• Published 15th Dec 2015
  • 4,332 Views, 28 Comments

Before Graduation - IMNOTHERE889

(Humanized) This is it. Your final exam. And you haven't studied for it at all. Neither has your friend, Rainbow Dash. Together, you pull the biggest heist, the ultimate endeavor! Maybe.

  • ...

This Is It...

You hand in your paper with the courage of the Power People, beaming proudly, your silver glinting under the hall light. You knew you had done well one your final exam, and you were going to graduate for sure. Your teacher, Mr Cranky Doodle Donkey, referred to as Mr Cranky, reads over your paper quickly. He slams the paper on his desk, as if he hated it with a fiery passion, much to your surprise, with the force to behead a werewolf. He picks up a stamp, and slaps it smack in the middle of your paper. The force he slammed it down on your paper made the table shake, and you thought his hand was going to break right through your paper and the table, and appear underneath. Luckily, it didn't, and you sighed of relief, knowing that the school's furniture wasn't destroyed after your anxiety cleared. Mr Cranky, with a glare in his eyes that could quite literally shoot daggers and make a Cockatrice's spell reverse onto itself, hands your paper back to you, upside-down. With your hands shaky in anticipation you slowly turn your paper over, silently hoping you passed, even though you knew you did in a landslide. And, when you turn it over enough to see the grade, you were expecting an A+, but, instead, your eyes were bet with one unwanted word....


Your world seemed to melt away at the sight of it. Time seemingly slowed down, but didn't pause completely. You slowly fall to your knees, your fingers releasing the paper just enough for it to slip out of your hands, and it burned into flames mid-air. You then fall to your stomach, and you were lying on the ground, shrouded in defeat and misery. The ashes of your failed exam land before you, and you look up to see them. You see a desk appear out of nowhere, and Principal Celestia sitting at it, both towering over you and seeming too big to be normal. Fire seemed to be burning all around her, and she lifts up a hammer a judge would normally weird in court. You get back up to your knees, fear filling every aspect of you.

"Please, have mercy!" You plead to your Principal, begging for another solution.

"YOU HAVE FAILED! FOR YOUR MOCKERY OF THE FINAL EXAMS, YOU SHALL NOT GRADUATE, AND STAY BACK YET ANOTHER YEAR!" She slams her hammer on the table, leaning forward. Her head was just a bit taller than you, and it terrified you to an enormous extent. The flames grew bigger and angrier, making you sweat from the nervousness and immense heat. You lean back out of grief and throw your hands up into the air.


You wake up, covered in sweat, screaming out of fear. You jump out of bed as a natural reflex you've come to gain, breathing heavily, afraid that what you just experienced in your head was not a dream, but, reality. Your breathing slowly turns to normal as you realize that it was all but a dream, a horrifying one at that. You let out a long breath when you gained normal breathing levels, and slowly crawled back into your comfy bed. The bed was so comfortable and soft that you fell asleep in a matter of minutes — No, seconds — and fell into a deep sleep. You didn't dream for the rest of the night, as if your brain had lost the knowledge of how to create dreams.

After school that day you get approached by your friend Rainbow Dash, during school lunch. Despite the events that happened before hand, you and Rainbow were still not dating. Heck, by now, you should be a married couple! Even so, your relationship status with her has not changed a bit, as if she has been teasing you about your feelings, but, you didn't care. You still loved her for the cocky athlete she is, and knew that, one day... You will hold her, and she will be yours. You loved the idea, but you hope to become an item before graduation.

"Hey, friend! How ya doin', friendo?" She happily says as she approaches you. It's sad, really. From her vocal cords through her lips is now what seems to be her favorite word to use around you; friend. It's as if she doesn't want to ruin your relationship anymore, and is declaring that you will always be your friend, no matter how much you love her. You feel like you get kicked in the face every time she says that word, making you feel worse about yourself.

"I'm.... Fine..." You say downtrodden, hoping she doesn't notice it. She keeps on hurting you without even knowing it, and your demeanor is worse now than ever. It's something you never thought you could experience, but you did experience it, anyway. The way she has been pushing the 'f' word on you is even worse than being rejected.

"Hey, don't feel sad! You'll be able to beast through that final exam if you've studied!" Rainbow says encouragingly, slapping you on the back. She then leans towards your ear and whispers, "You did study, right?" The question takes you by surprise, and your dream comes back to you. The horrors you remember cause you to start sweating, and, the funny thing is, you studied in the dream like how Fluttershy takes care of animals; making sure you got everything. Even then, you still failed... But, in reality, you haven't studied one bit.

"Uhh, yeah! Of course, of course I studied! Eheh...." You say, rubbing the back of your neck, your eyes darting around everywhere. The good thing is, you have gotten your lisp under control, and it's pretty much nonexistent now. At least one good thing has come out of the past few weeks.

"Sweet! Want to have a few games of soccer with me? It won't end up like last time, since we will have teams and there will be a crowd and such." You blush at the memory of your last soccer game together, and smile nervously before nodding vigorously.

"Well, stop standing there like an idiot and cmon!" She says, grabbing your hand and dragging you out to the soccer field, as if it was as urgent as finishing the level to that one video game that you've been stuck on for a few weeks.

It is after the soccer game, and everyone is packing up and going home to study for the final exam. You and Rainbow Dash were alone, sitting on the stands, both greedily drinking out of water bottles, as if you needed the water as much as you need to breathe. No words were said between you, and the only thing you could think of is the fact that you came so close to beating Rainbow and her team. You lost 9-8, and, boy was the game a doozy. You bring the bottle away from your lips and sigh contentedly after finishing a much needed drink. Rainbow Dash did the same, as if she was trying to be in sync with you. You think she's so cute when that happens.

"Hey... Thanks for all the support you've been giving me. It really means a lot," she says out of the blue, surprising you. You whip your head around to see a slightly blushing Rainbow Dash, smiling happily at you. Her smile is infectious, as infectious as the plague, and you can't help but smile the same way. "So... Thanks for everything." After she says that, she decides to be bold and give you a quick peck on the cheek. After that, she steps off the stands, grabs her bags, and runs off. You just sit there, flabbergasted. Sure, she's done better to you, but, just a simple peck... That's a sign that you very well still have a chance to get her before graduation. You bring a hand up to your cheek, the one she kissed, and tried to relish the split second in which her lips were in contact with it. You thought that you never had a chance ever again. But, this is a sign, a simple sign.... That you still do.

It's the middle of the night, and you've been stressing over the fact that you haven't studied one tiny bit. Your dream says, "Don't study! Failure awaits if you do!" but your safe side keeps on screaming, "STUDY! YOU NEED TO GRADUATE!", and it's a stalemate between your two sides. The tiny sliver in the middle, named the 'I Love Rainbow Dash' side quietly says, "If you fail and she does the same, you'll have an entire year trying to get her..."

You fall back onto your bed out of frustration. You quickly grabbed your pillow, and raised your fist to start smacking it, as if you hated it with a fiery passion, but stopped. You let your body relax, thus letting your arm fall onto the bed.

"Oh.. It's... Hopeless!" You say, unable to come up with a solution. "I just don't know what to do!" You close your eyes and let out a long, high-pitched whine. You decide to calm down, and think of the outcomes of you and Rainbow Dash failing and being held back.

At least... I would still have time to get her. But... Then, her friends would leave her behind. I couldn't do that to her! That would be, just.. Horrible! My friends would leave me too.. I don't want that! What if when we fail, she starts hating me?

"Oh, it's absolutely hopeless!" You say, letting out a sob. You then realize how comfortable your bed is, and you snuggle into the blanket, which keeps you warm, even if you aren't under the covers. You feel yourself slowly drifting away, as if the world around you didn't matter, and this new feeling was the only thing that existed. You close your eyes, allowing yourself to slowly fall—

"HEY! HEY! WAKE UP! WAKE UPPPPP!!!" You hear a familiar hoarse voice scream in obvious panic as you feel something climb on your bed and shake you with so much power it could put earthquakes to shame. Your eyes shoot open, and, due to the massive amount you were being shaken, all you saw was a blur of cyan and rainbow colors, as well as a slight amount of rose. When the Intruder realizes that you're awake, she stops shaking you and stops shouting. You then see Rainbow Dash, and you freak out, mentally and physically.

"HOOOOWWWW DO YOU KNOW WHERRREEEE I LIIIIVVVEEEE!?!?!??!!!!" You shout, jumping off your bed in surprise and shock. You surprise her, and she flinches at your loud voice. When she regains her demeanor, which took about two minutes, she straightens up her back and starts explaining.

"I know this must be terrifying for you, but, I need your help! I didn't study for the exam, and I don't want to fail! Can you help me get the test answers so I can ace the test without a hitch?" She explains, giving you begging puppy dog eyes. Her skin has remained flawless, keeping her cuteness at full blast. Her hair remains perfect, not a color out of place. She was so beautiful, and you couldn't say no to that face.

"Alright.. I'll help." You then realize what she was asking for. It would require breaking many rules, and if they found out, it could mean a death sentence for both of you. But, you let those words slip out of your mouth, and, now, there was no backing out.

"OMIGOSH! Thank you! You're so awesome!" Rainbow says, falling to her knees, and hugging your legs. You thought that, in this state, she looked so adorable, and you had to hold back the urge to pat her on her head. She soon lets go, and gets to her feet once again. On her face was a happy smile and hopeful eyes. She looked so beautiful.

"Okay, so, what's the plan?"

You and Rainbow Dash are both in sleek back outfits, with the special tools needed for infiltrating the school. The only thing you could see of Rainbow that wasn't hidden by the outfit she was wearing was her face, not a single hair on her head was showing. The same goes for you. Rainbow dash gets a diamond cutter and walks up to one of the many windows of the school. She sticks it onto the nearest window, and turns it in a circular motion, the diamond cutting right through the glass. After she finishes the circumference, she pulls off the diamond cutter and the circle in the window, and hides them in the nearest bush. Since you were too big to fit through the circle, Rainbow Dash was going to go through and open it up for you, so you can crawl through. She takes a run up, and she gracefully runs and jumps through the hole. You were left in awe at that, it was definitely something you didn't expect from Rainbow Dash. You loved her even more, if that was possible.

You hear a clicking noise, and you see the window open up. You walk towards it, and hastily crawl through. When you get through, Rainbow hastily says, "Cmon! We don't have 'til sunrise!" She runs off, and you quickly follow suit. Your heavy steps emit noises and echoes throughout the abandoned and dark halls, and your breathing quickly becomes heavy. Rainbow rounds a corner, and you skid across the floor and stop to keep yourself from running into the wall, and follow like an obedient dog. Rainbow runs to the staff room, and, like a pet loyal to their owner, you follow. She stops, and looks to you with a determined face. You know what she wants, and you dig into the small satchel that hangs around your body. You pull out a paper clip, and she takes it gratefully. She kneels down to the lock, and starts picking the lock to the staff room, like how the Spikeborn picks a lock in Flyrim. When a soft click is heard, she lets out a quiet, "aha!" And gets back to her feet, passing the paper clip back to you, much to your confusion.

Seeing your confused face, she says, "We'll never know if we'll need to pick another lock here. Now, cmon!" Rainbow opens the door and sneaks in, you following, trying to mimic her every move. She sneaks up to a door, with the words "EXAMS" written in giant white text. She tries to open it, and it does just that. You both gain surprised faces at the fact that a room with very important documents only to be seen by students for a short amount of time is unlocked. Something like that should be guarded and the door should be locked up tight, but, it is not, fortunately for you and the cocky athlete. You both hurry inside, and start looking for exam answers. You scan every single paper, looking for one with the title of "Year 12 Final Exam Answers". You search every nook and cranny, being sure to check every single area. When your exploration comes to an end, it does not end on a bad note. You find a paper labeled just that, and you wave Rainbow over. She hurries toward you, and smiles at your amazing find. You pull out your phone, and take a picture of the secret document. You go onto Wheatsapp, and send the picture to Rainbow's phone, which vibrates in your bag, signifying the fact that she got it. You nod to each other, and hurriedly leave the way you came, not bothering to hide your tracks. Running through the halls, rounding corners, and leaving through the window. You give Rainbow her phone, and you both hurry off to your respective homes.

You and Rainbow Dash finished the exam with ease, but there has been some chatter about a break-in at the school. But, there's no time to think about that now, it's graduation day! And your parents are so proud. Your mother was tearing up as you walked onto the stage with Rainbow by your side, and your father was bawling his eyes out. Rainbow Dash's father was telling your father about how it was okay to let out liquid pride, and her mother was whistling and clapping in applause. As you waited for the inevitable words to come out of Principal Celestia's mouth as she was handing out the diplomas, you leaned towards Rainbow to whisper something to her.

"Hey, Rainbow? I have something I wanna tell you." You be sure to make your mouth moving unnoticble by the crowd of parents, and you do so pretty well.

"Yeah?" She whispers, doing the same as you. She looks so beautiful in her graduation outfit, and you had to keep from hugging her to little adorable pieces.

"I, well.... I l—"

"—and Rainbow Dash shall NOT receive their diplomas due to CHEATING ON THEIR FINAL EXAM!" Principal Celestia interrupts you before you could finish, and everyone gasps in horror at her statement, including you and Rainbow Dash.

"And, as punishment, you will not be held back a year, you will be sent back to KINDERGARTEN!" You both gasp in horror and flinch, and you proclaim, "We've been caught!"

Your world melted away around you, everyone except for Principal Celestia. Rainbow Dash and everyone else disappeared from your world, and your graduation outfit burns up, leaving you in the clothes you wore underneath.

"Have fun in Kindergarten!" She says, smiling evilly at you.


You jump out of bed screaming, almost slipping when leaving bed due to your sweat. When you finished screaming, you shouted, "MUST STUDY!" You hurriedly get dressed for school, grab your bag, and run downstairs to the dining room, and see breakfast made.

"Hello, dear!" You hear your mom say as you sit down and scoff down your food, but still slow enough not to choke. When you didn't answer your mom, she turns around, "Dear?" but you're gone. The only sign of your being there is the plate with small crumbs or your breakfast on. Your mom scratches her head in confusion, but shrugs it off and goes back to making breakfast for your dad.

"That kid was in a real hurry," Your father says, lowering his newspaper and raising an eyebrow at your plate.

"It seemed so, didn't it?"

You enter the school with a loud bang, literally. When you ran up to the front doors of the grand school, you opened them both with such force that they slammed back against the wall. Everyone's heads turned to look at you. You didn't care. You had to get to that library. Getting to that library was as improtant as your mission to tell Rainbow of your feelings. You rush through the crowds of people, accidentally knocking over a few people. You didn't hear their threats or curses, only the blood rushing in your ears, cheering you on. When you reached the library, your lungs her on fire, and you needed to desperately refill them with much needed air. After panting in the doorway for a couple of minutes like a dog, you speed walked to a certain section of the library and started reading on the topic your exam was. You went through book upon book, filling your head with much needed information. Soon after your arrival, though, Rainbow Dash ran into the library, making the door slam back onto the wall. The loud noise that followed was accompanied by everyone, including you, looking up from your books and pressing a finger to your lips, saying "Sshhhhhhh!" But, you stop when you notice that it is in fact Fainbow Dash by the door.

"Heh... Sorry," she says, and everyone goes back to reading their stories, or studying, like you. Rainbow Dash's face lights up at the sight of you, like a child when they get a new toy, or a dog who has recovered an old bone. She quietly walks up to you as not to disturb anyone else so that she doesn't get shushed again, and sits down next to you. You notice the her presence, not knowing that it's her, and lower your book, and look next to you out of curiosity. You see Rainbow Dash, looking over your shoulder, trying to read your book, as if she wanted to study with you. An idea popped into your head and you whispered to her.

"Did you also dream about cheating on the exam and being sent back to kindergarten?" You ask quietly, being sure not to raise your voice, as not to be rude to the others that wanted to read or study in silence. She slowly nods her head, as if nodding quickly would emit loud noises, noises that the other students present do not want.

"Okay, well, we can study together..." You whisper quietly, unsure of yourself. Immediately Rainbow lights up, throws her arms in the air, "YES!" She shouts, gaining unwanted attention.

"SHHHHH!!!!!!!" the other kids urge, giving you both glares that could turn a Cockatrice to stone. Rainbow blushes a bright pink from embarrassment, and whispers, "Sorry..." While smiling apologetically.

After that, you and Rainbow start studying. You had to explain a lot to her, but, you both managed to cover everything on the topic before school ended. You went through book after book, method after method, and, now, you were both set for the exam. You both had confidence in yourselves, confidence that could put even the best of Superheroes to shame.

Now, is the day of judgement.

Graduation day. You and Rainbow are nervous, not knowing if you managed to ear those diplomas. As you and Rainbow wait your turn, you scan the crowd, and find your parents; your mom had a hand to her chest, looking as proud as a mother can ever be, your father is close to letting out some liquid pride, also known as crying. You notice that, sitting next to your father, is the father of Rainbow Dash, and next to him, her mother. Her father was patting yours on the back, telling him that it's okay to let out liquid pride, while her mother was waiting patiently for you and Rainbow to go up.

"Hey, Rainbow?" You quietly ask, taking a step forward as the next couple of kids go up to receive their diploma. The bright lights shining in the room create a great heat, a heat magnified by your thick graduation outfit, causing you to sweat. But, you weren't sweating just because of the heat, but, also out of pure nervousness.

"Yeah?" She says, following after you, her attention on you after looking over the crowd, possibly to find her parents as well. She looks over to you witha curious face, looking as curious as a young child wanting to know more about the most random topic in the known world.

"Well... I just wanted to say that I l—"

"—and Rainbow Dash, step onstage!" You hear Principal Celestia say, causing all of your focus to go to her, and interrupting you in the process. You hear Rainbow's mom start clapping and whistling, like a one-woman crowd, as you and Rainbow step onstage.

"For not failing this year, I present you both, with your diplomas." After the night you experienced, you could not believe your ears. You looked through the sentence over again, looking at every aspect of it, trying to find a way to change its meaning entirely. But, after doing so, you find nothing that could change it, and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. This moment, right now, is so important, to special, as you step to your Principal and reach out for your diploma. Your fingers touch it, and you feel the silkiness of the ribbon that holds the scroll in a roll of paper. Your hand carefully takes it, delicately handling it, as if it was the most fragile object in the universe. Rainbow also gets hers, and smiles at you. You look to her, and smile back, and open your arms wide for a hug.

"Oh, come here!" She says with a smirk, grabbing what was showing of your collar and pulling you in, smashing her lips onto yours. Your eyes widen out of pure surprise, as this was definitely not expected. You throw your arms up in the air, and the blood now rushing in your ears now prevents you from hearing the large amount of adults saying, "Awwwww, young love is so sweet!" in unison. After your initial reaction from the kiss, you quickly recover, and wrap your arms around her. She doesn't try to force her tongue into your mouth, and, neither do you, so, you just enjoy the kiss as it is. She eventually pulls apart, blushing like a maniac. You realize that you must be blushing as much as she is.

"Will you be mine?" She asks, her eyes a mix of hopeful, loving, and questioning. You knew the answer almost instantly, and it has never been truer than ever before.

"Of course."

The crowd erupts in an uproar of cheers at the display, and the other graduates throw their hats up in the air, to celebrate the end of HighSchool. You and Rainbow Dash do the same, not only to celebrate that school's out, but also to celebrate the fact that you are now both an item.

And you shall always be, lovers in an eternal bond, one so strong that it shall never be broken by anything, be it war, death, or worlds trying to destroy it, forever and ever.


Author's Note:

I know this isn't technically in college or university, don't judge my ideas....

Here it is. The finale to probably my most loved series ever.
I'm actually kinda sad to end it. But, hey, all good things must come to an end, right?
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the final chapter in your romantic journey. I bet it's been a blast.

Comments ( 28 )

That part where they snuck in to get the answers for the test reminded me of The Perfect Score.

Thus this story has awakened my determination not to fail junior year. Great story man! :pinkiehappy:

6735564 Thanks, dude!
You have the honor of being first to comment on this finale.
+1 Internet Cookie added to your inventory.


Oh, thank you! *nom*

6735578 You deserve it! :^D

Not gonna lie...the beginning scene was a tad bit too funny.:trollestia:


I was thinking of a Looney Tunes episode when writing it, lol

why is it that when i saw the title of this chapter, i insteadly think of this....

6767523 omg I love that song.
this is iiiiit, the big finale but they neverr quiiiit....

Well this finale turned out great so many feels it woke tough lol

6774343 I... I created feels?
I can die happily. Yay.

This is the best one yet, Really well done. :twilightsmile:

6838336 thank you so much. And thanks for the favorite, too.

Awwwwww great story! I would love to see a sequel of them after high school!!

6894185 Thank you!
I'm sorry, but, I unfortunately won't be doing any more stories about 'you' and Rainbow Dash. I really want it to be kept as a trilogy, so, again, I'm sorry.
Though, that would be a great idea.

6894206 It's all good, I did really enjoy the story though!!

She kneels down to the lock, and starts picking the lock to the staff room, like how the Spikeborn picks a lock in Flyrim.

Flyrim. Flyrim. Skyrim

Omg. yes. you got it

7301914 and thus ends the Rainbow Dash series.

A nice little trio of stories, went by hecka fast but... I enjoyed it, nice job dude.

7504509 believe me, it took me a few months before I decoded to write the second and third parts of this series. The first story was originally gonna be a single story, but then I decided, "Meh, why not."
I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I get ya, hahaha.
You're welcome dude, keep up the good work!

(Sees cover pic.)

And the she got an idea. An awful idea. The Dash got a wonderful, awful idea.

"Hey... Thanks for all the support you've been giving me. It really means a lot," she says out of the blue, surprising you. You whip your head around to see a slightly blushing Rainbow Dash, smiling happily at you. Her smile is infectious, as infectious as the plague, and you can't help but smile the same way. "So... Thanks for everything." After she says that, she decides to be bold and give you a quick peck on the cheek. After that, she steps off the stands, grabs her bags, and runs off. You just sit there, flabbergasted. Sure, she's done better to you, but, just a simple peck... That's a sign that you very well still have a chance to get her before graduation. You bring a hand up to your cheek, the one she kissed, and tried to relish the split second in which her lips were in contact with it. You thought that you never had a chance ever again. But, this is a sign, a simple sign.... That you still do.

OoOoOoOoOh, Dashie's a romAntIc

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