• Published 16th Nov 2015
  • 1,276 Views, 106 Comments

Lily Mare Do Well - Hyper44

After getting her super strength, Lily (not fully intending to) becomes the new Mare Do Well.

  • ...

The Wurm

As the Ponies fled in and behind buildings the massive beast turned to look at the trapped monsters. Shrinking back into the ground almost up to its head the beast, a tatzelwurm sprang out of the ground and into the air. It soured above the buildings and came back down curling into massive coils. It slammed its body down on the magical bubble popping it with ease. The impact of the tatzelwurm hitting the ground echoed across Ponyville. It was still echoing as it dove back into the ground and headed towards the third trapped beast.

* * *

"I never really even had to get used to having super strength," Lily told Granny Crumpet. "It never feels any different when I pick up small things that I always could and with huge objects I always have whatever amount of force I need and intend to use. Huge things just feel like they have little weight."

"Sounds like a pretty good spell," Mrs. Crumpet replied. "I have never heard of a mini dragon before. They must be-" Screams of a crowd coming from across Ponyville cut them off. It was quickly followed the sound of a massive impact that they both heard and felt through vibrations reverberating through the ground.

"Better go get your costume." Granny Crumpet said before taking another calm sip of her tea.

Lily leapt out of her seat so fast it flipped over. Prickles leapt onto her mane as she took off to her house. As Lily scrambled into her room she realized one of the biggest problems that superheroes faced. Getting one's costume on in time. Anything could happen in any second making every moment precious. Thankfully though, after getting tangled for a second Lily managed to get her costume on it record time. She threw her hat on over Prickles who was perched between her ears and raced out the front door. Granny Crumpet was standing in the street waiting for her.

"Don't forget this!" She called and lit up her horn. A ball of light shot from her horn and collided into Lily.

"Forget wha-woah!" Lily's voice came out strong and bold making her sound more like an adult mare.

"Thank you!" Lily called over her shoulder in her new voice.

"It will last just over an hour," Granny Crumpet called after her but wasn’t sure if the filly had heard.

Lily hadn’t. She was too focused on her goal. She raced with all speed towards the commotion. She could hear panicked ponies screaming and running. Just like before she felt fear building up in her but she gritted her teeth and tried to run even faster. Soon ponies were passing her in their flight and spinning around to cheer as they spotted her. Lily took a deep breath and shouted out in her new voice.

"I am the terror that gallops in the night! I am the burr beanth your saddle! I am Mare Do Well."

A few rows of buildings away Ponies heard and cheered. The tatzelwurm heard and quietly sank back underground, collapsing the hole back over itself.

As Lily raced closer she dearly wished that she wasn’t so short and could hop up on the buildings. No point in whishing though. Lily rounded the corner of the last building and onto the scene. She saw ponies hiding in buildings, scrambling behind carts and booths as well as a few climbing up the sides of buildings. The earth all over the street was badly disturbed for some reason and the three monsters were loose in the streets.

"How did you get out?" Lily asked aloud. There was no time to pounder though. The second the three beasts noticed her somehow despite their lack of eyes they shrieked and charged. Lily raced forward to meet them head on. The onlookers cheered as the monsters and hero charged into battle. At the last second Lily dropped to the ground skidding forward and suddenly lept upwards. She head-butted the first monster and sent it reeling back into the others. I flopped to the ground in a daze as the other two stumbled back. Then it did just what Lily hoped for. It spat a ball of energy. It would have shot over her head but Lily leapt up, struck it in midair and sent it hurling back at the monsters. All three were encased instantly. Lily swore that she saw the other two giving the first what had to be a dirty look for their species.

Cheers exploded from the crowd of ponies and Lily waived back. The cheers were suddenly cut short by a deep rumble. Ponies began to scramble again as Lily looked around in confusion. Lightning fast three black tentacles shot out of the ground and wrapped around her middle. In the next second Lily vanished beanth the ground. The crowd of ponies froze and gasped in horror. Then suddenly a hoof burst from under the earth. It slammed down on the ground as a second hoof burst up from below. In a little explosion of dirt Ponyville’s Little Mare Do Well's head popped up. The residents cheered as she yanked the rest of herself out of the ground along with the tatzelwurm’s head. Gritting her teeth Lily took strong purposeful steps, struggling against the soft ground as the worm fought to drag her back down. Foot by foot the tatzelwurm was drug above ground as the two titans pulled. The worm suddenly let go and lunged at her pulling the rest of its body above ground. Lily spun around and grabbed it by the tentacles as she dove aside. She drug the squirming monster with her as she ran. With a mighty heave she slung the massive beast over the buildings to fly back into the Everfree.

Panting Lily turned back towards the citizens of Ponyville. "I feel I as denied critical, need to know information." Lily stated indignantly. Staring at their red faces was short lived as a hissing scream sounded above Ponyville. Lily looked up to see the tatzelwurm twisting itself in the air in order to control its flight. Instead of landing in the Everfree forest it slammed down just outside Ponyville and burrowed beneath the earth. A growing rumble could be heard at increasing audibility as it hastily tunneled back towards Lily.

"Get up on the roofs! Up on the roofs!" Lily yelled as she charged down the streets towards the approaching underground monster. Blue clad hoof pounded the ground as she raced towards the worm. She had to get this thing out of Ponyville before it destroyed buildings or hurt somepony but how? She had super strength but this thing was HUGE! One bite and she would be gone. Not only that she felt like she was near the limits of her strength when she had to play tug of war with it.

On the other side of the town buildings shook and dust billowed up around the foundations as the beast burrowed beanth them. It could hear her pounding hoofs echoing through the ground and aimed straight towards the sound.

Soon Lily could see the huge lump that was the burrowing monster coming right at her. "Oh, dear." Lily breathed but kept charging with her little heart pounding hard in her chest. Distance was closed fast and Lily leapt aside as it burst from the ground. It flew past her in a blur and Lily had to duck its trashing tail. It began to burrow right back into the ground the second it's head hit the dirt.

Rumbles echoed through Ponyville as it circled back around. Lily gritted her teeth knowing what was coming. A huge lump of dirt came chasing after her. She leapt aside again as the beast burst forth and this time it tried to twist its head towards the direction that she darted. It lunged a third time and Lily escaped by a hair.

Suddenly all was quite. An eerie dangerous quiet. Lily looked in every direction but she saw not moving hills of dirt flying at her nor puffs of dust. She could feel her own heart pounding, sounding so loud now and she could feel prickles clutching her mane under her hat. Slowly Lily began walking across the ground constantly looking in every direction. suddenly she felt a shift in the ground under her and leapt aside a second before the Tatzelwurm’s head burst out of the ground. Its jaws snapped shut on empty air. It glared at her then vanished beneath the ground to try again. Lily retreated and tried ducking down many alley ways to throw it off so she could take it by surprise. No matter what she did though it always knew where she was.

Lily stayed ahead of it for a time but suddenly the ground opened up beneath her as the monster struck just ahead of her instead of aiming directly for her. She found herself bracing her hoofs against it's jaws as the beast struggled to close them.

"Now what?" Lily thought as the Tatzelwurm swung its head around above the buildings as Lily kept its jaws open. Then she felt Prickles shift his position between her ears. Keeping one hoof braced firmly against a jaw Lily flipped off her hat and head butted the inside of the jaw above her with Prickles still clinging to her hair. Sharp spines hit the soft tissue and the beast let out a roar that made Lily's ears ring. It also dropped her to the ground. Lily took off running the second she hit the earth while the beast angrily swung its head around. She flipped her hair back over Prickles who was pointing at the beast and laughing.

The tatzelwurm glared at Lily with a snarl then dove back beanth the ground. Lily didn't have to look back. She heard the rumble as it gave chase. She wasn’t sure what to do but she had to get off the ground. She didn't know how for there was no way that it could see underground but it never lost track of her.

Up ahead she spotted a stack of hay next to a building. Perfect! She leapt up the hay bales using them as steps to the roof. Just as she jumped off the last bale the stack exploded as the beast struck. Still in midair Lily was blasted with straw before she landed safely on the roof. For a moment all was silent. Then the building gave a mighty groan and shuttered as the tatzelwurm began to demolish the building from below.

Lily took off running across the building gaining every bit of momentum that she could. Nearing the ledge, she leapt onto the next building in the row. Seconds later the first building stopped shaking and the tatzelwurm started attacking the one she was on.

"How is it doing that?!" Lily growled and took off running again. She leapt to the third building and once again the monster attacked it. Lily looked at the remaining buildings in the row. There were only two left until she would be out of Ponyville and there was no way she could jump all the way across the street. Before the building collapsed she took another running leap onto the second to the last rooftop. The tatzelwurm followed her.

Lily paced on the roof as she tried to think of something. Just one more roof within leaping distance and she would be back on the ground. What to do? She heard a clatter and ran to the edge. A few boards had come loose and bounced off the side of the building before they hit the ground. The building suddenly stopped shaking and the tatzelwurm’s head burst from the ground and grabbed the wood. It quickly spat the wood out and rolled it's eyes up to look at Lily. Then it dove back underground and reattacked the building. It never knew that beneath the mask Lily smiled. She now knew how it always found her. She also knew how to take it by surprise. Lily backed up as the roof beanth her shook. It could hear her every step. This was how it had honed in on her after she had thrown it out. She was the only pony that would be running to meet it and it had tracked her hoof falls just as it was tracking her now. This was how it never lost track of her as she ran through the alleys. It could hear her every step. It could hear her jumping from roof to roof.

Lily took off running and leapt to the next roof top. She soared over the alley and landed with a thud on the building. Instantly the tatzelwurm left off attacking the building that she had left and went for the one she was on. Lily ran to the edge of the building. Just outside Ponyville were the trash carts right where the trash collectors left them. Not far but outside the town because of the smell. Lily ripped a chunk of the roof up and took aim.

Underground the tatzelwurm was tearing apart the foundations. Not as fast as it could but more in a manner of playing with its target. It suddenly heard a loud thud and then the sound of cart wheels creaking across the ground. It instantly left off the building and charged the slow moving cart. It burst from the ground crunching the cart in its jaws. It chewed a moment but then spat it out as it realized that it had no pony in it. The tatzelwurm started to turn around but too late. It never saw Lily wielding another cart until she broke it over its head. While it was still reeling Lily threw another. It hit the beast dead on and the great tatzelwurm collapsed out cold on the ground.

Lily wasted no time. She raced over and pulled it the rest of the way out of the ground. She ran towards the nearest tree tied it around it, ripped the tree out of the ground and threw it into the Everfree hoping dearly that it would not ever come back Then she collapsed panting as a cheer echoed out from the center of Ponyville as the citizens saw the monster flying off. Thankfully most of them had been in and around the center of Ponyville keeping them safe from being harmed in the battle. This also meant that she could also give herself a rest before she took off and removed her costume.

"Wow," An unexpected voice spoke up. Lily turned to see a nerdy looking pony standing at the edge of Ponyville. He had orange hair and large glasses. "You sure put a whole new shine on the word overkill."
Lily narrowed her eyes though the expression was lost with the mask. "When you need it and don't have it, you sing a different tune."

"Oh, ok. Can I have your autograph?" He asked producing a paper and quill.

Lily sighed and quickly singed the paper having to catch herself before she wrote down 'Lily'. Then she nodded before taking off and heading for Granny Crumpet’s house.