• Published 20th Dec 2015
  • 943 Views, 35 Comments

The Guardian Knights: Equestrian Angels - AC Punk

A young man has fallen defending his home. But what he thought would be the afterlife, turns out to be a oneway ticket to a new world. Wih new friends, new enemies, and mysterious powers at his command are what awaits him.

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Chapter 2

Welcome to Equestria

Adam wakes up in what he can only describe as a hospital. Looking down, he finds his chest covered in bandages, along with the one he feels wrapped around his head. As he tries to get up, he feels something pull his hand. Looking over, he finds a tube feeding some kind of liquid into a vein. Before he could remove it, a nurse walks in.

"Ah, you're awake." She says upon seeing him. Adam says nothing as the nurse replaces the bag of liquid the tube was connected to with a full one.

"You have some guests. Would you like me to let them in." Adam sighs before motioning for them to come in.

The nurse nods and leaves the room, Adam leaning back to stare at the ceiling in return. After a bit of waiting, the door opens again. This time, two people that look similar to the "Faust" person he met enter the room. One colored white with multi colored hair, the other purple with dark violet hair with a pink streak going down it. As they enter the room, Adam turns to look out the window.

"Hello, would you like to introduce yourself?" The white one asks. Adam replies with silence, wondering where Ashley could be.

"Okay, well I'm Princess Celestial, co-ruler of Equestria." Adam once again ignores them, only this time he pulls the beds blanket up.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, could you at least tell us your name?" Twilight asks. Adam finally acknowledges the two of them and speaks.

"Adam, now leave me alone." He says before trying to go back to sleep. As he turns over, the two wings tattooed on his back are revealed. Seeing them, Twilight asks.

"Oh, so you're a Pegasi?" She asks. Adam looks at her like she just asked what bread was.

"No, I'm a human. Now will you two let me sulk before I lose my shit. I haven't had the best of days recently." Adam once again falls down to try and sleep.

Hearing this, Celestial and Twilight leave before they begin to do more harm then good. As they exit the room, Twilight's Friends approach her.

"Well, what did he say?" Asks Rainbow.

"I'm afraid all we could get out of him was his name. Adam doesn't really want to talk right now." She replies. As the girls look towards his door, the sound of something metal hitting the floor fills the room. Opening the door, they Find Adam rubbing the top of his hand, the IV equipment tipped over on the floor. Looking at him, his only response is a scoff as he once again stares out the window.

"Your Majesty, I believe the patient is suffering from some sort of psychological issue." A doctor suggests. Celestial nods at hearing this and tells Twilight and her friends to return to their rooms. As Celestia heads to her private living area, she finds her sister snoring on the couch.

"Luna, wake up. I need you to do something for me." She says. Luna replies with a snore before twitching and waking up for her nap.

"What is it that you require of us to do dear sister?" She asks while stretching.

"The individual from yesterday appears to be suffering from some form of psychological trauma. I want you to enter his dream tonight and see what is wrong with him."

"Consider it *Yawn* done. Now let's us retire to our bedroom. We have a big night ahead of us." Luna says before heading off to her bedroom.

Later that night, Adam is in the middle of a dream. In the middle of a room, he see's Ashley being dragged away by several chains wrapped around her arms. He tries to help her, but right as he is about to save her, his grip slips and she is pulled full speed into a dark room. Crying out his name as she disappears, Adam sits on his knees and cries, wondering what the hell just happened. He was so close to being reunited with her, only to torn away yet again.

"So this is the source of your trauma." A voice says. Adam turns to see the door disappear, and Ashley stand up, free of her shackles.

"Ashley?" Adam asks. His hopes are diminished as she begins to take the form of Princess Luna.

"We are sorry to have gotten your hopes up, but we are not your lover." She says. Adam says nothing and turns away from her. As Luna tries to approach, a massive wall appears in front of her.

"Really, thou will have to do much better if you wish to stop us." She says before waving her hand and removing the wall. She is then shocked when the feeling of something piercing her abdomen begins to form. Looking down, she finds an arrow lodged I her stomach and Adam has disappeared. Removing the imaginary arrow, she waves her hand once more. Adam suddenly appears and he is clearly agitated.

"Why won't you leave me the hell alone?" He asks.

"Your are agitated, we only want to know the cause."

"What's my problem, i just killed myself in order to save millions of others; my friends are gone, my parents are dead, my girlfriend is creator knows where, and I'm apparently apart of some damn prophecy where I have to lead another group of heroes to save 'Equestria' for an impending apocalypse." Adam begins to lie down.

Hearing this, Luna is stunned. She quickly disappears from the dream realm and returns to her own body. As the sun rises for morning, she quickly meets with her sister. Adam on the other hand is struggling to do some for of rehab with his fingers.

"Nurse, my hands feel like jelly." He says while trying to grab a ball.

"Keep trying and your goal will be achieved." The nurse replies. A knock at the door then summons her away as Adam finally gives up as the ball falls in the floor. After a few short minutes, Celestia enters the room. Seeing her, Adam sighs.

"Alright, listen. Before anything is said, I'm sorry for my actions yesterday. I was in a new place with no knowledge of the location." He apologizes. Celestia seems surprised at hearing this and smiles.

"It is alright, my sister told me the source of your trauma. But, what interests me the most is that you mentioned something about a prophecy?" She explains.

"Yeah, I did."

"Could you please elaborate?"

"Well, after I died I woke up in this 'void'. I met this woman who looked like you, but her hair was red. She said I needed to fulfill some kind of destiny in Equestria," he then rolls over to show the wings she gave him, "She burned this tattoo into my back. Called me a paladin, then I fell. Last thing I remember is standing up, then I woke up here yesterday." Celestia goes wide eyed at the mention of the red haired woman, but gathers herself before replying.

"Adam, you are indeed apart of a prophecy. But that will be explained once we get you cleaned up. Retrieve your clothes and the guards will escort you to the throne room." She then teleports away.

Adam shrugs at this and waits for the nurse. She arrives shortly after and removes the bandages and his bracelet before giving him his clothes. They consist of a pair of jeans, black combat boots, a black t-shirt, a gray leather jacket, and a black scarf with two crossed swords embroidered into the end of it. He thanks the nurse for her services and leaves the building, running into a man in golden armor with purple highlights. Seeing him, Adam raises an eyebrow.

"Are you Adam?" The man asks. Adam nods and the man motions for him to get into a chariot. Adam is skeptical but gets in as requested.

"So, who are you exactly?" Adam asks the man in the highlighted armor. The man turns to him and removes his helmet, revealing blue hair.

"I am Prince Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard. I was assigned to escort you to the castle." He replies.

"Oh, well thank you. I'm Adam, former hero and currently confused beyond recognition." Adam replies.

After a quick ride, they arrive at the castle. Shining Armor escorts Adam through the halls to the throne room. Upon entering, He sees Celestia and Luna sitting on there respective thrones. Upon seeing him, Celestia motions for the guards to leave. When they are gone, she gets up from her throne.

"So, what is this prophecy you wanted to discuss in private?" Adam asks. The princess says nothing as the window curtains shut on their own.

"Long ago, an ancient evil attempted to open the gates of Tartarus and plunge Equestria into Chaos." Discord suddenly appears.

"It wasn't me." He says before disappearing. Adam raises an eyebrow and attempts to speak before Celestia begins again.

"As I was saying, this was before my sister and I were around. It happened shortly after Equestria was founded. The being wielded power no one had ever seen before. He could summon demons, raise the dead, and many other horrible things."

"Sounds like Necro." Adam thinks to himself.

"In order to protect her children from the apocalypse, Faust split her powers into five pieces and gifted them to five warriors worthy of wielding them. They made a heroic last stand and sealed their foe in the world he wished to let loose. What became of the heroes is unknown, but it was prophesied that the evil would return. And with it, five new heroes would stand against it."

"So what does this have to do with me being a Paladin?" Adam asks.

"Adam, Faust chose you to lead the Warriors against the evil that threatens us. We know not when it will arrive, only that with your arrival, it is imminent." She then waves her hand and the curtains open.

"You must find the other four warriors. They will help you in fulfilling your destiny."

"Okay, so where do I go next?" Adam asks.

"I am sending you to Ponyville. You will be under the care of the Princess Twilight and her friends whil you search for the others." Adam nods at this and leaves. As he does this, Luna falls forward but catches herself.

"May we please return to our bed now dear sister?" She asks. Celestia smiles and nods.

As Adam rides the train to his destination, he Looks out the window at the sky.

"Ashely's out there, I just have to find her." He says to himself before dozing off. As he begins to sleep, he doesn't notice his back begin to glow blue, outlining the wings on his back. He fidgets a bit and the glowing stops.

Author's Note:

Adam is headed to Ponyville, what awaits him as he begins to unravel the mystery and form his team. Shoutout to everyone who supported the continuation of this story.
The next Chapter will include Adam getting his new weapon and him fighting off timber wolves. The CMC will also make a cameo. Until next time.

Also, I'm looking for an artist willing to make a cover for this story. If you wish to help, pleas reply in the comments.