a good day, you four," said the cashier with a sheepish smile.

"We will," said the three sisters with cutsey smiles upon their faces.

I took the bag and we headed out the entrance. As we stood in front of the entrance, I gave out a loud sigh.

"Thank God, it's over," I said out loud.

"You must have really hated it in there?" said Adagio.

"I really do hate going in there," I replied.

"You're such a drama queen," said Aria, as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry, Jackie. At least we can go to Hot Topic," said Sonata, as she looked at me with twinkles in her eyes.

I cracked a smile and chuckled.

"At least I can survive going in there."

"Excuse me, Jack, would you mind telling me and Aria here what this Hot Topic place is like?" asked Adagio.

"It's this place that has cool pins, shirts, hoodies, collectables, and other stuff," said Sonata before I could answer.

"Really?" said Aria with a cocked eyebrow, "Sounds interesting."

"It peeks my interest as well," said Adagio, agreeing with Aria.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's head there," I said.

"Lead the way, Jack," said Sonata with a smile.

"Here we are," I said, as I pointed towards the inside of the store.

"This place looks pretty awesome," said Aria, as she took a step into the store.

We all followed and the girls immediately walked towards the girl section. Aria was skimming through the pants, Adagio was looking at the tops, Sonata was looking through the PJs.

"Hey Jackie, what do you think of these?" asked Sonata, as she held up two PJ bottoms.

The one on her right grip was Studio Ghibli themed with the cat from Kiki's Delivery Service and in her left grip was Steven Universe themed.

"I'll buy those for you," I said, as Sonata gave me a cute smile like that dinosaur from that anime film that Blake showed me.

"We found something we like too," said Adagio, as she and Aria came up to me with clothing in their hands.

Adagio was holding a top with a skull in the middle and Aria was holding onto some blue jeans.

"So I guess you girls are done with shopping?" I asked.

"Yep," said the three.

"Then let's go pay," I said, as the girls and I walked over to the cashier.

Surprisingly, the cashier was the same Goth-looking cashier that me and Sonata met.

"Hey there- oh wow," said the goth cashier with surprise, "Aren't you a player."

My face flushed, as I scratched the back of my head.

"It's not what it looks like," I said.

"Where are you finding these girls?"

"I…um… they're my friends. You already met Sonata, the blue haired girl. Poofy head here is Adagio and pigtails here is Aria."

"Hello girls," said the cashier.

"Hey," said the girls.

"I bet you're havin' fun with these three, huh?" said the cashier, making me and the girls blush.

"I already told you it's nothing like that," I said, as I flail my arms back and forth.

"Just kidding, hand me the clothes," giggled the cashier.

I handed the clothes and the cashier began scanning them.

"That'll be $85.78."

I took out my wallet and gave it to the cashier.

"Debit or credit?"

"Debit please."

She swiped it and handed my card back to me, as the receipt prints out.

"Here you go, have a good day with your friends," said the cashier with a smile, as she gave me my receipt.

"Thanks, have a good day," I said, as the girls and I left the store.

"Well… that was awkward," said Adagio.

"Indeed," said Sonata, Aria, and I.

Just then, there were multiple growls. The girls placed their hands on their stomachs and giggled.

"Looks like we should find a place to eat," said Adagio.

"Taco Bell!" said Sonata with a jump.

"I can go with that, agreed Aria.

"I can eat whatever," said Adagio.

"Okie dokie, Taco Bell it is," I said with a smile.

"Mm, this is delicious," I said after swallowing my bite of my burrito, "How is your lunch, girls?"

"It's great," said Adagio before taking another bite into her taco.

"It pretty good," said Aria.

"I love it! Thank you, Jack," said Sonata, as she hugged my right arm.

"Your welcome," I replied with a blush.

Adagio and Aria giggled, as I looked at them.

"What's so funny?" I asked, as Sonata let go of my arm and blushed.

"Nothing," said the two and they continued eating.

"…ok…" I said, as I did the same.

"Thanks for the grub, Jack. I'm stuffed," said Aria.

"You're welcome, girls," I said, as I held onto the bags, "Let's call it a day. I'm tired of caring these close for you girls. Also, we should come here next time for PJs for both Adagio and Aria."

"Oh, poop. We forgot about that. We won't mind wearing the PJs we have, even though they are pretty dirty," said Adagio.

"If they're dirty, I'll wash them. I have a washing machine."

"Thanks, Jack. Let's cleaned them when we get home."

"I'll also play The Princess Bride for you girls, while I cook dinner later."

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that. Let's do that later," said Adagio, as the four of us walked out of the mall.

"What a day," I thought to myself.