• Published 13th Dec 2015
  • 1,487 Views, 51 Comments

A Filly and Her Wolf - Teotle

Twilight find themselves with a new friend who may not be who he appears to be.

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The Big Fight

Twilight had written a letter to the princesses about what happened earlier with Teotle running away. Celestia and Luna arrived at the scene, at lightning speed, with many of their soldiers behind them. Twilight and her friends were all suite up in the mysterious magical armor that she built for them. When the princesses saw them, they were astounded.

"Twilight?" Asked Celestia. "What is that?"

Twilight simply said, "Don't ask. All we need to worry about is how to get Teotle back.

The princesses nodded and gathered the remaining royal guards for battle. Spike and Nyx begged Twilight to go with them to try to help convince Teotle to come back. Normally Twilight wouldn't allow it, but they needed a last goodbye if the worst should happen to him. Twilight gave them their own suits and put them on her back.

Twilight then used a tracking spell on a brush that she used on Teotle after he and Nyx played in the mud one rainy day. His location was confirmed, and they were off to the wolf fortress.


Back at the Teotle's home, it was time. The arena was set, every wolf was in their seat, cheering the names of their champions. The arena was a big triangle shaped platform with three gates to enter. A pyramid shaped cage hung over the platform, hanging by chains from the ceiling.

Teotle and his mother, Frost, stood outside one of the gates, waiting for the announcement to be made for the him and the others to enter the arena.

"Are you sure about this?" Frost asked. "You can still..."

"No, mother." Teotle interrupted in a calm and sure voice. "I'm sure of my plan." He looked at her, a small tear falling from his eye as he said, "You are all I have left. If this plan works, at least I'll know you and equestria will be safe."

Frost gave Teotle a final loving embrace before the announcer called them in. It was the most passionate hug she could possibly give her child before the plan was set in motion. "The best thing I ever made was always you." She said before giving him a kiss on the forehead and letting him go into the arena.

When Teotle, Brimstone, and Fracture entered the arena, the crowed cheered wildly. Many of them cheered for Brimstone and Fracture, while others booed at Teotle, calling him a traitor and a coward. Teotle ignored the boo's and continued walking. When all three of them were on the platform, the cage was lowered and locked into place so they couldn't leave.

The mothers of the competitors took their seats with the other sisters and with the sound of the bell, the fight had begun. Brimstone swung his flail as a territorial threat display, while Fracture licked the knives on the fingers of her dual gauntlets. Teotle just stood in a defensive position, waiting for someone to strike first.

Brimstone ran up to Fracture and swung toward her head, but she ducked and quickly and playfully skimmed the fur on Brimstones chest. He stomped on the ground in anger. Fracture then turned to Teotle, who was now running into the fight. Fracture then got under Teotle and through him at Brimstone, who fumbled to the ground from the impact. He threw Teotle off and ran back to Fracture. He managed to land a punch to her shoulder, dislocating her arm.

Teotle took his chance at Brimstone while he was distracted and slashed at his back. The cut wasn't very deep, but enough to make him get on his knees. Fracture pulled her arm back in place and began at Brimstone. She kicked him in the teeth and knocked him to the ground. She then began slashing wildly at Teotle with her knife claws. She pinned him to the wall as he held his sword up for defense, but t wasn't enough.

Fracture was relentlessly trying to stab Teotle in the chest and head to kill him, but Teotle didn't lower his sword in defense. He pushed her away and as she stumbled, Brimstone came up behind her. She looked back at him to see that he was swinging his mace to make a final blow. She tried to block, but the force of the skull flail was too much. She took a hit to the head, almost crushing her skull. Fracture fell to the ground.

The audience began to chant for Brimstone. He walked to the middle of the stage to take in the applause. Brimstone should have killed Fracture and moved on to Teotle, but his pride got the best of him. While he did that ,Teotle ran to Fracture who still had a bit of life in her. He held her paw and said, "Do you submit to me?"

Fracture looked back to him, gripping to his paw as hard as she could. She took the end of his sword to her chest and said, "I submit to you, my brother, now kill that numb skull!" Teotle pushed the sword into Fracture's heart and killed her. With that, the power of Shadowflame that lived in her and the other two sibling she killed, were passed onto Teotle.

When Brimstone and the crowed realized what had been done, it was too late. Brimstone took his mace and ran to Teotle with full force and determination to kill. However Teotle didn't avoid the attack, He caught the flail with his bare paw. The crowed was silent. Why would he catch it? How did he catch it? Was this part of his plan?

"Wha... what did you do?" Brimstone asked, sweat dripping down is cheek.

Teotle stood up and answered, "I won. You see, I never planned to survive this fight" Teotle then swung his sword and cut off Brimstone's head. When he did, the power inside him entered Teotle body like it did from Fracture.

The crowed said nothing, until Ironeye rose from his seat and shouted, "Victory!" Then the crowed joined in, chanting Teotle's name.

When Smoke called off the chanting, she asked, "Wait, where is our king? It is written that the child who wins the mantel will become the vessel for our king! Where is he?"