• Published 15th Dec 2015
  • 484 Views, 39 Comments

Madness - Mochas Dungeon

Interviews with inpatients at Broadhoof mental asylum seemed like another task. With a few words from a patient, his entire life is brought into question.

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Star felt the warm sun on his face and a foreleg over his chest as he took in the first breath of fresh air that day, a smile crossed his muzzle as he looked over to his right at the white unicorn that was sleeping soundly.

Waking up in a mares bed is, by far, the best feeling in the world… well, second best, he thought with a half grin. And now, mother nature calls.

Mind groaned as Star moved out of bed and out of the room, down the hall, entering the bathroom as quietly as he could.

I should have put on sandals, I’m clip-clopping like a Zebra. Wow, now that was racist, he thought as he took care of business.

“Star? Star?!” he heard Mind shouting in a near panic as her hooves began to rumble through the apartment calling his name.

He finished quickly and opened the door to find her. “I’m here, Jewel, it’s okay, I’m here.”

He heard her hoofsteps hurriedly approaching him from behind. He turned around to see Mind, nearly sobbing as she lunged him into a tight hug as she let a torrent of tears and sobs into his neck as he hugged her back, a bit baffled.

“Jewel, I’m here, it’s alright. Let it out, I’m here,” he repeated softly for several minutes until she’d calmed down enough to let him guide her back to the futon.

“I-I’m sorry, I’m really sorry about that, Star. I just woke up and when I didn’t feel you, see you. I don’t know what to say, except I thought you’d left.”

“Jewel, we’ve been together for almost two weeks and I’ve practically moved in with you,” he said laying her down, crossing their forelegs, and resting his head on her neck, “which is too empty, by the way,” he chucked with her, “it’s like you just moved in.”

“Well, I’ve been really busy and this’ just a place to sleep sometimes. The ministry pays for it so I really don’t care.”

“Jewel, since I met you all I’ve done is cared. More than I can remember and care to. Since I met you, saw you, your sparkling eyes. I felt like I was where I should be, and no matter how much I tried I couldn’t fight the infatuation that is now,” he paused for effect, “love.”

He felt her trembling as she began to cry again. She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. “Star, I’ve waited so long to hear that. Please, please don’t leave again.”

“Again? I’ll let you cast a spell on me so you know where I always am, if you feel you need to,” he said raising an eyebrow.

“No,” she smiled, “I’m not obsessed or controlling, nor do I have too many abandonment issues, but we all have some in our species.”

“True that,” he curtly replied.

“But, when I woke up with you the other day it felt like I was home.”

“D’aww,” he said blushing deeply, “okay, that’s it. I have to ,” he said pulling free and winking to her as he dismounted the bed.

“Wh-where are you going?”

“...To cook you breakfast,” he said as he left the room.

“Oh,” she watched him leave and walk down the hall before falling to the bed and moving around until her face was on his pillow. With a soft moan she let a smile cross her features and with the warmth of the sun on her, she fell asleep.

“Jewel?” Star spoke softly, watching her sleep and smile when she heard her name. “Jew~el?” he sang.

“Honey, just a few more minutes. So tired,” she mumbled as she moved a hoof to shoo him away.

“I made breakfast and we have to go to work soon.”

She groaned and frowned. “I’m so tired of work, can’t we just be normal today and,” she yawned and opened her eyes, a large grin graced her again, “hmm, what was I saying again?”

“Just that it smells great and you can’t wait to try the first meal I think I’ve ever made.”

“Oh, I doubt that,” she said quickly as she got up and rushed out the door with him following quickly. “Oh, Celestia,” she said looking at the table setup with breakfast.

“I guess I know a thing or two about breakfast,” he said proudly as he pushed her closer to her spot on the floor by the table.

She sat and scooted closer to the table and looked at the steaming meal in front of her. Scrambled eggs, juice, a pile of sauteed vegetables, a small pile of cubed cheese, and a small bowl of oatmeal with…

“Really,” she looked at him with a smug smirk, “one raisin as garnish?” He shrugged nonchalantly as he took a seat opposite her and winked.

“Well, dig in, we have to leave soon, right?”

With a nod she began to eat as quickly as she could, savoring every bite of her meal until she’s nearly cleaned her plate.


“Yeah, that’s how we start the day. So,” Mind said pulling the strap on her saddlebags tight before she followed Star out into the hallway of her apartment building, “what’s on the agenda today, Doctor Star?”

“Well, Doctor Mind Mend,” he said starting down the hall with her close behind, “paperwork, paperwork, and finally, paperwork. They’re releasing Toffee today but her family isn’t going to come this far to get her. One of the stacks I have to fill out is transportation for her from here to wherever it is she’s from.”

“Oh, well you’re great at what you do. With her being released, does that mean you’re closer to having to return to your own home?”

“I honestly don’t know,” he said opening the door to the city and letting her exit first, “but I think I can request a transfer here. Afterall, there’s a lot happening here and I’d love to finally have a hospital to work in, not a nation.”

“True that,” she replied as she hailed a taxi. A moment later a yellow stallion pulled up and within the hour they were at Broadhoof, ready to start another day.

“Good morning, Toes, feeling good today?” Star asked his close acquaintance as they met just inside the hospital. “Mind, I’ll see you for lunch?”

“Yup, until then, stay you,” she said calmly as she passed and went to the offices.

“So,” Toes nudged him, “getting along well, eh?”

“Well, as well as we can, I suppose,” he said turning toward the halls to his room.

“Sir, you haven’t been in your room all week and it’s obvious to every member of staff, and I mean every, single, one knows that you’re in a relationship with her. Just admit it, you’re in love,” Toes teased.

“Nah, it’s not like I made her breakfast this morning.”

Toes gasped and hoof pumped while Star continued on. “That’s great to hear! I had a feeling about you two, and I know she’s in good hooves. So, what’re you going to do today?”

“Well, mostly be in my room doing paperwork, since I don’t have an office. I’ll say a farewell to Toffee when I give her the bits to travel back home, but that’ll be the highlight of the workday.”

“Oh, I see. I was wondering if you’d like to get a drink. Maybe some ale or cider? Beer maybe?”

“Ick, no cider. Too sweet. Maybe some ale. I don’t like the bubbles in beer. You know what, sounds like a plan. Tonight, eight o’clock?”

“I’d be honored, sir! Your room then we hit the town,” Toes said enthusiastically.

“Don’t get too excited, I’m going to be hanging out with you, not pronking for mares.”

“Understood sir. Here we are; your workroom,” Toes said with a wink, “see you later and if you need to go anywhere-”

“Yeah, yeah, call you for safety.”

“Right. I’ll be just down the hall, sir.”

Hours passed before Star spat out his second pencil and growled at the papers in front of him.

I hate this part of my job. Why can’t we have an easier way to write these stupid things? Why do we have to use unicornian to write these? Why do I always ask the same questions?!

He growled at his train of thought as he let his chin fall onto the desk and a lung long nicker helped him relieve some of his frustration.

It’s almost noon, I’ll go eat with Jewel then say goodbye to Toffee, then, he sighed, back to paperwork.