• Published 13th Dec 2015
  • 1,487 Views, 51 Comments

A Filly and Her Wolf - Teotle

Twilight find themselves with a new friend who may not be who he appears to be.

  • ...

A Breaking Heart

It was late in the afternoon, outside of Ponyville, out in the Everfree Forest. Brimstone still had Teotle under his spell. He stared at him for what seemed like half an hour now. A tear fell from Teote's eye as he grieved for what he had done to Twilight. Brimstone chuckled under his breath.

"What did they see in you?" Brimstone asked. "Why did they love you so much?"

Teotle didn't answer. Eventually, Brimstone broke the spell and watched as Teotle broke into tears.

"Such a sad child." Brimstone said in a fake voice of pity. "It must be awful to know you caused so much suffering."

"Shut up!" Cried Teotle under his tears.

"You really like that phrase, don't you?" Brimstone said, coldly. "Tell you what, You can try to make things right by them." He then put a paw under Teotle's chin and raised the sobbing wolf's head up. to look at him. "If they take you back, I'll never come bother you again. But if they hate you, and cast you away, you come home with me. No question and no complaints."

Teotle pushed Brimstone's paw away and looked back at the path they took into the forest. "How can I face them?" He asked.

"You never know until you try." Brimstone said, trying to give Teotle false hope.

Teotle looked back at Brimstone, who lifted up his paw in an offer for a hand shake. Teotle hesitated, but soon accepted his offer and shook his paw. "Oh, and one more thing." Brimstone said. "If they push you away, and you don't come back, I'll slautgher every pony in sight, starting with that brat, Nyx."

Teotle pulled his paw away and said, "If they hate me, it won't matter. They'll be dead anyway, if Shadowflame returns." He then made his way down the path, and out of the forest.

But little did he know, Brimstone had made a smile most unpleasant and whispered, "Oh, don't worry about that."

By the time Teotle made his way back to town, everypony was trying to clean the mess from the battle. When he started walking down the street to the hospital, some ponies stopped to look at him. Scorn was showing on their faces, which made Teotle nervous. If the townsfolk were this mad at him, who knows how his friends would feel.

When he finally made it to the hospital, he walked through the blown up front door. Doctors an nurses were running around, trying to prioritize the supplies they need for the patients. Nurse Redheart walked by and stopped to look at Teotle.

"Where's Twilight?" Teotle asked.

The nurse said, nothing. She just pointed at the emergency room door and walked away to continue her work. Teotle went into the room and saw Nyx standing by Twilight who lay in a hospital bed, bandaged and hooked up to a heart monitor. Spike Sat in a chair next to the window, looking at the ground with Rarity standing next to him for support.

Teotle walked up to them and asked, "Is she going to be alr..."

"No!" Nyx said firmly. "She's not going to be alright."

Rarity tried to protest and said,"Nyx..."

"No, Rarity!" Nyx shouted. "He did this to Twilight, I can't just let it go!"

"I don't expect you to." Teotle explained. "Just want you to understand that..."

"Understand?" Nyx asked. "What, that you didn't do it? That you didn't want to? Or maybe that it was an accident?"

Teotle pleaded, "Nyx..."

"No, you set my mom on fire right in front of me!" Nyx began to cry, she was so angry that she couldn't even look at Teotle. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen from so many tears.

"Nyx, please." Teotle cried out. "It wasn't my fault."

"Not your fault?" Nyx asked, now furious. "look at what you did, you monster! I hate you, I wish you would go away!"

Nyx's words stung in Teotle's ears like needles. He didn't even hold back his tears. "But, you're all I have." He cried.

"Not anymore." Spike said, looking up from the floor.

"Spike!" Rarity said. He isn't to blame! Teotle I don't think..."

But it was too late. Teotle's mind was set. But before he left, he walked up to Twilight, pushed Nyx out of the way and healed her remaining injuries with his magic. leaving everypony speechless, Teotle ran out of the hospital and down the street. He was stopped by walking ponies as he went. Many ponies yelled at him as he ran.

"Hey watch where your going!"

"Get out of here, freak!"

"Look at what you brought to our town!"

They all hated him now. He just kept running and running until he finally disappeared back into Everfree Forest, where Brimstone was waiting for him.

Back at the hospital

Nyx, Spike and Rarity looked at Twilight, who began to regain consciousness.

"Twilight?" Spike asked gently. "Are you ok?"

"Spike?" Twilight mumbled. "Yes, I'm ok. Where am I?"

"Your in the hospital, dear." Rarity answered. "You were burned pretty badly."

"Really?" Twilight asked. "wouldn't I be in pain if I was?"

"Teotle healed you." Said Nyx, still wondering what Teotle just did.

Twilight then began to remember what had happened during the fight. Brimstone had made Teotle attack her and her friends. "Where is he? Is everpony alright?"

"Our friends are fine, but we kind of lost track of him." Rarity said, trying to keep Twilight calm.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked. "Where is he? Last I saw him, he was under Brimstone's mind spell."

Nyx gasped and asked, "Mind Spell, you mean the spell he used to control the wolves from back then?"

"Yes!" Twilight said, now being impatient.

Nyx thought about it and said to herself, "I blamed him for what happened, told him I hated him, and it wasn't his fault."

"Nyx?" Twilight asked her. "Where is Teotle?"

Nyx looked up at Twilight, tears coming back from her eyes.

She couldn't make herself talk, so Spike eventually answered for her, "We sent him away."