• Published 16th Nov 2015
  • 1,276 Views, 106 Comments

Lily Mare Do Well - Hyper44

After getting her super strength, Lily (not fully intending to) becomes the new Mare Do Well.

  • ...

Villains And Monsters Not So Imaginary

In short order Lily was in full costume and running around the castle as she fought imaginary foes. There was so little activity near the side of the town that faced her chosen play area that she dared venture beside the castle and even run in front of it.

Prickles played with her for a while before he burrowed his way under a stump where he could munch on some tasty roots. Lily played on. Thinking that the castle was empty she chased her foe around the castle base in an arch that would lead her past the entrance. She was just about to cross the path when she heard the doors swing open. Lily skidded to a stop like a deer caught in headlights and turned to look. The six elements of harmony came walking out and chatting so excitedly that they didn't notice Lily at first. She didn't have time to escape though.

"Oh my goodness, Look!" It was Fluttershy who was pointing Liy out.

"Awww, that is so cute," Twilight replied waiving to Lily who could think of nothing else to do but waive back.

"Looks like Mare Do Well has come back to save the day," Rainbow Dash commented nudging Pinkie Pie.

"I thought everypony had forgotten about that," Said Spike who was riding on Twilight's back.

"Sadly the pony who made the costumes for Nightmare Night never did quite do it justice," Rarity commented. "Don't worry darling, when we return you come see me and I'll fix up that costume for you," She told Lily. "What's your name dear?" Lily turned pale beneath the mask.

"That is mighty cute but come on ya'll. Our families are awaitn' on us and not ta mention the train," AppleJack interrupted. "We're late as it is."

"Oh, right."

"Great choice of costume though," Pinkie Pie said with a knowing grin that she shot at the others.

"You take care of Ponyville until we get back." Rainbow Dash called over her shoulder.

Lily waived back as they headed into Ponyville. She had forgotten that the six elements of harmony were leaving to attend a party in the Crystal Kingdom. Candace and her husband had arranged a party to celebrate their accomplishments and there were a lot. They are all bringing their families. Rainbow Dash was taking Scootaloo since she was an honorary sister and also so she wouldn’t be the only Cutie Mark Crusader left behind.

Lily had remembered her mother telling her about it and asking if she wanted to come along to see them off. Most of the town would be there. That would explain the lack of ponies on this side of Ponyville. She had planned to go but then she had forgotten when distracted by her Mare Do Well costume. She wasn’t surprised that they had liked her costume. According the pony who ran the hot air balloon service they were big fans. She claimed to see three of them wearing costumes once. It was the day that Ponyville had held a celebration in her honor. If they had bought costumes, they had to be fans.

Lily climbed up a tree to get a look. She could just see over the buildings enough to glimpse the crowd on the other side of the town. She could see the smoke stack of the train standing over the rooftops. It idled for a while and when she heard a cheer from the crowd carried across Ponyville the smoke stack began to move. Lily watched as it headed down the track until it was nearly lost from sight. Getting bored Lily made her way back down and continued her game. The valent Mare Do Well circled around the castle with new ideas to add to her game. Then Lily heard the distressed snuffling of Prickles who had gotten himself stuck beneath the stump. Lily raced over and pulled the stump out of the ground with the same ease she would use to pick a flower.

"A-Ha!" Lily held Prickles up in one hoof as she held the stump in the other. "Another helpless creature saved by Mare Do Well!"

Prickles looked down at her, shrugged then pulled a piece of root off his spine and began munching away.

Lily put Prickles on her back and dropped the stump to point at the empty space in front of her. "Now to save the helpless crystal mare from the evil King Sombra's trap!"


The very real scream took Lily completely off guard. She froze and blinked at the empty patch of ground with her hoof still pointing. Then more screams echoed out of Ponyville followed by an explosion. Lily stared fear and disbelief at the buildings as the screaming continued. Then her mind was jolted into action as the image of her family flashed across her mind. Her legs were racing towards Ponyville before she realized what she was doing. The only thing that she could think about was her bother, her sister, her mom and dad. They were not at home but had been out for the sendoff. That would put them right in the middle of whatever was going on. Prickles reattached the root to his spines and held on tight to her mane.

With her ears flattened back Lily raced with all she was worth towards those screams. Her cape flapped in the wind behind her as her blue clad hoofs pounded on the path. She quickly passed ponies who were running in the opposite direction. She never saw them spin around as after she passed to stare wide eyed at her.

"Mare Do Well," One breathed. "Mare Do Well is back! Though..is she smaller?"

Lily never heard him over the screams and as she rounded a turn she saw the reason for the crys. At the sight of it Lily's legs locked up and she skidded to a stop so sharply that she fell into a sitting position. It was some armless monstrosity that walked on two legs like a chicken but was in no way cute or funny. Each foot had claws longer than her legs. It’s face was nothing more than a huge mandible like beak. It consisted of one huge beak shaped upper jaw with three part mandibles underneath that acted as a lower jaw. All of them were sharp and so hard looking that it would not be a surprise if it could bite through a tree. It didn't help that it was large enough to fit her inside of its mouth. Its hide was like that of a dragons’ and it’s back was covered in spikes. Worst of all was that though it stared straight at her the thing seemed to have no eyes.

The thing paused when it "spotted" Lily and began stalking her. Prickles squealed and ran up the back of her neck to hide beneath her hat. When it suddenly spat a burst of energy at her Lily snapped out of it. She jumped aside and it struck the building behind her. It spat another then another leaving Lily jumping left and right. It finally released an ear splitting shriek and charged at her. Lily spun around and bucked with all her might. The monster flew backwards and crashed through a wall.

Lily stood there staring after it wide eyed as her legs shook beneath her. Even with having super strength Lily had never truly been in a fight before.

"It's Mare Do Well!"

"Mare Do Well has returned!...She's smaller than I remember. Does she look smaller to you?"

Lily turned just now noticing the ponies behind her. In her panic she had almost forgotten that she was wearing her costume.
A scream up ahead alerted her that this was not over. She raced towards it with the ponies cheering her on. If they could have seen the look on her face though they would know that she would have loved to have the luxury of running away now.

Lily raced to the new street to find an even stranger sight. Serval ponies were trapped inside magical bubbles and were pounding on it in vain. Other ponies were either running or standing next to a trapped pony too terrified to do anything but not able to leave their loved one. Two monsters stood in the street spitting the burst of energy at the ponies. When it hit on one it would turn into a bubble and trap them inside.

Lily had no idea how her super strength would affect magic but she couldn’t think of anything else to try. Lily raced up started punching them will all her might. They exploded with a loud pop and vanished. The freed ponies scrambled out of the way and the monstrous things turned their eyeless faces towards Lily. Just like the other they began spitting blast of magic at her Lily dodged most of them but when one did hit its mark a hard buck took care of it.

With a snarl they raced towards her. Lily grabbed the first one by the jaws and slung it into its companion. They collided with a meaty crash and were sent rolling across the street. Dazed one raised its head and spat a burst of energy at her. More out of curiosity Lily tried catching the wad of magic. To her surprise she was able to snag it out of the air. It was vibrating so hard that it felt like her bones would raddle. It felt like holding cold fire that had a semi-firm substance. It felt like it had an extreme temperature but she could not tell if it was hot or cold. Unable to hold it for more than a few seconds Lily threw it back at them. The two monsters were instantly encased in their own magic.

With growing confidence, she raced towards the main focal point of the commotion. She pulled up short when she saw a unicorn directing five more of the monsters towards the town square. Then he lit up his horn and sent a blast of magic to the already damaged town hall that was looming over the buildings.

"Hey!" Lily yelled as he prepared to send another. He spun around to look at her and his eyes made her cringe. Lily couldn’t quite name it but there was just something wrong with that unicorn. Seriously wrong. As was as if there was a cloud of darkness resonating off him. Lily quickly stood up on her hind legs and raised her fore hoofs into a fighting stance.

"Awww. Is the widdle foal gonna’ fight the big bad unicorn," He mocked as he walked casually towards her. "You 've even got your widdle costume on. Are you going to be a super hero and save your widdle town from the big bad ponies and their monsters?" He stopped in front of her and leered down at the filly. "I'll let you make the first move. Go ahead, give it your best shot."

Lily did. She grabbed him by the mane slung him around over her head like a sling and then let go. Whatever he tried to say quickly turned into screams as he hurtled over the buildings and out of Ponyville.

Lily paid little attention to him as he hurtled away and raced around the building to where she could see a pegasus taking to the air. Like the unicorn there was just something off about him. He stopped and hover above the damaged town hall. The roof was hanging lopsided and the broken off doors lay on the dirt path.

In the street below the pegasus remaining five monsters had the mayor and other prominent members of Ponyville cornered. The ground was covered in trampled confetti and the huge banner that had been hug in front of the town hall was laying dirtied on the ground. The pegasus hovered above it all with an evil leer on his face.

"Finally! We waited for a while for your six little defenders to all leave," He announced. "Now we have our chance.”

"What do you want with us?" Mayor Mare called up to him.

"I don't want anything to do with you," The pegasus laughed. "We've been hired to kidnap every member of Ponyville that we can. Someone wants to ensure that a certain six ponies do not get in their way when they make their move." The pegasus scratched his chin and looked over Ponyville. "Sadly for you they also want us to destroy this little town too." To his surprise his remark was met by cheering. "Did you not hear me ri-"He started to yell before he saw what was going on below. He stared down, stunned at the sight. His monsters were gone and a foal sized pony wearing a costume had a wriggling mass wrapped in the banner that he had torn down. She was spinning it above her head and quickly released it. The huge fabric banner hurtled out away from Ponyville where it split open above the Everfree and rained monsters down on the trees.

The pegasus stared slack jawed at the sight a moment before recovering. "You little-" A well-aimed door from the town hall collided into his stomach sending the pegasus hurtling away in the direction of his monsters.

Now Lily found herself alone with the mayor and other ponies who all had their eyes on her. For a moment silence hung over the town. Then they burst into cheers. Lily felt her face blushing at first but soon she felt she chest puff out. More ponies were coming out of hiding and quickly joined the cheering. Lily couldn’t believe it. She had actually saved Ponyville. She was living her dream. But…now what? What do you do when the bad guys are gone?

A loud creak and snapping of wood jolted her out of her thoughts. Lily looked up to see the supports for town hall’s roof giving away. With a groan the top of the building fell. Ponies ran while Lily raced over and caught it before it hit the ground. Ponies cheered even louder and Lily felt her chest puff out so much she thought that it would burst. Wanting to impress the crowd more she looked up at the top of town hall. Last time the hall was damaged like this they lifted the roof on top and reconnected it. That took so many pegasi but she could surly get it up there.

Judging the distance Lily bent her knees beneath her and leapt, throwing the roof upwards. The roof soared upwards right over the top of town hall and crashed to the ground on the other side where the intact roof splintered into pieces.

Now Lily’s face was as red as a beet under her mask. She quickly waived to the ponies who were just staring at her now and then ran away as fast as her legs would carry her.

“A-hem,” Mayor Mare started finally as the small figure faded into the distance, “I dub this hero Little Mare Do Well. Though so small she has done well by the citizens of Ponyville, not the town hall but I’ll let that go."

Author's Note:

Kudos to you if you know what the design the monsters are based off of. If you do, don't worry nopony is going to get eaten. This version just captures.
I wanted a new monster for this and while deciding I saw a trailer for another one of those movies and the idea stuck.