• Published 17th Nov 2015
  • 13,119 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Ones From Beyond - Lordvessel

When Equestria is invaded by humanity, it's not out of greed or conquest, but out of desperation.

  • ...

Chapter 38: Premonitions

Author's Note:

So uhm, that was a long while.....
I know there may be a million questions pertaining to what happened and yeah, I left this one on the burner for longer than I anticipated and honestly I owe you all an explanation.

In short, I took a very long break. Life was getting in the way and my story about war and conflict was just kind of turning me into a pessimist irl so I just kind of dropped this for a bit while I got my head and affairs in order. A bit longer than I should have without so much as a peep but some things have certainly transpired in my absence. I got my own apartment, a new job I've been working the last two years, a cat who destroys all my shit, and I even started dating and began working on the foundations of my own graphic novel. Suffice to say a lot has happened and while I may have foregone updating this little fic, I did not forget about it.

With that said, my plan is to try and pick this up again but its not going to be in the magnitude or length you all were getting in the past. I just don't have the time to write 10,000+ word chapters regularly on a story with multiple perspectives, so my intent is to slim them down to maybe 3,000 at the highest and give you all doses of some more stuff and try to not dwell on the boring shit too much and get to the part you all have been wanting to see. I will try and update it regularly between my other project which if you're all interested I will give links but I am not here to plug in what I've been doing but am trying to finish what I started. That being said, if this throws my life out of whack in a way I don't like, I gotta do what's best for me and will indefinitely stop writing, but will open my story to be continued by whoever wants to. At the end of the day I cherish what I write, but its a fanfic I made during college and my original stuff will take priority.

Premonitions of the future of two that are at war now serve to tailor the path ahead. All that they fear will come to pass, and all that they dread will be surpassed in tragedy..................................

The evening sun was beginning its final descent by the time Twilight found time to meet with her friends, who they themselves had finished their duties. They had taken to gathering around a local bistro, one of the more popular ones in Canterlot. It was fairly quiet at this hour, and it seemed to fit the somber mood that had seemingly fell over the city as a whole. As she approached, Twilight could hear the drawl of Applejack's voice, no doubt discussing something of importance given the concerned tone it expressed.

"I have no idea what any of em' are thinkin'. How they're handlin' this whole situation, how Applebloom is reacting to all this."

"She's a strong kid, AJ." Rainbow assured her. "She'll get through it."

"I know, but I'm more worried about her safety. Them humans could come back, and if they're fixin' for a fight I don't have a doubt where they'll strike first!"

Twilight paused, as she watched Applejack practically break into tears in worry. This whole time Twilight had spent away from her friends left her in a state of guilt, as she began feeling as if her duties as Princess were superseding her duties as a close friend, and in way, they absolutely were. Alas, she'd be for them now. Twilight approached, her friends taking notice as they smiled at her arrival.

"Hey Twi'." Applejack said, doing her best to wipe away her tears.

"Hey guys." Twilight replied. "I'm guessing you all are holding up about as well as I am. But we'll get through this, we always do."

"I suppose so, but I think even you have to agree that this feels different, Twilight." Rainbow said, a hint of frustration in her tone.

"I know what you mean. We're so used to having the threat on our doorstep or directly on the way. But now it's unknowable, unpredictable when or if an attack will even come at all."

"Part of me says it won't, another part says it will." Fluttershy added.

"And it definitely will if everypony is so scared they don't want to sue for peace." Pinkie claimed. "Some of those senators seemed the stuffy type."

Speaking of which, how did the introductions go, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Well, I suppose." Twilight admitted. "Everypony we met was more or less the same, and I don't know if I could conclude what their stance will be. But I guess we'll find out tomorrow morning."

"Anypony in particular that could stir up trouble?" Spike asked. "One that happened to be a yellow unicorn with a fiery mane?"

"Don't even get me started on her." Rarity spat.

Twilight wasn't surprised from her friend's reactions, as the mare in question certainly didn't make her superiority and passive aggressive attitude a secret.

"Yes, I met Professor Shimmer during our introductions. She mentioned that you two delivered the Obelisk's head over to her."

"Yeah, and she was none too grateful upon receiving it. She immediately began wondering if we had damaged it in any way on our way over."

"As if I'd bring myself to touch that thing. I don't know what relationship the Princesses have with that mare, but I do hope she's essential in utilizing it for all the attitude she threw our way."

"She definitely struck me as the confrontational type." Twilight added. "But she is head of the Magical Sciences at the University. So if there's anypony who can figure a way to use it to defend ourselves it's her."

"No offense, but I don't see how a monster's head can help us in any way." Rainbow said.

"Kind of on board there, sugar cube. Ain't like we can just pop off that thick hide and use it as armor with just the one." Applejack concurred.

"Well that's why they're studying it. They very well could find a way to transmute the minerals in its hide and incorporate it into an armor." Twilight added.

"But they could also find nothing." Spike said.

"That is.......also true." Twilight added.

Prospects in general seemed to put Equestria's chances in a severe disadvantage, and while her friends around her could obviously see that, Twilight feared the upper echelons of society would be too detached or unfamiliar with the reality of the situation to see that. It had been centuries since a war was fought, and as much as Twilight hated to admit it, Equestria was in no position to be fighting one, as recent threats undoubtedly proved just how fragile the security could be. Ass that to a force that was technologically and tactically more advanced, and Twilight could only envision a defeat. The only advantage they had were numbers, and unfortunate that advantage alone would only prolong the conflict. No, there was only one option that could secure Equestria's survival.

"We have to make peace." Twilight finally said. "War would mean the end of Equestria as we know it."

"I agree, Twilight, but do you honestly think those in the Equestrian Senate will?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know Rainbow, but we'll wait and see. I do know they value the Princess' judgement greatly, and they could certainly look to her as their example." Twilight argued.

"But how many would see that as giving up, or at least giving in?" Applejack asked next. "Many ponies are fired up at what happened at the farm. Those humans killed a lot of us Twilight. Knowing folks, they'll want payback."

Twilight shook her head, almost glaring back at Applejack.

"Those ponies weren't there! If they want payback, they'll be slaughtered!"

Her friends nearly recoiled at the brutally honest nature of her statement. It took a second for Twilight to regain her composure.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want what happened to repeat itself across Equestria."

The others silently acknowledged her fears, as they were rightly something to be concerned about, coming to the same conclusions more or less. But it seemed they were dancing around the issue that Rainbow had been trying to hit home.

"I don't want a war either Twilight. But what do we do if we can't avoid it? We need a plan." Rainbow insisted.

Twilight knew that was true, but it was best to wait until a decision was made.

"We wait until the Congress comes to a decision. We plan ahead from there." Twilight stated. She then noticed that the moon had effectively risen into the night sky by now. It was getting late.

"I have a big day ahead of me, girls. I'm heading to bed." Twilight said.

"Whatever happens, Twilight. We're with you." Rarity insured.

The others nodded in agreement. Twilight nodded back before heading towards her chambers with Spike following behind, the anxiety in the back of her mind plaguing her every thought as she couldn't help but feel things were only going to get worse.

Nick didn't think the facility housing the portals couldn't have gotten any busier, but the arrival of Colonel Pan's 27th proved that assertion wrong. Nick knew there were units better outfitted in than the 3rd but some of the stuff the 27th were hauling seemed to make his own unit look like a rag tag operation in comparison. Camo was mostly uniform, with troops sporting nothing but m81 woodland and DPM patterns, with the occasional Russian Floral Pattern. The unit had been prepping topside, effectively turning the surrounding area into a staging area, ready to depart when the order was given. Then their were the arms they were packing. Nick had never seen them before now, some sort of gas-piston assault rifle with picatinny rail on top and wooden furniture. It was clearly a 5.56 assault rifle of sorts given the stanag magazines but the rifle itself seemed to take ques from a litany of platforms as some sported Grenade launchers akin of russian designs. The more Nick though about it, the more he realized that they were more than ready, seeing as they brought with them some of the best scouting equipment, vehicles, and gear that the world had made prior to the devastation the Conflict wrought upon it. Then there was the men that made up the company and they were certainly what he had expected. Gruff, mean looking, hardened and outfitted with light but practical kit, perfect for the wild overgrowth they were about to operate in for the next few months.

Nick and some of the others watched as an EBRC Jaguar passed them by when Lt Bakowski approached the group. Nick and the others immediately gave a salute, one which the LT returned.

"Getting a good look I see?" The Lieutenant said.

"You could say that." Said Richards. "These guys seem like proper commandos."

"Eh, they're not that impressive." Francis insinuated.

"They're so much better than us, mate. Just take the L." Richards argued.

The Lieutenant seemed amused by the banter, but it was clear that he didn't drop by just to listen in on conversation.

"The Colonel's unit has earned much prestige, but we may be garnering our own if Barkley's assignment goes well." Bakowski asserted.

All eyes rested on Nick and but all but the Lieutenant sported an amused grin.

"Yeah, Nick. You're gonna be our very own walking olive branch for peace with the first alien race man's made contact with. Y'know the one that killed Tim! No pressure." Francis teased.

As much as he hadn't wished it, it was true. Nick had been the one selected to accompany the envoy for peace with the natives of Echo, a task that while on paper seemed simple enough he feared would be turned on its head the minute he had to step through that damn portal again. Why the LT had chosen him of all the men in the unit was beyond him. But there was no refusing a direct order, nor escaping the jokes of amused squadmates.

"Yeah man, by the end of it you're gonna be famous! Just keep from shitting your pants the moment they light you up and you should be just fine." Nazif taunted.

"And when you die we'll build a statue of you in the act." Richards finished.

The present company seemed to get a kick out of that, much to Nick's annoyance. However it seemed the Lieutenant wasn't finding the mocking all that funny.

"Alright, enough of the jokes." Bakowski ordered. "Enough meandering as it is, break was over ten minutes ago, back to your posts. Barkley, if you could join me in my office, I'd like to discuss some things with you."

Nick was lees than enthusiastic that he got picked for this mission, and even more pissed that those in his unit were getting a kick out of it. He thought that maybe Tim's death would put a damper on the ball busting, but alas he should have known better. Nick Followed his CO to his office, where a young woman, donned in field fatigues and sporting a blue patch indicating that she was from the Science Branch was also in attendance. Bakowski then gestured for them both to sit before taking a seat himself behind his desk.

"Private Barkley, I would like to introduce you to Miss Hendricks." he said.

"Hello ma'am." Nick said sticking his hand out in a kind gesture, one which she responded with a smile.

"Finally, a militiaman with manners. And here I though the esteemed Lieutenant was the only one." she said jokingly.

Nick found her comment lifting his spirits slightly as she didn't seem to convey any ill-will with it, more of simply breaking the ice with a joke.

"What can I say, I'm a rare exception." Nick said in earnest. "I just wish you had someone more capable accompanying you."

"And what makes you think you're not capable, Barkley?" the Lieutenant asked.

"Well I mean, I'm not sure it's that much of a secret that I'm not the most prestigious or confident soldier here."

"But you are the most observant, and the most restrained when its needed."

That comment took it by surprise before Hendricks took the turn to speak.

"Mister Barkley, as much as your friends would love to be the tip of the spear that avenges your friend who was killed, the Council knows we don't have the capability to fight a sustained war, which is what we'll be getting if this peace initiative fails." she explained.

"While I am proud my unit can stand in a fight, that comes with the detriment of many of them having an extra itchy trigger finger, a trait you thankfully lack." the Lieutenant clarified.

At that moment it became clear to Barkley to why he was picked as he wasn't likely to pull an Achmed and start shooting the minute things went south. As the conversation continued, Barkley and in turn Miss Hendricks were given the details of how this was going to play out and what measures were in place to help ensure their safety. If all went well the call for peace would be graciously accepted and things could start to deescalate. If not, well Nick was very certain of just what purpose Colonel Pan's unit would be serving beyond "resource acquisition".

Ahab and Brooks were stalking the squad of Equestrian soldiers like ghosts, as it seemed the native troops were clueless that they were in fact being followed. The two were led deeper into the Castle ruins, through crumbling corridors and dusty junctions. Through cellars, dungeons, and secret passages, they were eventually led into a large open cavern, the walls illuminated by an unseen bright greenish-white glow.

Upon turning the corner of a nearby rock wall, the two stood in awe with wide-eyed faces at what they saw before them. Rooted into a large underground basin was something akin to a crystalline tree, the entirety of it glowing with a vibrant aura that seemed to emanate within its crystal structure. The trunk sported reliefs depicting the sun and moon, mirror-like disks hung in vibrant vines from the branches which in turn bore several gems, and at ts center, was strange almost unnatural star like growth.

"Okay, there's something you don't see everyday." Brooks said quietly.

"No shit." Ahab said as he reached around back for his trail camera.

Ahab took aim as he held still to get a good shot off, with Brooks curious as to whether this was worth trailing their enemy for.

"You really think it's that important?" Brooks asked.

"Hey, they're guarding it, which tells me all that I need." Ahab replied quickly as he took another snap.

Brooks more or less came to accept his comrade's answer, wondering what significant this strange tree held that could warrant military detail guarding it. It was then he heard something akin to a faint whisper.

"Why have you come?"

Brooks shot his head around. The faintness of the words made him wonder if it wasn't just the equestrian guards, as this cave would undoubtedly have made one's voice echo.

"What are you two?"

Brook suddenly had his rifle at the ready, warranting Ahab's attention.

"Dude, what's the matter with you?" Ahab asked, curious as to why his friend was so jumpy all of a sudden.

"Did you hear that?" Brooks asked frantically.

"Hear what?"

"That fucking voice! That's what!" Brooks shot back.

"Dude! Shut the hell up, you want them to know we're here?!" Ahab spat back.

Ahab darted his head back to the guards, and it seemed they were still none the wiser. Brooks was spooked, as he knew what he had heard. Someone or something was setting off alarms in his friend.

"Dude, it's just those schmucks talking by that crystal tree. Voices like to reverb in caves., you start jumping at every shadow and-" Ahab insisted.

"I know you're here. "

Now it was Ahab's turn to be paralyzed.

"You heard that too? Didn't you!?" Brooks asked. "Were we followed?"

Ahab looked to the guards, and they seemed as oblivious as before with no hint of change in their behavior. But he heard a voice, and it sounded faint, yet near.

"I don't think so. But we've officially overstayed our welcome. We got what we needed." Ahab insisted. "We make our way back to the woods and we steer clear of this place."

Brooks was eager to agree to that conclusion, and the two men made like bandits and began to quickly retrace their steps out of the ruins.

An hour or so had passed before Brooks and Ahab got their signal back to HQ, and the two scouts wasted no time in relaying what they found.

"So you two believe this is a prime target of importance?" Colonel Pan asked.

"*Confidently, sir. They saw fit to assign a unit in protecting it.*" Ahab reassured the Colonel.

Pan was uncertain whether this tiny force guarding some tree far from the natives settlement indicated something needing guarding, or some asinine decision making to safeguard something of sentimental value. Nevertheless, it warranted investigating once his unit got the green light to engage to enemy. Despite only a second hand knowledge of the events that had unfolded days prior, every bone in his body told him that war with these aliens was coming, and that it would be the one that determines man's fate. With that hunch embedded so deeply, Pan would take no chances.

"Very well, mark it for us when we rendezvous, Corporal." Pan ordered.

"*Yes sir.*" Ahab relayed.

And with that the comm feed went dead, and Pan walked away from the console at the head of his unit, standing at the the ready as they awaited the portal's activation. Behind them stood a fleet of vehicles ready to perform the task assigned of them.

"And so it begins." He said to himself as he readied his weapon and led his unit through the unknown.

Comments ( 24 )


I fucking stand corrected. He's alive.


I’m so happy… let’s all get takeout to celebrate!


Hurray this story continues! Glad you have the perseverance to continue a story that I unfortunately do not.

Your back! I'm honestly so glad dude! Xd
I admit after 2 years I didn't think I'd ever hear from you again, that didn't stop me from hoping for your return thou. I figured it was irl stuff, certainly has been a lot that's happened in the last 2 years. The pandemic, the war in Europe, and so on. How are things with you? Did you get through the pandemic alright?
Again I'm just glad to hear from ya, I perfectly understand that real life comes first and have no issues with small chapters. Xd
I would really like to see 'you' finish this story bro, cause I don't think anyone could match your tone and quality writing of 'your' story. It will sadden me but if leaving this story is what you think is best, I shall support it. 👍
Happy to say, Welcome Back Bro! :heart:


I’m so glad your back I love this story for how realistic it was in its portrayal of its characters and tactics in fact I love it so much I made a list of all the characters that appear in it anyway I’m so glad your black and more importantly ok

Fuck yah your back!

Fuck yeah!!!!

A tip for future, try making shorter paragraphs, it's easier for the eyes and is read faster actualy.

Hello, are you going to continue this?

I missed this somehow… Finally got around to reading it trough…

On a more personal note: I hope your situation improves. Life can suck at times but it always gets better eventually…

I was looking for a certain story i had in my tracking and saw this, thought of checking out the comments, and noticed that there was an update i did not get. And also youre here, and we found it about at the same time.

Coincidence or faith? No matter what you chose it’s nice to run into you again…

I chalk it up to good taste. Bright minds think alike.

Octover 4 of 2023, I declare this story as DEAD

I guess it is 😢

Anyone willing to try their hand at the concept?

I wish I could. But I never wrote a story before

I think I can, I have experience in writing stories, but I'm not sure I can do it myself.

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