• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 887 Views, 33 Comments

Spacebound Equestria - TheMajorTechie

After a horrible defeat against Sombra, the remaining ponies board the ship 'Equestrian Pride', and head for the heavens above. What awaits them... is held within...

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Chapter 4: A Devious Takeover

A dark mass flew through the streets. Sombra raced through each alley, looked through every window, all in hope to find the one thing that stood in his path of defeating Celestia once and for all: Luna. As he was searching through a jewelry store, half-mindedly admiring the crystals inside the cases, his search was interrupted.

"Ahem." Sombra instantly melted back into his shadow form as he turned around. He shrieked in fury as the two ponies he hated the most entered his field-of-view.

He snarled the names of the two. "Celestia. Luna. How... nice of you to visit me..." He rose back up from his shadow form, his curved, scarlet horn gleaming in the reflected light of the gemstones nearby. "Shall we battle, my dear princess?"

Celestia took a ground-shaking step forward. "I will no longer tolerate your actions, Sombra. You must leave forever, or die." Luna stood by her side, nodding in agreement.

Sombra hesitated for a moment, but did well to hide it from the Princesses. "You've done well, Celestia. You. Win." He morphed back into a dark cloud of shadows, and quickly slid away.

Luna looked at Celestia. "Was... was that all?" Celestia shrugged as Luna continued. "I mean, here, we just faced off against one of the most powerful villains in the history of Equestria, and all he does is say that you've won and leave?! What's even going on in that head of his?!" She continued ranting as the two sisters began to make their way back to the launching area. Celestia knew that Sombra was likely trying to force a false sense of security on her and Luna, but while Luna, being younger, didn't know, she herself knew that Sombra would never do anything like that."

A few minutes later, they both landed back at the ship. Celestia wasn't surprised at what she saw.

Sombra had done exactly what she thought. He had attempted to lull the Princesses into a false sense of security, and was now attempting his takeover plans for Canterlot. "SOMBRA, STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE SO I CAN BUCK THAT HORRID FACE OF YOURS TO THE SUN! Celestia continued shouting as she and Luna, who had realized what happened, flew directly towards the looming mass of darkness beginning to envelope the ship. Though he was a shadow, Sombra's face easily showed through, his mouth formed into a diabolical grin.

As he continued his attack, Sombra turned his head and said in a booming, deep, voice, "I HAVE WON, CELESTIA. I HAVE THE ULTIMATE POWER. I OWN YOUR PONIES NOW. FROM THIS DAY ON, YOU BOW DOWN TO ME, THE MOST POWERFUL KING IN EXISTENCE!!! Sombra began to cackle, when a sudden beam of light struck him on the back.

Celestia's horn was smoking, and in her telekinetic grasp, she held the Elements of Harmony. "Stop now, Sombra. Or I will have no other choice than to ultimately destroy you." Sombra froze, his eyes evidently filled with dread and terror. Celestia was just about to blast him with the elements, but as she charged them up, nothing happened. "No..." She whispered. "They're not working, why aren't they working?" Sombra saw Celestia fumbling with the Elements as she attempted again and again to get them to work. While she was distracted, he began to slowly ooze into the ship itself.

Luna tapped on her sister's shoulder. "Uh, sister, I do believe that you should be worrying more about Sombra than the Elements right now."

Celestia waved away Luna's hoof. "I AM worrying about Sombra. I'm just simply trying to get these darn Elements to..." She finally looked up at what Luna was pointing at. At the sight of the last bit of Sombra slipping into the ship, she finished her final word. "work?"