• Published 26th Nov 2015
  • 2,548 Views, 99 Comments

Summer In Cloudsdale - Marli_Lin

Rainbow Dash initially did not expect to meet with the famous singer Soarin, After that Dash become his girlfriend in media. Rainbow Dash hope she not regret her decision.

  • ...

Chapter 10

It was already the tenth time Ben saw Soarin on the phone. Soarin's work schedule today was quite solid, but Ben always saw him calling whenever he had free time. Without the need to ask, Ben knew who Soarin was calling.
"Soarin, how long are you going to keep calling? You’re going to appear soon,” said Ben, patting his back.
Soarin who was sitting in a swivel chair with legs stretched and snapped the phone shut. "Oh, Ben."
"What’s wrong? Why is your face so tangled?"
"She’s not at home," said Soarin as if he were talking to himself.
Ben pretended not to know who Soarin is talking about. "Who?"
Soarin sighed. "Nope. Forget it, nothing."
"You should get ready," he reminded Soarin once again.
This time Soarin turned to him and asked, "Ben, after this, I don’t have anything on my schedule, right?"
Dash had just entered the house when she heard the house phone rang. She closed the door and put the keys on the table. Should she answer it or not? However, this is Soarin’s house and she can not be arbitrary answered. Finally, she let the answering machine receives.
"If you are in the house, please pick up the phone."
Dash was shocked to hear the sound of Soarin’s voice in the machine. She quickly picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"Finally, you answered it. I've been trying to reach you earlier." Soarin's voice sounded a bit irritated.
Dash glanced at her watch. "Oh, I didn’t realize it was afternoon. What is it? Is there something I should do?"
"Not really."
"So what?"
"Just wanted to know how you were."
Dash smiled to herself. "I am fine. Now, where are you? "
"On the road. I'll be home soon."
"Mmm, you want me make dinner?" Dash asked while pondering. "I can’t cook, but I can make something to eat or ..."
She heard Soarin laughing on the other side. "I'm not brave enough to try the cuisine of someone who said they can’t cook."
"I just wanted to thank you," Dash protested.
"Please, you don’t need to. We’ll eat out. My treat. "
"Eat out? Are you serious? Do you want people to see us? "
"What? Didn’t reporters already know who you were yesterday?"
Dash mused. Really, it just happened yesterday? Why does seem like so long ago?
"Soon your face will be clearly displayed in the tabloids. What else could be hidden? All of Cloudsdale will know you are my girlfriend. Am I not allowed to have dinner with my girlfriend?"
Dash felt her heart stop and breath bated. What happened to her?
"Hello? Dash, are you still there? "
Dash snapped. "Yes ... yes."
"Well, I’m hanging up."
Dash slowly put down the phone. What happen to her? When Soarin said ...
Dash patted her cheeks with both hands. "Dash, come to your senses," she said to herself. "There are a lot more important things to think about."
"Soarin, you seriously want to eat here?" Dash knew her voice sounded worried.
She and Soarin were in an elevator that would take them to the top floor of the hotel building. After learning Soarin would take her to dinner at a luxury hotel restaurant, she couldn’t suppress her anxiety.
"What?" asked Soarin, without looking at Dash.
Dash spread her hands. "Look at my clothes. I can’t go to that restaurant. I could be driven away." She was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and long jeans belonging to Spitfire.
"Who would dare to throw you out?" asked Soarin. "There is nothing wrong with your clothes. Come on."
The elevator doors opened, and without waiting for any further comments, Soarin stepped out, pulling Dash's hand. They went into the restaurant and were immediately greeted one of the waiters who directly delivered them to a table for two near the large glass windows. The restaurant was fairly quiet, and the lights were dimmed to create a romantic atmosphere. In addition to the sounds of conversation, the soothing sounds of jazz were also heard. Not many guests were visible and it wasn’t surprising. Surely, only those from the high class could eat at a place like this.
"Wow, it’s nice," Dash muttered excitedly when she looked out the window. The nighttime view of Cloudsdale from this height was amazing. "We're on what floor?"
"Ah, I forgot," said Soarin suddenly.
Dash turned to him with a view of wonder.
"You wait here. I have to get something," said Soarin, getting up from chair.
"Okay. Don’t take too long," said Dash. Then she went back to admire the twinkling lights of Cloudsdale City down below.
A few minutes passed, and Soarin still hadn’t returned. Dash sighed and looked around the room. Finally, she got up and walked to the restroom. As Dash was walking back to her table, she heard someone call her name. Dash turned to follow the source of the sound and saw a beautiful woman waving at her with a grin. Dash immediately felt uneasy at the sight of her. Her feelings grew even greater as she stepped to approach her.
"Well, Rainbow Dash. How are you? I didn’t expect to see you here," says the woman amiably. To Dash, her friendliness seemed far-fetched, and so did her smile.
Dash just smiled faintly. "How are you, Dust? Long time no see."
Lightning Dust said, "Thunderlane will be here any minute. You're alone?" But without waiting for a reply, Dust continued, "By the chance I met you, I want to talk. "
Dash silently stood still, waiting for the next words.
Dust stared deeply. "I've heard about the burning apartment from Thunderlane. I'm glad you're safe, but I'm a little worried about Thunderlane. "
Dash eyebrows raised in surprise. What is she talking about?
"I don’t like speaking to you, so I'll just get to the point. I saw Thunderlane in dismay due to what had happened to you. Yet he doesn’t need to bother, because you are fine. Yes, right? However, your relationship has long ended. Your problems shouldn’t matter to him anymore."
Dash smiled bitterly. "Dust-"
"Oh, Dash."
Dash turned and saw Thunderlane walk toward them. She sighed and wondered why the couple had to come to this place at the same time as her.
"You're okay, right?" asked Thunderlane, examining Dash from top to bottom. Dash felt uncomfortable, and the sharp glare Dust gave him added to her discomfort.
"You see, she is okay," interrupted Dust, slipping her arm through Thunderlane’s. "Right, Dash?"
Dash grimaced. "Yes, as you can see."
"Where do you live now?" asked Thunderlane again, and Dash saw Dust's face immediately change.
"At a friend's house," said Dash.
"Okay, you're alone? How about joining us?" said Thunderlane to change the subject.
Gosh. Did the two of them seriously think she was so desperate that she decided to come to a restaurant as fancy as this alone?
Dust pulled Thunderlane's arm and quickly interrupted, "Dash said she was waiting for her friend. Her friend will probably feel uncomfortable if we asked them to join us, because they don’t know us."
Dash wanted to laugh out loud at the attitude of Dust who looked like a five-year-old child who would not give up her favorite teddy bear. When did she ever tell Dust she was waiting for someone? But surprisingly, she guessed correctly. She indeed was waiting for Soarin.
"Sorry, did you have to wait long?"
Dash and the two people standing in front of her simultaneously turned toward the source of the sound. Soarin approached, smiling broadly with his hands behind his back. Dash heard Dust’s breath jolt. There was a small sense of satisfaction in Dash’s heart when she saw that Soarin appeared, which was even more supported by the fact that Soarin was a famous singer.
"Have you been waiting too long?" asked Soarin once again, looking straight towards Dash, ignoring the two people who are nearby.
"Oh, no. You didn’t take too long," replied Dash somewhat dazed.
"I left to buy this for you," said Soarin.
Dash was amazed to see a large bouquet of red roses offered in her direction.
After receiving interest in his offer, Soarin seemed to realize the presence of the two other people staring at them. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn’t see you before. How are you? Are you Dash’s friends?"
Dash saw Dust's eyes flash, her gaze fixed intently on Soarin. "You’re Soarin, aren’t you?" she asked eagerly.
"Yes," Soarin said in a friendly manner, "and today I plan to enjoy a romantic dinner." He then held Dash’s hand and shoulder.
Dash looked at Soarin with a startled gaze. Then she looked at the two confused people in front of her.
"It looks like you both also want to enjoy a romantic dinner," Soarin proceeded with the same friendly tone as before. "We won’t bother you any longer. Nice to meet you both."
After saying that, while still embracing Dash’s shoulders, Soarin led her back to their table.
"Thank you for the roses," Dash said when they sat down again. She looked at the flowers given by Soarin happily.
"You like it?"
"Yeah. I love it." Dash looked at Soarin, smiling. "Do you often give flowers to women?"
He just grinned. "You think so?"
"By the way, what day is today?"
"We’re eating in a fancy restaurant, and then these roses." Dash looked at Soarin, trying to remember. "Today's your birthday?"
Soarin laughed. "If today was my birthday, why did I give you flowers? Shouldn’t I have been the one who got the present?"
Dash wondered again. "You got signatures for new contracts or something?"
"Not really."
"So what?"
Soarin grinning. "You’ll find out later."
Dash tilted her head, then shrugged.
"So, that guy is your ex-boyfriend?" asked Soarin carefully.
Dash sighed. "Mm, and the other person is his girlfriend."
Soarin looked at her. "You want us to go somewhere else?"
Dash laughed. "What for?"
Soarin still looked unconvinced.
"It's okay," Dash said soothingly. "It’s fine, I still have you who accompanied me here, right?"
Soarin smiles. "Yes, I'm here. Well, what do you want to eat? "
Thunderlane did not enjoy his dinner. He kept glancing toward the table Rainbow Dash and Soarin Skies were at. He hoped that she would turn towards him, but in fact Dash did not glance at him at all. She was chatting and laughing happily with Soarin. Of course, Thunderlane had read about Soarin’s relationship with Dash, but at that time he still didn’t want to believe it. Today, he actually saw them with his own eyes and what was as written in the tabloids was indeed true. He had to admit he did not want to see them both together.
"Thunderlane, I'm talking to you."
Thunderlane gasped and stared at the woman sitting across from him. Dust was indeed a beautiful and charming woman. That's why he left Dash in the first place. But now, there seemed to be a little remorse in his heart.
"I didn’t expect Dash to be friends with a famous person like Soarin. How can it be?" said Dust, frowning. "I did once read in a magazine about Soarin’s relationship with a woman named Rainbow Dash, but I didn’t think the Dash it mentioned was this one."
Thunderlane only muttered an unclear response to her words.
"Well, you don’t need to worry about it, because now she has a famous boyfriend," Dust continued regardless of how Thunderlane reacted.
Thunderlane muttered again and glanced at Dash. She laughed as she covered her mouth with one hand, while Soarin looked at her chuckle. What are they laughing at? What are they talking about? When was the last time he saw Dash laugh like that? He had forgotten. Suddenly he missed Dash's laughter.
Thunderlane flinched once again at hearing his name called in a high tone.
Dust’s face held a frown and her eyebrows were furrowed. "You did hear just what I said, right?"
"Of course, I'm listening," Thunderlane tried to argue.
"How can you hear if you keep watching Rainbow Dash?"
"I didn’t notice."
Dust raised both hands. "Enough. I want to leave. We’re going somewhere else. "
Thunderlane frowned. "Dust, you said you wanted to have dinner here. Why do you want to go now?"
Dust folded her arms across her chest and snorted irritably. "I changed my mind. I want to go somewhere else. Let's go."
Without waiting any longer, Dust got up from her chair. Thunderlane tried to restrain her, but to no avail. He sighed and turned to Dash once again. Of course, she was not looking at him. Thunderlane took a breath, payed for the food, and then followed Dust.
Dash soon realized Dust and Thunderlane had left the restaurant, and so did Soarin.
"They’re gone," said Soarin, looking toward the door of the restaurant.
Dash cleared her throat and looked at her nearly empty plate. She was upset. Why did she still feel uneasy when she saw Thunderlane and Dust together? Why couldn’t she forget about the problem from eight months ago? Is it possible she still expects Thunderlane?
"Again, the expression."
Dash raised her head and looked at Soarin. He was watching her face. "What?" asked Dash.
Soarin leaned back seat and smiled a little. "Every time you remember your ex-boyfriend or receive a call from him your face always looks out like that. You look depressed, as if you have to solve all the problems that exist in the world. "
Dash looked down. "Sorry."
Soarin looked out the window. "Well, what can we do so that you don’t look like that again?" he mused to himself. "Hmm... Ah, I know!"
Dash looked at Soarin with curiosity.
Soarin turned back toward her, smiling broadly. "Wait a minute."
Dash grew confused when Soarin rose from the chair and walked out of the restaurant. What was he doing?
Not long after, Soarin came back and told Dash, "After you’re done eating, I’m going to take you somewhere."
When they finished their dinner, Soarin brought Dash down to the first floor of the hotel building.
"Soarin, where are we going?" asked Dash when they crossed the main lobby of the hotel.
"You'll find out," Soarin answered.
Soarin took her to a large park behind the hotel. Lights lit the park, so even though it was nighttime, the park didn’t look dark.
"Ah, it’s nice to be in the open air," said Soarin while sitting on one of the wooden benches by the pool.
Dash looked to the left and right confused. Why did Soarin bring her here? No one else was in the park. Although it was very quiet, Dash enjoyed the silence.
"Soarin, why are we here?" she asked as she sat on the bench beside him.
"If I’m not mistaken, a few things that can make you happy are eating potato chips, listening to music, flowers, stars, rain, and fireworks. Am I right?"
Dash was somewhat surprised to hear this from Soarin. She didn't remember telling Soarin about what she liked.
Soarin continued, "Now, I don’t have potato chips, and I don’t know what music you like. Flowers, you're holding it now."
Dash looked at the roses that were being embraced. She still didn’t understand what he wanted to say.
Soarin looked up at the dark sky and said, "No stars tonight, and unfortunately, I could not summon the rain." He turned to Dash. "Now, only one thing is left to be done."
Dash’s raised her eyebrows when Soarin pulled his phone out of his pocket.
"Hello? Yes, you can start now," he told someone on the phone. After he closed the phone, he smiled at Dash. Then he raised a hand and pointed to the sky. "Look over there."
Dash looked into the dark sky with a frown. She did not understand what he was thinking. She had just opened her mouth to ask again when she heard a whistling sound and then a burst. At that instant her, eyes saw colors light the sky. Whistling and popping sound was heard again. The night sky looked more lively with beautiful, bright colors.
Fireworks! Lots of fireworks!
Unconsciously, Dash stood up from her seat. Her hand went to her mouth, and her eyes were glued to the rays that glided into the sky and exploded into sparks. This is the first time she had seen this many fireworks up close, and she felt so amazed that her chest tightened.
"What do you think?"
Dash turned and saw Soarin stand beside her. She looked back at the sky. "This is the first time I’ve seen real fireworks, rather than on television."
"Are you feeling better?"
Dash turned back toward Soarin. It was difficult to believe that Soarin was trying to comfort her. Dash smiled and said, "You know, you don’t need to do all this. Either way, thank you. I feel much better."
Soarin smiled. "I know you’ve been feeling depressed lately, and you've helped me. So, if I can help lighten your load a little bit, why not? I just wanted to see you happy for a while, that's all."
"It's a beautiful night," Dash sighed as she and Soarin arrived home. She hugged the roses in her arms and smiled to herself.
Meanwhile, Soarin entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He then took out a bottle of cold water and drank it straight from the bottle.
"Do you have a vase?" asked Dash.
"I don’t know, but there might be one in the cupboard." He pointed towards the kitchen cupboard and walked to the piano.
Dash looked through the cabinets while humming softly. "Here’s one." She pulled out a blue vase, filled it with water, and placed the roses inside it. She then heard Soarin playing a few songs on the piano.
Dash turned to Soarin. "Soarin, sing a song," she requested. Then she approached him while carrying the vase.
"Didn’t I say you would have to pay if you ever wanted to hear me sing?"
Dash put a vase on the piano and grimaced. "Didn’t you say you wanted to make me happy?"
"Did I ever say that?" Soarin asked teasingly.
Dash nodded. "You also said you would give me anything I wanted if I was willing to take pictures with you. Forgot?"
"I said that?" Soarin looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember.
Dash nodded and leaned on the piano, waiting for Soarin to start the song.
Soarin sighed. "All right, what kind of song do you want to hear?"
Dash thought for a moment, and then said, "Tears in Heaven. I love that song."
Soarin scratched his head. "Tears in Heaven? Why would you ask for a sad song? Aren’t there other songs that are more fun? "
"But it's a nice song. You don’t like it? Ok then. It's up to you to choose the song," said Dash quickly.
Soarin thought for a moment, then put his fingers over the piano and began to play it.
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Dash clapped her hands in delight when she recognized the song Soarin was singing, What A Wonderful World.
I see skies of blue, and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself, "What a wonderful world"
The colors of the rainbow are so pretty in the sky
And so are the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands, saying, "How do you do?"
They’re really saying, "I love you."
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow.
They’ll learn much more than I’ll ever know.
And I think to myself, "What a wonderful world"
And I think to myself, "What a wonderful world"
"Very good, very good," said Dash clapping.
Soarin just chuckled.
"Mmm, satisfied and happy," said Dash.
Soarin reached into his pocket and pulled out a green box decorated with a yellow ribbon. He placed the box on the piano and pushed it towards Dash.
Dash raised her eyebrows when she saw the box. "What is this?"
"Open it."
Dash opened the box and was astonished to that in it there was a phone exactly like the one she lost in the fire.
"Happy Birthday."
Dash looked up and stared at Soarin with confusion and shock.
Without waiting for Dash to speak, Soarin continued, "It's hard to reach you if you don’t have a cell phone. In honesty, I wanted to buy a different phone so that you would not mistake mine for yours again, but I changed my mind. How? I've asked for the same number, so the phone is still using the same number as your old one. It can be directly used. "
"Ooh... Thank you." Dash was a bit confused. She observed the phone given to her by Soarin, then said, "But my birthday? Soarin, my birthday is tomorrow, not today."
Soarin grinned and pointed to the clock on the wall behind Dash. Dash turned and looked at it.
"It’s past midnight, so today's your birthday," said Soarin. "Were you not aware of it? I prepared a surprise, so does this mean it was successful?"
Dash was stunned, and then she started to laugh. "Gosh, so dinner, flowers, fireworks, and this phone, was to celebrate my birthday?"
Soarin nodded. "Don’t forget, I also just sang a song for you. That should also count."
"How did you know today my birthday?"
Soarin just smiled and didn’t answer.
Dash was still confused. "But why did we celebrate it last night? We could have celebrated it tomorrow-I mean today-uh, tomorrow. Ah, it should have been celebrated when it came."
"Actually, in the morning, I have to leave for Manhattan, so I won’t be able to celebrate your birthday at all today," Soarin explains.
"To Manhattan?" asked Dash. "What for?"
"Work," said Soarin. "Do you think I’m going there for a vacation?"
"How long will you be there?"
Soarin shrugged. "Not sure, but probably about three days."
Dash mused.
"Oh right. You won’t be having birthday cake," said Soarin suddenly.
"I don’t need a cake," Dash interrupted. "So many things happened this evening. For me, it was more than enough and I'm very grateful."
"Touched, too?"
"Touched too. I have never celebrated my birthday at midnight," Dash laughed.
Soarin rose from the piano bench and said, "Well, it's late, you-"
"Wait." Dash detained. "Sing another song?"
"Come on, one more song," she pleaded as she sat next to Soarin. "I like seeing you play the piano."
Soarin gave up and sat back on the seat. "All right, what song?"
"Up to you."
Soarin staring at the keys of the piano, thinking, and then he lifted his head and turned to stare at Dash. "It's one of my favorite songs. The title is Fly Me to the Moon."
Then Dash noticed that Soarin’s fingers danced over the keys of a piano while the sound of soft piano and his voice beautifully adorned the silence of the night.
Often Poets use many words to say a simple thing
It takes thought and time and rhyme to make a poem sing
With music and words I’ve been playing
For you I have written a song
To be sure that you know what I’m saying
I’ll translate as I go along
While singing, Soarin occasionally looked at Dash, and they both smiled.
Dash had never felt so... so... special. Yes, special. Dinner, roses, and fireworks. They were gifts Soarin had given to her, and now, she was sitting next to Soarin while listening to him sing specially for her. She felt happy. She had known it since she realized her heart beated twice as fast every time her gaze met Soarin’s or when he smiled at her. She also had realized it since she started to like hearing Soarin sing.
Her gaze now cannot be pulled away from Soarin, who was now singing while playing the piano.