• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 5,065 Views, 40 Comments

Breaking Point - Picardy Third

Keeping secrets is never easy on your mind, but telling secrets can sometimes be harder.

  • ...

Part III


“There is one room available, Prince Blueblood.” One of the guards said. The Prince approached the small hotel and smiled. “It’ll be fine.”

“Shall we sleep by the carriage, sir?” The same guard asked.

“Oh, heavens no! Come on into my room with me.”

“Y-yes, sir.” The guard said. “Thank you.”

“Now, let’s try getting upstairs without attracting too much attention.”

“Indeed, sir.” The guard said.

They settled themselves into Blueblood’s room quickly. The guards took couches and the floor, and Blueblood took the bed.

“Oh, Rarity…” Blueblood said, looking out the window at the moon. He settled down under the covers and looked away, “I hope you forgive me…”


Applejack stirred. The sun was shining brightly in her eyes. She moved a hoof to cover it and realized that was restrained by something. Realizing whose body was covering hers filled her body with a warmth that not even the sun could bring. Applejack was lying on her back, Rainbow hugging her tightly. Applejack smiled. It was finally real. Her dream of being with Rainbow Dash… it was real.

Applejack thought back. Her feelings for Rainbow Dash were long-lasting, but only recently did she discover how real they were. It was shortly after the Iron Pony competition. She always knew there was something particularly special about Rainbow Dash, but she couldn’t put her hooves on it. The two had a connection… something that she didn’t feel between any of the other ponies.

And she would never reveal it.

Her family was friendly and inviting, but homophobic. It was just a concept that they could not grasp onto, and for that reason, Applejack kept it hidden, even to herself. She fought back all feelings for Rainbow Dash and was actually succeeding. That is, until Gilda outed Rainbow Dash in public.

Then, like a levee bursting, all those emotions came back. She found it a lot easier to cover up her feelings. Easier than Rainbow Dash, anyway. Applejack could tell that Rainbow Dash liked her, but was afraid… she was afraid of what ponies would think, what would her family think? The apple farm was all she had. Her cutie mark was a result of the apple farm! What if the family overreacted and kicked her out?

Rainbow Dash stirred and mumbled a few things.

“Hey, sugarcube.” Applejack said, stirring Rainbow Dash softly.

“Whassit...?” Rainbow Dash said, coming to life slowly.

“Will ya get up, yer droolin on mah chest.” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash felt the wet spot on her cheek and got up.

“Sorry.” Rainbow Dash said, getting up. She stood on all fours over Applejack.

“Mornin’.” Applejack greeted. Rainbow Dash, eyes half closed, smiled replied, “Good morning, beautiful.” She gave Applejack a quick kiss on the lips and stepped over her, looking over the apple farm.

“’S really somethin’ in the morning, huh?” Applejack said, joining Rainbow Dash. They looked over on the apple trees. The sun, now behind them, cast a warm glow on the trees, showing off just how massive the orchard was.

“It’s beautiful.” Rainbow Dash said. “Just like you.”

Applejack blushed and gave Rainbow Dash a kiss on the cheek. “C’mon you, let’s go get some breakfast.”


“Good morning, girls!” Rarity greeted Rainbow Dash and Applejack. The two ponies were sitting at an outdoor table at the café enjoying their own breakfast dishes.

“Mornin’ Rarity!” Applejack replied happily.

“What’s up?” Rainbow Dash asked with a mouth full of food, some of it even being spat out on the table.

“Charming.” Rarity said to Rainbow Dash. “I don’t usually see you up this early, Rainbow Dash. What’s the occasion?”

“Just a sleepover at Applejack’s.” Rainbow Dash said.

“How fun!” Rarity said.

“Yea, it was really fun.” Applejack said, looking at Rainbow dash with a smile.

“Well, I was just on my way here for a bit of breakfast. Would you mind if I joined you? I won’t be long at all.”

“Not at all, Rarity!” Applejack said. Within a few minutes, Rarity had her food, and the three were talking happily. The weather was very warm for a late spring morning. Few ponies were out yet, meaning the town had a calm stillness about it. What ponies that were awake were the ones going to work or with business to attend to.

“Why are you up so early, Rarity?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well, I always make an effort to get up bright and early. My mind is fresh in the morning, and I can focus on my latest designs!”

“Y’all don’t get many customers this early, do ya?”

“Not at all. It’s always nice and quiet.” Rarity said. She observed what little was left of her breakfast sandwich and gulped it down. “Speaking of which, I should get back to the shop. I don’t want Sweetie Belle there alone for too long.”

“Awright, take care Rarity!” Applejack said.

“See you ‘round!” Rainbow Dash said.

They watched Rarity walk away and then looked at each other and smiled.

“Wanna go back to my place and make out?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Ah don’t see why not.” Applejack replied.


“Opal! I’m back!” Rarity said once she had returned home. Her cat, who was napping at the time, yawned and looked at Rarity with an irritated scowl.

“Oh, don’t be such a sourpuss.” Rarity said, then giggled, “Get it?”

Opalescence yawned again and went back to sleep.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

“Oh! Now, who could that be?” Rarity asked. “This is a store, after all, there is no need to knock.”

Rarity opened the door… and immediately scowled.

“Hello, Prince Blueblood.”

The royal Prince stood before Rarity on the front steps of the shop with an expression that resembled pity, shame, and begging.

“Hello, Rarity.” The prince said meekly. Rarity let down her defenses slightly. This didn’t sound like the prince she had met back at the Grand Galloping Gala.

“Is there something I can help you with?” Rarity asked with a very business-like tone.

“Do you have a minute?” The prince asked, “I would like to talk.”

“Oh you would, would you?” Rarity said. She looked back into the store. Most of her designs were in the later stage of development and there was really not much work to be done other than a few finishing touches. Rarity sighed and looked up at the handsome prince, “I suppose I have some time on my hands.”

“Thank you, Rarity.” The prince said, entering the store and looking around.

“Don’t get your hopes up, we are not on good terms right now.” Rarity said angrily. “However, it would be remarkably rude of me to not offer you a seat, so please, sit.”

Blueblood found the nearest seat and sat in it. He observed the store’s makeup and took in the multitude of designer clothing.

“What stunning designs.” Blueblood said, “Simply remarkable.”

“Don’t sweet-talk me, Blueblood.” Rarity said shortly, “What is it you want?”

“I suppose I should get straight to the point, then.” Blueblood said. He sighed heavily and looked at Rarity, “The truth is… I’ve not stopped thinking about you since the Gala. Every year, I meet beautiful ponies from all over Equestria. Some are charming, some are elegant, some are kind… you are the first to be all three and more.”

Despite her dislike for the prince, Rarity couldn’t help but enjoy herself at this praise.

“Go on.” Rarity said, still using an angry tone to make absolutely certain that she still had her defenses up.

“It made me rethink my life… I sat in my bed that night and thought… How could I have repulsed such a magnificent pony like yourself? I hated myself… I hated myself so much… but I forgave myself on the grounds that I decided to better myself in an attempt to win you back.”

Rarity didn’t speak, but listened.

“I completely reshaped my outlook on life. You must believe me, Miss Rarity. I am a changed pony… a better pony… a new pony.”

Rarity took in a few breaths in an attempt to fill the silence that followed. She contemplated long on the Prince’s proposal.

“Prove it.” Rarity said. Blueblood hadn’t prepared for that answer.

“Uh… how do you want me to…?”

“I don’t care. I must have some evidence.” Rarity said.

“Well… how about I take you to dinner tonight?” Blueblood asked. Rarity rolled her eyes and looked over at the door, wishing this royal pain would just leave.


“Wonderful! I will pick you up at 6 o’clock. Does that work?”

“It works.” Rarity said.

“Oh thank you, Miss Rarity!” Blueblood said, “You will not regret this! I will show you!”

“I hope you’re right.” Rarity said. The prince leapt up from his seat and walked to the door. “I shall see you at 6!”

“6 o’clock.” Rarity replied, waving good bye. Once the prince was out of the shop, Rarity put a hoof to her forehead and let out an exasperated sigh.

“Did I just hear somepony else here?” Sweetie Belle asked from the stairs, the commotion having woken her up.

“Oh yes. I have a dinner date tonight that may potentially be a horrible disaster.”

“Sounds fun.” Sweetie Belle said. “Ya think I can come along? Cuz Scootaloo said that the guy who owns the Gilded Wing got his cutie mark by just eating at a restaurant…”

“NO!” Rarity exclaimed.


“So, whaddya wanna do now?” Rainbow Dash asked Applejack. They were both curled up beside each other on the living room floor of Rainbow Dash’s home in the clouds.

“Ah’m doin’ it.” Applejack said lazily.

“Oh Applejack, you of all fillies are the last I’d expect to be lazy!” Rainbow Dash said. “C’mon, let’s go do something!” Rainbow Dash said. She leapt up and let Applejack’s body fall on the floor. Rainbow Dash hovered overhead for a few seconds, then flew toward the front door.

“Why you gotta choose now ta be active?” Applejack asked, lazily flattened out on the floor. Rainbow Dash jumped up and swooped down to grab Applejack’s hat that was lying a few feet away from Applejack. She put the hat on and flew around Applejack’s body.

“Because I’m bored now! Let’s go see what the girls are doing at least. C’mon!” Rainbow Dash pestered. Applejack groaned and flipped herself upright. Standing, she glared up at Rainbow Dash. “Can I at least have mah hat back?”

“Yes!” Rainbow Dash said. She plopped the hat onto Applejack’s head and scooped her up by the underarms.

“Careful, now!” Applejack said as Rainbow Dash lifted her up. They flew out the front door and glided down to the ground. Rainbow Dash clung tightly to Applejack’s body as they slowly fell. While they were about ten feet off the ground, Rainbow Dash quickly looked around to see if anypony was looking, then gave Applejack a peck on the cheek.

“Aw, don’t make me blush now.” Applejack said playfully.

“Your skin is orange, don’t worry about it.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Oh, well good point.” Applejack replied, blushing anyway. They touched the ground and began walking back to town.


Pinkie Pie walked out of Sugarcube Corner and bounced happily down the street.

“Come back soon, Pinkie Pie!” Mrs. Cake called from the front door.

“Okie Dokie!” Pinkie Pie shouted back. She bounded jovially with no particular destination in mind, especially considering she had already stocked up on ingredients for the day last night.

“Hello, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie greeted Twilight as she passed her. Twilight waved and went on her way.

Pinkie Pie then spotted Rainbow Dash and Applejack walking together near a line of shops. She smiled and hopped over to them.

“Good morning!” Pinkie Pie greeted the pair.

“It’s past noon, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, maybe it’s morning somewhere else, silly!” Pinkie Pie said. She then bounced away. She bounced for a few minutes and when she was a good distance away, she suddenly remembered that she forgot to get apples for treats yesterday. Maybe if she asked Applejack really nicely, she could get her to go pick some.

Pinkie Pie turned around and realized that she farther away than she thought. She could barely make out Applejack’s body now, but she did notice Applejack holding a flower in front of Rainbow Dash’s face.

“Hm… wonder what she’s doing with the flower?” Pinkie Pie asked. Then, she saw Rainbow Dash look around quickly and motioned for Applejack to follow her into an alley.

“That’s even weirder!” Pinkie Pie said with a curious stare. She bounded over to where they had entered the alley and peeked in, trying to be as secretive as possible. She saw them quickly dart behind the building on the right. Pinkie Pie’s curiosity led her halfway down the alley.

“You’re just too sweet…” She heard Rainbow Dash say.

Pinkie Pie crept forward silently and peered around the corner. What she saw… she didn’t expect and she wasn’t ready for.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash are kissing??? Pinkie Pie thought. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were kissing each other full on, the aforementioned flower having been discarded in front of Pinkie Pie’s face. She quickly covered her mouth and concealed herself again, then ran out of the alley at top speed. She then let go of her mouth and allowed herself to gasp loudly, making some ponies look at her curiously.

Pinkie Pie ran around to find her friends.


“Pinkie Pie, what is this about?” Twilight asked while Pinkie Pie practically dragged her by the tail to Sugarcube Corner.

“I can’t tell you yet!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with Twilight’s tail in her mouth.

They entered the confectionary, where Rarity and Fluttershy were waiting.

“Do you mind explaining yourself, Pinkie Pie?” Rarity asked.

“Everypony upstairs, QUICK!” Pinkie Pie shouted, pointing at the stairs that led to her room. The lobby was too public. The ponies all walked upstairs and waited for Pinkie Pie, who was quick to follow them. She zipped into the room, then closed and locked the door.

“Pinkie Pie, what’s-“ Twilight started.

“I SAW APPLEJACK KISSING RAINBOW DASH!!!!!!” Pinkie Pie blurted out.

The ponies’ mouths all dropped. Pinkie Pie was panting heavily and waiting for a reaction.

“A-are you sure, Pinkie Pie?” Rarity asked, “I mean, just because Rainbow Dash is a…”

“I’m serious!” Pinkie Pie said, then continued talking as fast as she possibly could, “I saw them in town today and Applejack was giving Rainbow Dash a flower, and I was thinking ‘why would Applejack be giving Rainbow Dash a flower’ I mean, it was a nice gesture, but I didn’t get it, but I had to get apples from Applejack anyway, so I went to talk to her, but they both walked into an alley, and I followed them into the alley, and I was all sneaky, and I heard Rainbow Dash say, ‘You’re just too sweet,’ and then I looked around the corner and they were KISSING!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Wow, Applejack actually liked her too…” Fluttershy said.

“What are you talking about, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

“When I read Rainbow Dash’s diary, she talked about how much she liked Applejack, but she knew that she could never tell her.” Fluttershy said, “But, she was getting desperate, so I told her to just tell Applejack about her feelings, and she did…”

“And apparently, Applejack feels the same.” Rarity said.

“But, why didn’t they tell us?” Twilight asked. “We’re their friends.”

“Beats me! I just know that we can’t tell anypony!” Pinkie Pie said.

“You’re right.” Fluttershy said, “At least, not until they’re ready.”

“I think we should at least tell them that we know.” Rarity said. “I mean, it should make them feel better knowing that they have us as supporters.”

“You’re right, but how…” Twilight said. The ponies looked at each other thoughtfully.

“I know!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“I don’t think a party would be appropriate this time, Pinkie.” Rarity said. Pinkie Pie’s expression drooped and she fell in defeat.


Amidst the twists and turns of the day, Rarity still had dinner plans with Prince Blueblood that night. However much she wanted to just avoid the snobbish prince altogether, she promised to give him a chance, and the spirit of generosity is not one to turn down somepony just because of the past! She will give him a very short leash, however.

She really hoped that it wouldn’t come down to that again, though. A part of her still had an affinity for the prince, even though he had the rudest behavior of any pony she had ever met. Something about the way he approached her yesterday made her feel like he deserved a chance. After all, he did travel all the way from Canterlot just to see her. That’s sweet no matter which way you look at it.

Regardless of her usual distaste toward her royal accompaniment this evening, Rarity cleaned up as nicely as possible, making sure that she if she were to crash and burn tonight, she would at least crash and burn with style!

“Sweetie Belle, would you fetch me my wrap?” Rarity asked her little sister, who was busy sitting on the floor sketching a new logo for the Cutie Mark Crusaders on a piece of paper on the side of the room opposite Rarity. Rarity was using magic to apply eyeliner, thus making her incapable of performing such a task as grabbing a piece of cloth.

“Yep!” Sweetie Belle replied, eager to help her sister whenever necessary. She jumped up and ran to a closet, nabbing a piece of clothing and bringing it to her sister. Rarity finished with the last bit of eyeliner and turned to face Sweetie Belle, then frowned.

“Sweetie, that’s my cooking apron.” Rarity said, observing the white piece of rough fabric that was being thrust at her face.

“Well… it wraps around you, doesn’t it?” Sweetie Belle asked innocently. Rarity giggled, “Oh, well that’s true, isn’t it?”

“Sorry…” Sweetie Belle said.

“Oh, it’s perfectly fine! At least you didn’t attempt to cut it up and sew it to a cape.” Rarity said with a short twinge of annoyance in her voice.

“Sorry…” Sweetie Belle repeated.

“Water under the bridge, Sweetie Belle.” Rarity said, smiling. She used magic to extract a nice wrap from inside her closet and draped it over her shoulders. “How do I look?” Rarity asked her sister, turning around and showing herself. Sweetie Belle narrowed her eyes and put a hoof to her chin, as if in deep thought. Then, she raised her hoof and declared, “YOU SHOULD USE GLITTER!”

“N-no, that’s quite alright, Sweetie Belle, I’ll do without the glitter.” Rarity said, backing up a little, afraid that Sweetie Belle might actually have a hoof-full of glitter with her. Knowing that filly, anything is possible.

“You look beautiful, sis.” Sweetie Belle said, noting Rarity’s maroon wrap, gilded bracelets, and elegant black shoes. Rarity wore lipstick that matched the wrap.

“Thank you, Sweetie Belle.” Rarity said sweetly. “I didn’t think this occasion called for anything more. An elaborate dress would be far too much.” Rarity commented. She glanced at the clock and studied the hands for a second.

“It’s 6 o’clock. His royal highness should be here by now, where is…”

A knock on the door.

“See you later, sis!” Sweetie Belle said before zipping up the stairs.

“Well, here we go.” Rarity said. She opened the door and found Prince Blueblood standing before her, completely garbed as if he had just come from the Grand Galloping Gala. His blonde mane cascaded down his face and landed perfectly in front of his eyes and down his neck. His usual lapels were especially silky and surrounded a gorgeous blue bow-tie.

“My my, you look handsome!” Rarity exclaimed, then shut herself up. She had not meant to be so blunt, but the Prince was absolutely stunning.

“Thank you, Rarity, and might I say that you as well look beautiful tonight.” The Prince said. Rarity blushed. Then, he reached behind himself and pulled out a rose with his teeth. “For you.”

Rarity gasped and accepted the flower, now starting to feel that this date might not be as bad as she thought it would be.

“Well, shall we be off?” Rarity asked.

“As you wish.” The prince said. Rarity smiled widely and began to accept the situation for what it was once again: She was on a date with Prince Blueblood!


“Hey, Applejack!” Rainbow Dash said. The two were walking along the winding road that followed the river out of town, however, the two were not leaving as the trail would suggest, but re-entering town.

“Yea?” Applejack replied.

“You wanna go out tonight?”

Applejack paused, “Ah’m not sure what ya mean…”

“Go out to dinner. Just me and you… and food.” Rainbow Dash said.

“What part’a secret relationship don’t ya understand?” Applejack asked.

“No pony has to know that we’re on a date.” Rainbow Dash said, “We could just be going to… Le Petits Chevaux as friends!

Le Petits Chevaux!” Applejack exclaimed, “Rainbow Dash, no pony goes there just as friends.”

“C’mon, Applejack!” Rainbow Dash said. “We can get a nice table away from all the ponies and just have a good time.”

“Rainbow… Ah… Ah don’t know…”

“Pleeeease?” Rainbow Dash begged. Applejack smiled and pecked Rainbow Dash on the cheek. “Awright, we’ll go ta dinner. I ain’t getting’ all fancy-like, though!”

“Neither am I! We’re goin’ right now!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Wait, what?”


“What lovely taste in décor. I don’t know why I have never visited this town before!” Blueblood marveled at the down-to-earth style of the fanciest restaurant in town: Le petits chevaux.

“They do know a thing or two about interior design here.” Rarity agreed, “That’s why it’s the fanciest place in town, which isn’t saying much, I know. You are probably used to five star restaurants for every meal.”

“Not every meal.” Blueblood said, “However, the chefs at the castle are most talented at their profession.”

“That I don’t doubt.” Rarity said, laughing. Blueblood laughed as well, and Rarity felt more comfortable than she had ever felt around the prince. This was how their date should have been at the Grand Galloping Gala. The prince was acting like the gentlecolt Rarity had pictured in her dreams… so how can this possibly be true?

“So… has anypony ever taken you here before?” Blueblood asked.

“Oh, no… well, other than that time when… Rainbow Dash?” Rarity said, her gaze shifting to behind Blueblood.

“Rainbow Dash?” Blueblood asked curiously, “I’ve never heard of him.”

“No, my friend Rainbow Dash is here with her d… friend, Applejack.” Rarity said, pointing at Rainbow Dash, who was leading Applejack away from the ponies to the most secluded table in the restaurant. Blueblood turned around and noted their presence.

That’s not very smart for wanting to keep a secret. Rarity thought.

“Are they… dates?” Blueblood asked, noting the gender of both ponies.

“N-no! No, they’re just… friends.” Rarity said, quickly covering up for Rainbow Dash and Applejack, smiling.

“I see.” Blueblood said, “I didn’t realize ponies came here just as friends.” Blueblood said.

“Isn’t that what we are?” Rarity asked. Blueblood blushed a little.

“Y-yes, Rarity, of course.”


“See, isn’t this nice?” Rainbow Dash said to Applejack once the two were seated and enjoying their meal.

“Ah’ll admit, Rainbow. This sure is a bit a’ somethin’ special. Thank you.” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash smiled. She knew Applejack would enjoy herself.

“And we didn’t even have to get all dressed up.” Rainbow Dash said. “Just here, enjoying a meal together.” Rainbow Dash said. “And check it out, nopony can see us at this table.” Rainbow Dash said. She gestured widely with her hoof, showing how the table was directly next to a wall, which provided just enough cover to shield the pair from wandering eyes.

“Ah’m really glad we did this, Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said. “Ooh, is that our food?”


Rarity and Blueblood’s date couldn’t have been going better. The two were talking, laughing and having a great time. It was as if Blueblood had completely ditched everything bad about himself just for Rarity to like him. Rarity was flattered to say the least, but still curious. How could this, the caring and kind Prince Blueblood, actually be the arrogant and snobbish pony she had met at the Gala? It couldn’t be possible.

Yet, with each passing minute, Rarity liked the prince even more. He ate with grace, he spoke with the highest of sophistication and etiquette, and he took every opportunity to compliment or flatter Rarity in some way.

“I must ask, Prince Blueblood.” Rarity said.

“You can just call me Blueblood, if you would like.” Blueblood said.

“Oh, I shall!” Rarity said, then giggled, “However did you go about improving yourself so much? I must know!”

“Well, if you are so curious, I can tell you. It was Princess Luna.” Blueblood said.

“Princess… Luna?” Rarity asked. “I must say, that is a bit of a surprise. Do tell.”

“After the Gala, she found me sulking in my room, and being the compassionate pony that she is, she quickly deciphered my problem. She decided to mentor me in being a better pony, and a few months later, I was reborn!” Blueblood said, swishing his wine glass around. “And it’s all thanks to you, Rarity. I wouldn’t have done it without you.”

“Aww… you’re making me blush!” Rarity said. She spied Rainbow Dash leaving the corner of the restaurant where she sat with Applejack and immediately decided that she wanted to have a word with her.

“If you don’t mind, I would like to use the restroom.” Rarity said.

“I don’t mind at all.” Blueblood said. Rarity got up from the chair and walked in the direction of the bathrooms, where she just saw Rainbow Dash disappear into. She looked around and then entered the restroom.

She walked into the well-decorated restroom and saw Rainbow Dash as she was about to enter a stall.

“Rarity?” Rainbow Dash said. “I didn’t know you were here!” Rainbow Dash said, though Rarity couldn’t tell if Rainbow Dash’s voice was that of excitement or fear.

“Oh yes, just out to dinner with a friend.” Rarity said.

“Who’s your friend?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh, just Prince Blueblood.” Rarity said.

“Prince Blueblood?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Shh!” Rarity said, “Not so loud.”

“Well, we’re at a restaurant, everypony can see you.” Rainbow Dash said. Rarity found it ironic that Rainbow Dash would choose that as her argument.

“Speaking of which, who are you here with, Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, just Applejack.” Rainbow Dash said. Rarity could sense the light and dream-like tone of Rainbow Dash’s voice when she mentioned Applejack’s name. And they were trying to keep this a secret?

“Are you… dates?” Rarity asked.

“What? Oh, no… just friends, just friends.” Rainbow Dash said, laughing a little. “Applejack’s not a lesbian!”

“Oh, well I was merely curious, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said, smiling a little. Rainbow Dash shrugged it off and entered the stall. Rarity then turned and left the bathroom. She knew that Rainbow Dash would find it a little curious that Rarity entered and left the bathroom without even using it, but she didn’t care. Her curiosity had been satisfied.

As she left the restroom, she wove through the dining tables and saw Prince Blueblood ahead of her, sitting patiently with his hooves in his lap. Her heart fluttered a little. Just knowing that he was waiting for her made everything better. A prince was waiting for her!

“Sorry about that.”

“It’s perfectly fine.” Blueblood said, “I couldn’t help but see that you had entered the restroom at the same time as that friend of yours. You didn’t really need to use the restroom, did you?” Blueblood asked. Rarity gawked for a second, then sighed and smiled, “No, I just wanted to say hi.”

“Heh, you just needed to say so, Rarity.” Prince Blueblood said.

“I was actually a little curious. You see,” Rarity’s voice dropped a little and she leaned forward, “We recently found out that Rainbow Dash was a lesbian, so I did find it a bit odd that she was here with a friend of ours.” Rarity said, then backed up so that she was sitting up straight again. “But, she assured me that they were just here as friends.”

“A… lesbian, so you say?” Blueblood asked.

“As in, she is attracted to mares instead of colts?” Rarity said.

“I am aware of the term. It’s just something you don’t see among the higher class.” Blueblood said with a small bit of disgust evident on his face.

“Oh? And why is that?” Rarity asked.

“Well, it is uncommon for a dignified mare to act in such a manner.” Blueblood said.

“What kind of manner would you be referring to?” Rarity asked, irritated for the first time of the evening.

“Being a fillyfooler.” Blueblood said bluntly, “It’s just not right.”

Rarity couldn’t believe her ears. She knew that it was too good to be true. She knew that there had to be some problem with Blueblood, there was no way that he could be so perfect. Maybe, just maybe, she could talk some sense into him.

“Now, I may have believed that as well at first.” Rarity said. She put down her fork and straightened herself up, ready to make a statement. “But Rainbow Dash is my friend. And, I will not be one to judge her for who she is.”

“Oh please.” Blueblood said, “Being a fillyfooler is as much a choice as what food you ordered tonight. It’s a preference.”

“It most certainly is not!” Rarity said, getting angry. “And even if it was, who’s to say whether that is right or wrong? Certainly not me, certainly not you, not anypony!” Rarity said, a little loudly.

“Rarity, please, ponies are staring.” Blueblood said, his face turning a little red.

“Now, I’m sorry, but unless you can respect my friends just as much as you respect me, this date is through.”

“Rarity, how can you be so naïve?” Blueblood said. “The way of the world is quite clear. Mares and colts fall in love and have children. It’s how it’s meant to be. There’s a reason why two mares can’t have children, or two colts. It’s because that’s not the way it’s supposed to work. Your friend is blatantly disrespecting the pony culture.” Blueblood said with a disturbing amount of calmness.

Rarity felt something snap in her mind.


Rainbow Dash and Applejack sat across from each other, hooves intertwined beneath the table. Aside from the short phrase every now and again, the two did most of their talking through staring. Each studied the others’ expressions for a long time, enjoying the presence of each other.

“Now, let me make something quite clear!” Rarity shouted.

The ponies broke their gaze and turned their attention to the shouting. They had to get out of their seats and move around to see.

“You have been wonderful up to this point, Blueblood, but I cannot allow you to disrespect me any further! Rainbow Dash is my friend. It doesn’t matter that she’s a little different from us, she’s allowed to like who she wants!”

Rainbow Dash smiled and looked at Applejack, who gave her a peck on the cheek. Nopony was looking; they all had their attention on Rarity.

“I don’t know why you have this notion that there’s a way things have to be, but you’re wrong. If my friend wants to share her life with another mare, then that is no different than me wanting to be with you, which by the way is not happening!” Rarity said, leaving an awestruck Blueblood agape at the table. She turned around in a huff and left.

Rainbow Dash swelled with pride as Rarity made her big exit. She had no worries of not having support now, especially not after this.

“I’m gonna talk to her.” Rainbow Dash said, “Be back.”

“Ah’ll be right here.” Applejack said.

“I know.” Rainbow Dash replied happily, then made her way through the tables of ponies who were now realizing that Rainbow Dash was there to hear every word of Rarity’s outburst. As Rainbow Dash passed Blueblood’s table, she stuck her tongue out. Then, she left the restaurant.

“Rarity!” Rainbow Dash called. Rarity was already a good distance from the restaurant. Rarity composed herself quickly and turned to Rainbow Dash. She wiped her face, makeup becoming a mess, and sniffed, “Oh, Rainbow Dash. I’m sorry for ruining your date, I just…”

“It… wasn’t a date, Rarity.” Rainbow Dash said, emphasizing that phrase as if it were the most important thing in the world, “Thanks for sticking up for me like that.”

“Oh, it was nothing.” Rarity said. Crying was very evident on her face. Rainbow Dash imagined that her date was actually going pretty well. It made her feel bad.

“I should be the one who’s sorry for ruining your date.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Are you kidding? You saved it. If I hadn’t found out that Blueblood was so prejudiced, I would have made a big mistake.” Rarity said.

“Well, I appreciate it. Thank you.”

“You know, Rainbow Dash, I feel a little hypocritical for defending you like that.” Rarity said, “And… I’m ashamed of it now, but I wasn’t the most supportive of your decision at first.”

“Yea, Applejack mentioned it a little…” Rainbow Dash said, rubbing the back of her head with a forehoof.

“I was foolish, and when you ran away, I realized the error I had made. I want you to know that I support you with all the sincerity I can muster.” Rarity said, “To the bitter end.”

She was caught off guard when Rainbow Dash lunged forward and hugged her tightly. “Thanks.” Rainbow Dash said. “Now I need to go back in and meet Applejack.”

“I must return home. Sweetie Belle is most likely making a mess of the shop, and I can’t put up with much more stress.”

“Heh, okay, Rarity.” Rainbow Dash said. She turned back and walked up to the restaurant door. She paused right before it and took a deep breath. She was so happy to be who she was that she didn’t know how much she could contain it. She loved Applejack so much that she wanted to scream it off the top of the restaurant roof.

She opened the door.

Blueblood and Applejack stood beside Rarity and Blueblood’s table facing each other. Just as Rainbow Dash was about to go investigate, Blueblood leaned forward and kissed Applejack on the mouth.

“Applejack!” Rainbow Dash shouted. Applejack stepped away from Blueblood with wide eyes of dread. She took one look at Rainbow Dash. Her face was filled with fear as she looked at Rainbow Dash.

“I c-can’t believe you…” Rainbow Dash said, the tears coming fast.

“N-no, Rainbow Dash, It’s not…” Applejack said.

“You CHEAT!” Rainbow Dash screamed, her voice cracking. She turned and left the restaurant as fast as she could, fleeing into the night.

“Wait! Sugarcube!” Applejack shouted, following her with the same speed. Blueblood was grinning.

“Thanks for ruining my date, fillyfooler.” Blueblood said under his breath.

The other ponies in the restaurant had shocked expressions. They had not expected to receive this much entertainment at dinner, especially coming from three of the ponies that defeated Nightmare Moon and Prince Blueblood himself.


“RAINBOW DASH!!!” Applejack screamed. Rainbow Dash flew overhead at great speed, though not as fast as she could. Rainbow Dash’s tears made it difficult to see straight. Applejack was tearing up now, something uncharacteristic of the orange earth pony.

“RAINBOW DASH, PLEASE COME DOWN!!!” Applejack shouted, struggling to keep up with her marefriend. Rainbow Dash’s sobs could be heard from the ground, driving a stake into Applejack’s heart every time she heard it.

“RAINBOW DASH, AH’M SORRY! PLEASE!” Applejack shouted. Once Rainbow Dash had reached her home, Applejack stopped running. She broke down on the road, sobbing like a little baby.

“NO! NO NO NO!” Applejack screamed, slamming her front hooves into the ground. She cried harder than she had ever cried before. Rainbow Dash was the love of her life, and after all these years, they were finally together. Now Rainbow Dash believes she cheated on her. Why does life have to be so cruel?

“Go away, Applejack!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Please come down!” Applejack shouted, “I need you!”

“Go back to your coltfriend.” Rainbow Dash shouted back, now crying even harder. Rainbow Dash slammed her front door shut. Applejack sobbed and refused to move.

And she stayed there all night.


The morning sun woke Applejack slowly. She felt the tears encrusting her face. She looked up and adjusted her eyes to the sunlight. She sniffed and looked at Rainbow Dash’s house. She couldn’t tell if she was up there or not, but she was going to find out, dang it!

Applejack went running back towards town. She knew one way to get up to Rainbow Dash’s home. There were only two Pegasus ponies she trusted with the job.

She soared through town at blinding speed.

“Applejack!” Twilight suddenly shouted when Applejack passed the library.

“Can’t talk, Twilight!” Applejack shouted back. She ran out of town toward the meadow.

“Rats!” Twilight Sparkle exclaimed. She turned and went back into the library. Rarity and Pinkie Pie were there with her. “She ignored me, and she wasn’t with Rainbow Dash.”

“Well, we’ll get them eventually.” Rarity said.

“Yea, it’s not like we’re running out of time or anything.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yea, but we do need to tell them today.” Twilight said, “At least I think we should.”

“No, you’re right. If Rainbow Dash and Applejack are going to find out that their friends know about them… it should be as soon as possible.” Rarity agreed.

“I’ll try to catch her when she goes back through town.” Twilight said.


“Fluttershy!” Applejack shouted once she had reached the meadow. She spotted Fluttershy’s cottage and ran full speed at it.

“Fluttershy, are ya there?!” Applejack shouted again, approaching the cottage quickly. Fluttershy stepped outside, giving Applejack hardly enough time to skid to a stop and come face-to-face with her friend.

“Oh! Well, good morning Applejack.”

“I need yer help!” Applejack shouted.

“Oh, well, um… you see, I was just on my way to Twilight’s…”

“It’ll only take a second, ah promise, this is important!”

“Um… well, okay, I guess.” Fluttershy said, “Anything to help a friend.”


“Just a little further, Fluttershy!” Applejack coached. Fluttershy struggled to lift Applejack high enough to reach Rainbow Dash’s home. Applejack watched the doorstep slowly approach and felt her anticipation grow with each passing second.

In a few minutes, the two had landed and Fluttershy was gasping for air. She let Applejack down on the front porch and immediately collapsed beside her.

“Ya alright, Fluttershy?”

“Yea, I’m fine.” Fluttershy said. She stood, her front legs sore from lifting. “It was worth it.” She smiled at Applejack and took off flying back toward town. “Come to the library when this is over.” She said back to Applejack as she flew away.

Applejack silently watched Fluttershy fly away, then turned and faced the door. She took a deep breath and knocked three times. A few seconds passed, then the door opened. Rainbow Dash was there, her eyes swollen from crying.

“Applejack!” Rainbow Dash said, shocked, “How did you…?”

“That ain’t important.” Applejack said, silencing Rainbow Dash. “What is important is ya’ll thinkin’ that Ah’m some kinda cheater.”

“My eyes didn’t lie to me, Applejack.” Rainbow Dash said. “I saw you full-on kiss Prince Blueblood on the mouth!”

“Ya don’t even know what happened in there, do ya?” Applejack asked.

“I saw enough!” Rainbow Dash said. She looked away from Applejack. It appeared as if she were going to start crying again.

Applejack continued as if Rainbow Dash hadn’t said anything, “As soon as ya left to talk ta Rarity, Ah went right up to that stuck-up prince and Ah let him have it.” Applejack said. “I told him outright that you were mah date, and he had no right makin’ his silly accusations.”

“Didn’t look like that.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Because he saw you comin’ in. He got real close and said, ‘Ah’ll bet Ah can change yer mind.’” Applejack said, “Then he kissed me. Ah didn’t expect it, and Ah hate him fer it.”

“Applejack, you really expect me to believe that?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Why don’t you just admit that you were just playing with my emotions?”

“Why… Ah’d never!”

“You just wanted to lead me on and see how long you could trick the fillyfooler!” Rainbow Dash shouted. Applejack, now very upset, then decided that it was time to do something drastic.

“Ah can prove it.” Applejack said.

“Prove what?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“All Ah need ya ta do is fly us down and follow me back to town.” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash gave her a suspicious stare and scowled. Maybe it was something to do with how upset Applejack was, or maybe it was because Applejack was just so goddamn gorgeous, but Rainbow Dash felt that she needed to give Applejack a chance.

“Fine.” Rainbow Dash said. Applejack nodded and took a deep breath, turning around and letting Rainbow Dash grab hold of her. They made the journey back down to the ground much faster than when Fluttershy tried to do the same. Then, with Applejack leading the way, the two ponies took the path that lead downtown.

Do I really wanna do this? Applejack asked herself. She had just gotten this idea while thinking of ways to prove to Rainbow Dash that she loved her… It’s just crazy… but I have to.

“What are you doing, Applejack?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Jus’ wait!” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and followed Applejack into town. It was now around midday, so half the town was out and about. Applejack led Rainbow Dash right into the town square, and then stopped.

“Ah don’t know how this is gonna work out… but Ah need you to listen to me.” Applejack said.

“Applejack, what are you doing?” Rainbow Dash asked again. She had a suspicious face on, like Applejack was just leading her into some sort of trap.

“Rainbow Dash, you are the single most beautiful pony in Equestria.” Applejack said, “Not only that, but yer funny, talented, an’ energetic beyond measure.” Applejack continued, “Even when you act standoffish, it’s always with good intention, and yer kind enough to back it up. You’ve been mah best friend since you came here, and now Ah’ve completely fallen fer ya… an’ now Ah need to tell everypony somethin’.”

“Applejack…” Rainbow Dash said, realization suddenly hitting her. “You don’t have to…”

“LISTEN UP, EVERYPONY!” Applejack shouted. Rainbow Dash sat back and watched, now completely convinced that Applejack had gone off the deep end.

“AH HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TA MAKE!” Applejack shouted at the top of her lungs. Every pony that was once going about their daily routine now had their attention focused on Applejack. Applejack looked around the crowd and spotted who she expected to see: Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were all outside the library. Big Macintosh was at one end of the crowd beside Apple Bloom, and a few other members of Applejack’s family.

The whole area was silent. Applejack stood in the middle of a cleared circle, Rainbow Dash only about ten feet from her.

“Last night…” Applejack started, her voice trembling, “Ah went out to dinner with somepony… and thanks to a colossal misunderstanding, that pony now hates me.” Applejack said.

“I don’t hate you, Applejack…” Rainbow Dash whispered to herself.

“And Ah can only hope… that this helps this pony understand.” Applejack said. She turned and faced Rainbow Dash.

“Mah name’s Applejack.” Applejack said loudly, “And… Ah’m in love with Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash smiled brightly and felt tears sting her eyes. She blinked and wiped her face. Applejack did it! There were murmers throughout the crowd. Nopony knew exactly what to think at this time. It was like watching a soap opera. What would happen?

Applejack walked up to Rainbow Dash and looked at the ground, “Ah know ya think I cheated on ya… but you gotta know-“

Rainbow Dash kissed Applejack, silencing her. The crowd erupted in applause. Cheers came from everywhere and ponies clapped their hooves in approval. Both ponies remained together, bathing in the unanimous support from their peers. After a few seconds, they separated and looked each other in the eyes.

“I never hated you, Applejack.” Rainbow Dash said. The ponies that surrounded the pair began to disperse again, going back to their business. “I mean, I was upset… but you didn’t actually kiss Blueblood, did you?”

“He kissed me. Ah didn’t expect it.” Applejack said.

“Applejack?” Big Mac said. Applejack looked away from Rainbow Dash and into Big Mac’s curious expression. Well, she knew she would have to deal with her family about this eventually.

“Did y’all really mean that?” Big Mac asked. Applejack blushed and drew up close to Rainbow Dash. “Every word.” She said.

“Well, Ah can’t say I like it much…” Big Mac said. Applejack looked down and felt her cheeks grow red. “But Ah sure as sugar ain’t gonna stop ya.” He said, smiling. Applejack gasped and smiled, then leapt forward and hugged her brother tightly.

“Thanks, Big Mac.” Applejack said.

“No problem, AJ.”

“That was so adorable!” Apple Bloom said from behind Big Mac, eventually coming forward. “Ah hope Ah can be as brave as you someday, Applejack!”

“Aw, ‘twasn’t nuthin’ special.” Applejack said.

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow Dash said. “It takes guts to do what you just did.”

Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy then approached the group. They were all smiling and about ready to burst at the seams with laughter.

“We’ll see ya at home, AJ.” Big Mac said, “C’mon, Apple Bloom.”

“Bye, Applejack!” Apple Bloom said.

“So, girls… what do ya think?” Applejack asked. She put her front leg around Rainbow Dash’s shoulders and held her tight.

“We knew.” Twilight said happily.

“You… knew?” Rainbow Dash asked. “But how? We’ve only been together for, like, two days!”

“You really should be more careful when you go making out behind buildings.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Oh…” Rainbow Dash said, her ears drooping. “My bad.”

“Ah, it’s out now. What does it matter?” Applejack said.

“We were planning on telling you today that we knew, but it looks like you beat us to it!” Rarity said. The group laughed and reveled in the moment.

“Um… Rarity?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yes, Pinkie Pie?” Rarity replied.

“Is it appropriate now?” Pinkie Pie asked, almost jumping up and down with excitement.

“Yes, I suppose a party would work.” Rarity said.

“LET’S PARTY!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.


After Pinkie Pie’s party, Rainbow Dash and Applejack both walked back to Sweet Apple Acres together. They nestled beside each other in Applejack’s bed and got ready to sleep. They both had a good amount of confetti and sparkles on them from the party.

“Well, how ‘bout that?” Applejack said to Rainbow Dash once they were in bed together. Rainbow Dash gave her a little peck on the cheek.

“You know what, Applejack? There’s something I need to tell you.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh yea? What’s that?” Applejack asked.

“I love you too.”

The End

Author's note: I like to think my writing's gotten better since this story was written, but I hope you enjoyed the ride regardless!

Comments ( 24 )

Pretty good. Had me going for a bit there with Blueblood.


...holy shit. Its 2 AM.


Being three hours past midnight in my part of this world and having work I must commence upon in the morrow, it is with reluctance that I place this upon my "read later" list and promise unto you that I shall return at a later date, read this tale of Appledash, and if the mood strikes me solidly, write a respectable comment in opposition to this previous sentence of wasted words and long winded eloquence.
No idea why I did that, but it was fun.
Yeah I'm gonna read this later and probably write a fairly lengthy comment depending on how much I like this fic.

Edit: Oh... Apparently I read this already on fanfiction, I remember liking it there so good job!
I like the idea of Rainbow Dash with a diary, it seems like the sort of thing she'd do but keep secret.

Aw, that was really good! I liked how the story progressed in 3 parts, kinda like a play. It was adorable, and well written, and you can never go wrong with Appledash :ajsmug: Awesome work :pinkiehappy:


There were a lot of moments that made me go beyond facepalming (at present, thats facebedding) but regardless this was still a good read :scootangel:

Fair story with some great romantic elements. Definitely worth reading :pinkiehappy:

A lovely cute fanfic that warmed my hearth and made me hate Gilda even more than I already did. It is a good story and I liked every second I read of it.:pinkiehappy:

Great story had me goin thinkin Blueblood was all nice and a gentlecolt,but alas it could not be.

Great story, a perfect example of a good AppleDash

I hate Blueblood and Gilda even more now.... Have 10 Spikes with Mo's :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

709393 He's a stuck-up posh jerk. The SEED version of him had a silver spoon in it's mouth.

Wow. Im in the exact same situation as you :twilightblush:
Time t' hit the hay
Great story, by the way!
-Jrzfine Out :rainbowdetermined2:

Nice! Only, in the beggining of the story , you wrote "man" instead of "stallion" or something. Jus' pointing out :)

Brilliant job. This is one of the few stories that inspired me to write my FanFic. This is so awesome and romantic. So sad when 'Dash though AJ was cheating. :fluttercry::ajsleepy:

Applause are in definite order. You done good. :moustache:

EDIT: Reread it. Finished at 2:25 AM. Still just as great as I remember


...holy shit. Its 2 AM.

that's me every night when i'm writing my stories. lol.


“We could just be going to… Le Petits Chevaux as friends!

You forgot the "

Good story and its actually finished. Blueblood is homophobic (I could predict this when it said both couples would go on a date at the same place.):pinkiehappy:

*wanders in*

Oh hello, what's this? An Appledash? Whee! :pinkiehappy: Do like the concept. A bit clichéd, but hey, it was pretty darn well executed.

OK, so the formatting could use some work. I found it kinda irksome to have to parse through all this. Your writing has DEFINITELY gotten better; I read Remember a while back and I think that it's much improved from this. Maybe take the time to edit this.

Oh yeah, I think this has been mentioned before, but try to stay in Equestria. That means no hands, arms, or stuff like that.

But hey, well done!

You know, if you wanted to update this story, something seemed to scream for attention in the story, but wasn't pointed out specifically. First, Rarity decided to rethink love and decided that being gay is fine. Next, you said something snapped in Rarity. Third, Rarity stood up for fillyfoolers and Rainbow Dash. If you were to make this story slightly different, this could've had an extra twist. Rarity's never had it work out with stallions, as said in the story earlier, and right near the end she had a little moment with Rainbow Dash. I half expected Rarity to suddenly kiss Rainbow Dash. Facts seem to lead up to that, but you did nothing with it. Rarity could've suddenly realized that she, too, loves Rainbow Dash. This would make sense seeing how much Blueblood bothered her when he spoke negatively about Rainbow Dash. In the end, Rarity could end up with somepony else after Rainbow Dash let's her down easy. I knew that this would not happen, though, seeing how this story was only three chapters. Also, during the Celestia part, she said to clear some space and my first thought was "She heard the news and she's not happy. She's going to try to use the elements on Rainbow Dash to 'cure" her." I knew that this was not possible either, though, since this did not have the sad tag. This story was also way too technical, so I couldn't get into the story. You're being thorough and accurate, but it's a little hard to imagine a story when you go, so deep into it, because it pulls you out of the story. I read the beginning, though, so I understand that this is an old story, but it might be good to publish a remake as well where you update it and do more with it.

Damn fine story my good sir/maam

I really enjoyed reading this and more so, I appreciate your choice not to leave the rest of the 'gang' behind and, although Rainbow and Applejack are the center of attention, give them a little bit of spotlight as well.
Though I wonder what Fluttershy was so hesitant about...

Rarity readjusting her thoughts about homosexuality did seemed to be a bit rushed, as did the apology that one pony gave at Rainbows party. And although Big Mac showed his support, I can easily imagine Granny Smith to be a bit more... conservative about this.

It was entertaining.
Thank you.

and that stupid fuck get's off Scot free! again!

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