• Published 15th Dec 2015
  • 484 Views, 39 Comments

Madness - Mochas Dungeon

Interviews with inpatients at Broadhoof mental asylum seemed like another task. With a few words from a patient, his entire life is brought into question.

  • ...

Freedom in Truth

“Stub, I know we’re close. I can sense his magic signature. He’s so close,” Jewel shivered in the cool fall air as they disembarked the train.

“Bleh, Prancing-Trot, what a hamlet. Like, Ponyville but worse,” he commented as he gazed around. The homes were one story, thatch roofed, and had plank wooden doors. He stepped closer to his mother and smiled as her horn lit; a warming spell washing over them both as they proceeded off the platform and toward town.

“Population four hundred. One of them has to know something, anything, about him. And her.”

“Mommy, don’t be mad. You aren’t you when you’re mad; we need you to focus. Once we find him and get him back to his room in Hoofington Asylum, his mind will reset, again,” Stub said dejectedly, “and we’ll have him back.”

“I know, thank you for reminding me. Even as a real psychiatrist I’m not immune to emotions.”

“That’s why you’re a great mother; you care.”

Jewel chuckled. “Yes, most good ones do. However, right now I have to focus. He’s in the city, just have to get a clue.”

“Yes, mother.”

They entered town and went to the tavern to ask for information.

“Sorry, no new ponies ‘round these parts fer a few months now, ‘cerp fer travelers like y’all. If’n I meet any, I a’member ‘em.”

“Well, do you know a pony named Toffee Brule?” Stub asked.

“Ah, thur’s a name I ain’t heard in a while. Eeyup,” the bartender said picking up a clean glass and beginning to wipe it for effect, “her kin done moved ta another city few years back leavin’ her the farm to ‘er lonesome. Just north ‘a town by an hours trot then east for half. Fancy a drink be’fore ya go?”

“No, thank you. We’ll graze if we need to on the trek. Thank you, sir,” Jewel said dropping a bit on the counter, “for your troubles.”

The bartender grinned a smile, missing several teeth. “M’lady.”

“Mother, let’s go.” stub whispered as he nudged her. “I’m not comfortable in such a rustic setting.”

“Oh, grow up,” she scolded him, “this’ a vacation and you’re going to enjoy it or you can go home and sob into your pillow.”

“M-mother,” he gaped looking at her.

“Oh, plenty of ponies do.”

“Reckon she’s right, colt. Just accept it.”

“Y-you stay out of this,” Stub huffed and stomped a few times as he walked away before exiting the establishment.

“Well, I’d better go after him. I’d love to have a drink before I leave town though, it’s a promise. If I’m not back by tomorrow at noon, send a pony to get us at their farm, okay?” she said with a warm smile and six more bits on the counter.

“M’lady, you’re too kind. I’d have done that for two, but I accept yer request.”

“Thanks, I’ll see you soon,” she said happily as she turned to leave.

“Stub, that was very good acting back there.”

“Indeed, did you manage to get our emergency contact?”

“Oh, that wasn’t difficult. Six bits and if we don’t return he’ll send a pony to find us. Knowing him it’ll be a deputy or some official, he’s not stupid; just looks that way. I’ll leave the clue outside the front door.”

“Ah, yes,” he shivered,” the blood splattered coat,” he said looking to his saddlebag.

“Well, let’s go. Two hours and we may see him again.”

“Yes, mother. I hope so, I miss him so much.”

“Well, you are near him nearly every waking hour,” she replied.

“Even though he doesn’t remember me…”

“He still loves you, and me.”

“Mother,” Stub asked as they started down the path, “what’s it like for you? Does it still hurt when he relapses and forgets you?”

“Not as much anymore,” she replied with a thoughtful smile, “you see, every couple months we end up in love again. It’s a great feeling to share over and over.”

“I see,” he said as silence befell them.

“Here we are, I think. We should have asked what they farmed. Don’t suppose there’s a toffee farm in Equestria somewhere?”

Stub laughed. “No, reckon dey ain’t know’n wat a candy furm iy’s.”

Jewel looked to him and frowned. “Don’t mock the locals, they may save our lives.”

“Sorry, mother.”

“Forgiven, now let’s check the area. Maybe they’re outside.”

“And maybe they’ll see us from a window. Let’s just go to the front door.”

“Fine, I’ll lead the way,” she said as they began to trek toward the farmhouse.

Knocking loudly they waited for a response.

“Hello? Who’s out there?”

“That’s her,” Jewel whispered. “Traveling salesponies, may we come in?”

The door clicked and opened slowly. When Toffee saw the two she grinned and opened the door wide. “Oh my gosh! I’m so glad you finally came, we’ve been waiting for days to see you. Come in, come in,” Toffee trotted out and pushed them in, closing the door and locking it behind them.

A cold chill was in the house, however the entry was was bright and inviting. Cleaned almost methodically with a run of stairs leading up, each step was polished to a nearly new finish. They noticed Toffee was wearing a dark blue tunic, probably to stay warm in the chilly inside air.

“House rules, no metal horseshoes; please put these on.” Two sets of warm soft boots were tossed in front of them as she hurriedly left the entryway.

With a shrug Jewel and Stub slipped on the boots over their hooves and waited, with guards up, for Toffee to return.

Toffee returned with a bright smile and a small bundle of wood on her back. “Follow me, I’ve been saving this for when you’d arrive. It’s so chilly and we have a lot to discuss.”

“No, we have to know where Doctor Star is?”

“Doctor? You mean Epic? He’s fine,” she nodded, “he remembered everything and told me so much! Have you ever listened to him talk?” she asked as she began to happily walk into what seemed like a den as the two followed her, “he can go on for hours and it’s all so interesting.”

“Yes, I understand your interest with his condition, however-”

“And he went beyond the veil! Can you believe it? He told me what he saw,” Toffee set the bundle of wood down by the fireplace and began the process of starting a fire to warm the room, “the horrible beauty of the world beyond. I’ve already planned a trip following his path,” she looked back to the two ponies, “with him.”

Stub frowned and lowered his head, spacing his forelegs further apart. “If you think you’re going to foalnap my dad you’ve got another thing coming.”

“Foalnap? Colt, what’s your name again?”

“Stubbed Toes.”

“That’s right,” Toffee looked back to the fireplace as she began placing wood into it, “the son that always guarded his father. What’s it been now, since he left you?”

“Shut. Up.”

“Stub, honey, you need to calm down,” Jewel said softly, calming the upset stallion by her side. “Please, forgive my son, he’s very protective. What we’d like, more than a story, is to see my husband.”

“You mean Epic? I’m not stopping you from seeing him, he’s busy. He said he’ll be out and back shortly so he’ll be so happy. We have some great news for you,” Toffee said turning and grinning happily. “And no, we’re not starting a family. We’re not that kind of friends.”

“So, what kind of surprise do you have, then?” Stub asked.

Toffee lit a match and tossed it into the fire before getting up and trotting to them. “He’s free to tell you himself. I shared my secret with him, he shared with me. It’s almost like we were meant to find each other; to help each other fulfill our destinies. Or, rather,” she reached and touched Jewel’s neck softly, “begin them.”

With a shake of her head Jewel pushed Toffee’s hoof away. “And what the hay does that mean? Where is he? Have you hurt him?”

“Oh my, such hostility, Doctor Mind Mend,” she winked, “I’d suggest a session but we’re a bit out of the way for a house call. Let’s just sit and enjoy the fire in silence until her gets back, okay?”

With a glance between each other they all moved closer to the fire and laid on their bellies to wait.

The door clicked open and a draft of icy cold evening air rushed into the farmhouse. “Toffee, I’m back. I remember it all! It happened while I was working, the memories are back! I remember,” he stopped speaking for a few seconds before he entered the room wearing a light brown cloak that covered his body.

“JEWEL! STUB! I remember you,” he shouted, galloping to them and tackling his son. “I remembered it all a couple days ago. It was like a waterfall. The past twenty eight years, lost to the veil. But, I’m free now. My mind is my own again,” he said grinning to Jewel.

“Epic, I need to know what’s happened,’ Jewel said firmly.

“Oh, don’t play doctor with me,” Epic replied quickly as he helped Stub up, “I know the game and the rules. Gah, where are my manners,” he said tapping his hoof lightly. The boots he’d slipped on softened the sound.

“Oh, that’s right! Tea, snacks, stories,” Toffee said happily as she trotted out of the room.

Jewel and Stub leaned in and pulled Epic into a huddle. “What the hay? You have to come with us and get back home. You need help and so does she.”

“Jewel. I remember my apartment too well. The years I’d slept, waiting for the next assignment,” he started pulling from the huddle and squatted. “I remember every few months I’d meet you and we’d work together. I’d always fall in love with you and we’d make love,” Stub rolled his eyes.

“We’d spend as much time as we could until I’d leave and try to find something,” Epic said, “but Toffee showed me. She showed me the truth of what I was missing, how to make it mine, and what to do with it.”

“That’s very, poetic, but I insist we leave before it gets too late,” Stub said calmly.

“After tea and snacks. Then I’ll show you a huge surprise! Don’t you want to see what helped me to become sane again?”

“Sanity is fleeting, dear. We have to talk about this in private. Let’s just,” she stopped suddenly as Toffee reentered the room with drinks on her back and a tray on her head with various bite sized vegetables on it.

“Here ya go. I’ve kept this kettle full and hot for the past three days. The tea might be a little stale but it’s still good. Come, come, be good guests and drink up.”

Jewel let her magic pour tea for the four of them while Epic wasted no time in eating several vegetable pieces with loud crunching.

Tea set before them all on the floor they began to detest the silence that permeated the room again.

“Well, drink up, I’ll get some dip,” Toffee offered as she got up.

“Wait, I got some cream that’d go great with those crackers you bought earlier,” Epic said to Toffee before turning back to Jewel and Stub. “I’ll be right back. Don’t start without us, okay?” He didn’t wait for a response before he hopped after Toffee shouting about where the plates were.

“Stub, what do you think?”

“I think this’ the weirdest day of my life. Let’s just keep pressuring them to let him leave with us and eventually they’ll relent. If he remembers everything then he knows how much we love him.”

“Yes, another thing is that he made sure to get my favorite tea,” Jewel said leaning close and sniffing the aroma deeply. With a sigh she smiled. “Just perfect. What? I can smell, just not drink.”

Stub shrugged and leaned in, taking in a deep breath of the tea’s scent. A smile crossed his muzzle.

“That’s really good smelling stuff. Maybe just a lick,” he said looking over to his mother who was sipping from the top of the cup, carefully.

With another shrug he sipped some as well. It tasted so good, better than any tea he’s had before. He grabbed the cup by the rim in his teeth and drank it empty in two swallows. He heard a scrambling sound and looked over to see his mother trying to get the pot.

“Hey!” he shouted lunging for it, spilling some tea. He felt a primal urge and before he knew it he was slurping the tea that spilt off the floor. A moment later he was fighting with Jewel over the teapot and the liquid it held inside, suddenly they felt nauseous and dizzy before they lost consciousness.