• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 3,528 Views, 54 Comments

A Tempest Comes to Ponyville - EternallyLost

Martial arts hi-jinx hit Ponyville, when a pigtailed stallion arrives to fulfill a family promise.

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Best to Not Ask Questions (Thunderlane)

It took a few days for the initial excitement of the new arrivals to die down. By the end of the week most ponies had gone back to their day-to-day lives, unphased by the new faces. Sure there was a black and white bear that would wander into town and talk with signs sometimes, but those are just the kind of things you have to get used to in Ponyville. It was always best to not ask questions... It was a concept Thunderlane tried to live by, but it had been getting harder as of late.

It was early morning as he winged his way to the edge of town. It was a clear day with no clouds scheduled for at least a couple of days, and that meant it was a day of relaxation for the weather team. Cloud Chaser was still out of town, so with his marefriend indisposed he was left to his own devices. He began his descent as he closed in on one of the outlying buildings of town, the Stonehoof Dojo.

"Huh? They're already at it?" He muttered in surprise as he could hear the sounds of combat. He spotted two pegasi as they fought it out in the sky over the dojo, trading blows while turning and maneuvering around each other. It was an impressive display, as it had been the first time he'd seen it just few days prior. He landed at the doorstep and knocked. After a moment he was greeted by the sweet smile and warm tones of Misty Morning.

"Oh, good morning Thunderlane. Are you here to pick up Tempest? I'm afraid he's still sparring with his father."

"I don't mind. Actually I came early to see the show." he chuckled. She looked bemused as she motioned him through. He trotted through their rather sparse living room to the back porch for a front row seat to said 'show'.

"You're getting slow, Old Mule."

"Keep talking, Colt!"

Hoofstrikes flew nearly as fast as their insults, pulling dizzyingly tight curves, fully utilizing their aerial arena. Though there was only one possible ending. Tempest pursued his father in a dive toward the ground. The target? The small pond in the middle of the back yard. Stormy looked to be in a free fall, but no more then 3 ft from the ground the elder pegasus redirected his momentum into a tight semi-circle ending up behind his son. He pushed off of the stunned stallion back into the air as Tempest disappeared with a massive splash. A moment later, a distinctly unhappy unicorn mare rose out of the water, her red mane stuck to her face, covering her eyes.

"You've still got a lot to learn, Colt." Stormy said, casually dancing away from the disgruntled splash of his child.

"Next time, Old Mule." Tempest grumbled irritably, wiping the hair from her eyes. Her father only laughed heartily as he headed inside as the fuming unicorn pulled herself from the pond.

"You certainly know how to start the day here, don't you?" Thunderlane said with a grin, catching the petite mare's attention.

"Aww hay" She groaned, covering her face with a hoof. "He just got lucky, I woulda had him in one hit. Next time, he's going down." She assured him, taking a moment to shake off some of the excess water.

"Yeah, yeah. Just go get your wings back." He nudged the mare with an errant elbow as she passed. She stuck her tongue out as she disappeared into the building.

Wild Tempest, pegasus martial artist extraordinaire. Thunderlane had met him at his welcome party and they hit it off pretty well. He had a bit of a big head, but when you've worked under Rainbow dash long enough you learn to look past that. Oh, and he turned a cute unicorn mare when splashed with cold water... It was always best not to ask questions.


One shower later, the two stallions were off to the green fields beyond the borders of Ponyville.

"I really appreciate this bro," Thunderlane said to break the silence.

"No prob, not like I had much else to do anyway." Tempest admitted with a small shrug. He cast a sidelong glance to his mohawked companion. "Though if you're just trying to get fit, I'm sure you could find a personal trainer or something..."

"It's not about staying in shape..." Thunderlane narrowed his eyes, gaining a determined look. "In a few months time there'll be a tryout for Wonderbolt prospects in Cloudsdale. They're having them all over Equestria looking for future talent. The top prospects will get hooves on training at the Wonderbolts' own training facility! It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance, bro!" He held his right hoof in front of him, shoulders tensed. "Joining the Wonderbolts..." He managed to calm himself down, and after a moment continued. "It's always been my dream, but I've never really put much effort into my training before, just coasted along on my natural gifts. That is, until The Best Young Flyer's competition last year." He bit his lip and closed his eyes. "I knew Dash was good, but that move. The Sonic Rainboom... It was then I realized that if I wanted to reach my goals, I'd have to step it up. I can't just be a good flyer, I have to be a GREAT flyer! One of the best!" he re-opened his eyes and looked to Tempest who had a thoughtful, if slightly puzzled expression on his face. Thunderlane's cheeks flushed red, "Sorry, I guess I got a little carried away..."

"...who are the Wonderbolts again?" Tempest's question nearly caused Thunderlane to fall out of the sky in shock. Fortunately he caught himself quickly, merely dipping in his flight path before he gave the martial artist an incredulous look.

"You can't be serious! It's the Wonderbolts!" he exclaimed, though his companions face showed no recognition. "Come on, they're the longest running flying troop in Equestria! Only recruiting the best of the best!" The two had paused in their flight, Thunderlane gesturing wildly at this point. Finally it seemed a glimmer of familiarity seemed to click.

"Hm, I think I remember some of the other foals talking about them back at flight school. I always thought it was some kind of circus sideshow or somethin'." Tempest gave an unconcerned shrug and the other stallion hid his face in his hooves.

"And you call yourself a Pegasus..."

"Hey, flying is but one part of The Art, I can't get all tied up on a single aspect." Tempest said calmly before slowly offering Thunderlane a grin. "Either way, it's clear you're passionate about this, so if you really want my help I'll do what I can. But don't expect it to be like some normal exercise routine. I'm not going to go easy on you."

"I'm prepared." He said firmly. "If I want to stand on the same ground as Dash and ponies of her caliber, I need to step up my game... If you can show me how to do even half of the maneuvers I've seen you and your dad pull off, I'll be well within the running. So whatever you've got planned, I'll do it!" He was genuine and earnest, but in the back of his mind something about the way Tempest smiled at that sent chills down his spine.

"Alright, that's the spirit. There's no time like the present, so let's get started."


It was just past mid-day when the pair of stallions slowly made their way back into town, now walking instead of flying. Tempest looked quite pleased, a light sheen of sweat on his coat from the workout. "Not a bad start for the first day," He said cheerfully. "You held up better then I expected. How you feeling?" He cast a look over his shoulder to the slightly slumped figure trotting behind him.

"Dead..." Thunderlane managed to groan out. His whole body ached in ways he couldn't even fathom. Muscles he was pretty sure didn't even exist were sore. Every feather of his wings felt like they weighed 10 pounds... and yet Tempest had done all of the drills right alongside him and he looked positively chipper. "What kind of demon are you?" he grumbled half-heartedly. Tempest merely snickered in response.

"You'll get used to it. A month or two down the road you'd be surprised with the results." at the word 'month' the dark grey stallion paled.

"You're going to kill me..."

"You got to be broken down before you can be built back up." Tempest replied with a wild grin. "Hay, I don't know about you, but I'm STARVED! Come On, I'll treat you to lunch." he offered happily. Thunderlane managed a weary smile.

"Now that's some lifting I think I can handle." The pair shared a laugh as they reached the center of town, Thunderlane's worn state occasionally drawing a curious eye.

Clover's was a welcomed sight. After taking one of the outdoor tables, Thunderlane offered a grateful sigh as he finally got off his weary hooves.

"I feel like I could eat an orchard."

"Well don't, I'm pretty low on bits." Tempest admitted, somewhat embarrassed.


"What? I've been on the road. Sue me"

"Well you should get a job or something," Thunderlane suggested, resting his head on a hoof. "Weather team is always looking for an extra set of wings."

"I guess... but if I'm not careful I could have an express trip back back to the ground." Tempest sighed and turned his gaze to the side. "Stupid curse..."

"Oh riiight." It was hard to repress the mental image of Tempest bucking a rain cloud before turning into a flailing unicorn plummeting to the ground. "Well, just sign up for sunny days... it's a lighter paycheck but it's something."

"Maybe..." he slowly grinned, "Maybe a personal trainer?"

"Well some ponies like torture, so maybe." Thunderlane grumbled managing a wry grin, the other stallion waving off the complaint. "How about deliveries? You're quick."

"Hmm... Could work." Tempest looked thoughtful before he stretched and looked up to the sky. "It's so weird to think about this... spent so much time on the road, always moving on. Never really settled down long enough to consider a job.

"How the hay did you eat then?"

"Well I mean we took odd jobs once in a while... other times..." He trailed off, Thunderlane waited for him to continue but the arrival of food seemed to have ended the conversation. There would be no chatting while the stallions dug into their meals with a ravenous appetite.

"Well, Well. If it isn't the new guy." A familiar mare's voice roused the pair from their meal. Rainbow Dash stood just outside the cafe, her forehooves leaning on the low barrier that separated it from the street. She bore a confident smirk, not unlike the one that was forming on Tempest. Just a step behind her was Fluttershy, the shy mare trying her best to go unnoticed.

"Hello Rainbow, not too busy today I hope." The martial artist's tone was conversational, though the implication was anything but.

"You could say that," she said with the slightest of shrugs, like it had hardly occurred to her even though she was the one who had initiated. It was clear to everypony involved that the pair were eager to engage in some manner of wing measuring contest. It had been that way since the welcome party. Thus Thunderlane found himself annoyed with how coy they were playing it, that and the fact his own presence had gone completely unnoticed.

"Hello to you, too." He muttered, breaking the tension as Rainbow Dash blinked and turned toward him.

"Oh, hey Thunderlane! Didn't see ya there!" She greeted genially.

"Clearly." his snarking was ignored as she turned back to Tempest.

"Was hoping Wild here was up for a friendly competition."

"Sure, I just finished a nice warm-up, so I'm good to go." He said, standing from the table and cracking his neck. Thunderlane's face hit the table. A warm-up? He still felt like a pony-sized mold of jello, and Tempest called that a warm up? Clearly a demon. "So how did you want to be beat first?"

"Oh really?" Rainbow Dash's eyes narrowed as Tempest approached, the two locking eyes fiercely.

"I'd say kiss already, but he's engaged so..." Thunderlane drolled out, grinning as the two immediately reddened and looked over to him in shock. Fluttershy for her part covered her mouth.

"Oh dear."

"I-It's not like that at all!" Rainbow Dash sputtered shaking a hoof at him.

"Yeah, don't make this weird!" Tempest exclaimed before awkward silence followed the conversation for a moment.

"...Sooo, you're engaged?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

"Ugh, technically..." Tempest conceded with a sigh. "Our fathers decided it for us, hay they haven't even specified which of the three sisters..."

"Wait, THREE mares?" Rainbow Dash frowned, "Is that even legal?"

"No, look it's just ONE of them but it's not decided-" Tempest covered his face. "I really don't want to talk about it. Can't we just punch each other or something?" after a moment the mare seemed to take pity on the poor stallion and file this information aside for later.

"How about a race first, tough guy? First one to the train station and back."

"You're on," Tempest flared his wings, glad for the distraction. "On three?"

"Ready When you are."

"Alright... three." and with that he was off. Rainbow Dash cursed, taking off a moment later.

Thus, Thunderlane found himself alone with a very uncomfortable mare. Fluttershy, from what he could tell, was a very private pony. She rarely interacted with those outside her immediate friend group... Well besides that time when she became a model for a couple of weeks, but well... These things happen. Thunderlane tried to think of where to start and couldn't recall any time he'd had even tried to chat with the mare before. So best to start simple.


"Um, Hi..." she replied meekly. Silence soon followed as she turned her gaze downward and lightly toed the dirt.

"Uuh, you want to take a seat?" He offered after a moment. It seemed patience would be most important in dealing with her.

"Thank you, But I'm fine standing." she gave a shy smile, "Rainbow Dash won't be long after all." she wasn't wrong, mere moments later two blurs returned to the restaurant, Dash touching down just ahead.

"Yeah! In your face, even with your little trick, the fastest pegasus prevails!" she stood on her hind legs, forelimbs in the air in victory. Tempest hovered a few feet behind, crossing his forelimbs with a stubborn hmph.

"That was too short for an accurate test. Best 2 out of 3."

"Heh, Sure. I'll race you anywhere."

"Alright, to the big red barn at the far end of the orchard and back!"

"AJ's barn. Piece of cake. Prepared to be smoked AGAIN, Wild?"

"We'll see Dash, we'll see." and just like that they were off again. Fluttershy and Thunderlane met eyes once again.

"The offer's still open." he said, somewhat bemused.

"Well I suppose it can't hurt..." Fluttershy slowly trotted into the restaurant area and took a seat across from Thunderlane. He didn't wait for the silence to begin, it was clear when dealing with this mare he'd have to be the one to initiate.

"So, you take care of animals right? How has that been going for you?"

"Um, pretty well I suppose..." She trailed off, the stallion worried the conversation would die before it began, but she surprisingly chose to elaborate. "I actually hired some help recently."

"Really? Do you normally handle it all by yourself?"

"Oh yes, many of the animals aren't comfortable with most ponies." She admittedly gently. "But Mr. Night's ability to turn into a bear seems to make them less anxious." she clapped her forehooves together, looking pleased. "It's so nice to have help for the heavy lifting."

"Mr. Night, wait you mean Tempest's Father?" Thunderlane blinked. He tried to imagine the gruff martial arts masters dutifully following Fluttershy's timid suggestions and shook his head.

"If I'm honest... I think it would be kind of fun. Changing into an animal." she admitted softly, looking away.


"Oh yes, haven't you ever wondered what it might be like to change yourself in some way?" Curiosity tinged her tone while she began eyeing him. Thinking about it for a moment, he simply scratched his head.

"I never really thought about that kind of thing..." he admitted honestly. It was best not to ask questions after all. Those kind of odd events didn't happen to him. He frowned slightly, but what did it mean now that he had started to hang out with a pony like Tempest... was he opening himself up to strange things like that? Was he okay with that?

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to upset you..." Fluttershy's words brought him back to reality, the mare was looking positively dejected, her eyes turned back to the ground.

"I'm not mad, my mind wandered a bit was all." he tried to assure the girl with a sigh. He was overthinking things. Tempest and his situation WAS odd but he was a good guy. That's all that mattered. A rush of wind alerted the pair that the racers had returned. This time it was even closer, without any formal way to mark it, it was impossible to see who won. Rainbow Dash passed an annoyed look to Tempest.

"You Cheated."

"Cheated?" Tempest frowned in return. "I didn't even touch you."

"You did... SOMETHING to your slip stream back there."

"And if I did?" He raised an eyebrow, "It was a perfectly valid technique. Racing isn't only about raw speed." The two glared at each other.

"um, you don't have to fight..." Fluttershy tried to interject in her usual meek manner. Thunderlane stepped up to join her.

"Yeah, we're all friends here. It's just a little competition. Right?" he said hopefully. Tempest seemed a bit taken aback, having an odd thoughtful looked while Dash only calmed down a little bit.

"Yeah yeah."

"Um yeah... friends..." the martial artist muttered shortly after, glancing at Thunderlane with an odd expression he couldn't quite identify. Turning to Dash, Tempest seemed to fight with... something... before he began to speak. "Look Dash, I'm... sorry." He hesitated, clearly out of his element. He scratched the back of his head with a hoof. "You've got some crazy speed straight on, I had to find someway to even the odds..."

"Look, it's fine... Just be more straight with me next time." Dash put a hoof out. "we cool?" Tempest smiled a little as he bumped it with his own.

"Yeah, we cool." the smile morphed into a more of a smirk after a moment. "Don't think I'll go easy on you in the spar though."

"Oh really?" And in a flash the touching moment was lost as the swagger returned. Thunderlane rolled his eyes and shook his head, he could hear a muted giggle from across the table. Though before it could build up all over again, another voice chimed.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't help but overhear," Summer Shade strolled up to the group, a curious look crossing her features. "The two of you were going to have a spar?" Dash raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. What of it?"

"Well," A knowing smile spread across her face. "It's just a LOT of ponies have been curious how that may play out." she tapped her chin, "So I was thinking, wouldn't it be fun to give them a bit of a show?" Her voice was casual but the convenience of it all was fishy. Sadly, the fighters in question didn't seem to notice.

"That sounds pretty cool..."

"I guess that's fine."

"Great, how about you guys delay the match til say... tomorrow afternoon?" she suggested offhandedly. "Most ponies will be out of work, School will be out so the foals can come. Should be able to get a good crowd." she smiled, "Just leave the rest to me."

"Fair enough, guess I'll just have to wait a day to kick your flank." Dash said casually, flashing the stallion a grin.

"Oh really?" Tempest returned it in kind getting in her face once more. "Talk all you want shorty, you'll be the one eating dirt tomorrow." Thunderlane tuned out the banter and got back to his achy hooves. The meal and rest had done wonders but 'wonders' pretty much meant he might make it home before he fell into a boneless pile.

"Well it's been fun guys but I'm wiped, gonna go take a nap for like a week." his rather weak attempt at humor gained a couple of chuckles at least.

"Well at least do some light exercise over the next couple days," Tempest advised with a friendly smile. "You want to keep limber, we need to do these session at least twice a week if we want to get that stamina and wing power up." His matter-of-fact tone did little to stop the cold chill Thunderlane felt. Something must have shown up on his face as the martial artist continued. "You wanted the training. Once you've adjusted in a few weeks, we can get to the real stuff."

"Yes sir..." Thunderlane gave a defeated sigh. The real stuff? That stallion was going to kill him... Defeated he began the slow walk home, he could hear Tempest and Dash having one last high energy parting and the distant apologies the rainbow speedster was giving to Fluttershy, though the other mare's voice was far too quiet to hear.

"Hey Thunderlane, you got a moment?" The stallion stopped and looked over his shoulder to see Summer Shade.

"Uh sure Summer..." he waited for her to catch up.

"You live on the south side of town right?"

"uhh yeah."

"Then could you do me a favor," her horn lit up, opening her saddlebags and floating over a small pile of paper. "If you could put a few of these up on your way home, it would be a big help." Thunderlane's brow furrowed as he looked over the paper, blinking as he turned back to Summer who grinned.

Rainbow Dash VS Wild Tempest
The Battle in the Skies
An exhibition match sponsored by The StoneHoof Dojo.

"Sponsored is a bold term," he snarked lightly before noticing the date already printed on the poster... for tomorrow afternoon. "Wha? How? Did you know they were gonna-"

"It's called preparation, with a dash of psychology" she said with a wink and a sly smile. "Now be a dear and put those up for me. I still have a lot of work to do for tomorrow." she said before sauntering off in the other direction. Thunderlane stared dumbly at the flyers in hoof before he slowly made his way home...

Sometimes it was better not to ask questions...

Author's Note:

So, a Thunderlane chapter.

First off, big thanks to Prosopeio for editing this chapter in his free time. I really appreciate the help.

I'm not sure when I decided to jump fully to his perspective for this chapter and skip a bit ahead but the more i wrote the more I thought this would be interesting. Thunderlane was always going to end up taking up a stallion friend role to tempest in my notes, at one point was even going to be a moderate martial artist for a bit of friendly rivalry... but I eventually settled on him to be the 'token normal friend'. Think Hiroshi and Daisuke from Ranma but more apt to actually be invovled in things... Then I remebered "wait, sin't thunderlane in wonderbolt academy? if he made the short list for that group he must be a great flyer right? well... what if we could lead up to that... and so the idea morphed around until it turned into what you see today. A normal Ponyville citizen, used to distantly observing the weirdness, befriending a huge chaos magnet and being pulled along for the ride.

Now, I'm sure some of you are a bit concerned about the rather odd time skip I chose to do... skipping out on details of the party. Tempest meeting dash for the first time, his curse magical condition being at least somewhat revealed to the town at large, etc... well those things were important there wasn't too much else I really felt was important to show so keeping things moving seemed preferable to dragging the plot down... Having it be from Thunderlanes perspective could give an outside perspective to sum thing sup from and a pony who would go with the flow and 'not ask questions'.

If this didn't really work for you, then I hope it was at least entertaining. I don't foresee another odd jump like this for any other notable plot events in the near future. Check back next chapter to be back in the familiar hooves of Tempest as he meets a few more ponyville residents and the Tempest Vs Dash battle.

Comments ( 11 )

I don't understand how Ranma can be shipped with Kasumi or Nabiki. Well, no good can come from being part of Nabiki's schemes... since everyone else suffers. She needs to be taken down a peg or ten.

You know, I can just see Tempest and Thunderlane getting an audience of Rumble and the Crusaders for their training. I can also totally see Thunderlane breaking past a wall in his mind if he has to really put on the speed to protect Rumble from one of the typical monster attacks Ponyville suffers through.

7310494 in Ranma Canon, of course their not a good match. Kasumi has little to no character development and Nabiki is (by Rumiko Takahashi's own word) one of the most evil characters in the series.

Now in this story... things aren't so straight forward... Misty has more going on then being her father's psuedo-housewife and Shady edges more on the angle of mischievous over selfish B-:trixieshiftright:. Not that she doesn't love her bits, but don't expect the levels of messed up Nabiki is capable of.

I do plan on giving all potential mares a fair shake, and see how the story progresses.

7310616 I actually like your take on Kasumi. I mean, she could be hiding a lotta things beneath her nature.

7310510 That sounds nice and dynamic. Thunderlane will likely surprise himself in time. It's amazing what 'training from hell' can do for you once you get used to it after all. :pinkiehappy:

7310677 Thank you :twilightsheepish:

Is this OK with the mods? This story looks really good and I don't want it cancelled because it broke one of the rules.

7310927 *blink* um not sure what you mean... what have I broken?


Considering the story itself has been around for years, I'm fairly sure it's safe from any kind of rulings.

I mean, it's not like he's doing a novelization or anything, or a ponyfication of a series. Seen a few of those before, and honestly this is one of the most unique crossover/fusion attempts of Ranma 1/2 into MLP form, short of Snails 1/2.

Keep up the good work my friend ^^

Heh, don't mind Thunderlane getting involved. Honestly thought Ranma's school friends were a bit under used in canon.

How does she justify "messing with a slipstream" as cheating? It'd be different if someone else was doing it for him but him using his natural abilities and techniques to get an advantage is literally how serious competitors win. It'd be like disqualifying a running back that could jump over the defensive line. Just because many people can't do it doesn't make it illegal.

Wow. You really are doing a GREAT JOB of combining Ranma and MLP into one cohesive story. I really this!

Too bad this story has obviously been abandoned and forgotten. So, this is likely the last xhapter we'll ever see on it.

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