• Published 26th Nov 2015
  • 5,619 Views, 157 Comments

Coming Up OOO - shinigamisparda

Displaced Kamen Rider OOO comes to Equestria. Can our wannabe hero be a symbol of hope?

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Hero's Introduction / Lost and Gained / Shadow Plotting

Diamond Tiara had gathered, along with the rest of Ponyville, in front of town hall for what was supposed to be an important announcement. She was dressed in black v-neck under a yellow jacket, and had a red gem around her neck. She wore a grey skirt that ran down her upper thighs, and some black modesty shorts extended a bit further than that, while yellow heeled boots covered her feet and shins. Topping it off was the silver tiara on her head that matched cutie mark.

“What do you think’s going on?” She asked Silver Spoon, her best friend for who knows how long.

“Not sure. Maybe it’s about the monster attacks that have been happening recently?” She suggested.

“Hmph. Somepony really needs to do something about that.”

“I heard that Princess Celestia herself is the only one who’s been able to handle those things with no problem. If that’s the case, they must be really strong.”

Silver Spoon was dressed in seifuku style outfit with a lavender shirt, white collar, and hot pink skirt with a pendant matching her cutie mark on the collar. She wore lavender heeled boots, a turquoise beaded necklace, and turquoise glasses.

“That just means they need to get somepony better down here so the Princess doesn’t have to waste time dealing with it herself,” Diamond Tiara replied.

“Everypony! Everypony, can I have your attention please!?” Mayor Mare asked into the microphone on the podium. She was dressed in her usual white collared shirt, khaki blazer and long skirt, black heels, green cavarat, and yellow rimmed spectacles. Behind her were the six elements of Harmony. “I’d like to thank you all for coming here today and on such short notice. Now, I know many of you are worried about the latest monster attack. Twilight Sparkle would like to have a few words all on the subject.”

The mayor stepped aside to let Celestia’s student take the podium. “Hello everypony, and once again thank you for coming out here. As you all know over the last week Ponyville has suffered three monster attacks from creatures we haven’t seen before. We have now determined that they are not in fact from the Everfree forest, but actually beings created through a new type of magic.”

Many of the ponies began to murmur at that, expressing their concern of the new details.

“Though I don’t have all the specifics yet, I will soon be releasing information on the monsters, including how they are created, what to be aware of, and how to respond to them. I’ll try to get this information out by next Saturday at the latest. But for now, I’d like to happily introduce a new resident here in Ponyville that I think will be of a great help to us all. Please give a warm Ponyville welcome to Katsuo Pollux!”

As Twilight stepped down a new being showed itself from behind the stadium and began climbing the stairs.

“What is it?” Silver Spoon wondered aloud.

“No idea,” Diamond Tiara answered before chuckling. “Looks like it needs some help getting dressed.”

The creature took the stand as Twilight stepped aside and cleared its throat. “Um, hello. Uh, nice to meet you.” He paused for a few moments, inhaling deeply before letting his breath out. “Uh, sorry. I’ve uh, never really spoken in front of a group before. So, like Twilight said, my name’s Katsuo Pollux. You can just call me Katsuo, if you want. Uh, anyway, as you can probably tell I’m not from around here, but it looks like I’ll be here for a while. I also know you’re all pretty scared about this whole monster business, but I’m here to let you know I’m here for you all.”

“What can you do about it?” Somepony asked from the crowd.

“Uh, well… I can beat ‘em.”

That a got a few murmurs from the crowd, things like “Is he serious?”, “What a liar,” and “No way.” Katsuo looked to Twilight, who nodded back. He took a few steps back and did something Diamond Tiara couldn’t quite see. All of a sudden a humming noise started to come from him followed by three tones.

“Henshin!” He shouted before a bright display surrounded him.

TAKA! TORA! BATTA! Ta-To-Ba! TaToBa Ta-To-Ba!

Diamond Tiara’s eyes widened, as did all of the ponies gather. They all began to frantically question each other as to what was going on as the now armored Katsuo stepped up to the podium again.

“Like I said before, I can beat those monsters. I can do it because I’m not just Katsuo Pollux. I’m Kamen Rider OOO! You can just call me OOO, for short,” he continued, causing the crowd to quiet down. “Now, I know you all probably won’t trust me right off the bat, but I’d still like to make you this promise. I’m going to do everything I can to protect you all, but I need your help. I can’t be everywhere, I won’t see everything, so I need all of you to keep your eyes open and call me or one of the girls to come get me. I promise I’ll come as quickly as I can! I hope we all get along!” He finished, extending a thumbs up to the crowd.

For a few moments there was silence before somebody in the crowd started to clap. This was followed by several other ponies applauding. As the numbers of applauding ponies swelled and began to cheer. Katsuo’s transformation disappeared in a flash of light, revealing his blushing face as he scratched the back of his head in an embarrassed manner. He stepped down and shook hands with Mayor Mare as she approached the podium.

“Alright everypony, the town meeting is over. I’ll let you all know when the information Twilight promised you is available. Until then!”

The ponies began to disperse, but Diamond Tiara hesitated.

“What’s wrong?” Silver Spoon asked.

Her friend was looking at the group of mares and the creature as they walked off.

“Where did he get that belt?” She muttered.

After some discussion it was decided that it would be best for Katsuo to live at Sweet Apple Acres due to their large household being able to easily accommodate another resident as well as the general Apple hospitality. In addition, it was probably the only residence that could adequately accommodate another resident. The walked towards the farm and by the time the barn came into view Katsuo was panting up a storm.

“You alright there, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked, stopping as she turned towards him, waiting for him to catch up, setting down the container of Cell Medals she was carrying.

“I’m… I’m sorry… Just not… used to… to walking… so much,” he wheezed out, both hands on his knees as sweat dripped from his brow. He took a moment to drop his duffel bag.

“‘Walkin’ so much?’ Land sakes, fella, we couldn’ta walked more than five miles!”

“‘Five?’ Holy crap. I’m not even sure I’ve walked one mile without stopping!” he gasped.

Applejack chuckled. “Ah see. Yer one of them pampered city boys, is that it?”

Katsuo flinched and looked away. “Not exactly.”

Applejack tilted her head in confusion before walking up to him. “Well, it ain’t that much farther to the house, so Ah guess Ah can take you the rest of the way.”

“Huh?” he asked before Applejack picked him up and hefted him over her shoulder. She then threw the duffel bag over her shoulder and carried the container in her other hand. “Wh-Whoa!? You’re really strong!”

“You bet Ah am! But, to be honest here Sugarcube, yer kinda light yourself. Ah barely see any meat on them bones!” she joked as she carries him over to the Apple house.

Katsuo just sighed. “Yeah, I know. Haven’t really had much of a choice with that…”

Applejack raised an eyebrow at that but shrugged and continued to walk. As she approached three earth ponies of wildly different ages came out to greet them.

The first was young, still of elementary school age, with a pink t-shirt, blue overalls, brown boots, and big pink bow. Her coat was yellow and her hair and tail were red. The next was a towering hulk of a stallion, taller than anyone Katsuo had seen, aside from Celestia. He wore a green flannel shirt, opened enough to show off a white t-shirt underneath, and tucked into a pair of worn blue jeans, as well as brown cowboy boots. His coat was a deep read, and his mane and tail were dirty blonde. The last one was only a little taller than the young girl, an old mare with wrinkled skin and hunched over. She wore a orange shawl with red apples imprinted on them over a tan shirt. Across her waist was a red and white apron that extended down to her ankles, mostly concealing a pair of brown loafers. Her coat was green and her mane and tail white.

The three looked curiously at the sight before them, the older mare chuckling, the young mare tilting her head, and the stallion raising an eyebrow.

“Howdy, ya’ll. Sorry it took a while, this feller here ain’t exactly in tip top shape. His limbs are like a chicken’s legs on a diet,” Applejack joked as she set Katsuo and his things down on the front porch.

“Yeah, I know, I’ve got chopstick arms and legs,” Katsuo said in an annoyed tone.

“Ah’ll say. Granny Smith could probably ya him in arm wrestle,” the young filly joked.

“Eeyup,” the stallion agreed.

“Now now, no need ta pick on the poor feller,” the older mare chided as she walked towards him, using her cane to help her along. “Now, judgin’ by how ya look, Ah’m guessin’ yer that feller that Apple Blooms been tellin’ me about, the one from the town meetin’?”

“Uh yeah, that’s me,” Katsuo nodded as he stood up and extended his hand. “Katsuo Pollux. Nice to meet you, miss.”

“Granny Smith, young’un. Nice ta meet ya. This here’s Big Macintosh, Applejack’s older brother, and Apple Bloom, their little sister.”

“Howdy!” the filly greeted.

“Eeyup,” the stallion added.

“Hey. So, I guess I’m staying here for a while,” Katsuo said before bowing. “I hope I won’t be too much of a burden on you all.”

“Aw, hey, don’t think nuthin’ of it!” Applejack said happily before slapping Katsuo on the back.

A wave of immense terror washed over Katsuo as he fell to the ground. As soon as he hit the dirt and began screaming, grabbing his body like he was on fire.

“YOU BROKE ME!” he screamed, causing all the ponies to back away in shock. “YOU BROKE ME! YOU BROKE ME!”

“Katsuo, the hay’s wrong with you!?” Applejack shouted.

“MY LEGS! I CAN’T FEEL MY-!... My…” he quieted down as he noticed he could move his feet. He grabbed his head to make sure and sighed in relief as he caught his breath. “That’s right. I forgot. Oh thank God.”

The Apples are stared at him for a moment.

“What in the hay was that?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Oh, sorry. I must like a freak to you guys right now,” Katsuo said as he got up. “It’s just… It’s a little hard to unlearn something you’ve had to do for your whole life.”

“Whaddya mean?” Applejack asked.

“Ever since I was born I’ve had born I’ve had a condition, a genetic defect. One of the things Joker-san said he’d do, along with making me a Kamen Rider, was to fix it.” He paused to inhale and gather himself before continuing. “I was born with weak bones. It’s one of the reason’s I’m so small. Actually, most of the people with my defect never grow to be as tall as I am.” He turned to Applejack and smiled sadly. “If it had been before I came here, that slap on the back you gave me would’ve broken my spine to pieces.”

“Wh-What!?” Applejack stuttered as the others looked on in shock.

“Yeah,” he held out his hand and squeezed it into a fist as hard as he could. “Even something as simple as this could’ve broken the bones in my fingers. I guess even more than the opportunity to be a Kamen Rider, the chance to live a life without having to worry about such a thing was what got me to shake Joker-san’s hand.”

“Katsuo,” Applejack said, her voice filled sympathy.

“But yer better now, right?”

“Huh?” Katsuo asked as he turned to face Apple Bloom.

“Yer not all weak an’ fragile anymore right? So ya ain’t got nuthin’ ta worry about!” she explained cheerfully.

Katsuo couldn’t help but smile at her childish optimism. “Yeah. I guess you’re right. It’ll just take a little while to adjust, that’s all. I can’t wait to show my fam-” Katsuo stopped himself mid-sentence. His smile faded and his expression slowly changed to one of fear. “My family…”

“Pardon?” Granny Smith asked.

“My family!” he shouted. “Mom! Dad! I-I-I have no way to tell them where I am! Or how to get back! I don’t know if I can get back! Oh… Oh God! I didn’t even think about them the whole week!” he continued as he held his head with both hands. “Oh God, what kind of person am I? They’re probably worried sick about me, and here I am enjoying myself! No, wait, Celestia said I was on the moon for a thousand years! Are they even alive anymore!? Oh God, what if-!?

Katsuo’s panicked rant was cut off as he felt two powerful arms wrap around him.

“Shh. Settle down, now. It’s alright,” Applejack whispered as she stroked his hair, holding his body close to hers. “Yer not a bad pony, not at all. A bad pony wouldn’t be concerned over leavin’ his kin alone with no way ta find ‘im.”

Katso the felt two more arms wrapped around him, seeing Big Macintosh offering a caring smile. Moments later Apple Bloom and Granny Smith were holding his hands, and his rapid breathing began to slow.

“Thank you,” Katsuo muttered. He attempted to say more before suddenly feeling weak. “Wow… I guess I’m more worn out than I thought.”

“Big Mac, why don’t you take this poor feller to the guest room, huh?” Granny Smith said.

“Eeyup,” the stallion replied before gently guiding Katsuo inside.

“Hey Granny?” Applejack asked.


“We can afford ta keep one more, right?”

The elder mare smiled. “We’ll need ta find some way for him ta earn his keep, but other than that it’ll be no problem.”

The two of them walked inside, immediately catching everyone’s attention.

“So, you’ve returned. How did the latest Yummy fare?”

“Hmph. Got squished.”

“Indeed. That Princess didn’t even need to show up this time,” one replied with a condescending chuckle.

“No way! I want to see how many medals it got!” the one lying on the couch shouted angrily.

The condescending one threw fourteen Cell Medals at her, which she quickly absorbed.

“You’ve got to be kidding me! This is all!? You better not be holding onto the rest!”

“Don’t whine, my dear. It’s quite unsightly,” a haughty voice came from the rafters.

“It seems you don’t measure up to the rest of us,” a stern voice added from the chair he was sitting in.

“Well, in all fairness, it’s not her fault. A new player entered the game,” the condescending voice explained with a smile.

Every face turned to him with rapt interest.

“Continue,” the professional voice ordered as she adjusted her glasses.

“A new enemy has shown up. One that draws power from our Core Medals.”

“You mean-!?”

“So, he’s finally arrived.”

“Right. Now we go to take them back!” the gruff voice said before moving to the door.

“No,” came a calm voice from the corner chair as he turned a page in the book he was reading.


“We know too little. We should observe him for now. If he has as many Core Medals as we think, he could easily cause us serious damage. It would be better to gather our strength before making an attempt to get them back.”

“Indeed. Producing Yummy’s give us little risk by comparison.”

“See, my headstrong friend? It’s better to play it safe.”

The gruff voice growled in response.

“What’s this guy’s name?” the playful voice asked as she hopped onto the table, looking excited.

“He calls himself ‘Kamen Rider OOO’.”

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry this took so long, I just had some trouble getting the motivation to write it. I hope I've made Katsuo a little more human here, and have given him room to grow.

And yes, that Diamond Tiara tag is here for a reason.