• Published 26th Nov 2015
  • 5,620 Views, 157 Comments

Coming Up OOO - shinigamisparda

Displaced Kamen Rider OOO comes to Equestria. Can our wannabe hero be a symbol of hope?

  • ...

New World Introduction / Power of Medals / A Hero's Declaration!

Katsuo had managed to get a hold of himself after the white one with elegant and curly hair apologized.

“I-I’m s-sorry,” he managed to say while wiping his eyes. “It’s j-just that I w-worked r-really hard-d on this-s, p-put a l-lot of t-time and en-nergy into it. A-And to hear s-someone call it… well-”

“W-Well, I’m sorry as well,” she apologized, looking genuinely ashamed. “To have insulted you, especially after you came to help us. And, well, to be honest, it’s not the worst thing I’ve seen by any means. I suppose it’s just a little garish for my tastes. So, it was Katsuo correct?”

“Uh, yeah, Katsuo Pollux. And who are you?”

“You may call me Rarity, or ‘Miss Rarity’ if you prefer,” she answered, giving an elegant bow.

She was dressed in a white buttoned up and collared blouse with sleeves down to her elbows, and was tucked into a light blue skirt that extended down to about the midway point of her thighs, high enough to show off some skin (or in this case fur?) but low enough to aptly protect her modesty. It also apparently didn’t impede her carefully groomed tail from coming out the back. On her legs were some black thigh high hosiery with straps that ran up her skirt, probably connected to a garter belt, and on her feet were a pair of black and glossy high heeled shoes. On her left wrist was silver bracelet, and a light blue floppy bow tie was tied under her collar and pinned with a silver clip designed like a gem. A pair of blue gemstones hung from her ears, and she had a noticeable application of blue eye shadow and well applied black eyeliner. All of this framed her rather well developed and tall body, standing high enough that Katsuo’s eyes were about level with her ample breasts, a thought made him blush heavily before shaking it out of his head. Despite the fact that he would never consider himself a furry, he had to admit she looked stunning.

“Well Miss Rarity, would you mind explaining where I am and what you all are?” he asked politely.

She blinked for a moment before replying. “Well, I am a unicorn, and this is the town of Ponyville. Does that answer your question?”

“Well, um, sort of. You don’t look like what I would think of when I would hear the word ‘unicorn’. And also, I assume you wouldn’t call her a unicorn,” he commented pointing to the blue girl with wings. “Or her,” he added pointing to the pink girl with neither a horn or wings, who unlike the rest of the group looked excited instead of curious or afraid, happily waving back to him. “Also, I’ve never heard of Ponyville before.”

“It seems we have quite a bit to discuss,” came another voice. This one belonged to another unicorn girl, judging by the horn on her head. Her hair and tail were three colors, arranged in such a way Katsuo doubted it was natural. She wore a powder blue collared blouse with sleeves stopping at her upper arms over a white long sleeved shirt. She had on a violet skirt that part on only her right side, just enough to allow her unimpeded leg movement, and extended down to her knees. She also wore a pair of brown loafers and some white socks. She was a bit shorter than Rarity, maybe by a few inches, but still much taller than he was. Her body wasn’t quite as filled out as Rarity’s but she was certainly cute and possessed a modest bust.

Why am I thinking about those things, anyway? Katsuo thought to himself. I mean they’re horses for pete’s sake, so what if she’s cute!? It’s not like I’d have a chance with her anyway! … Wait.

He decided to cut off that train of thought before it got somewhere he didn’t want to think about.

“Before we explain anything, though, there’s one thing I’d like to ask you,” she continued.

“U-Um, yes?”

“Why did you help us?”

Katsuo puffed his chest out with pride and smiled. “Because you were in trouble.”

She looked at him for a moment her expression changed to one of surprise, apparently expecting more. “That’s it?”

“Do I need another reason?”

She stared at him for a few moment before sighing in relief. “Ok then. Just give me a moment. There’s somepony you need to meet,” she said.

“Somepony?” Really?

Her horn lit up with a magenta aura and in a flash a scroll, a quill, and an ink well popped into existence. Katsuo looked shocked as she wrote on the scroll and then rolled it up before handing it to a small lizard creature next to her, perhaps the only thing Katsuo saw for that was shorter than him. The lizard took the scroll and breathed a green flame on it, burning it to a puff of smoke.

“Um… Why did he burn that?” Katsuo asked.

The unicorn blinked for a moment. “... It looks like we have lot to talk about.”

Katsuo was waiting along with the seven he had met before inside of a library that seemed to be built into a tree that appeared to be very much alive. He had also been introduced to the others in the group that hadn’t been named yet.

The small one, Spike, was actually a dragon. They called him a “baby dragon”, but considering he walked, talked, and was the assistant of the lavender unicorn, whose name was Twilight Sparkle, he really wouldn’t think of him as a “baby.” He wasn’t wearing any clothes, but considering that it didn’t look like he had anything to show off, it seemed that wasn’t a problem.

The next was a tall orange coated “earth pony” named Applejack, who possessed neither wings nor a horn. She was taller than Rarity by a few inches, and wore a red plaid shirt tied in the front, showing off the white tank top she wore underneath. A pair of blue jeans that had obviously seen plenty of of use showed off her powerful legs, brown boots covered her feet, and it was all capped off by a stetson hat. Her body was bore noticeable muscle strength, and she also had a sizeable bust size, around the same size of Rarity.

The there was a blue one with wings, a pegasus named Rainbow Dash, one of the few closer to Katsuo in terms of height, though a few inches taller. She wore a brown bomber jacket over a white tank top. She wore a pair of navy athletic shorts that stopped high up her thighs and wore black running shoes with orange stripes over orange high socks. Her muscle was lean and defined, obviously built for stamina, while her assets were practically non-existent, almost flat chested. At the moment she was lying on a couch and nursing a bandaged wound on her leg from where the monster attacked her.

The one tending that wound was another pegasus named Fluttershy, who was about the same height as the more athletic pegasus, wearing a green turtleneck sweater that seemed to simultaneously hide and emphasize a bust that seemed too big for her petite body, something along the size of Applejack or Rarity. She wore a white skirt that extended down to her shins, and her feet were covered with nothing more than sandals. Every time Katsuo glanced her way she meeped slightly and moved behind the couch, peeking over cautiously.

I know so many people who would practically die just looking at you, he thought. It was also her reaction that caused him to realize how many of their names seemed to be perfectly suited to their personalities, far too closely for him to think it was a coincidence.

Finally there was the other earth pony, Pinkie Pie, who was about the same height as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. She was dressed in a yellow crop top, showing off her midriff, with a light blue hoodie over that that she kept open. She also wore pink denim short-shorts that also seemed to have suspenders, and pink high top shoes with white laces over a pair of shin high yellow and blue striped socks. Her body showed that she a had a bit of fat on her, but despite having a bust about the same size a Twilight “voluptuous” was the best way to describe her body, having “all the right curves in all the right places”, as the song went. Her personality, on the other hand, could only be called “bouncy”, and ever since they had introduced themselves she seemed to be swaying from side to side, smiling brightly as if anticipating something exciting was about to happen.

At the moment they were all currently waiting for a “Princess Celestia”, Spike having apparently sent the message by “dragonfire.”

Unicorns, pegasi, Princesses, dragonfire. As the saying goes “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore,” Katsuo thought.

At that moment the sound of something touching down could be heard from outside. All the ponies, minus Rainbow Dash, immediately perked, Twilight actually standing at attention. A few moments later two stallions stepped in, one white and the other grey. Both of them were dressed in what looked like golden centurion armor, complete with blue helmet crests. They were both armed with polearms and had short swords strapped to their sides. Both of them scanned the room quickly before stopping on Katsuo for a moment. Their harsh glares caused him to seize up and stand at attention in response. After another moment of hesitation they both moved aside to let somepony else in.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight called, rushing up and hugging the new arrival.

The Princess smiled and hugged her back. “Hello, Twilight. It’s good to see you unharmed,” she replied, her voice gentle.

The two broke the embrace and Twilight bowed, as did the other ponies, minus Rainbow Dash, though she seemed to be moving to get up.

“Please, rest Rainbow Dash. You’ve earned a rest for your bravery,” she said. She then turned to Katsuo. “So, is this him?”

“Yes, Princess. He says his name is Katsuo Pollux,” Twilight explained. “Please, introduce… Katsuo?”

The boy’s eyes were wide and he couldn’t turn his eyes away from the figure in front of him. The Princess was a towering figure, probably standing at least six and a half feet tall. She possessed both horns and wings, and yet both were more powerful and impressive looking than either the pegasi or the unicorns, especially the horn which must’ve been at least six inches long. She wore a white dress that tightened slightly around her waist before flowing down to her ankles, parting at her hip on the left side but only enough that it wouldn’t impede her movement. She wore a pair of golden cuff bracelets and a golden necklace that extended down to her bust, both embedded with gems. On her feet were golden heels, and on her head a golden tiara with gems. By far the most eye catching feature was her long multicolored mane and tail, both which flowed in a non-existent wind. Despite her somewhat modest attire Katsuo could still plainly see her body’s features, possessing the biggest bust he’d seen yet and having measurements that look practically sculpted by an artist. Her overall appearance was what many likely would think was the ideal body of a woman.

“Is there something you wish to say, little one?” Celestia asked gently, snapping him out of his awed staring.

Not wanting to admit that he’d been drinking in her appearance, he skipped to the next thought that was true. “...You’re really tall,” he replied stupidly.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at him before chuckling. “I suppose I am,” she agreed before walking over to the nearby table. Without really thinking, Katsuo rushed over and pulled the chair out for her. “My, how chivalrous,” she commented before sitting down and crossing her legs, something that Katsuo had to force himself not to stare it.

Why? Why am I acting like some lovestruck idiot? Is it just her appearance or-?

It was in the middle of that thought that the boy realized something. He quickly scanned the room to confirm what he was thinking.

I’ve never been around this many girls at once in my entire life. No wonder I’m acting like a hormone driven dork.

“Now, I’m to understand that there was a monster attack not too long ago, and you defeated it. Is that correct?” Celestia asked.

“U-Um, yes. That’s right,” Katsuo replied.

“That’s quite impressive. Even my trained guards have had trouble dealing with them, as has my student Twilight, and her magic is not something to scoff at,” she explained, causing Twilight to blush and shuffle her a bit and embarrassment. “To be quite honest, though they haven’t posed me too much of a threat, I have been the only to be able to beat them on my own. How is it you were able to do such a thing?”

“It’s because he’s Ooze!” Pinkie answered cheerfully.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “‘Ooze’?”

“N-No, it’s not ‘Ooze’ it’s ‘OOO’. Like, more than one ‘O’,” he explained. “I’m Kamen Rider OOO.”

“‘Kamen… Rider’? Perhaps you could explain?” Celestia asked, motioning for him to continue.

“It’s, uh, a TV show. A long running one, actually, it’s been going for more than forty years now,” he began began standing up straight and puffing his chest out with pride. “A Kamen Rider is a defender of justice, one who puts his life on the line for those who cannot protect themselves. Someone who brings hope no matter how dark things are, and always pushes forwards no matter what. Even if it makes their lives miserable, so long as they can put a smile on someone’s face, they will fight on! That’s what it means to be Kamen Rider!”

The room fell silent after his declaration. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy looked surprised, while Pinkie continued to smile brightly. Spike looked completely awed, his eyes sparkling in excitement.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “That’s pretty cheesy, short stack,” she joked.

Katsuo only smirked back. “So what? Cheesy is fine when you mean it.”

Celestia smiled. “That’s quite a statement, young one. But I’m still curious, how is it you were able to defeat this monster? I don’t sense much magic from you. In fact, I don’t believe I a sense any at all, which in itself is quite odd.”

“Oh, um, just a moment!” Katsuo said before moving to his duffel bag. He pulled out the OOO Driver and the case of Core Medals, setting the case on the table before slapping the Driver on his waist, causing the belt to magically appear. He then opened up the case, retrieving three Medals. “This is how I was able to do it. Just watch.” He placed a Core Medal in each slot before turning the Driver, causing it to hum with power. He then grabbed the scanning disc and ran it along the belt, causing three chimes to sound. “Hensin!” he shouted.

A display of medals circled around him before three stopped in front of him, each stop coming with a name.


The three images merged and came to his chest, and in a flash he was armored again. This time the circle in the center was different, the top green and shaped like a stag beetle, the center red and looking like wings being fanned out, and the bottom the profile of a large cat. His armor also had a different shape, the helmet having two horns that looked like the mandibles of a stag beetle and orange lenses. The arms possessed red pointed shoulder pads, gauntlets that had a similar design, and the the left wrist having a small red shield mounted on it. The grieves on his legs were yellow and covered more than his previous green ones did, covering all of his legs to his upper thighs.

“This is how I was able to beat that Yummy,” he explained. “This is the power I wield.”

Celestia looked genuinely surprised. Before she could say anything though, Pinkie interrupted.

“Where’s the song?” she asked, looking confused.


“The song. The one that played last time.”

“Oh! Uh, hold on.” Katsuo righted his Driver and pulled out the three medals before walking back over to the case and pulling out three different medals, replacing the ones he had before with them. He angled the Driver and ran the scanning disc over the belt again, causing a similar display from before to appear.

TAKA! TORA! BATTA! Ta-To-Ba! TaToBa Ta-To-Ba!

Katsuo’s armor now appeared the same way it did earlier.

“There it is!” Pinkie exclaimed in glee, hopping as she did. “Ta-To-Ba! TaToBa Ta-To-Ba!” she sung as she did a little jig. “Oh, that’s fun!”

Katsura couldn't help but chuckle. “You're funny! I like you!”

“Aww, I like you too!” she replied before she bounced over and hugged him, the boy secretly thanking that the helmet hid his blush.

“Pardon me, but, ‘Yummy’?” Celestia interjected.


“A Yummy. That’s what you called that creature. You know what it is, don’t you?”

“Oh, right. Um, I guess I should explain,” Katsuo began after freeing himself from Pinkie’s grasp. “Well, a Yummy is… actually, no, hold on a minute, this doesn’t feel right.”

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked.

“Just… work with me here for a moment, okay?” Celestia stared at him suspiciously for a moment before nodding. Katsuo responded by leaping into the air high enough to land on one of the bookshelves. He then turned and swung his arms out dramatically. “This is the tale of OOO! How one man’s ambition set into play a series of events that would bring terror to the world long after his passing!”

Most everyone stared at him with a mix of shock and confusion. The exceptions were Spike, who seemed to be soaking this all in like a child being told a new bedtime story, Celestia, who chuckled in amusement at Katsuo’s hamminess, and Pinkie, who had somehow pulled out a bucket of popcorn and began eating.

“Eight hundred years ago, there was a king who sought a new power, the power to conquer the world! He had his alchemists create for him the items that he would use for this, the Core Medals!” he shouted as he motioned to motioned to the case of brightly colored coins. “By condensing the essences of animals into coins, they created a power that the king could use for his goals. A power surpassing infinity itself!”

He then leaped off the bookshelf and landed next to the case. “But, when creating this power, something unexpected happened. Each color had ten Core Medals to them, but then one was removed from each. This caused an imbalance and gave birth to a new existence: the Greeeds! Creatures with unquenchable desires for all number of things, bent on fulfilling their desires no matter what it took. The king fought these creatures, intent on using their power for his own ends, and overpowered them. But the energy of the Core Medals proved too much for the king. He underestimated their power, as well as his own ability to control it, and it spelled his downfall as well as the sealing away of the Greeeds.”

There was a pause as the rest waited for him to see if he would continue.

“That’s quite an interesting story, but you haven’t explained what a Yummy is,” Celestia commented.

“Huh? Ah, so ka,” he replied before heading over to the large container, pulling out a grey coin. “This is a Cell Medal. They are manifestations of desire, and have energy inside them. Unlike Core Medals, these things have limited power and vanish after they use it up. Greeeds can implant theses into other people, creating Yummys. Yummys are sort of representations of those peoples’ desires, but also take those desires to extremes.”

“W-Wait a minute! Are you saying that those Greeed things are here in Equestria!? And that those monsters we’ve been fighting, those Yummys, were made from ponies!?” Twilight asked in a panic.

“Well, if things are happening the way they did in the show, then yes. That’s probably what’s going on.”

“But wait, how did they get here!?” Rainbow asked.

Celestia, however, looked like she had already put things together. “Katsuo.”


“You said the Greeeds were born from the Core Medals, correct?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Tell me, how did you come to be in Equestria?”

“Uh, well, I’m not sure really. I remember Joker-san offering me the chance to be a Kamen Rider, and then I blacked out. The next thing I remember I was falling through the sky, and then there was a bright light. After that I remember falling and hitting some castle floor inside a forest.”

“You mean the Everfree Forest? The one near Ponyville?” Rarity asked.

“If that’s what you call it.”

“Which means the castle you arrived in was the old Capitol,” Celestia surmised. “Can you describe the light you saw?”

“It was really bright. Brilliant, actually. And it was the beautiful rainbow of colors. I’d never seen anything like it.”

“...Katsuo… how long have you been in Equestria?”

“Um… about a week, I think. But… somehow it feels like a lot longer. Like-”

“Like you were caught in a dream you couldn’t wake up from?” Celestia finished.

“...Yeah. Something like that.”

“Katsuo… very recently my sister, Princess Luna, returned from her imprisonment. It was something I unfortunately had to force onto her we she attempted to plunge Equestria into eternal night. I used the power of the Elements of Harmony to send her to the Moon… and I think you might have accidentally been sent with her.”

“What!?” everyone gasped.

“But that means he’s a thousand years old!” Spike exclaimed.

“Nani!?” Katsuo shouted back. “What do you mean ‘a thousand years old!?’ That doesn’t make any sense! That would mean she’d have to be at least a thousand years old, too!” he protested, pointing to Celestia.

“I am,” she replied simply.

Katsuo just stared. “...This is a joke, right? You’re all pranking me! I mean, there’s no way someone that beautiful can be that old!”

The room fell silent again. It was then broken by Celestia’s chuckles as she desperately tried to keep herself from bursting out laughing. “What an amusing being you are, Katsuo Pollux. I’ve never met anyone who complimented others when the filter between their thoughts and speech broke down.”

“Wait… so you really are…” Katsuo muttered. “Are you a goddess?”

Celestia smiled. “I suppose that depends on your definition of the word.”

“S-Sugoi…” he muttered before standing attention and bowing deeply. “Gomenasai! Please excuse my informality, Princess Celestia!”

She simply chuckled back. “It’s quite alright. But moving on, there’s one last thing I’d like to ask you Katsuo. These Core Medals you brought with you, how many did you have with you?”

“Oh, well I had ten from each set.” Everypony stared at him. “Uh, what’s wrong?”

“Katsuo, darling. How many of those medals do you have now? Do you have all of them?” Rarity asked hesitantly.

“Uh, no, actually. I think I may have dropped some when I…” Katsuo trailed off, his helmet hiding the slowly dawning realization that he was coming to. After a few moment he grabbed his head and screamed. “AAAAAAAAAH! IT’S MY FAAAAAAAUUUUUULT!” He then dashed over to Celestia, prostrating himself before her. “I’M SORRY! I’M SO SORRY! I DIDN’T MEAN TO! I SWEAR IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! GOMENASAI!”

“That’s quite enough,” Celestia commander, her soft tone still managing to carry power. Katsuo rose to face her. “It’s quite obvious that you had no intention to bring these Greeeds and Yummys to Equestria. I will not punish you for something you had no intention to do.” She rose from her seat. “I thank you for saving my student and her friends, Katsuo Pollux. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to prepare my ponies for what lies ahead,” she stated before walking towards the door.

“Mate! Please wait, Princess Celestia!”

The Princess turned to face Katsuo, her eyebrow raised.

“I know I don’t have the right to ask this, but I beg you to please let me handle the Greeeds and Yummys.” He bowed deeply. “Please, your majesty! Allow me to undo my mistake!”

Celestia thought on this a moment before approaching Katsuo. With a smile she leaned down and whispered in his ear. “You know, I actually enjoy when somepony treats me a little more informally. It gets tiring to hear so many stuffy nobles address me as ‘your majesty’ every day.” She then stood up straight. “I can see the purity of your heart, little one. I will let you protect my ponies from this new threat, provided you give it your all.” She turned and headed towards the door before stopping after a few steps. “My faithful student and her friends should be of great help. I expect great things from you, Kamen Rider OOO.”

Katsuo still seemed shocked before finally snapping himself out of his tupor. He stood up straight and saluted her back. “I won’t let you down! That’s a promise!”

“I’m sure you won’t,” she finished with a smile as she and her guards stepped outside.

“Well, first thing’s first,” Applejack began. “We need ta’ get you a place ta’ sleep.”

“Oh, I should make a list!” Twilight exclaimed in glee. “Spike, get a scroll and get ready to jot this down!”

Author's Note:

Ok, so this took a while. I know I'm doing things a bit out of order, but this is the end of the intro for Coming Up OOO. Though there may be a few more chapters dedicating to Katsuo settling into Ponyville, I think this sets everything up quite nicely. Also, I hope I did a good job on the girl's outfits.

See you next time!