• Published 17th Nov 2015
  • 13,103 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Ones From Beyond - Lordvessel

When Equestria is invaded by humanity, it's not out of greed or conquest, but out of desperation.

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Chapter 10: Stories And Discoveries

Every person has their own story, and with every story comes a new discovery. The flight from New Damascus to Fort Bismarck based in Berlin is over 1700 miles and 4 hours long, leaving plenty of time for Andrew Sawyer to get acquainted with his fellow passengers...............

Out from the window of the C-130, Andrew saw that the night sky was rising over the day. The sun retreating below the horizon to make way for nightfall. Andrew looked upon it with mild discomfort. Night was a time, naturally, to be feared. When darkness covers the land one cannot think what might possibly be roaming within its shroud. However, Andrew did not fear the dark, not since he was a child. Night had its benefits, and they benefited him greatly in the past, even kept him alive on a few occasions. And with darkness came calmness, and calm would be the word he would use to describe his current situation.

The flight had lasted for hours, and almost the entirety of the scientific expedition team was well asleep by now, with the exception of Councilor Bradford, who was wide awake, keeping himself occupied by writing in a notebook. Andrew distanced himself from them for the majority of the trip on account of their conversation topics going well over his head, ranging from hypothetical theories to statistical assumptions, and whole lot more that he wanted absolutely no part of. The trip wasn't too lonely though, he'd pop into the cockpit from time to time to check in on the pilots, who were more on the level with him than most soldiers were to their Commander in Chief. He didn't mind though, in fact Andrew welcomed it. He stayed up there for about four hours as the three exchanged stories, something he hadn't done in ages. It felt good having a conversation without rank or the dire needs of The Survivors getting in the way. But eventually he had to leave the two so they could focus on flying the plane. He didn't want to be a distraction.

Andrew looked over and saw that the other Councilor in company had a stumped expression across his face. Andrew figured since the rest of the eggheads were out, he'd go chat with his scientific counterpart, see what he was up to. He got up from his seat and walked past two trucks, which currently held all the equipment the science team brought with them. He stood over Bradford, who at the moment was mumbling to himself and seemed unaware of Andrew's presence.

"Possible.......mechanism.........machine..............device..............artifact? Ah, bloody hell." mumbled Bradford.

Andrew cleared his throat to garner Bradford's attention. Bradford shot up at the unexpected disturbance.

"Oh! Councilor Sawyer, sorry I didn't see you there!"

"I assume you were preoccupied with something?" asked Andrew.

"Oh, my dearest apologies, I sometimes like to trek into deep thought, gets the better of me sometimes."

Bradford shut the notebook and stuffed it into the satchel by his feet. James Bradford was the member who stood out most among the other council members. He was a brown-haired, English-born, Caucasian man of only 22, which made him the youngest ever to serve as a Councilor. His attitude could change from shy to outgoing depending on the situation. One moment he could be quiet and content and the next he could be shouting eureka and every bit of British slang he could muster. Andrew was always looking after him whenever he could spare the time, a promise he gave to Bradford's father a few years back.

"So Councilor, was there something you needed?" asked Bradford.

"Nah, just thought I'd talk with you. It's been a long trip, and now that everyone's calmed down I thought it was the ideal time."

"Ah, you're talking about the little exchange of theories we had earlier?"

"And everything in between."

"Sorry, didn't mean to shut you out, I can't help it. Ever since I was a lad I've had a knack for machines, and whatever we're about to find down there sounds ripe for the picking, had to share my excitement with someone who understands."

"I don't think I've seen excitement that lasts for six hours."

"Like I said, I offer you my deepest apologies."

"Ah, don't beat yourself over it, the pilots and I had more than a few tales to share, so it wasn't so bad."

Andrew sat down on a crate across from Bradford. He stretched just a bit before resuming the conversation.

"I tell ya, it feels good just to get out of the city for a bit." said Andrew.

"Needed a break from the day to day problems I assume?"

"Like you wouldn't believe, though the break won't be long. After I'm done assessing the situation you know Councilor Patel is gonna want me back."

"Still, a week away from her ought to make you a happy man." jested Bradford.

Andrew rolled his eyes at the remark. But he immediately felt bad afterwards, as his thoughts turned to the kind request he got from her the day prior. It almost seemed like she wanted to end the constant rivalry the two formed over the years, and making jests about her behind her back seemed childish.

"Councilor Patel is just worried, her position requires that peace and order be maintained, and with food and water shortages as of late, it threatens that peace." said Andrew.

"Still, she seems to have it out for you?"

"I'll admit, our positions oppose each other in more than a few ways, but I still respect everything she does for our community, and I'm sure she respects what I do as well. Call it a mutual understanding."

Bradford raised an eyebrow at Andrew's statement. He took it with a bit of disbelief, how could those two respect each other yet always be arguing to no end.

"I'll be honest with you. I half-expected you to be bad-mouthing her." said Bradford. "I mean, we're 10,000 ft in the air I'm sure she can't hear you if you do."

"Councilor, I meant every word I said. Despite our argument yesterday, we both need cooperate if we're going to alleviate the crisis. Now, if you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about the council."

Bradford could see the distress Andrew was getting from the conversation, and chose to switch subjects.

"Well, instead of discussing the Council's problems, how we talk about our destination?" said Bradford. "I'm just curious as to what we'll find. And like said before, I've got a-"

"Knack for machines, you get that talent from your father alright."

Bradford's father, Edward Bradford, served as Councilor of the Science Branch for 15 years before he died from Rad Fever. During his time, he, along with the aid of Andrew and the Militia, Laid out a working power system for New Damascus, set up and installed the communication and server rooms within the Council Building, restored some of the old plumbing systems under the city, and created a machine capable of recycling metals, all from his own mind. When elections came for a new Councilor, his son was the best looking prospect.

"My father taught me all he knew, I was his assistant for everything. Not every six-year-old can reassemble the engines to an SA 341." said Bradford.

"Yeah, I remember when you two came to us in that beat up old helicopter."

"That's a story I can never forget. We found that thing beside an old warehouse. It was mostly intact, but some of the minor parts were either gone or were worn down. So I helped my father construct makeshift parts for the ones we didn't have using whatever we could find. We flew that thing for about five mad-inducing days before the rotor engine gave out and we crashed it on the landing strip. Father yanked me up from the wreckage, and then you showed up."

"Yeah, with about three squads armed to the teeth. We heard the crash from a mile away. Thought we were being attacked."

"Right, I was only a lad back then so some of the details are a bit hazy." said Bradford. "But you know, I do recall father pulling out a gun and screaming at you fellas when that happened."

"Yeah, well let's be thankful it didn't resort in a firefight. Your father was a godsend, son. He helped us accomplish so much in 15 years. Without him, well, I don't think we'd still be here today."

"Yeah, I hear that a lot." said Bradford. "I'm just hoping this discovery will put me in the spotlight for once."

Andrew took note of his sullen attitude when he said that.

"You alright, son?" asked Andrew.

"It's nothing, it's just, sometimes I feel like people expect me to be my father, rather than just live up to his name, and even that gets annoying from time to time. When people think of the name Bradford, they immediately think of my father. It's like I can't escape his shadow. You ever feel like that with your parents?"

Andrew was silent for a moment, and looked down.

"I never knew my parents, son."

"Oh, Jesus, that was insensitive, I apologize-"

"Now, now, there's no need to, you had no way of knowing."

"I'm guessing you don't know what happened to them?" asked Bradford.

"No, I don't know. I was taken by the remnants of the American government at a very early age. I have no knowledge of who they were. My guess is that they're most likely dead, but ..."

Andrew let out a sigh.

"If you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about this."

"Of course. Now where were we?"

"You and your Father I believe. Now, I knew your father very well, and we worked together for several years. I also know he expected great things from you, and that he was more than thrilled when you joined the ranks of the Science Branch. He wanted you to accomplish great feats of your own. You still got quite a bit of time to make a name for yourself. And I have to say for one as young as you, just being a Councilor is a good step in that direction."

Bradford seemed to take comfort in hearing that, thinking back to all the good times he spent with his father and all the good things that were said during his time with him.

"Well hopefully in time, I can live up to what he wanted for me."

Andrew saw that his eyes were watering up just a bit, but he didn't cry. His father had only passed away last year, so the subject was still hard to talk about with him.

"Well, enough of that I suppose. Now if I may ask, do you have any more news of the discovery?"

"No, all I know is what was told to us in the comm room. I expect we'll learn more about it when we get there. What are your thoughts on it?"

"Well, me and my fellows were vigorously discussing it earlier, though we had very little to go with. We ruled out that the device was a weapon, as most of its characteristics wouldn't make it a very effective one, not to mention the soldier ensnared by it didn't turn up as a corpse. So we're split down two decisions of what we think it is. Either 'A', it's a time machine..."

That made Andrew laugh, followed by a look of disbelief. Bradford didn't take the gesture very well.

'What? What's so funny?"

"I've come across several pieces of advanced technology in my lifetime, but I doubt what we'll find is a time machine."

"Well why not? The machine has never been seen before, so anything is possible. One theory we came up with is that the machine might somehow create a distortion in that particular moment of time, and in doing so it created an artificial black hole or maybe a tear in time, or reality, which would explain why that soldier got sucked in, of course that's just one theory..."

"I hate to burst your bubble, son, but that sounds more like science fiction to me. Time travel is one of those things that might just be an impossibility, there's just no way to control time, it just keeps going like it always has. Now what's your other theory?"

Bradford would have had more theories and scientific reasoning to back up his assumption. However he came to the conclusion that the Commander wouldn't understand most of it, if any of it. So he brushed it aside and went forth with his next theory.

"Well, it might be a portal."

Andrew surprisingly wasn't so quick to dismiss that idea, but he still questioned the validity of it.

"A portal? Like to another world?"

"Yes. World, dimension, or it may just lead to another location on Earth. Portal is a relatively simple concept, make a door, gate, or in this case portal, from point A to point B. Though, how one would be able to accomplish that with any sort of known science or level of machinery, we really don't know. In fact, other than the scenario described to us we don't have anything to fall back on that claim. Now that I think about it, technology like that really was only mentioned in the realm of science fiction."

Andrew pondered the idea for a moment and looked up at Bradford once again.

"Let's not rule that one out just yet." said Andrew.

Bradford caught on the mysterious tone of Andrew's statement, it sounded like he was hiding something.

"Why? Do you know something?" asked Bradford inquisitively.

Andrew clearly saw Bradford's heightened interest, he saw no harm in telling him of what he knew.

"Like I told you before I was taken in by the remnants of the American government. When I was a cadet me and other kids used to tell stories about the projects our superiors had knowledge of."

"Why are you telling me this?" asked Bradford. "And what does it have to do with portals?"

"There was a rumor, and a very vague one at that, but at one time or another, the then current head of state supposedly had part in a project that involved long distance travel through a device that you can could walk through. Supposedly it was created to cutout the need for conventional supply lines, but that was only the official statement. Others said it was made for other purposes, one kid even said it had something to do with......uh......well, aliens."

Andrew thought that didn't come out right at all, to himself, he sounded like he was a mad conspiracy theorist. He half expected Councilor Bradford to be shooting strange looks at him, but the look he got was more along the lines of intrigued.

"Really? Well, do you know any of the details?" asked Bradford.

"All I know is that it was from before The Conflict, which would make it a Pre-war project, and it was based out somewhere in Europe. However, I can't pinpoint an exact location, that's all I know."

"Doesn't sound like much of an informative story."

"Like I said, it was a rumor, something to pass the time. Although, current events may change that."

"Is that why you said you had a hunch during our last session? You think where we're heading to this rumored project?"

"It's a possibility, I hardly doubt that whatever's down there isn't technologically advanced. It's not every day you come across a device that's buried thirty floors underground."

"So whatever's down there was clearly meant to be hidden from the public eye. But why?"

"Judging from my missing soldier, maybe it was to keep people from getting sucked in." jested Andrew. "In all honesty though, they probably kept in down there to keep it a secret. Being pre-war, they probably wanted to keep it away from those who might sabotage it or even steal it. Back then the nations of the world were at each other’s throats, desperately trying to get an advantage over one another, word got out on something like that, they'd be dealing with an espionage nightmare."

"Well, looks like it's a not a secret any longer."

Their conversation was about to continue when the voice of the pilot came over the intercom.

"*Attention all passengers, ETA to Fort Bismarck in fifteen minutes*

And with that the intercom cut off. Andrew and Bradford both got up from their seats.

"Better start getting ready." said Andrew.

"Right" Bradford responded.

Bradford turned to his fellow scientists and with his hands clapped loudly to wake them.

"Alright ladies and gents, nap time is over, come on, come on, up you go!" he said sporadically.

The entirety of the group woke up to the outburst, some still groggy, others quite attent. Bradford was still speaking at a fast pace, urging them to move quickly.

"Come on, let's move it people we got fifteen minutes till we land! Make sure you have everything we need and also, make sure you have all of your personal belongings, because once were off this plane, the plane goes all the way back home!"

Fort Bismarck, essentially the largest Militia base in Europe, with about 2,000 personnel stationed within its walls. Formerly known as Berlin Brandenburg Airport in the days before the war, but now the place was a fortress, a home away from home so to speak, and the staging area for all scavenger operations within Central Europe. Airports made for valuable bases, as their usual layout made them ideal as a defensible position, and their airstrips provided a way of travel back and forth from New Damascus. The runway was all lit up for the expedition's arrival, usually the runway lights would be off to conserve power, but the base CO wanted to make sure that the Commander in Chief and Councilor of the Science Branch landed safely. The C-130 slowly descended at a shallow angle, eventually touching the ground and slowing down as it made its way down the landing strip and coming to a halt.

The cargo hold ramp opened and as it finished a squad of soldiers were there to escort them. Andrew stepped out and a bald Caucasian male garbed in 3-color desert stepped forward to greet him.

"Commander Sawyer, sir!" said the man standing at attention, giving a salute.

He spoke with a Polish accent, and judging from the lack of any combat gear and that he only had a holstered pistol, Andrew assumed he must be the base CO. So Andrew respectively returned a salute, and began to converse with the man.

"At ease, soldier. Name and rank?" asked Andrew.

"Lieutenant Bakowski, sir, I command the men of Fort Bismarck."

"I thought so, what's the current situation Lieutenant?"

"Half of the 3rd Motorized Infantry Company have been stationed at the facility, they radioed in this morning to confirm that the site was secure, they’ve been there for about 19 hours."

"That's good news, so how far out is this place?"

"We managed to find its location on the area map grid. It's about fifty miles southwest of here. My men know the way so you should have no problem finding it."

"Do you have transport ready?"

"Yes, Commander, right over there."

The Lieutenant pointed to a convoy of vehicles currently in wait. From front to back was a military grade Mercedes-Benz G-class with an M240 turret on top, an EE-11 Urutu APC, and finally a UAZ-469 with a DSHK mounted in the back. As the last of the holding straps to the trucks were undone, the scientists drove them out of the plane and were directed by the soldiers to park them behind the convoy.

"I've arranged for the science team to ride in the back of the APC. However, I would suggest you ride up front in the G-class. More fitting of a man of your rank." said Bakowski.

"Very good, Lieutenant. Contact the men on site, tell them we'll be arriving shortly." said Andrew.

"Of course sir. But first, I need to go over procedure with the science team. Just a quick rundown of the transportation situation. It won't take long."

"Very well, but get them on the horn first chance you get."

"Yes sir."

As the Lieutenant proceeded to inform the science team of their vehicle situation, Andrew approached the G-class in front and opened the passenger side back door, setting his dufflebag in the floorboard of the back seat. Andrew waited until the science team was secured inside the APC. Once they were in, he then proceeded to enter the passenger seat. Shortly afterwards the escort soldiers headed to their respected vehicles. The driver and gunner entered and gave salutes.

"Pleasure to be driving you sir." said the driver.

"The pleasure is all mine, son."

Andrew's attention turned to the gunner, as he heard him cocking the machine gun on top.

"Plan on using that, soldier? Thought Berlin was safer than most parts." said Andrew.

"For the most part, yeah. But just in a case someone or something decides to spoil the party, I'll be ready to blow out a few candles, sir."

Andrew smiled at the one-liner he just got. Despite the low danger of the area, it was good to that his soldiers were on their toes, can't be too careful out in the wastes.

"You practice that one, son, or did you read it from something?" asked Andrew.

"Eh. It's a gift." said the gunner.

"More like a curse." said the driver rolling his eyes.

Andrew slightly shook his head smiling and turned back to a comfortable position in his seat when the transceiver radio in the vehicle turned on with a voice emanating from it.

"*Watcher 1, this is Watcher 2, LT just went over procedure with the science team, we're ready to roll whenever the Commander gives the go ahead, over.*

The driver picked up the transmitter and clicked the call button.

"Copy that Watcher 2, standby."

He then looked over to Andrew for conformation.

"Let's get rolling." said Andrew.

"Watcher 1 to Convoy, we're Oscar Mike."

He returned the transmitter to its holster and started the engines. The vehicle took off down the airstrip and turned right down a small service road. They then took another right going down the road past the Airport Terminal and finally a left through the fortress gates. From then on out it was nothing but the wasteland to greet them.

The trip was retrospective for Andrew. The ride had been rough and bumpy, the area might be clear of hostiles, but the terrain was still scarred from the war. Whenever Andrew looked out the window, his thoughts couldn't help but turn to a much more violent time in his life. The shattered ruins, the scattered shrapnel, and the decaying wrecks of cars and other vehicles made the whole area a testament to a time where man's destructiveness went too far. No matter how many times he or his peers told him he had no choice in fighting, he still felt guilty, he would always feel guilty.

It's in the past. I've put it behind me. Just stop thinking about it.” Andrew thought to himself.

"Sir." said the driver. "We're here."

The trip didn't take very long at all, less than an hour at least. Andrew turned his attention to what was in front of him. The place was lively, temporary fortifications had been constructed and generator lights were up in a few areas. The Convoy pulled into the rear area of the building behind two open cargo doors leading into its interior. The convoy then came to a complete stop.

"This your stop, sir. Middle of nowhere." said the gunner sarcastically.

"Indeed it is, thank you gentleman again."

Andrew stepped out of the vehicle, opening the back door once again to grab his dufflebag. The science team was still departing from their vehicle when a trio of soldiers approached him. On the left was Cpl. Al-Kindi, the soldier Andrew talked to yesterday in the comm room, he was wearing a desert tan fatigue jacket, tiger-stripe pants, and the shemagh from earlier. The one in the middle was a Latino-American woman of medium build, with brown hair, wearing a grey jacket, black tactical vest, with pants and a fatigue cap in M81 Woodland. And to the right of her was a short African-American male, with pants and jacket in wz93 Pantera, a black beanie, and an OD combat bandolier. The three stopped right in front of him, all giving a respectful salute and Andrew responded with one of his own.

"Commander Sawyer, sir!" the woman in the middle said. "I'm Sergeant Sarah Martinez, Commanding Officer of the 3rd Motorized Infantry Company."

"At ease, Sergeant." said Andrew.

Andrew then turned to Ahab.

"Corporal, good to see you again."

He then turned to the man to the very right.

"And who might you be, soldier?" asked Andrew.

"Private Nick Barkley, sir." the man said.

"I've assigned these two to be your personal guard while you're here sir." said Sarah.

"Thank you Sergeant, but I don't think that'll be necessary, we have half a company on station, I think I'm safe enough. Perhaps you'd like to give me a sitrep instead?" said Andrew as he walked towards the building.

Sarah and the others walked with him. She would have insisted on keeping the personal guard, but she had no intention of arguing with her Commander. So she respected his decision.

"The generators are completely online, had my engineers get her in working order last night. All assets on site have been collected and are waiting inside a research lab on the 12th floor."

"What about the device? Any other incidents."

"No sir, no problems since yesterday morning. And it’s devices."

Andrew stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her.

"Devices? There's more than one?"

"Yes sir, twenty in fact, and thankfully we've secured all of them for the science team to look at. But to be frank we have no clue what they are or what they do."

"Well, that's what we're here to find out, Sergeant. Twenty of them, huh? That changes things a little. If you will, take me to the one Pvt. Berfield came into contact with. I'd also like to speak with the other soldier that was in his company, Private First Class Sabbag, correct?"

"Yes sir, I'll take you down there straight away."

Before entering the building, Andrew looked for Bradford. He figured he would want his expertise on the matter.

"Councilor Bradford! Come here, I think you'll want to come take a look at this thing!" he yelled out.

Andrew saw that the three vehicles from the fort were ready to head back and the science team was now unloading the trucks and heading towards the building. Councilor Bradford, who had just heard Andrew's callout, was running towards Andrew. He was a little out of breath, more due to his excitement than the short running distance.

"Councilor Sawyer, what's the news? Is it still working? Did they find anything out?" asked Bradford.

"Calm down, son, we're about to take a look at this thing, come with us."

"Well, don't mind if I do!" he said with excitement.

"By the way Councilor." said Andrew, "There's more than one."

After that was said a giant smile stretched across Bradford's face.

"Sounds like a smashing good find, alright!" he said in glee.

The hallways of the upper floor we're quite busy as the four walked to the elevator. Soldiers going to and fro attending tasks that needed to be dealt with. Stacking the supplies they brought with them, establishing communications, and removing any sort of wreckage from within. As they made their way to the elevator, Sarah told them of their search of the facility.

"The place is a series of hallways on all but the last floor." said Sarah. "Each floor spans for at least over 700 yards. We also discovered empty food stores, an armory, and a vehicle service elevator about 50x50 meters in length. Looks like it was used to bring vehicles down to one of the devices. And I mean big ones."

"Any idea of who the previous operators were?" asked Andrew.

"No sir, most of the files are written in German, and we didn't have any native speakers in our unit, other than Berfield who spoke the basics, but he's still MIA. If I had to guess maybe it was a NATO outfit or one working for the Pre-war German government."

"Well lucky for you, I speak German. Five years of it, in fact. I should have no trouble cracking the mystery to this place." stated Bradford.

Sarah just raised an eyebrow at his statement. Less than three minutes in and she was already beginning to dislike Bradford. She was hoping he and the other scientists wouldn't be the epitome of the know-it-all science type, God knows she didn't want to deal with that. All they needed to do was get the damn thing that grabbed Tim working so she and the others could initiate a search and rescue op. She ignored her irritating thoughts and continued on with her findings.

"Anyways, the facility has thirteen labs, and ton of pre-war equipment. The armory in particular caught my eye."

"What did it have stowed away, Sergeant?" asked Andrew.

"Heavy duty gear, sir. Assaults rifles, machine guns, grenades, rocket launchers, all top of the line. Whoever owned this place was very capable of defending it. But strangest thing about this place, everything is in place. We found that this place was lacking in any trace of human presence."

"How so?"

"No bodies, no signs of any sort of struggle or disorder. In fact, most of the floors look like they've been undisturbed for quite some time."

"So what you're saying is that it looks like no one's even been here?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. It's like they just vanished."

The group finally reached the elevator, this time using the one on other side, which was much bigger compared to the one Tim and Achmed used. Sarah pressed the button for the 30th floor and down they descended, whilst resuming the conversation.

"You think it's possible they went through one of the devices?" asked Bradford.

"Maybe, how the hell should I know?" said Sarah. "We don't even know what the device does?"

"She's right, whatever happened to the people here before us isn't our concern." said Andrew. "What is our concern, is finding out what exactly this device does, locate and rescue our missing man , if he's still alive, and finding a way to use and preserve this technology simultaneously. Anything else comes second."

The elevator emitted a loud ding and the doors opened. The group walked down to the set of heavy doors, which were now fully open with the complete restoration of power. They passed the doors and entered the room.

"Here it is, the place where it all happened." said Sarah gesturing to it.

"God almighty." said Andrew.

"Bloody brilliant." said Bradford.

Andrew gazed upon it with eyes wide open, calling this place a room was an understatement. The room resembled more of an atrium, and the device in question was enormous compared to his previous expectations, standing in the center of the room and a good 30 feet off the ground. He didn't think it would be this big. Multiple Terminals and monitors were laid out across the room, and the sheer amount of cables and outlets gave the impression that bringing this thing back with them might be impossible. Other than themselves, four other men we're guarding the room. Andrew turned to Bradford.

"Bradford, get your team and all the equipment down here immediately, you'll be working here. Barkley go with him." said Andrew.

"Well, all right then." Bradford responded.

Bradford set down what he was carrying and was escorted by Barkley back topside, with Bradford walking with a little dance in his step. Andrew then turned to Ahab to give him orders.

"Corporal, take as many men as you need and get those assets from the twelfth floor and bring them down here."

"Can do, sir."

Sarah then approached Andrew.

"Anything I can do sir?" she asked.

"Yes, take me to Private Sabbag, I wish to speak with him."

"He's right over there, sir."

She pointed to a man who was currently sitting on the steps of the metal platform leading up to the device. Andrew got a good look at him. As his last name suggested, he was an Arabic man, very young with a light mustache. He wore a UCP digital jacket with KLMK camo pants and a dark blue beanie. Sarah and Andrew both walked up to him.

"Private First Class Sabbag?" asked Andrew.

Achmed looked up at him, and slowly stood up at attention.

"Sir." Achmed said sullenly.

Andrew had the inclination that Berfield's disappearance didn't go over well with him, just hearing his tone of voice gave it away.

"Son, I realize what happened troubles you, and you have my sympathies. I know first-hand what it's like to lose people you care about. But I need put that aside for right now, I need your help."

Achmed knew what he was about to be asked of him, the same question he's been getting from everyone for the last 36 hours. He tried avoiding it with his fellow soldiers, but the Commander in Chief was an entirely different story, he was expected to follow an order that was given to him. He let out a deep sigh of frustration.

"What do you need to know, sir?" he said as respectfully as he could.

The commander placed his hand on his shoulder.


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