• Published 26th Nov 2015
  • 2,548 Views, 99 Comments

Summer In Cloudsdale - Marli_Lin

Rainbow Dash initially did not expect to meet with the famous singer Soarin, After that Dash become his girlfriend in media. Rainbow Dash hope she not regret her decision.

  • ...

Chapter 4

"Ben, today there is no work schedule, right? ... Okay, bye. "
Soarin realising his earphones from his ears and back focusing on the road.
"It seems that the campus is here," he muttered to himself as he stopped the car on the roadside. He opened his cell phone and suddenly stopped.
He saw Dash through the car window. She was walking out the campus gates along with tall man. Soarin continued to observe them when the man opened the door of his car for Dash and she entered.
Soarin close the phone, threw it into the seat beside him, then turned the car around to follow their car.
Apparently they don’t go far. The white car stopped in front of the cafe and the two of them get down. Soarin stopped the car across the road and remain silent in the car. He saw Dash and the man went into the cafe and, fortunately, sit at table near the window. From his car, Soarin could see them clearly. The man did not stop smiling and talking, Dash also often smiling and occasionally respond to the man.
Soarin grabbed his cell phone and press the number nine. And he hear the voice of operator, Soarin immediately shut down cell phone with loud flap.
"Why her cell phone turned off?" He asked irritably.

Soarin watched Dash smiling to the waiter that deliver their drinks. He looked away and then asked himself with a tone of wonder, "Why would I care?"
He started the engine and run the car with the rough so that the wheels squeaked.

"You want to go home? How about i drive you back? "
Dash shook her head and smiled. "No, Thunderlane. I don't want to go home yet. "
Thunderlane stood beside the white car and asked again, "Then where you want to go? I can take you there. "
Dash shook her head again. "No need. You must be busy. Just go now. "
Because he couldn’t persuade Dash, Thunderlane finally waved and got into the car.
Dash watched the white car rounded the corner and exhales. She turned and started to walk slowly. Remembering her phone which she had shut down, she reached into the bag and find it, turn on. Suddenly her cell phone rang.
"Hello?" She said, after put the phone to her ear.
"It's me," said the voice on the other side.
"Soarin?" Dash was somewhat surprised to hear the sound of Soarin.
"Where are you now?" Asked Soarin quickly.
"I ... oh ..." Dash looked around.
"Wait there." Then without waiting for an answer, Soarin immediately disconnects. Dash looked at her cell phone with puzzled. Weird guy. Wait here? Why? He wants to come?
Dash is considering whether she should wait while standing on the edge of the road or go into the cafe when a red car stopped right in front of her. Car window was lowered and Dash leaned to look into it. She saw Soarin dark glasses sat behind the wheel.
"Come in," said the Soarin. Dash snorted softly heard commanding tone in Soarin, but she got too into the car.
"How can quickly you come? Are you were there around here early? "Asked Dash lightly when they were driving on the road.
Soarin did not answer, just mumbling unclear.
"Why looking for me? We should take a picture again? "Dash asked again, looking at her companion were somehow a little strange today.
Looks like Soarin could not hold back the emotion anymore since he started to sputter. "I'm trying to reach than before. Why your cell phone is turned off? Did not Ben told you had to be ready at all times in case we reach you? "
Dash looked at Soarin with annoyance. "Well, I'm sorry. I was recently re-enable mobile. But now that you've managed to reach me, right? "
"You were what that could not even answer your phone?" Asked Soarin while still looking straight into the street.
"With my friend," said Dash, then change the subject. "Why are you looking for me? Where are we going?"
Dash saw Soarin slightly hesitated a moment, then the man said, "I'd forgotten what I wanted to say after waiting too long. But should you accompany me to buy something. "
"What do you want?"
"A gift to the fans," said Soarin, looking at Dash a moment, then turned back to the street. "To be present in a fan meeting event on Saturday."
"To everyone?"
"No, only for select."
"Ooh." Dash nodded. "Why must you? I think the artist did not buy himself a gift for the fans. I thought those things were taken care by others. "
"I prefer to buy their by myself. By chance you're not busy, you could help. "
Dash turned quickly. "Hey, who's say I'm not busy? Two hours I have to meet with Miss Rarity. Moreover according to the agreement, we will only take pictures together. Never mentioned about i must accompany or help you do anything. "
"Isn't the beginning I have said, let's assume this deal with me to offer you a job. You do not refuse. So basically, you're now working for me. Is not that so? "Said Soarin, smiling. "Miss Rarity is your problem,do not worry. You will be able to see her in time. I told you I was not going to interfere with your work there. "

Dash felt no need to tell Soarin that she was with Thunderlane. However, the problem with Thunderlane is a private matter that has nothing to do with Soarin and Ben Bear. Plus the fact that the meeting with Thunderlane had only a brief conversation with nothing special.
Soarin stopped the car in front of a clothing store that looks luxurious, one of Cloudsdale's trendiest district, filled with upscale restaurants and shops of the famous designer clothing. Dash knew those store. Sometimes she stopped and admired the clothes on display in the window, but never once she set foot in the store. She did not need to go into the store to know that the price of clothings because in the store must be expensive, just like boutique Miss Rarity. One of the popular shopping district. Prices of goods in here is not much different from the price of goods in boutique Miss Rarity, but Dash feels more comfortable because it was used to shop there.
Dash leaned forward and watched the building. "Hey, you want to go in there? Did not matter if you recognize by people here? What about me? I don't want to be seen with you. "
Soarin release his seatbelt and sighed. He stared at Dash with frown, then said, "I am not a prisoner. After all what's the point if you don't want to be artist to be known people? "
Dash still does not intend to release the seat belt. "Oh I see? You feel happy when people recognize you, so hysterical and fainted in front of you? "
"People are not going to pass out when they saw me," said Soarin. "You just take it easy. I know the owner of this shop. She did not ask many questions. I often here with my manager and staff. And about you ... let's say you're a member of my staff. "
Soarin opened the door and started to move from the chair when he stopped and turned to Dash again. "Wait a minute. You were really members of my staff. You work for me, isn't it? Come on, get down. "
Dash shrugged, releasing the seat belt and get out of the car.
"Actually, what you want to buy?" Asked Dash confused. She browsed the items sold in the store and she was right, the price is not at all cheap.

"I don't know," said Soarin, taking off his sunglasses. "What if you selected for me. Come on. "
"Hey, Soarin!"
Dash and Soarin look over. It turns out that the voice belonged to the handsome man. Dash had seen the man. But where? Ah! On television. The man was the commercials sportswear. No more mistake.
"How are you, Wave?" Soarin greeting and patted his back.
Dash hide away from there and let the two men were talking. If not mistaken, she was never heard Soarin is good friend with Wave Chill. Although she stood at a distance and hidden behind a rack of clothes, she could still hear clearly the conversation the two men.
"Hey, you change your number, huh?" Dash heard Wave Chill asked Soarin.
"No. Why?"
"A few days ago I called you, but the one who answered is a woman voice and she says she doesn't know you."
Dash shut her mouth with one hand. She remembered that day, the day when her cell phone and Soarin swapped. At that time she thought the man was a wrong number. Dash turned her gaze toward Soarin, wondering how to answer him.
"You must have the wrong number. Number remained as it used to be, "He said quietly, smiling.
"Then is probably i got wrong number," Wave insisted. "But never mind, it's not a problem. My sister kept asking how you are doing. She said haven't see you around here. "
"Sorry. I was a bit busy lately. "
Wave stared Soarin searchingly. "Oh yes, I just remembered. Why did not you tell me? "
Soarin raised eyebrows. "About what?"
Dash holding her breath.
Soarin looks confused. "Girlfriend? What Girlfriend-Aah... "
What the hell? Dash felt annoyed. Soarin always worry Dash will divulge their secrets, but now he almost unload everything.
Wave laughed. "How come someone forget his girlfriend?"

Soarin laughed. "Next time will tell you. Now there a customer need help. Go, no need serve me. "

"Hey, that was Wave Chill, right?" Asked Dash when Soarin was at her side.
"Mmm. So what? "Soarin countered.
"Apparently he's handsome," said Dash. "I can not believe I get to see the original. I should've asked for autographs, who knows Spitfire want. "
Soarin looked at her, then muttered quietly. "To your friend or ..."
"Ah, no .... Has chosen something? "He said. Doesn't he wanted to choose their own, protested Dash, but Soarin already walked away. Dash allowed herself a few moments looking at the figure behind Wave away, then turned follow Soarin who has climbed to the second floor of the store.
"Are this his store?" Asked Dash again after successfully followed Soarin.
"What?" Soarin busy look accessories there.
"I mean, this shop belonged to Wave?"
"Actually belonged to his sister, but Wave often here to help her," said Soarin. Then he suddenly turned and looked at Dash. "Why asking?"
Dash gaze Soarin without feeling guilty. "Just curious. Uh, you know who else? The soccer Rapidfire? Bother Sreak? "
Soarin sighed loudly and hips. "If the great lady not forget, are you here to help me choose something!"
Dash pout. "Okay, okay. What if brooch? "She said, pointing to rows of beautiful brooch on display in a glass case.
"I've given a brooch to the fans at last meeting," said Soarin.
"Aah, that's right." Dash nodded while continuing to observe the brooch. "It has been so ..."
A few seconds passed without a response, even so Dash felt Soarin was looking at her. Dash lifted her head and looked at him. Ah, it seems she was wrong, Soarin was looking the other way.
"What?" Asked Dash.
Soarin turned and pointed to the cap. "There."
Dash follow him, but when she passed one of the mannequins, steps suddenly stopped. Dash's eyes fixed on long scarf who applied on the mannequin. Plaid scarf black-and-white look good. Dash reached out and touched the scarf.
"What are you doing here?" Suddenly Soarin was standing behind her.
Dash looked back and said, "See this scarf. It's good, isn't it?"
"Do you think is good?" Asked Soarin.
Dash stroked the scarf. "Of course. I love the motifs and colors. "
Soarin releasing the scarf and wear it on the mannequin. He walked to the mirror and dressed themselves. Dash followed after muttering to herself, why Soarin were trying to wear it?
"It's great," Soarin admitted. "Suits me, isn't it?"
Dash went to see the shadow of Soarin in the mirror and had to admit he does look cool with a scarf.
"Suitable. You can wear them in the event meet your fans, "says Dash while looking away.
"That sounds good," said Soarin and spun from the mirror. "Then about a gift for the fans, I think should just bought they a hat. What do you think?"

Author's Note:

Here we go i'm back ^^:pinkiehappy:
sorry is been busy now and i hardly to get free time for my story and here the nest chapter please enjoy it and sorry for the error.

Marli Lin