• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 3,528 Views, 54 Comments

A Tempest Comes to Ponyville - EternallyLost

Martial arts hi-jinx hit Ponyville, when a pigtailed stallion arrives to fulfill a family promise.

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A Tempest Comes to Ponyville Part 3 (Tempest)

A Tempest comes to Ponyville 3

Anyway, The conflict ended there. The engagement was temporarily on hold and I was to be Twilight's study project to figure out how this whole curse Magical Condition worked. Dinner was awkward but with the marriage nonsense off the table the girls were pretty friendly. Stonehoof set Pops and me up in his guest room. A little cramped but nicer then camping out in the woods, especially during the storm. Come morning the weather had cleared and prospects were high, I wouldn't be meeting up with Twilight until the afternoon so I had some time to sleep in.

well I would have but, I should have figured that some things never change.


"Up and at'em boy," Tempest awoke airborne, having been thrown bodily out the window. With only a moment before hitting the koi pond he did his best to voice his feelings.

"Damn it pops!" The blue pegasus collided with the water with a mighty splash, and a moment later was replaced with a very soggy unicorn. Spitting out a mouthful of water she glared up to the window where her father stood with a triumphant smirk. "Was that really necessary?" she grumbled loud enough for him to hear. Scarlet peeked out from a different window confused at the early morning racket.

"Can't let a night inside make you soft boy." Stormy said taking to the air and slowly lowering himself to the ground. "A martial artist must be prepared for anything," he lectured solemnly as the mare's eye twitched. In one smooth motion Tempest jumped from the pond grabbing her father. Using the momentum she turned him around in midair and bucked him down into the water. She looked back over her shoulder with a triumphant smirk.

"Anything huh?"


"Thought so." she needled sticking out her tongue. The panda lumbered of the pond and took a fighting stance while Tempest smirked wider readying herself for round two. Up above another window opened revealing an annoyed Summer Shade, her mane sticking up out of place.

"Do you MIND, someponies are trying to sleep!" she growled glaring down at the two martial artists who did their best to look innocent. With a final grunt the window slammed shut once more, Scarlet chuckling lightly as she too headed back inside. Father and 'daughter' exchanged a look, the panda raising a wooden sign only reading-


Tempest his her best to ring out her mane and tail with her hooves before heading into the house, the scent of cooking washing away any remaining frustration. Peeking into the kitchen she spied the pegasus of the family humming to herself as she stirred a pot with her wing. Tempest look to the scene glanced up to her horn with a sigh, stamping down any petty jealousy.

"Oh, good morning Tempest." Misty Spoke up pausing her work. "I didn't hear you come in, are you and your father done sparring?"

"We, ah, decided to reschedule it for the afternoon on account of angry unicorns." she said with a small note of irony, the pegasus gave a melodic giggle.

"Summer can be cranky in the mornings, she's never been a morning pony." the eldest sister said patiently. "Give her an hour or so and she'll be fine. So, um, are you going out like that today or-" her tone grew awkward but Tempest spared her needing to go far with that statement.

"No, just got detoured by the smell of good food." She brushed the topic aside in favor of something much more pressing. "It smells delicious in here. Is that for breakfast?" she asked hopefully.

"Oh my no," Misty replied almost immediately causing the unicorn to droop slightly. "I was just preparing a bit of stock for Clover's,"


"The Cafe in town, I work there two days a week." She explained turning back to her work. "If you want any you're going to have to stop by for lunch." she said with a hint of teasing. "There should be some fresh apples over in the pantry if your hungry." Tempest nodded, hiding her disappointment. She plucked an apple from the basket with her mouth and made swift work of it on her way to the bathroom. It was surprisingly good, definitely a step up from some of the fruit he'd had throughout his journey. A quick shower later Tempest returned to the front room in his pegasus form. Passing a dozy Summer in the hallway, she had given him a long look over before muttering something unintelligible and heading into the bathroom herself. Returning to the main room his father, still in panda form, sat off to the side, reading a newspaper. Used to such absurd scenes he continued past.

"I'm heading out early, I'll catch you later." He heard the bear rumble some manner of response accompanied the turning of a page. Stepping out he looked up to the blue sky and sun thankfully stretching his wings. Not a stray cloud in the sky, the weather team in this area was definitely on the ball. On some level it was odd to the traveler. After so many years off the grid you get more used to dealing with storms then having them swiftly moved away.

"Oh you're still here," Scarlet's voice roused him from his musings. "I thought you left already."

"um, Just lost in thought a bit." he admitted

"Yeah, it was a bit of an odd night." She gave a nervous smile. "All things considered."

"To put it mildly." The pegasus added with a sardonic twinge, "Don't worry, we'll be out of your hair once that Sparkle lady gets this curse thing figured out." He said casually started to hover.

"I don't think our fathers will drop the engagement like that, I haven't seen that kind of determined look in his eyes for a long time." it was hard to place the Earth ponies opinion on the matter, but Tempest was fairly out of his depth when it came to this kind of relationship so he wasn't looking too hard for signs.

"I don't know about pops, I've seen him skimp out on deals in the past..." he muttered bitterly, getting a shocked gasp from the youngest mare of the household.

"You don't think he's just playing my father do you?" an angry edge was creeping into her voice.

"Well... I don't know. I mean he's never gotten into a deal so big that marriage was involved..." Tempest admitted, his earlier pessimism fading. "It's usually pretty clear what he's after in those kinds of deals. I don't really see what he could want." he scratched the back of his head. "I mean if Pop's really as close to your dad as he claims then, maybe this ones for real..." Tempest trailed off unsure who he felt about that. He glanced over to Scarlet, one of his potential fiancees, and caught her looking his way at the same time. They held gazes for a moment before looking away. "Right, well I'm gonna take in the sights a bit before I go to Sparkle's place." wings flapping in preparation to head off and away from this whole thought process.

"Um, well I'm about to go for my morning Jog. I could show you around if you want..." she offered tentatively.

"Oh," he halted not answering for a moment. "Ah, sure I guess." his hooves touched earth once more turning back to the earth pony who was offering him a small smile.


The two ponies jogged along the edge of town for a couple of laps. The town itself was a fairly small community, peaceful and simple. The surrounding area was another thing entirely.

"Wait wait, a Hydra?" Tempest gave his companion a skeptical look.

"Well, that's what I heard." Scarlet replied after I moment. "I mean it's not something you go off to double check, unless your the kinda pony who enjoy poking giant lizards with sticks."

"I think there's a distinct difference to seeing if something is true and going out of your way to provoke it." The pegasus returned diplomatically.

"Okay fair enough, either way it's nothing compared to the kind of beasts that wander around in Everfree forest." She shuddered a little, "I still have nightmares about that giant Star bear that attacked last year." Tempest gave scarlet a deadpanned look.

"...Okay now you're just making things up."

The pair of joggers arrived in town after their third lap around town, slowing their pace so Tempest could get a feel of where things were. It was mostly residential toward the edges, small cottages spaced moderately apart that grew closer together the closer to the town center one got. The whole south side of town was taken up by a massive apple orchard ran by Applejack's family. In general though most things of note were more toward the center of town.

"First off we have the market place." Scarlet began as they passed into the circular center of Ponyville. Several ponies were in the process of prepping their stalls for the start of the the day. All manner of fruits and vegetables being set up to be most appealing to the passer by. The two early risers gravitated to the only sign familiar to the newcomer. Though the pony behind the stall was not the mare Tempest had met the night before, but a large red stallion. "Good Morning Big Macintosh." she greeted in a notably more chipper tone.

"Ah, good morning Miss Dawn." rumbled the older stallion in a deep bass. "With company today." he noted eyeing the pegasus carefully.

"Er, yes. This Is Wild Tempest, his father is an old friend of my father. So they'll be staying for a while." she returned after a slight hesitation. "I was giving him a tour."

"Well that's mighty kind of ya." he praised getting the crimson mare's cheeks to flush slightly redder. He offered Tempest a friendly smile. "Welcome to Ponyville, if'in you need anything don't be afraid ta ask. We all look out for eachother here." he offered a hoof which Tempest took shaking it.

"Ah, Thanks."

"No problem, welp better get back to work. Got to get the stand set for the morning rush." He effortlessly shifted a large bussel of apples form the his hauling cart. "Enjoy the rest of yer Jog." The two returned the pleasantry before moving on. Tempest couldn't help but notice the increased spring in his companion's step.

"Big Macintosh huh, he's related to that Applejack mare from last night?" Tempest began as they made their way further into the town center.

"Yeah, he's her older brother. He usually works on the farm all day but sometimes he comes out to run the apple stand." Scarlet explained smiling a little.

"He's a fighter too isn't he?"

"Hm?" crimson mare blinked. "Yes... Well he used to. How can you tell?"

"The way he looked at me when he first saw me, he was gauging my skill... he must do it unconsciously." he muttered to himself. "What do you mean he USED to?"

"Well I'm not sure on the details but I remember him coming to the dojo a lot when I was younger to fight my dad, but some years ago he stopped. Not sure exactly why, but now he spends most of his time on the farm." she shrugged

"Hm..." Tempest glanced back to the stallion in question one last time before dropping the subject. The two continued in a companionable silence broken only as Scarlet pointed out points of interest. The post office, which had doors for both ground and sky mail on the first and second floors respectively. The library, where he'd be meeting with Twilight later. A dress shop, which was apparently famous but Tempest's disinterest was quite clear. Last but not least a store much more up his alley...

"This is our last stop Sugercube Corner." She said motioning a hoof toward the odd building seemingly made up of sweets. "and here we will have a post jog snack."

"How did this place not melt during last nights storm?" He snarked, to cover his excitement. Tempest was an athlete in peak condition able to live off minimal foods for months on end. But his sweet tooth was rivaled by few, possibly due to the long gaps between his binges.

"Okay, the architecture is a bit much but the pastries are delicious." Scarlet assured the pegasus as they approached the building. A cheerful jingle of the door was accompanied wonderful collection of scents. Inside there was a much more sensible design sense going on and had a few other morning ponies eating breakfast. The pair trotted inside getting line for order.

"So Tempest, in the mood for anything in particular?" Scarlet asked cheerfully, looking forward to her own breakfast.

"Not sure, it's been way to long since I had any fresh baked goods." He eyed the displays hungrily thrown off a bit when the mare in front of him abruptly turned and rushed out of the building, clipping him slightly on the way by. A quiet stuttered apology being all heard from the grey and yellow blur. "Huh... they kinda look fami-"

"Here you go!" A cheerful voice interrupted his thoughts turning his eyes back toward the counter where a confused pink pony was holding a bag. "She left without her breakfast? Guess she was in more of a hurry then I thought." She shrugged placing the bag aside and turned to the pair who were now next in line. "Good Morning Scarlet, what will it be to-" It was then she caught eye of Tempest and gasped, vibrating with energy. "A new face! Hello, Welcome to Ponyville!" she greeted brightly, Tempest was more then taken aback at the enthusiasm glancing to the mare at his side who looked distinctly amused.

"Um, hey. I uh, just stopped in last night with my Pops..." he said slowly, uncomfortable with the intense attention the mare was giving him.

"Pinkie, this is Wild Tempest. His father is an old friend of my dad." Scarlet finally deemed it time to step in and save him from the enthusiastic mare.

"I see I see," she nodded quickly. "So you're a martial artist too?" she made some wild arm gestures vaguely connected to martial arts moves, her antics bringing a small smile to his face despite the early awkwardness.

"Yup, Trained with my pops since I could walk." he said proudly, exuding confidence.

"Wowie, That's a looong time." She looked about to continue her questioning but she caught herself and smiled. "Oopsie, can't chat too much when on the clokc. Well there will be plenty of time to talk later, what can I get ya?"

"A Banana Nut Muffin for me."

"um," Tempest mentally checked his wallet. he didn't have a lot of spending money so any binges would have to wait until later. "A slice of Apple Pie." he eventually decided, the apple from this morning still on his mind. Placing their bits on the counter-top the pinkie pony gave a one hoofed salute.

"Okie-dokie-lokie, coming right up!" she disappeared under the counter and was gone. Tempest looked to his companion who smiled innocently.

"Well... that was interesting." he said awkwardly before shrugging. "She seems nice enough."

"Pinkie is something else but you'll have trouble finding a more friendly pony in town." she said with chuckle. Before much else could be said the pink pony popped up at the counter again two bags in hand.

"Here you go, hope you have a super dooper day."

"Thank you Pinkie."

"Yeah, Thanks."

"See you later tonight." Pinkie said casually getting a double take from Tempest.

"Wait what?" he received no explanation from the baker aside from a knowing wink before she bounced off to the back. "What the hay is that suppose to mean?" he muttered to Scarlet who just giggled.

"Don't worry about it." They headed back into the open air once more, the streets a bit more populated as more ponies began their morning routines. "Well I'm gonna head back to the dojo, hope things go well with Twilight."

"Um Thanks, I'll see ya later."

"Yeah..." There was a short pause before Scarlet trotted off. He gaze lingered at her retreating form before took to the air, finding a perch in the large tree that was apparently Twilight's house as he ate his pie and reflected on the odd series of events... he didn't reach any profound thoughts, but the Pie was good.


He spent the rest of his morning stretching his wings and flying. There was nothing quite flying on a clear day to lift ones mood. His hoofs touched ground about mid day and he made his way to the library, his earlier anxieties creeping back ever so slightly. A cure... It was more then he could hope for. He knocked on the door and was greeted by another unexpected sight.

"Hello? Oh, you must be Tempest."

"And you're a Dragon." his deadpan reply brought a chuckle from the boy(?).

"Yup, Names Spike. I'm Twilight's Assistant," he offered a claw to which Tempest shook, going with the flow.

"Nice to meet ya Spike... So is Twilight around? Not late or anything am I?"

"Nope, she's just getting things ready downstairs. Come on in." he pulled the door fully open letting the stallion inside. He took in the decor... yup, this is a library all right. Disinterested he turned to the small dragon who pointed to a door on the other side of the room. "Just head right through there and head downstairs to the lab."

"Lab?" Tempest blinked confused, "I thought she was an expert in magic?"

"She is, she's one of the most power unicorns in Equestria." He replied with a note of pride. "Though she studies in a very Scientific way." he explained unhelpfully leading the pegasus down a winding staircase into a much dimmer room. At the bottom of the stairs was a series of a odd machines and a tale not out of place in a hospital. Twilight seemed to be carefully organizing wires of some kind. She looked up at their approach offering a bright smile.

"Oh you made it, Everything is just about ready."

"How is all this stuff going to cure me?" Tempest waved indistinctly to the collection of machines with a dubious.

"Oh there won't be any cures today. To start were just going to be establishing the basic effects this affliction has on your body. From there we can start trying to go from there."

"What effects i has? That's simple it turns me into a Unicorn Mare." He muttered somewhat annoyed. Spike looked surprised at the casual admittance.

"But HOW." Twilight said patiently, emphasizing the word. "How it changes your body, what this affliction does to your innate magic. And how complete the transformation is. These are the first questions that need to be answered." she finished clearing off the table and motioning for him to get on. Not quite getting the difference Tempest relented and flew up onto the table.

"Whatever, if it helps find a cure I'll do it."


Tempest was somewhat regretting his words as he lay on the table. a helmet with blinking lights was strapped to his head. He now had various wires attached all over his body and wings to the point he could hardly move. "So... How is this going to help?"

"Well first things we have to do is establish the base readings of your body unchanged." Twilight trotted up to the table double checking the wire placement. "Should just take a few minutes to settle." her face hovered up closer to his own and she offered him a small smile. "So while we're waiting how have to found Ponyville thus far?"

"It's okay," Tempest began uncertainly, not prepared for the casual conversation starter. "Got that small town atmosphere going for it, though the mare at the bakery was a little weird. Nice but weird."

"Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked knowingly.

"Uh, Yeah. She always like that?"

"Pretty much and wouldn't have it any other way." She finished fondly. It seemed the pinkie pony had endeared herself to many people though the stallion admittedly wasn't quite sure why. "Though Ponyville being quiet is only mostly true. Things can get pretty crazy here."

"To put it mildly." Spike snarked from his position off to the side.

"So I hear, sounds interesting if what Scarlet told me was true." Tempest said with a small grin.

"Well Hopefully your arrival is the most interesting thing to happen for a while, I'm in no hurry for excitement." she said trailing back to the screen and eyeing it carefully. "Okay that should do it. Spike, ready the catalyst." she announced getting her assistant to jump to attention.

"The wha?"

"The water glass." she whispered.

"Oh, ah. Got it."

"Then, Commence the procedure."

With a rather pitiful splash the change was set into motion. Normally it passed so quickly Tempest could barely feel it but the rapid shifting of the diodes and wires was awkward and pinching as her body shrank, several falling to the floor with her wings gone. All ending with a dull clang as her horn offset the helmet.

"Woah..." Spike was clearly impressed by the whole show, where as Twilight's eyes were glued to her readout screen.

"Such a burst of dynamic energy! It reshaped your physicality and magic signature. This is incredible!"

"Um... little help?" Tempest grumbled trying (unsuccessfully) to untangle herself from the wires and loosened straps.

"Oh, right sorry." Twilight rushed over and with a bit of telekinesis sorted the issue. "There, I guess I didn't take enough account into the size disparity between your two forms. are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine." The petite unicorn sighed, "So did ya get the information you wanted?"

"I believe so, I'll have to study it in detail later but it was quite the magical reaction. On par with some truly powerful rituals."

"Fascinating, does that mean I can take these things off now." She lifted one of her wired limbs.

"Not quite, we need to get a reading on this form as well." Twilight said with an apologetic smile as her test subject deflated slightly. "We need to see how real this form is and how much of this form is based on your affliction." she pulled up a stool next to the table and took a seat. "So while were waiting why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"

"Um, okay." Tempest shrugged and laid back on the table. "Not too much to tell. I've been on the road traveling and learning martial arts with my pops."

"How long have you been traveling?"

"A little over ten years now."

"That long?" Spike seemed to recover from his initial shock to return to the discussion at hand.

"Well if you want to be the best you have to dedicate yourself to the art." Tempest replied like it was obvious.

"Well if you've been on the road that long you must have met a lot of ponies. How do you keep friendships going over such long distances? How often do you keep in touch?" she sounded genuinely interested and even had a quill and paper to record the information. Her puzzled look must have gotten through as she gave a sheepish smile. "Well my primary study is in Friendship at the request of the princess."

"Studying friendship?" Tempest sounded dubious at the prospect but let it go with a shrug. "Well I'm not going to be able to help you much on that front. I've never had a lot of friends."

"Really?" she sounded concerned. "You seem like the outgoing sort..."

"Well we never really settled down that long. I mean there were a few schoolmates it's run around with and a buddy I made way back in flight camp but Pops said that kind of stuff would be too much of a distraction from my training." he said with a resigned tone, something he'd come to terms with long ago. Twilight looked put out at the very notion.

"A distraction? That's hardly a healthy attitude..." she muttered to herself.

"Not too different then how you were before." Spike reminded her dulling her annoyance. She frowned at the thought.

"True, I had been so focused on my studies I let it get in the way of everything else. There was so much I missed that I never realized." she raised her eyes once more to Tempest with an almost pitying look.

"H-Hey, it wasn't like I was alone or anything. I had Pops... he's not always reliable but he was there with me the whole time." Tempest was surprised at her own insistence to defend her father. For all his faults, he had been there with her all those years.

"I'm sorry Tempest I didn't mean to overstep. I shouldn't judge." she relented but offered a small smile. "But since your going to be settling her for a bit I think it would do you well to get to know some of the townsfolk and make some friends."

"Well, we'll see I guess..." He turned away with a non-committal shrug. Things had gotten a bit more personal then he'd have liked. Twilight seemed to have gotten the message and backed off, going back to the readouts.

"Scan completed... Fascinating. Spike can you help Tempest unhook from the machine."


"No problem." The little dragon scurried over to the now vacant stool and used it's perch to help free the annoyed mare from the medical equipment. "I know she can be a bit pushy sometimes," he whispered as he unfastened the helmet. "But she does mean well, Ponyville is full of a lot of cool ponies. I'm sure you'll fit right in."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll try..." she muttered, seemingly tired from the whole ordeal. "So whats the verdict Doc?"

"Only the most impressive feat in transmutation I've ever seen. In fact your condition could contain the missing link of magic the school of transfiguration has been seeking for years." she replied brimming with excitement. "All of your vitals match up with that of other mature unicorn mares. Even your magical energies are in line if unfocused. Which I suppose is unsurprising since you didn't grow into your power through childhood."

"Wait a second, are you saying I can use magic?"

"With practice certainly, I'm surprised you haven't had any spell surges yet from lack of control."

"Well I try not to stay in this form any longer then I can help it." she admitted, even the prospect of magic did little to dissuade this.

"Hm, I suppose that could be holding the magic in check in the short term. But it could be dangerous if you even ended up holding that form long term."

"All the more reason to get this cured then."

"...Is it really so bad?" Twilight began hesitantly. "Though against your will you've been put into a situation to experience things far outside what you could normally." she trailed off as she saw how Tempest tensed up glaring away at the wall.

"Don't talk it crap you don't know, loosing you entire identity with just a splash of water. It's not 'amazing'. It's awful."

"Sorry Tempest, I didn't mean to come off as Demeaning. I Just-" Regret was clear in her tone enough that the part-time mare waved off her frustration.

"It's fine, Let's just focus one the cure first..."

"Very well, One step at a time. We still have several more baselines to establish before we dive into any of that." Twilight hovered a steaming cup over. "You're free to change back, I'm going to need a few days to study these before we can continue with the tests." Even as she spoke she could hear the light splash of him hurriedly changing back.

"That is really freaky," Spike stated bluntly as he took the empty cup from the pegasus stallion.

"Yeah, well just imagine it happening to you." He said with a forced smile. He turned his attention back to twilight as he hopped back to the floor giving his returned wings an appreciative flap. "Just contact me whenever the next test are ready, looks like I'm not goin' anywhere for the moment."

"Very well." Twilight paused as she watched the stallion start to leave. "You know... You're welcome to come by anytime you know, not just for curse testing." she offered with a hopeful smile. Tempest hesitated briefly at the foot of the stairs.

"I'll think about it." he muttered before trotting up the stairs, the distant hoof-falls of twilight behind him as his mind wandered. Seemed like he was in this for the long haul. Though he was still a little unsure about Twilight's goal from all this she seemed to know what she was doing... He sighed, "Maybe some sparring will clear my head, wonder if Pops is up for-" he opened the door flash of light and confetti(?)

"Surprise!" a cheer rose up from the library, it was filled with dozens of ponies, many smiling his way with Pinkie Pie at the lead.

"Wha?" It was a party, full of refreshments, decorations and friendly faces. A Banner hanging up over the door confirmed the most shocking. (Stormy Night and Wild Tempest. Welcome to Ponyville). "It's for... me?"

"Yeah!" The energetic Pink pony was at his side bouncing in place. "I did the best I could with what time I had, I know Twilight's experiments can get SUPER boring sometimes so why not follow it up with some fun!" He could see Stonehoof family milling about in the crowd, his father off to the side with a large plate of food. "Do you like it?"


...I was at a loss. Pops was never one birthdays and that kind of stuff. Always said that stuff was for 'soft ponies'... fillies... For a pony who barely knew me to do something like that.

It was a blast. The food was great. The games were a little sily but i'd be lying if I didn't say it was fun. I was introduced to a bunch of ponies... Some even wanted to be friends. It keeps coming back to friends doesn't it? But I guess I've got nothin but time so, we'll see. Maybe this town won't be so bad.

and that's pretty much it. I'm not sure what Twilight even wants me to say but hopefully this is what you wanted to hear. I still find it hard to believe you'll even be reading this. Anyway, I'll just end it here.

- Wild Tempest

Author's Note:

It liiiives!

So after a long hiatus the intro arc. And the Inspiration is still flowing so I'm not going to question it now. Already starting work on the next chapter. Hopefully this one is to your liking and at least somewhat worth the wait.... Thank you all for your Patience and your Support.

Fun fact: A Small list of things that have happened during this hiatus.
-I lost a job
-Met a lovely artist and started long distance dating
-Got a new job
-Had a massive falling out with a friend I'd known for years
-Shipped said girl from coast to coast to live with me
-Had a long run of story posts on my tumblr collaborating with my now live-in girlfriend
-Got engaged
-And now I'm back...
What a long strange trip it's been. I will endeavor to make this next wait be MUCH shorter as we start to expand the storyline and increase the cast. More of the Mane 6, CMC, Background Ponies, and Pony versions of the Ranma 1/2 cast are on the way!