• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 885 Views, 33 Comments

Spacebound Equestria - TheMajorTechie

After a horrible defeat against Sombra, the remaining ponies board the ship 'Equestrian Pride', and head for the heavens above. What awaits them... is held within...

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Chapter 12: The Return of Celestia's Adopted Daughter

Luna sat emotionlessly scanning through hundreds of lines of statistics. With Twilight currently on her break, she had to take over the mare's job temporarily. Celestia sat by her side, carrying out microadjustments to the ship's gravity field, tuned specifically to the pull of Equestria. Suddenly, a small notification appeared on Celestia's HUD, signaling a message from Twilight. Celestia began reading through the message, and gasped.

"Sunset's home..." she whispered.

Luna turned to Celestia, and cocked her head. "Who's this "Sunset" that you're talking about? We already loaded all the passengers, and we're currently set on a course to a new planet. How could "Sunset" come aboard?"

Celestia shook her head. "Luna, you know how I told you about how our fourth in command, Twilight Sparkle, was once a prodigy that I had once considered taking in as a personal student?"

Luna nodded in understanding. "Go on, sister."

"Well, before I met Twilight, I took in an orphaned filly named Sunset Shimmer. I even have all the adoption papers if you want. But, well, I taught her all the ways of magic, and to this day, I've never known a more powerful unicorn, but there was one thing that I never taught her..."

Luna awaited for her sister to continue. "Well?"

Celestia's voice became deeply draped in sorrow. "I-I never taught her to make friends, to be social... The sweet little filly that I took in slowly morphed in front of my very eyes into a monster, a monster, Luna. Every day, I had no other choice but to watch my own daughter hurt other ponies out of her own selfishness... at first, it didn't seem like much, and I just brushed it off as a phase, but over time, it grew to the point where Sunset bullied my niece, Cadence, practically every day, just to get what she wanted. After several occasions where Sunset demanded me to ascend her into alicornhood, I became fed up. I was about to kick her out, but... I'm guessing that she found out what I was planning... so she ran away..."

Luna began to sympathetically pat her sister on the back, calmly saying to her sister, "It's okay, she came back, remember? Twilight told you herself."

Celestia continued her talking. "Once she did, I never saw her again, and on the few occasions that I went through the portal to search for her, I was repeatedly held up by the inhabitants of the other universe in the portal, with questions about grades, homework, and all this other crap that I had no idea about. Eventually, I gave up, and I began to forget the whole ordeal. But now, with all this going on around me, she just suddenly comes back through the portal, apparently telling Twilight that she wanted to see me even..."

Just as Celestia finished, a mare that she thought she'd never see again burst through the doors, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"MOM!" Sunset yelled as she pounced on the alicorn. "Oh, mom, I missed you so much, I'm so terribly sorry for being so mean earlier on and hey look its your sister and please forgive me, PLEASE I'll stay away from dessert for a month and I'll do anything for you and--"

Celestia shushed her daughter, her own tears beginning to well up. "Oh, Sunset, I missed you so much. Before you ran away, you said that you never wanted to see me again... why did you come back?"

Sunset weakly spoke as she attempted to dry her tears. "I-I'm sorry for everything that I did, in that other world, after about a year of living alone, I slowly began to come out of my shell... I began to make some friends out of sheer loneliness, something the old me probably would've thought of as absurd. They taught me how to be a true friend through loyalty, honesty, generosity, kindness, and laughter... just trust me, mom, I've changed, I don't wanna go back to that horrible existence of a life that I lived before, can you please accept my apologies?

Celestia ran a hoof through her daughter's hair. "Of course I accept it, Sunset. I'm just glad that you came back safe. You must've made great friends back there, and I'll allow you to come and go as you wish. On the side note... there's a certain something that I know i about to happen..."

Suddenly, the door slammed open, pulling Twilight and a rather decorated box through. The box stopped mere feet from Sunset, and opened.

Celestia smiled as she once more saw the warm light of the Elements of Harmony glow once more. "Sunset, what you just said, nopony has ever done for centuries. You, my daughter, have become one of the new elements of harmony."

A small gem rose from the box, lightly twinkling, but nevertheless beautiful

Sunset raised a hoof to touch the Element of Magic. "I-I WHAT?!" A sudden realization hit her mind, and she stumbled backwards, running into the wall. "You mean, they were real all along? Does that mean..."

Across the hall, Twilight dragged herself back to the break room for migraine pills, when she noticed that the mirror portal began glowing with a strange rainbow hue.

Author's Note:

Sorry for cutting out the part with the elements of harmony and all, but it was just a bit too awkward for me to handle writing...